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First Regiment--order Of March

First Regiment--order Of March image
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Hkad-Quarters, Fort Wayxe, } Detroit, May 13, 1861 ( Special Order. 1. Major Bidwell will move the compañíes of the loft w'mg of the batfalion on board the propeller Illinois as soon as she arrivés at tho doek, inspectine ach company as it goos on board personally, and seo that it is in order and corapletely equipped. 2. Lt.-Col. "Comstouk will beo-in to move the companios of the right vrins on board the May Queen as soon as practicable, and get them all on board by 7 o'clock. The musicians will accorapanv the compamies to which they retpootivelv belong Jhe band wfll g„ Lilb t headMjuarterBon board the May Queen 3. On arrivmg 8ix mite, fpflta cievc' land the steamboat Captains will please direct.a loud whistle signa] tobeblown. On reaching tho doek the men will no be perm.tted to go ashorB unti] board ed by the agent provi.Jed bv Major Wilkins, when the cotnpanie will bo marched to breakfcst, and then to the nulroad depot to take cara for Pittsburg. 4. The strictest order and subordiwíñ0,? lsrrí;nioDed on the whole cpmcordon SVaT f'11 ti)ke cars aclhero wül be an advanced guard to conS,st of one company, wbic% wi go JU the forward car. Companv A will iorm the advanced guard, under Captos Lmw, on tb Êrst dar (ttrenty Tom hoüis) The hoad-quarteri will be in the SöóomJ car. 0. Tha company officcrs will conf-tantly bo with tbeir companies. At depots, or elsewliere en roul?, tho advanced gaard will oonstitnte theguard, and the captain of tho advanod guard will bo tho oflicer of tho day. Tho field officers will superintend tho conipanies of their respective wings and travel with them. The Quui-ter-inaster wül be wherever it raay bt: convenient (or bis dutie. Tho order with regard to issue of amrouPiUon will be euspend ed until fui-ther orders. Culis for menls and reoall to tho cars will be t-ounded ander tho diroction of tho captain of the guard. Captains will havo tho roll called as often as they fmd it neecssarv or mny bo ordered. The companie will inarch.jinto the cara in platnonè at t-ach door. By order .of COL O. B. WILLCOX. J. D. Faihbaxks, Adjutant.


Old News
Michigan Argus