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The Entry Into Virginia--the Death Of Col. Ellsworth

The Entry Into Virginia--the Death Of Col. Ellsworth image
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. ; iinytyií :;; '21. Ai I félpgf.iplU'il l.tSt liisriit, tliC 7, v. ere uviii -ri'il lo outiT Aloxahilria tliis lini;É:,iiL'. til n:conl:m-o with tliis order, tho .-i muí u;d ha oiilt.-n kcJ on ti io s:r:;n!crs Ksltimürc dIkI Siiiunt Wmihiii. AíUhiI 5 ieHík tiu;v ri.ufluil Alixaiidr!a. Ja.-l licforc H'ai-hiug t-hc whnft' the cDHiiii'iii'li'r of (he Iaw) i n ílag ol' truco t.i ti. o ivl;:l ftiroCS :ii'_r ttlCUI Ul.U litllll' ill nlliull til W i;iüll ;iv f'rulii tho lowil. The Kaki:;, Venina llicn m.-ido f.;s.t to tile whajrf - As the SteitmiTU ;j !::::-. n:u ii;o íublil WRtilH s iml thrii i:Ui:s i;: l!e a:r i;,d retreattd back udou the i:;:;::i body, stiid tu have boon ubout &S'ü nu,dwú stl'Olig. y:niuilaiici u.-ly with thc ludilig of lito 'A naves thc Pirtl Michigan llcgünotii i ulered Ale.:u:dii:i by thc 1 luailing trom, Lm ;; Bridge, d praouedvd direct to the r.-iilroiiit dc)ot, oí' v. -.A Ütoy tu,:k potócssíon, enpttirliig a iVóffpofrehel oavnlry i uiubcriiia uno Iníudrod, iñtii thoir horeca and C(jnipmciits The Zuiiiivc-á hr.nli'd in good oidor ín doublé (]uick time, t;u-li cotnpmiy forjning in ordvr oí '.he street fucliig thu river. Conipnny E, t'apt Levórid ;e, wns the first to disciubark Oapt licvéridfec'á cömftnuj traa at unce détailed to dwtroy t lio railroail traek lcacünir tü j RicfarmonS, which socVice tliey prompt i j jrerforincd. After deUtiliug Oompanj K, Col. J.üswortli dirocted tho Adjntaaf to form tlic regiment, and witlin filè of I ]iien,st:ntod tur the telegrupb office tbr the purposo of onlting thc wireB. Col. Kllw(irth ai.d his detncüment proceeded in dofiMa qúidi time up the trcet. Theyhad proceeded Lhree bipeks, Mher. thc atteiition ol' Colonel Ellswortb w;is nttracted by a lare secessibn i!a living trom the Marsliall IIöusp, kept by J. V . Jatksou. CoIoikI Ktlsworth cutered the hotel, and mectiug .i man n tho linl] itüked, "VVhio pul that flag u:' Thc man answered, '' i doii't kniíM i ain a boarder here.'' Col. Kllswnrt!', Jjii'ut. VVifcsW, tho ch;i]iMÍn of tiie rogiment, Jir. Huuse, a volu:ioor ttid, áúid lije fdur prívales, v.cnt. up to tho roof, and eut down the flag. The party ore returning down the thiirs, preceded by priyáte Frarncis E ]5rowr,(.ll; (t Ucmpañy A. As t hoy lor'; l he nttic, thc man wliO liad said lie was a Loarder, but who próyed tu be the landljrd, Jackpn, was uitt in tli h.-ill, having a doul)lo-barrel gun, wbieb he lovetéd at Iirowueh. Biownell slrucls up tljú gun with his nuihkct, wliei) Jaeisóp pulli i ioth friggers of tlic gun. Tho cqnténts I idgcd in tho body .i (;,,1 BÍIswortii, önleriug betwecn iLie t'iird and fiftb. ribs. 'ul. Ëllswortl) v:is at thc time rolüng up ino tlay. JIo feil farward on the floor of ido li-iil and expired iistantlj, oul ox íainiing, " My God." Private lirowiiel', vi(!i tho quickess of lightning, levolod his inusket at jackson n;id Bred. Ths ba'l atruck Jackson on the bridge of tho nose, a:id crctólied through his sknll, killing hini iugtantly As he fe 11 BrowqeJl í'olluwod hU sbot by ii thrust of bis bayonet wbiQJi went thriHjgh Jackgon's bodj. Tho eouipanionti of Gol. Ellsjyorth, -ven in nunibcr, uaraediatély postei! theraselvcs so as to coratnagd thc ha thc h'itol, and tiireatencd to sboot tue firs.t m.ui who rhowod his head outsido of a door. In tjiia way they stood for ten icinutes. Their protractod absence,cd Adjutant Leosor, who ordored Co upany A, Oapt Coylo, to seareh for liM 'i'lie ooinpany found their o jminauderT doad, and thoir eumrades in possession oí the bpteJL A surgeon was then sant for, bat Col. Ellsworth was dead long beforo his arrival. Tho eompany (Cade a litter of muskct.s, and, plaeing the body of the Colouel oa it, returued to the boat, lea.ving, however, a dutachiie:it to guard the liutel, and make priwners of all ite oceupants. The bydy was brought to the íiavy-yard and there remains aWaitlng the aetion of tho War Department. Aft r fitting ceremonies heve, bis reinaitiá wjll be takeu lo Meehanicsville, N. Y., lor iuterment. His family reside at Mechar.icíivillo. Thcre were no other domoiiRtrntions of Oppóíitioa to the oeaipation of the éítv. The inoverr.eiii o( troopg was mucb Lrgor lust uight than vyas at üupjiasud. We havo about. Ij, 0)0 troopa in Virginia. Thoy occupy all the uplandá coir.manding Washinglou, and exiend down bulow Alexandnu. The nion n tlio iicld aro the fcfew York EigMh, Fiftb, Suvi-ntl), Twclfth, TwontvFifth, Iv.ghih, and SixtyÑinth, and tho " lVt laiúbs;," iUp ihee New Jersey regiinouta. ï.he Khude Islandors and the Michigan ceg inient, trííotlicr with a portion (if tÜo SufL', No.v York, aro on r.vcr duty. Th Sixty-Xinth OTiisd thu riyer bulovv GecirgoUiW-D, and look position on tho Orango and iManassas Gap llailroad, whiuli runs out of Aluxandi'ia. Tlioy took up somo oí íhe rails, nnd awaited in ambush tho arrival of the train, which ïliey suppused wuuld leaw Aicxandii.i with tin; fugiüvos.Whon it canic t svs Hurroimded, aml tho train ait uii' 1. Abont Beyen bundred persons were on board, iocluaing .■!00 mon. Tho entiro party wc.vj held as pri.-soners of war, and wil! be kept as Mtages for tho fuif troatrnent of any loyal citizen ttiat inny t;dl inCO the hands of the rele].-. Notwithstandin tin' departuro oí doven Ih'oiíwwid men last night tiia forue remaining in N'as'ninton is qir.te aa largo as it was a Week sinco, and almost cverv tiain biiugs Q rnuiir.ont. It is probable tbttt the Oliio troopa inovod down lVfm tho wost npon liarper's Ferrv last r.iht, wnd ttoat they werfa supportod by n column treip l'ennsylvania. it is also protiablo lh::t. a Minultanuous inoveinurit wis ntadé nguffnit lbo rebJU at NÖrfoli. Our oiniuun'oalions do not extend to thosè points, po that 1 cannot say pos i ivoly that thefe movemeo.tí woro oxocutod, but it is jirubabl'j tliat Virginia was Dvaded on all sidos at tho samo time. Tho Zouavos aio to-night anchorcd on a steatner in the river, to prevent ilieir avenging tho diïath of Ellsworth. Liout. Ooi. Farnham had all ho could do to prevent thcni from burning the town. ïliey sw'flrt'r the most tértibTq fcvengé. Col. Wiilcox. of the Michigan Regi mept is in cuininand to-Dight oí Ihe unnv on tho Virgioirt sido. Tho tropps aro notively engnged in r.onpirucling iortitications and preparing lor tho permanent 'oricupation of tlio country cnyerud by tho mövemant made last qiebti This rrtovfement vb planned by Oen. Msnsfieldj and exeouIcd under liis personal kiprv.iaioi . He knew the exact point, of ground that each regiment. should occnr.y, and Í at daylight each règlriw'ét wan in plaf. tío quit-lv us i.his dono that onlv the people weru uware j of "thu suddem exit'of thirtocii thousand men. The last thing Ooi EilöWorth ciid beff-ro luaving Washington was to wrifti a lettur to tóa íathor K. ]. Eli, worlh, of Mdohcnk-svillcj N. Y., aud n to MUm Carrie SpnffWd, ot Rockfi re!, f ilinois, to whom he wu8 bnRiigei! to bu m.uricfl. UW m:!,.:is IU ll'fl on tlio ;-t . IT, wns !o :it lier pii'lr;Ut : 1 1 1 rí ta it in lii.-i bosotii. i'i I. Kil vvoril':i l'f'i'y :■..- .!.,i-ed :;l tin.' c-njMif li": ■■ l ntivv v.ird (lii-ï ' nmniii'ir. 'I' ' w :H liom ly i'rnped willi Ainutican H;igs, crupc fviicl li'UKjiio'.s cf llm er.;. Il v;i gil , liy ihe Zounvug, n coin[H(iy ol Ihe I ti ' nt first New Vuk, mul mime i . 'l'hi t,-;: o] Ie assen.bk'd ■ ihrro to sec (re niiimiiisd uring ihe dav, ' ; :■ [vres!íiTe;". í's Fiíinüy ;.u.;ng the nuin'i lip ! -nily rif Jstifeson rtill lies o; (hu íliicr nf Jiis !k,u.--u wiiciv Ik; Wii hli.t. oiniyts havo tl.e (Ing and Jack iou's l;i:n ,lch was taken. (Jen. Rcott il give ir to ttio-n to kei-p. Thcrc is col ikclv to bo unotlier 'orv :u (1 H.ovcir.i :it for somo d iys. - (ei'. .Sco!t has perfect e.oiitideilcy in liis stijiurio: iiy of nu;nlHTj, and wil! move ouit ;i;-l i n'y BO fniUt 08 In; OaB muintuin :ri udvunca. T::e clipítign t in;iy lio blow, luit t wijl iio me. It cruwU noW, bLt it will run wlion tht; otim&j for hus'.e.


Old News
Michigan Argus