Business Directory
föUBiutss iwrertnni. I. O. O. F. WASHTEKAWI.ODfiEXoO. of the Inilopondent orlrr et Odd Fellnws m.'Cts at tlitñr I-rtxlge Room, very Fri-lay evpning, ut 6 K o'clock. U. B. WÍIíON, N. G. F. Soro, Soc'j. S. G "SUTIIEKLAND & SON, tTTnoi.lií.U.K AXI) BEtAILG rocera and Commission Vr Kerchantd, Kast slde Main Street Ann Arbur. B. HËSSE, PHYiiciAX k SCBGBOS Rcsjiectif ulïy tcndor hls professinnal porviccs to the cilizens of Ann Arbor and ricinity. JBST Office in Mack's New Building, Main Btseet. Ann Arbor Midi. N. II. Nil'Ii! calis promply attondeil to. TWITCHELL & CLARK. A TTOaxKYs and Counsellors at La V, Genera) Ufe and T. Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall iRlock, cu Hurón gt., Ann Arbur. Collectiona promptly made odemitted, Eind spctaJ attention paid do oonveyancing. D. S. TWITCHKIX, fT-lÖtl] E. P. CI.AliK, JAME8 B. ÖOTT, r AWOKKIC10, -Vu. 2, oveiSlawson & Geer's Store. u J. M. SCOTT. AMBRUTïPU Í; Photogiíph Artistr, in the rooms formerly occaprèd by Cordtoy , over the store ol' Sperry k liaan PertVct Bfffóafact.ion guat&ateed. W. N. STRONG, Dealer in DryGoods. Boots aadSBoe,Qroffies, Bonet, Fanc'y GoSïls, ftc. Excbange Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHtT" Dealers in Staple, Fancy Dry Cooils, Boots and Shoes, kc. &c, Mam Street Ann Arbor. ""maëtin & thTompsonT Fdrnittrf. W.MiK-HooMs, Doalcr in all kinds of Furnit ure, &c. New liliick, Main Street. EISDON &HENDERSON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furniahuiggoQ&B Tin Wart' &c. fcc., Xe-r Block, Main Street. A.P. MILLS, DE.u.KH in Staple Hry GooJs, Groceries, Boots and tflioes and Readj llade Clouüng, HuronStreet Ann Arbnr, JOffirW.MAYÍíAIU, DKAI.ER n Pt;tple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c , Main ötrcet, Ann Arbor BEAKES & ABKL, TTORXKYS k. COUSSKLLORS AT 1.AW, aild SolicitorR in Ol Chaneery. Oflice in City Hall Block, over Webster & Co'.s iiiini; Store, Ann Lrbor K1ÑGSLEY & MORGAN, TTORNRVS, Counsellor, Solicitors, ñnd Notarios Pubt lic, have Books and Plats showing Ötlea of all lands ji the jounty, andatiend to convey.inciugand colleciing .emands, and to paying taxos and school interest in any part of the State. (Jflice east si -'o uf the Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES R. COOK, JI'Stick of the Fback. Oflico near the Deüot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Wm. LEW1ÏT, M. D., PUTsKnx & Saaaxam. Office at his residenco, N'ortlj slde of Hurón street, and 2d house West of niviskm itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MAsWAtTCHKR and dealer in Boots and Bhoes. Exchane Block, 2 doOTfl Boutfa of Mayuard, Stebbins fc Wilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOOEE &LOOMLS. MUTOTACIUBBBfl an'l lealer in Boots and SboeB, Phoenïx Block, Main Street, one door Nórtb of Vasbinton. WmTsTsaukdees" Dealer n Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot k Shoe Store, south sidc of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO , ÏTTjioi.k&ale and Reta il dealers and manufacturera of VV UeadyMade Clothing, Importers of ClothH, Cassineres, Doeskins, &c. No" 5, ew Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, jiij- ■ ti Svftawm Dbjttist. Ofioe corner of Main IKUftijaffgg an' Huron strct'ts, over I'. LJuchs stoix-, JXLiTrTF nn Arorï Michigan. Wm. WAGNER, pUULEK in Rcadv Maile Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and 1 Vcstings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBags, &c. Main ft-, Ana Arbor. M. CAMPION, VTKRnTWT Taytir and in Ready Made Clothing, VX No 41, l'hoenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACÏÏfc PIERSON. DRALERsmDry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoos, &c., Main strpt-t, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., DEALERS in Dry Good Groceriea, Drugs & Medicines, (Boots WShoesj fee. , coi ner of Main and Ann streets, ust bel w the KxchanjiP, Ann Arbor. SLAWSOY& GEER, 1bocrrs, Provisiox & Commission Merchanta,and dea.T lpr ín Water Lime, Laxd Plastkd, and 1'i.aster of Paris, one door East of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS," rvEAi.GR inCIocks, Watcbdfl. Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, U at thesignof theHigWatch, No. 27, l'hceñix Block. J. 0. WATTS. DEAT.ERinClocks, WateliPB, Jewelry andSilver Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREËMAN. BARnER and Fasbion.ible Hair Dreflwr, Afnin Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept jojiKtantly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dealers faSGficellaneous, School, ml Blank Booke Sta tionery, Paper Hangiugs, &c, Main Street Aun Arbor. D. DkFOREST. ITTholesale anrl Rctail Dealerfn Lamber, Lath, thiniT gleB, Sash, Door, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand Rtver PButter, ITarter Patrie, and Nafls of all sises. A full and perfect assortment of the above, and all otlicr sinds of building materials constantly on hiiml ftt the lowest posHible rates, on Detroit Street, a few roda frnni the Railroad Depot. Also operating extensivoly in the J'ateiit Cement Rooflng. W4SIITESAWC0ÜSTÏ B1BLE SOCIETY. Dt;)-viTORY of Bibles and Testaments at the Society prices atW. C. VooxheU'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. SUCCES8OB9 TO MANUFACTIIUKRSOF Iriiit, Book, ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, ANN AUUOH M1CH. MISS JENNIE E. LlÑÉsT rpEACHER OFPiaño forte, Gnltar.aniJ ISngtng, belng 1. '-'lcsirousof onlarginghcr clas, wíll receire tifa MisMencí of Prof. WINCHELL, hiel, being near the Union School, will !■ verv cMivciiiont forsni r attending there -1io may wisli to pnrsue the stu.lï ofmusiiin coni.,. tin 11 with othcr hr.-imTermsSlo, haft to be paid at tho middUilri the balznce attln...,si. ,, t]„. , CARDS1 CARDSü CARDSÜ! Havillf! pHrchascl RooOLBg EotABÏ DlAKOND Card PMB,withana)rtmont of Oard type, the Vbo ' pffic, Ptejared ; mini (;,,,ls of aft kind in t" nsutertpowiblestjrle ana „ teduction Trom Oval Picture Frames AU.PI1.X, ShfLÍS and l'l:iCE3ju„t ,v„oi,„(1 anJ lorsalfc chcapat OHOfJ & MTLLER'S. M.a,iÑo.
S.G. Sutherland & Son
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Twitchell & Clark
Wines & Knight
Martin & Thompson
Risdon & Henderson
Beakes & Abel
J.R. Webster and Co.
Kingsley & Morgan
Moore & Loomis
Sperry & Moore
M Guiterman & Co.
Bach & Pierson
Maynard Stebbins & Co.
Slawson & Geer
Cook's Hotel
Schoff & Miller
Washtenaw County Bible Society
Chapin Wood & Co.
Lund Chapin & Company
Old News
Michigan Argus
Uriah B. Wilson
F. Sorg
Dr. Bernhard Hesse
D. S. Twitchell
E.P. Clark
James B. Gott
J.M. Scott
William N. Strong
A. P. Mills
John W. Maynard
James R. Cook
Dr. William Lewitt
O. Collier
William S. Saunders
C.B. Porter
William Wagner
M. Campion
C. Bliss
Joseph C. Watts
T.B. Freeman
D. DeForest
Jennie E. Lines