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Classified Ads: C.R. Thompson & Sheriff's Sale

Classified Ads: C.R. Thompson & Sheriff's Sale image
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XOj=J1 IOEl ICE! rpHB SUB3CWBBR IS prepared to furniah ICE X to alt peraiutt wishing, in any quactity desited, on short noticc. Families eupplied wftta the ordinary amouut at $1,00 per Orders respecifuUy solicited. 80ÜV.-3 C. R. TH0UF8O&SIJEEIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an exocution iesucd out of and undr the scal of tbe Circuit Court tor the County of Wasfalenaw, a ul Mato jl Micluaii, bearing date the iiPtU da y ol' Decerubi-r, 1ÍÍ60, and 10 me dirccted and delivered, against the gouds and cbattols, and !or wnut thereof lauds and lenements oí Jubn D. Kicf deteadaut tliereia named, 1 did on the 2itth day of Jjccvmber, lStiO, levy upon and buio all the right, tiilo and interest of the said John D. Kief, in aud to the Collowiog described land and picmiauá, tu wit; Tlie.south % of north-east )L of section No. ü; aUt all tbe Land lying northof tlie Village of .Manchester on the souih % of sectiun 2, (reaerving a lot sold to Baruabas Case) ; also west # of southwest ), section Ü: also north-east % of south-east and soulh-cftst y of north east J; also 2 acres off tha, amst sidfl uftho uorthwest 4 of south cast H ; also 10 acres oti' the cast sido of suuth-wcst of uorth eaat X of section 3, ton 4 soulh range 3 east. Also all th&tpHee orjparoolof land in the tonnship of Manchester beiug the east 40 acres of the north part of tno Iraciional X ut 6ct íí- cummencine on th norta Hneof saïd ecciionatapointSl chains ü7 liuk from the uorth-cast corner of said section, runuing thence west on said section line -8 chain and 67 links to the uorth-v.est corner of the north-east X of h Dorth-wtft }.i of id section, theuce souiherly on tha quartcr line to the south west corner of the north-eant % ei the north mt %,i Of baid section, thence casturly ■ja chains and 37 links parallel with the said section lino lo the south-west oornor of lana asnigned to and beloDgiiig to Lorenzo Higgins,thece noriher y oo the west line of said Higgina1 land to the place of bcginniug, including also the right of way in an easterly aud westerly diiectiou acroKu said iliggins' land, resorring tbo right of way in aucasterly and westerly direction acroa thesaid40acresiatowoship4. souihoi r.mge 3 cast.- tkaNo. 1,6, T, 8, 9, ïö, IS, 10, 8, 24, 25,26, 27 -8 29r&Pv 31,86, and ö4;aUolo; No. l, in btock No 3 ' lot N'o. 3 and weet of lot 2 in block 5, aluo lotfl No. 2,, 8f 'J. H, 1-. 1, 14, 10, in block 11, (exeept from the bove deapription all Lands deedcd to thE Hloo igas Southern aud Norihtan Indina Rail Road 'Of Depot giounds, aud ao lot No. 5 ín block '24, nd lot 12 in block 13 ownfd by K Spencer); alsoloti 3, 6, 9. ]■-'. and weit % of lot 5 in block 12; Iota 4, 5, and 6, in b'o'ck N'o. 22. (oxcept thai dt-eded to "'Il va Baxter) ; also block No 16, Kc-pUpt Ko. 1, ïand4,) all m the villagof.f Manchester; alsoa rarl or east M of north - cst Wol netten Ho. ll,in Town4 south range 3 east beginniug at north weat conwr of id lot, thence north 80 degrovs cast 3 clminsand 07 links toa stako in north"west boundarv oflondn ove bj Measrs. Carr and Freoman. thencc'along iho tawc f-outh 51 degrees and 30 minuTPs west ü chains and GO links to a stake in the middle ! the IVrriKiri.! Koad, tlicncealone tht Mme, noith 62 deerces and iO minuus west "2 chaiua and 7 liuks to ibeplacftui besiuning ctmtaiaiug S8-IC0 acres of land; aleol' UtNo. u ]'-'j 18i u ftUtl 15in block 1S of the Viltagfl ol M;.nclestet ; nho block No. lOandlotNo. 8 in blocli iS in Mooobester; also beplnuïng at a ceita;u sldke n the west bftok of tho river Raisin and on tho ostMdaof b'.ocU N'o. 20 in the village of Manchestor, theoce south 51 degrecs 30 minutes west to a stakc in a line between blocks 1 and '20 in snid villuge, Iheuce fttopg Bftid line north L0 degrees 30 minutes to the River aforesaid, tbence aleng aid River to the place of bcg.oning, coataining 3 of an acre, in tbo couoty of Waahtenaw and btate of Michigan, all of whieb prcnirt I Bhallexpofc ibr s&leat public auction, as tho nvairtcti, atthe irïit door of the Court Iloutr, in tbe Ciiy f Arm Arbcr, Öiat being the place for boldfDg the Circuit Couit for tbe County of Washtoaaw, on Moaday tiiO 8th rlav of J-4j neat, at flevrn o'cl.k ia tb? foreaon uf ïtiid d- 1B0MA6 r LEÖKAltO, lat fchetUt.