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í"1 I) V A T1 ]) 1 iTiliLÁI DAlCb . , Maynard, Síebcins . wilson's. XV K FIAYEAOAIN REPI.KNT8HED OUR STORE W1TE i tljc most gplendid Stock of E O O 3O & lint V'S over olfewtl i I MI luncnt li ■ ■, i)l ■:' v. ].:, . ■ üi 4=; uiJ (Qbi ir' us L 1ÍI' IÜJ ( Is - as lew as can bé Fbiúid ín Ae I ■ We want Money ! iu'1 ivill ir.ake Grcat Sacrificcs on AnyiüÍB wehavc to obíain it, not oxcopting QLD KOTES AKD ACCOUNTS ALL CASH CUSTOMERS uul examine our Gooiís and Ptíoes. V.'e aU invite our Prompt Payixig Customors to como and buy tti ir Buppllea ror (lio Winler. To thoa ! onea that aro aCcaía to cali, ve say lo thexu,tak CDuroRe ■vif'i'iut lOQgdr waitiiigfor higher priecs, come iti, oll scoren, aod tben ;ti sucb prtece u iriU ni tka op ;iil loswa It La bard nccccíisiu-y to ciniim.-ra le oui Uoods. fui1 We have Everything! A larga assoftmeixt of CARPETING. CRObKERY PEY GOODS, jMEDIIES, GEOEKIES, TAJNTS, OIJLS, ÍIAT, CAl'S, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOHONS &c, &co &c. O IL (L K3 O H II OH @ X (T15(f) MAYNARn, SKBIHXS & WÍI.SO Sí oves &. Hardware ! v, -' P3 KISnON & HENDElféoS now i 11 3tora n larga afsortmt ni ' m rjc 9 "mr bk pieí Hardware and House Furnishing O Ofr S9 Pió AU ifork will be sold as CHEAP fts at any otbcr Establishment in Michigan Tl:fy íiuve go t lie Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LO RAND i'LATE ÍS TO-V ES ÍS , IKT TUIS !S"IIV.'II33, Ap.d will sellthem Chüaper than THE C I1EAP EST, Picase cali uní , All kind:! of tin ware kept on liaml. l'articiihiv fttteotionpaiü t uil kinds of & CE) 53 3?" cd O2. i Whicli will 1)C lme wlth ?,''.'. I TNXSS KND D1SPKTCII. , i Picase cali anT fice thêil STOVE ROOÍI1h 2fl story ] S NOtf Blocki t, R23DON k HENDERSON. , Ann Axbor, Jan. &, 1861. i BBaciBRmiiaMnii?-Ytifi!nnnifi!nüvf;iíninfRíS:í ', Still in the Field! W1TH A U LAEGE STOOK of GOODS 'ti in my line direct from , New York, Boston, " and the (l Manuiacturers! " I linvo oa recoiveil o la?ge Eind well selecíedassortineut cí of h CLOCKS, VVATCHES, Si JE2 -W 33! X DE5. -2". SILVEK & PLAÏEÜ WARE, ; Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery ú GOLD PEXS, Aml a ffrest variety of Yankee Notiona, fee. oí I would cali particular ittlenliou to tny large sc stock of f oí Gold,' BilVër, Steel, and Platcd, L Witll ;;' TER SCOriC GLASS K ■ artlRle,and agreai variefty of articlM in th A CHEAF for C7-A.SÍEI■ ■ oan be ao oí :. . lar ■■ au l complete, 1" s, rnrticnliT atto(Jt1ín paid r ■ the "■ KEPAIEING il al) kinds o) i , Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFL-'S mul CYMNDER8, olso CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, J s'tiitiy Ropaired aad warramed. c. bliss. August 28, ! J68U ' Ui Ayeres Agüe Curo, i 3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, dcsigncd to bc the most , efl'eetual AUrrutirc that can be nade. Jt is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, 80 combined with other substancies of stil] greater alterativo power ns to afford an cffec.intidote for tho diseoses Sarsaparüla 13 reputed to cure. It is bolieved that such a médy La wantèd by those vho suffer fioin Strumous complaints, and that one wWch will accomplish thcir cure must prove of Fcrviec to tliis largo class of our afflieted follovcitizens. IIow completely this compound ivill f do it has proven by experiment on many of tho vorst cases to be found of the following coniplnints : - SoRon la aid ScRoruLou Complaihts, EltUPTIONS ANI EküPTIVB DlSEASUS, UlCERS, PimpCes, Blotchks, Toacoss, Salt E Ui:.vii, ïPHIiaa and SïPHtMTlO ArFECTI0N8, MbBCV&IAX DlSBASE, DltOl'SY, NBCralou os Tic Douloubevx, Dbbility, DysrEFSIA AX1) IxblOESTIOK, EuYSIPËLAS, HoSE 011 fvr. Axtiiony's 1'íhi:, and indeed the wholc class complauits arising from Impurity or Tin: Blood. This cómpouñd will be found a great promoter of healtli, whsn taken in the spring, to expel the foul humpra which fester in the blood at that season of the ycar. Bythetimely expulsión of them many rankling disorders v are nipped in the bud. "Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, sparo theniselvcs from tho endurnnce of foul eruptionfl and ulccrous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural charoléis of the body ■ by an alterativo medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whcncvor you find its impurifica bursting through the skin in pimples, cruptionSj or sores ; cleansc it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it Ls foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder 13 feit, people enjoy better health, mul livn longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordored, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something ' must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparüla has, and deserves much, the ; reputation of accomplisliing these ends. Hut the world has been egregiously deceivcd hy preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtuo that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extraets of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparüla, or any thing else. During late ycars tho public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart : of Extract of Sarsapavilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparüla, but often no curativo proporties whatev, er. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment . has followed the uso of the various extraets of Sarsaparüla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has bccomc synonymous with imposition and chcat. Still rwe cali this compound Sarsaparüla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy wliich rests upon it. And we think ivc have ground for believing it lias virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it ís intendI ed to cure. In order to secure their complete cradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPAUED BT DR. J. C. AVER CO. LOAVELL, MASS. Prlcc, $1 per Bottle ; Six Boules for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the euro of cvery variety of ïliroat and Jjiing Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the cviilence of its virtues, wherexer it has been cm-' ploycd. As it has long boen in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than ; assure tho peoplo its quálity is kopt up to the licst it ever has heen, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, FOB, THE CTJRE OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Dysenlery, Foul Stomach, Enjsipelas, lleadachc, .Piles, Rheumati&m, Erupthns and Skin Discascs, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Sait Rheiwi) Worms, 'Gout, Neitralgiat as a Dinner Pili, and for Pur if y ing the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that tho most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are tho best npcrient h the world for all the of a fUmily physic. Prico 25 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Great numbors of Clergymen, Pliysicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, nave lent thcir names to certify the unparallclcd uscfulncss of these remedies, but our space here will not pennit tha insertion of them. The Agents below named farnish gratis our Amehican Almanac in which they are given ; with also fuü descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprinciplcd dealers with öthcr preparations they make more proiit on. Demand Ayeic's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All cur remedies are for sale by Mm i . .ij.i) - ïè VILSON, and by all Dmggists anl Dealere everywkore. J. BUKKILL Tmyeling Agent. A aperient Stomachio prepara tioD of HRON parieficl in Oxygen and Carbi u v combustión m 1 1 drogon. ' c - tiouori by tli higbwt Medical Authorities, both in Bu cope and tlio UmtedSÜLi ritdiu their ■ Üce The ëxperlencc of thoii ian1 ■ daïly prove thnt no preparationof Iron can be comjtared with ii. Impuritics ' oí' tht blood, depfessiona of vitnl eoergy, pale and othèrv.' ■ ion i indtcatee U oeccsslty In almost every couci i [nnoxlóug'in ;;1I uftladies íavhich tt has baen tried, ' bas proved absolutety curahvi.Mii cah of tho following ' ccini'Iamt.-!, z: : Ii! IebIUty,!V(iTous AiTec-IIons, Emndatlon I Lryspepsld, nnst Ipaííni, Dlnrrhrpa, ' ry,.Inclptent GonnunpUon, Scrofuluus ' lx.itulo.sis, 8 alt lïtienvi, Miêim netruation, U'Iiicb, ' ClUorosin, Lizcr-Complaints, Chronhz Hèadac&de, Rhtümathm, Intcrmittml Wevers PtnutUaon the Face, &c. lncaseofGr-'cit4LriKi)iUTT,wüetbortberesaltufaouto rtisease, or-of toe contlaued dimmutioii ol üervoun and m oso u lar onmgy from chronlo ■ mg fcria] of . tdis ri'sttiniiivf bjtfl proTd Buccoasful to an osteal J which no description nor written attestation vrould rea der crcdible. tnvalidi so long bod ridden i ■ tp have bceoriie forgotten In Uieirown aoierhborhooiaj havesud ■ li nly re-appeared in the busy trorld asifjnsi retoraed from protractoi] 1 1 ;i ■ I inn djstaul lan I, -k (r nal instauces of Hits kiii.I nre al íeetéd if foinulo snffewra, emaciatcd victims if apparont marasmus, sanninöoaa (l 'xliaii.stioii, critica) chance?, íwid that compItcatioD of nervoua and dj speptfc arersfon to air and exerofse for wliii'li the pbylclan bas oonaine, ' ];i Nervoüö ATPBQIIOS6 o( all kin 1, ancl fir :-c:isons famili. ir to meafcal metí, Dio opetatioh oí toia ., (Jon of Iron mus! necesaarily be salutary, for, unlike the : ni i ..iii;-s, ■ toslo, iritbout bdng exolting r; and ove3 boa Ing; and gently, regnlarly aperlent, eren tbe ' iïioM obstinate'caees of coivonesa nrithoul even bcinga gastricpurgatire, or Infllctlnga dfsagreeable sensation. [1 i 1 lus latter proper ty, amon others, whieb naakea il 1; no i markabt .. remedj for l'iUs, '' upon which it. al ■ eri adïstinct aul " QrsfnK tho loca,! tflmlency rhich forms Üvv.i. in Dtspspsia. Isnnineiable afl are it canses, :t afnele of these Chhlybeate PIÏls i iffiqed rf tho nmst hattitunl caACt, iitcludin the tttendeut C'oMivenes. In nnchorkH DiAHftOtRA, even s hen ;nl vaneed to Dijstntmj oonnrmed) emaoiatio ui y inaugnanf , p (Ik1 offècts havlnff been equally deflsive and astonishing fl [ntbe local p in8,lo ■■ ■ igth,dcbüitating %' oouffh, and remittént heette, whieh generally Indicara i" Inripiait Consumpthn, ia Boveral eery grattfying aud iu■ instanc -. in Scrofutoiu TubercuoUis, thfa medlcated Iron has aí had far muro than the goo I effecj - ■■( i!ir mot cautiously balancod preparartons of iodiffe; without any of ec etoelr well knovn liabilitJoe, Thcatt-ontion of femalefl oannoi betooconfldentlf q lod to tbJa remedy niiil réstorolive In : culiarly afli ,iip" them. In Rt;umaiUfl, both curonic and Inflammatory - in the w latter, however. more deckMly - il luu been innCriablr J' veil reported, both aa aHevfatíng palo and reduoing the swelllngsand stlfibesa ■■] the jointa and miisecls. In {)' ii' Fr.rr: mí ] ! ptorodjj ni t Ue ai -. ■ its of IÜ Wei i, '. ,' ■ ilgh reaown and useTuüiesB. fr X(j remedj bas ever been dueovered in the vrhole bteto 1 vy oí in' Jii'iin', vrhic&'exerts noch prompt) happy, nmi s tuUy reatorative ■ i ! appetttej complete dl fosuon, rvpld acquisition ofstrength, with an unosuaj dtapositloa for activo and cherfiU es Na tel v 'o ] 1 1 nv lts nss. Put up In neal Qai tnetal boxei c i i'v 60 centa per box ; t'"i ists and desiers. ïïr Win bese&i free to any ad pt of the prlcoi ve All Jötteiö, oi Ie ed to bc lï. H. LOCKË,&Co . General Agent. rt-1 7 Ty 1 839 Broadnay}N. V. For Sale by GRENVIU.E & FULLER, Ann Ar bor. Howard Association, Püüadelphia. ■j !'■. .■ ■■„; n' TnMUntion ■ ■■','■ hedby special endovmen neliefoj the Si . ajJUctt&ioUh l'iri!-'!! and ' malty fvr ihr. (Jure of I)i, acas es of the Saxttal Órgano, Piyttsurijfrcc - En a 'I parta of the United States, VALUABLKREl'ORTSonapermfttorrbceajandothorrHgasoaof the 8es ia! O i udoo ihoNEW REMEDIES m ■ L, ent to tho aflUel : In oalofl ei 1 1 ■ ■■ i, froe e. Two or threo Stampa for poatago bo ill Ik eptabie. ttir AddrewDR. J, SKI1 I ir eon Howard tUsoclation NoS.south ■■ l'íñldelphif,, ' 10O0 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Sale obe&p ut GUITEUMAKA Co