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The First Regiment

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The First Michigan Regiment arrived at Washington at 10 o'clock on Thursday evening of last week, having enjojed a pleasaut trip or ratlier " triumphal progress." At Harrisburg they cnmped with the Penns)'lvania troops at Camp Curtin, and wero entertained at the expense of the State by order of Gov. Cuf.tin. Cor.ipletely uniibrmed, arracd, and equipped they wcro highly praised at every poiut, and were welcomed with enthusiasm to Washington. In our news columns will be found sur.dry com uiendatory extracts whicli will be rcad with pleasuro by their friends. Our space will not permit a detailed description of their journey or a repetition of all the good words that are spoknn of thein. It is 6upposed that the Regiment will join Gen. Butler's command at Fort Monroe. ]L-L!" We publish in this issue a correspondcnco betwccn Gov. Andrews, of Massacbusetts, and Gen. B. F. Bütlkr, regardiDg the offer of the lat'er to a;d with liis regiment in putting down an an ticipated slave insurrection. Gen. Butler's letter has the " ring of tho truc metal," and we cominond it to all, and especially to those blimled fanatics who are boping for slave insurrections in tho South. We also corumend it to thoso who see in this war nothing bat a war for the extinetion of slavery, and who denouncc "na at heart, and in intent, black-hcartei, cold-bhoded trailors" all who miy presumo to censure the uttcrance of snob an opinión by those in autbority. - Gen. B. says : u I tuaj' not discuss the " polilieal bcarings of this topic. When " I went frora under tho shadow of my " tree, I left all politici hehind me, to " be resumed only when evcry part of tho " Union is loyal te tho fiag, and tho poten" cy of the governmont through the bal" lot box is established." Not a word o politics havo we ultered sineo the firat gun was fired at Suraptor, and yot for disapproving of the abolition tirado of Gov. BLAin, the Gooernor1 homo organ, (auspecting in advancc that we raight do so,) brands us " as at heart, and ia intent, a blaek-haarted, cold-blooJed traitor," thus affirining that this politiual truce is to b3 observcd by only ono party. We presume that tho writer of the artielo from which we quote voted for lbo " sedition law " at tho late extra session, and would to-morrow, had he tho power, mako it a ponal offonee to doubt the irnmaculacy of Gov. Blair or to dissent from bis political views. JL Tho Michigan residents nt Washington have purchiised cloth to mako oach member of tho First Regiment a " üavelock," which is a lonen cap and cope, a most effoetual protoctiou ag;ain3t tho summw's heat. The Michigan ladies mako thsm. " Oi:r Bfvs" are ainfng friendí.


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Michigan Argus