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SPECIAL NOTICES. THE MARKETS. Offick of titk Michigan Argus, ) Am AXB.m, Muy 2:, 1861. ƒ Tbn following are the sellin rjpricis of tho principal rticles of produce offereed in uur m.ukc-t. Wheatrcd.bu. - " 85 05 '' white bu. - - - 1.00 Barley, cwt. - - ■ - 1,25 Corn, shelled, ■ -40 ; ' ear, 20 22 Buckwheat, bu. ... - 42 Oat8,bu. 20 22 Flour, red, bbl, .... - 5,00 " white, ..... 6,60 " red, ICO Iba, ... - 2,6o ' white, ' ' ■ ' Hve flour, ■!■ CÓrn Meal. - - - iv Buckwheat flour, - 2,23 Beans, 60 76 Klax Sced, lb, m TünothT Sced bu. - - 2,25 300 (.lover eed, bu. 4,00 4,60 Hay ton, .... - 8,00 10,00 Wood.percord, 2,00 3 00 Crnnbernes,bu. . . . 2,00 2,25 Bcel.hindqr. .... 04 05 foreqr. - - 03 04 Pork dressed cwt. - - - -6,00 0,00 Mutton, lb. - - - 04 i'A Turkeys,lb. - - - - 07 08 Cl.ickena. . . - 08 07 Kj;(js, doz. ..... )0 Butter, lb. - - 12 14 - - - - 08 00 10 M Trillow, lb. - - - 10 12 l'otatoes.perbu. - - 20 25 Ouions, per bu, ..... 50 Turnlps, ..... 20 pples, ereen, - - - 25 38 " dried, - . 1,60 Pcaches, dried, lb. .... 11 Honpy, caps, lb. - - ■ - 10 Becswax. lb. - . - - 30 Salt, rock, bbl. .... 2,25 ' fine, bbl ..... 1,8 Piaster, ton, - -6,00 ivc. o. pi. :r 5L BET '?S2S? i-úí-5f2H Passenger trains now leave I'etroit anl tho Bereral Stations in thia Cuunty,as folloWB. G O I N G WEST. Day Ex. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ei. Detroit, 7.00 A.M. 7.T6 . JI.4 10 P.M. 6.30 r M, Ypsilanti, 8.02 ' 8 35 " 5 50 ' " 7.40 " AimArbor, 8.22 " 8.55 " 6.61 ■' 8.00 " Dexter, " 9.17 " 6.45 " Chelsea, " 9.32 " 7.06 " Ar. Chicago, 6.00 P. M. .7.30 " 6 00 A.M. GOING EAST. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail fcx. Day Ex. Shplsrn, A-M. 6.40 a. M. 2.Í0 r. M. r. M. liexter " 7.05 " 3.00 " Ann Arbur, 5.15 " 7.35 " 330 " 4.35 " psilnnti, 6 35 " 8.02 3. 55 " 4.55 " Ar Detroit, 6.40 " 9.30 " 5.20 " 6.00 " Trainï do not stop at stations where figures are oroitted ia the table. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTIIKRN IN'PIAN'A RAILROAD. jgl -SiFi P&r 861. tl'MMEU AKRAXUEMKXT. I861. Ir.-üns noff run on this road, Suegüjs excepted, as Hows: Lea ve Toledo ror Chican" daily esorpt Mondara at 10 40 A M.,and 10 30 1'. M ,anil via Air 10 45 A. M. .eave Detroit fnr Chicago at 1 .:ü A K. and 7,50 P. M. Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit ai 8,00 . M. and 8,00 P. M . and via Air Line at 7.10"P. II. Arrivc at Detroit from Toledo, at 7:15 A. M., 2:C0 . II. and 6.30 Y. M. Arrive in Detroit from Chicazoat 6.30 P. M., and 7.15 A. M. .4 rrive in Toledo from Chicago 4,35 P. M. and 4.50 A. 1., and via air line at 425 P 'K. eave Jackson for Toledo at 5.00 AM. and 1,46 1'. M. rrive at Toledo at 9,10 A. kt, and 4,35 1'. MCONXECTIOXS. Al Toledo - With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Vabaxh Valley Rail Road. At Detroit - With Grand Trunk Railway, with líreat Vestern Raihvay, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee. lailroad At New Aibany Je Sai.em R. R. Crossixc. - WithTrains 'or Lafayette, New Albany and Louísville. at Chicago - With Chicago añil ítock Island, Galena. ilwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - Xorth Vest Railway - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois entral, and to all l'oints West and South. f& Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 min tes slower tban Toledo time. B" Patent Sleeping Cara accompany thc Night 'rains on this Route. Time and Fare the samo as by any othor Rail ioad Route J.VO. D. CAMPBELL. General Superintendent. THE GREAT EJÍGLISH BEMEDY. aifi JAMES OLAHKE'3 Celcbraled Female Pilis. PHOTECTED Êtatfjrafcjï!! LETTEBP BY ROYAL $ PATENT Prepared from a pre&cription of Sir J. Clarke, M D., Physician Extraordinary te the Quecn. Tljis iDvaluable medicino in unfailing In the care of aU tiose p&inful and dangeroui diacuet to wfaicb th# famalo mptitution i subject. It moderat! kil exoesa and reï!'jvii all oUttructiona, and a pedy curo muy b rtlkd on TO DIARR1KD LADlfiS t i peculiarl ituited. It wil!, in ft abort tim, brtng oc he luonthly period with rtuUntT. F, ach Iiutlle, prioe On Dollar, txari tb OoTenactni rtMMf of Oreat Brilaio, to prevent couoterfeit. Thtte Pilis êkoutd not be taittn by ftmaUê dttring thi FIRST THREE MOXTHS of Preenmncyts thê? art ure to bring on Mitcvrine, bv ai oy othêr timt t.U$ -r taf e. Iq all caaei of Nerroun and Spinal Affections, Plc bi he Back and Limbt, Fatigue on slight exertion, PalplU iun of the Haart, HjaUrics, and WhiUa, theae PiUs wil] ITnct a car when aD othor meanB hare 6üled, and ftlthough a pewerful remedy, do not eontain Iron, caJOBMl i:timcnj, or any thing hurlful te the ooastitatUn. FuU dlrectionx aecompary ach packag. Sol Agent tor tb United SUtet and Cunada, JOB MOSES, f Lat I. C. Baldwin & Co,t Rooheitar. N. Y -$1,00 and ff poitage ttnaps enclowd to any aa Agtt, wUl insan a bottl of Uw Itilla br rcton Sold be GREXV1LL & FÜLLER Ann Arbor, and by )ruggists inevery town. tj[3„ Cocghs. The sudden changos ofour climate are sources of Pclmonaby, BBONCUUL.andAsTnsTATic Arncc tion'b . Experíeuce having provecí that simple remedies ften act apeedily nn certainly when taken in the early stages of the dUeaso, recourse should at once be had to 'Brown's Bronchial Troche1 or Losengcs,let theCold, Cough, or Irritatïon of the Throat beever so tlight, asby his precaution a more seriouB attackmay b) effectually warded off. PcBLicSPEAREjisand Sixgebs will fJndtbcm eCfectual for clearing and atrengthening the voice. See d vertí sement . 7 7 C m6 MOTHERS READ THIS. The foliowing is an extract from a letter written by he pastor of a Baptt Church to the "Journal aud ijesscnjer," Cincinnatij Ohio, and speaks volumes in avor ol that wml'l !■■!■ liid raorlicinc- Mrs. WinsLOW'3 SOOTOISG SYKÜF FOR C'HILDREX TkkTUI.VG : lJWe see an advertisement in your colurand of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a wori n favor of a patent medicine before in our Ufe, but we feel compelledto say to your readers, that this is no lumbug - WE HAVE TRIED IT, AND K.VoW IT TO BE ALL IT claims. It is; probably, one of the most Buccessful medicines of the day, because it is one of the oest. And those 01 your readpr-ï who havo babios can't do it better than to 1 y in a supply " See advertiftement in anothe r column IMPORTAHTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND lLFE OF WOMAN Is cor-tiaually inperil if she U mal enough to ncglcot or maltreat those exual ïnegubr'.ties to which twothïrds of her pöx nre more or lesa subject. - PR. CHËESEMAK'S FtLi.S, prepare! from the same formula which the inventor. ORNELIÜS L. CHLESEMAN. M. D.,of fork, has for twenty years used succeesfuüy in an extended prívate pra cticc- Hmmediately relieve wühout pain, all disturbances of the pedodical discharge, whether anïng from relaxation or suppresBion. They act Hke a charm inremoving the pams that acccmpany (íifficult or immoderate merstruatmn, and are the only safe and reliabla remefly for Flushes, Sick Headache, Paius in the L-ïins, Back and Sides, Palpintiou of the Hoart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterie, Ppasms, Broken Slep and other unpleasantand dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functon5 In the worst cases of Fluor Albut or Whites, they fCEect a speedy cure. Xo WIVES and MATROJCS. DIí.CHEEEMAN'SPIUareoíreT-edas the only safe raeans of renewinginferrupted menstruatioo but. LAD1ES MUST BKAR I3J MINO Thcrt i$ oner.ondüton af thtftmalt stsiem in which the Pilis cAiinoi bê tale en wi' Kout produeing ft PECULIAR RESULT. Thtcondi'ionref oredto U PREGNANCY- the retult, MISCARRTAGE. Stick u the irresistible tendeney of the medicine, tot cstor :e tltá styual futictians to a normal condiiion, that even th reproductiva power óf natura eanïlot resüt it. Hxplicit directions atatbig iohent and tahtn tkey skould not be uied, -vith each Box,- the Prlct Out Dollar cach Bon, rntaining 50 PilU. A valuable Pa uphlet, tw be had freo, of the AgentaPillo $(%t hy m&il promptlyt by finoloalnj pnce to any Agööt. Öold by Druggieis geupral y. R. B. UüTCdlNCrS. Prorrotr. 20 Ccizr-St., Tieto York. Frtr fcti kr WrNATü STLXá k VJl5ím, así


Old News
Michigan Argus