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- Robcrt Tyler lias resigned the officeof Prothonotnry oi the Supreme Ooart for the Eastern District of Pcuiisylvania, and luis left the ötate. He is a son of Ex President Tjlor. - The telegraph snys Ross "Winans, arrested by order of the goveriuiient was ducb&rged on the 17th iust. - Col. Andcrson exprisses a 1 ratc opinión tiiat títere was a considerable loss of Ufe at the bQnibardmcDt of Sainpter. - Young men have gono from Canada t.) New York in considerable numbers to join tlie eOmpanies forming to sustain the governnieut. - The public schools of St. Louis closed last Friday, the Logislature ha?ing transferred he school moueys to the war fund. - ïlie Boston banks offer to take $5,000.000 of the ncw Treasury uotes at par. - Massaehusetts providrs a reservo camp of 3000 ïnen, for purposes of drill. - Gen. Butler has been appointcd by the President a Major General m the three years volunteer service. - The Postinaster General of the O. S. A. givee notice that hc will be ready to commeuce the mail service June lst. - The Massachusetts Lcgislature has appropriated $3.000.000 for war purposes, and tendered the U. ís. government a loan of 87.000.000. - The secossiouists have plantod a battery of four cannon at the Point oí Hoeks, twelve miles cast of Harper's Ferry. - The troops are to be removed from the Capitol building by the ürst of June, and the halls put iu order for the extra seision of Congress. -The Wftbasb, ons of the finest vessels in the Navy. was put in commission on the lGth inst. - Citizens of seccded States applying for patüiits are required to take the oath of allegiancc to the United States. - The State authorities of Missouri do not pertnit the militia called into the service of the State to carry the U. S. flag. - Ex Gov. Reeder, of Kansas fame. bas been eominissioned as Brigadier Goneral, by the President. - Mr. Herbert, Superintendent of the Mount Vernon estáte, says the remains of Washington have not been removed. - Per contra. The Lynehburgh Virginian says the remains have been removed to Lexingtou, Virginia. - A Torooto dfspatoh says' that the Oanadian sttamers New York and Northerncr have been purohased by the American government. -Gen. William O. Butler, of " Cass and Butler" notoriety, coumiauds the Kentucky seeession troops. - Gen. Lee, of Virginia, is a son of " Light Horso Harry " oi Jlevolutionary fame. - On the 18th three sehooners, loaded with tobáceo, wcre captured by the Har riet Lane, and bronght into Baltiuiore by the stcam-tug Yankee." - An Irish brigade raised in Chicago, by Major Mulligan, has beeu accepted for the war. - Charleston liarbor is effcctively bloekaded by tho Niágara and the steainship Iluutsvillu. - The President has accepted three steam-'ugs tendered by Mr. turges, of Chicago, and tliey are to go to Cairio via the Illinois Canal. - Senator Bavard snv.-r fchn Ire obU resign his seat in tlie U. S. Senate as soon as hu ;s satislicd that his Stnto endorses the poüey of civil war - is if.Delaware sliali stand by the Union. - Gen. Bi'igg now has 10.000 troops at Pecsncol-.i. - The President hns rnir-e;! Capt. Lyon to the rank of Brigadier General, thus approving liis takiug of Camp Jackson, at St. Louis. - The Congres? of the Southern Confederacy has provided for the issue of bonds to the exteut of S50.000.00i) payable in twenty years, at 8 per cent,, or $-20 000.000 of treasury notes without interest. - Arkansas has been admitted into the Southern Uonfederaey and bas sent five delegates to the Montgomery CoDgress. - Gen. Harncy is a native of Louisiana. He has held a commission in tho U. S. army forty-threo years, and is tho thlrd in rank. - James S. Wadsworth, of Geneseo, N ï., has boen appointed a Major General of the N. Y. Voluntecrs. - Hon. John Young Brown, of the Fifth Kentucky district a:mouuces himself a candidato for re-election to Congress. Ho is a Union man. - Maj. General Butler has boon assigned the command of a now military department, to consist of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennesseo - Gen Cadwallader has taken command at Annapolis, and Gen. Butler has transferred his head quarters to Portress Monroe - Hon. 11. J. Walker has made a noblo speech in favor of sustairikig the government aud crushing out rebellion and treason. - The President has appoiníed R. G Schonck, of Oluo, Mujor Gcueral. - The Montgomery (Ala) Adoerliscr says that the Confedérate Capital is to bu removed to Kichmond - The Southern journalsannounco that Lincoln's extra sossion of Congress is to convenc ia Portland. Me, or Canada. - Perhaps! but the U. S. Ccrigrcss will convono ia Washington, July -ith - Col. Ellsworth's Zonaves havo beon presented S500 for services rondemi at tlie late firo adjoining Willard's Hotel. - Brigadier Gen. Sickles has his brigade 5000 strong ready to take the field - The steara Frigate Minnesota stationcd iu Hamptoii Koud3. reported a week ago having seized vessels and tobacco wortli S3Ú0.000. - Prof. Mitchell, of tho Dudloy Observatory, Albany, lius tendered, his services to the government. - It is reported that tho renegado Lieut.. Maury, is at tho hcad of the organizatiqn for stcaüng Washington's remains from Mt. Venion. - Daily communication has been opened bet ween Washington and Fort Mouroe via Baltimore. -Three of Col. Ellsworth's Zouavcs strayedfrom camp on Sunday night last, visited Alexaudria, and hauled down a secession flag. - The Secretary of War lias declinad accepting the Maryhnd Regimenté on the terms proposrd, for servico in Marvland or defense of the Capital. Théy must enter general service or not at all. . -Washington dispatches of tho lCth say no raore three yeara troops will bo accepted. ,250,000 havo already been tendered. - Ten Regimenfs of "Green Mountain-Boys" hars bien teiderüd to tl;3 ttorerninent, - Ou tho 2Óth therc wero 1G.000 Oliio volunteera ín Cttmp Dcnuison, near Cincinnati. - Commodore Tatnal takes command of tho Coufederale naval forcea at Charleston. 11 is fleet consists, we suppose, of tlio eclcbrated fkmting battery, - The notorious alave Yaobt ' er has been captured off the Florida ; coas', aud s now serving the United States goveroment. - Col. O'FalloB, one of theoldest and wealthicst vcriiJents of St. Louis, takes cotnmand of one of the U. S. volanteer regiüicnid. - Cortloas 8 reported as preparing tbï another raid into Texas. - Tl:e 7th and 71st New York Regiinenls are ordered homo at the cxpiration of their thirty days. - Ho;i. Tlios. R. A. Nelsnn writca that East Tonnessee will givo 20.000 ! majority against secession. - The Legislatura of Tmliana is quiring where Senator Bright stands. - 11e is suspectcd. - Commodoro Pendergast has isaptured a Ki'.-hmond ship laden witli 8,000 bags of eoffee. - A thousand South Carolina and Virginia tröops from Harper's Ferry aro rep'irtod as liaving taken position on the Potoinao npposito WiUiamsport, commaudiog the Ferry o:i tho road. - Oov. Mago [Tin, by proelamation, has warned both the United StateB and the Confedérate States not to invade Kcntucky. This position of ueutralitj is all " boih " - The Yicksburg (Miss.) Sun advises that no more debts be paid ta citizens of the North until the ndependonoo of the C. 8. A. is aooompliahed. Too late for sueli adrice. - The orrranizatioa known as the " Knights of the Golden Cirele " is relied upo to 860OT8 the adoption of the sseession ordinances of Virgi::ia and Tennessee, and to orowd Kentucky out of the Union. - Tho American Consul at Cuba refuses clearances for mossels to the seeeded ports. Consuls at other foreign ports will doubtless do the saino. - The Now England Regiments are to bu concentrated at Fort Mouroe undcr Gen. Butler. - Commodore Pondergast is arranging to remove thoso desirous of going NortD from Norfolk. - Gen. Butler lias an cyc on Norfolk, and then. on Richniond. War:n Ttoik may bu looked for soon. - Col. Auatio, of New York, is raising a legión of British residente, to be atUichcd to Qo.n. Siokles' brig idc. - Tho ladiea of Richmond are proposing to eall upon Gen. Soott to sur ronder tho aword presen ted liim by Virginia somo yoars ago. He will urobably present it to Virginia's dogenerate sous ia a way her dauglitera may uot relish. - Thos. F. Meagher, tho eloquent Irish orator, is engagid in raising a cí.inpauy of Lis countrymen for tho war and the Union. - Two of Mrs. President Lineoln's sisters, reeen tlypresented the Holma (Ala ) Cudots with a Confedérate flug. " A house divided against itself.1' - The first Frivatcer acercditod by the Southern Confederacy is commanded by a MaÍDO man. - Lieut. Hartstene, of Kane Relief Expedition fame, has joined the Confedérate army. - : ' L" ii e Tiiotto of the Indiana voluittrors is ' Reraember Buena Visita." - Thcy evidently hold tho old grudge against Jcif. Davis. --The St. Louis Democrat says that J. M. Cutts, Jr., brotherin-law of Senator Douglas has joined one of tho llhode Island Régimen t - In one of the Ohio roluntcer companies tliere are sixteen namcd Fiscb. They are of Geraian birth. - Ross Winans, recently arrested and dischargcd at Baltimore is father of Thos. Winans the ten tuiilionairo and great Russian railway buildor - The ?outhern papers advise a eonfiscation of the plantation in Jfississippi belonging to tho obil'dren of Senator Douglas. - Two hundred men in one Tennesseo socession regiment ire undcr twenty-one years old, and over six feet high. - Soutbern intelligence would indícate that llussüll, of tbü London Times, is aiding the seeession offisers with bis adviee. - A regiment of Cherokee Indians is attached to the Confedérate forces. each man being arined with rifle, scülpingknif'e and tomaliawk. - T. Butler King, Confedérate Commissioner, was compclled to apply for and tako a passport as a citizen of the United States befare he could leave France for Brussels. - Á Southern census-taker ha3 sued tho government and garnisheed a lot of tíoutliern postoíEces. - The Dublin News says that despito the slavery question "England sides with the Confedérate States." - The Now Orleans Picayxmc gravely tolls its readers !hat the Massachusetts troopsat Washington are all negroos, aud that Gen Butler is a nativo of Liberia and son of an emigrant New Orleans barber - The small pox is said to havo broken out among the seeession troops at Ilarper's Ferry. - Now York is to be allowed but one Major General, and it is intimated the President will appoint Hon. John A. Dis. - Henry Dupont, of powder-raaking fame. has been appointed Major General by the Govenior of Dolawaro. Ilo is a full blooded Unionist. - It is announccd that a full set of military naps piepared at Washington, for Guv. Leteher, have been seized by order of tho War department. - Ex-Secretary Floyd bas aecepted a Gencral's commission in the Confedérate service. - It is said that a largo numborof the troops at Harper's Ferry havo refused to take the oath of allogiaaoB to tho Confedérate States. - The Nortli Carolina convention has unanimously pasïod an ordiuauee of seceision. - A naval brigade, 1,200 strongf, i under Ooi. Baitlett. Iihs been accepted and oïdured to Fort Monroe. They aro tried men. - Thero has beon a slight skirmish r,t Sewall's ptiint en the Potomac, bo tween a government Steatner nnd a i secossion battery. No details pubüshorl. - Tlio Confiider:ito OoDgresa bas ndjourned to meet ut Kiulimond July j 20th. - The Ivlississippi is cïonbly blockaded, at Cairo by United States troops, :nd t Momphis by secession troopa. - Unie n flags havo beou torn down j at St. Joseph, JIc.


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