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The Prospects For Fruit In All

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the región round about iré Apples wcre cvircly injured by tlic inte frceze, and thc crop can nct be a full cno, ibough we liope for a fair mpply if no other ' plagues'' are Bhowered upon us. Penrs are now in blos eom, nnd promise n fnir show of fruit, though by no mentís the usual crop. Pcachoa were killed in Mareh. hik} the bucls havo shown not the süghtest indication of swelhng; and what is worse the wood hfis been bidly winter killed and tho treee cannot recover in a single season. Clicrrics Borne two or threo ■weeks ago promiscd an abundant crop, but the promises have been literally nipped in the bud. ]f we exoept n few of the common red Cherry, w BJ suy there will be uo Cher rics. The fruit buda have opened Lut there is no blci88Otn, nothing but a leafy skeleLon wherj the blossom oiight to be. The heart nnd the fruit have been frozen entirely out, nnd all over the city the trees present a uni. fbrm singular appenranee. Of the smaller fruits we cannot speak so surely, but, we think Kaspberries, Blackberries and Strawberriea will all disappohit the producers, that is if producers expect anything like the nsual I euppy of those delicious fruits. jSL25T" The Barry Guarda havo re-organized on a tbree years basis. Capt. Baret not being able tolea?e his business f:r so long a term and do juslice to parties who are compelledto "go into Oourt," has resigned, nnd Lieut. Raxdolph has been promoted R. G. DkPüy has been clected First Lieutenant, nd J. W. Hall, Seoond Lieutenaat The Company is full and ready for duty any time. It is Btill in camp at the Fair granuda, but will probnbly bo orderod int: rcgimenta rendezvous in a Tery few days. JKST A Urge and beautiful '; Star Spangled Banncr" vras thrown to the ln-ocze from the South Piimary School house on Thursday afternoon of last week, purchased by contribution of the teachers and scholais. The Barry Guardsand a large number of citieps were present, acd brief speeches were pnade by Rev. F. A. Blades, Lieut R, G DïPuv, and I H. Elliott, of the University Balta'ion. Our Schools are running over with patriotism. Id1 Capt. Rotii and a large number pf the Stuben Guards came out on SunJay cveuing last to visit their fiiends, and re. turned on Mondny morning tojoin their regiment whicll left for Washington Mondajevening. They seemed in excellent spirits. SS Another change of time took place on the Central Railroad on Moncay laat. See tinje ta,ble. L2L"In DOtioing last week the presentation of "housewives " to the Steuben Guards, we should have given credit to tha ladies of the M. E. Church, instead of to the ladie; of our city generaily. vm S3 From Mre. O. U Cook, of Ann Albor Towiiship, n-e have reeeived a beautiful Orange growr. byher. It is of email sise, but as prfect as any specimen produced in the South, and the greeQ leaf nttached to the tem increases its beauty as it unmistaably marksits paren tage. The tree from -which it raa taken has at this time over a doz pn ornnges on it. Mrs. C is very successful in producing both Orangcs and Lemons jL2Tr0ur frienda ehould reinember that by a law of the last session of Congress all letters known as "drop letters" must be prepiid, and also that the postage to any poinl beyond the Rosky Mountains was by the sane law increased to ten cents per single letter. Idf Tbose wonderful little specimens of humanity, the ■' Wild Men of Borneo," are to give several public receptions in Hangsterfer's Hall, commeneing on Monday evening next. They have made theinselves quite popular wherever they Lavé appeared. Go and eco them. UiT Thia item is written with onc of Fife's Patent Curved-pcint Pers, an entirely uew article in M1Í3 vicinity, anJ a trial can vinces us a valuable ono. The curvature of the point prevent the spreading of the nibs anJ tbe pen glides smoothly over the sheet it being almost an impossihility to stick the " 6led-runner concern" througli the paper. Our friends who use stel pens should try them, and then they will willingly use no other. For sale by Aura, at the Ni;vs-DepotS3 The weather has been exceed ingly " spotted " during the past week, and at this writing, Thursday morning, it ii aa cold as ; we dare not say what it is like for feay of a complete change before the compositor will git the item in type. Suffice it to say that May has almost ruined her " ko-rac-ter." O" Again we say, have you tried D. B. De Land at Co.'s Chemical Saleratus ? If not, get a paper at onee and be astonished at its happy results. It ia lor ale by all reliable Wholesale and retail dealers and at wholesale by the manufacturers, at Fairport, Monroo Oo., N Y.


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