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Departure Of The Barry Guards

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liy arder ol Uyl. uciiB!y;y, ol the Fourlh Iï -iinunt, lliu Burrv (lu:;ids brolce up Uieir ei cartvpraent n! tiro Fair grotindüj on Wcclnosdiiy itiórningr, and procrcilcii to ;!tc ivi_'iinon1;:l rendezvfluPj via ihe Mich'g:i'(r.ul Ilailriiad to ,J:;i';soi], :iik1 l!n::(;c to Adi'iuil by the MitjWtgaO .-'n;;i ::!■!!! Koírcl. i Uefore proeecdiiig (o the dopot, the Bnrry Guai'ds trere etvBorled to the CoiiVt iluiisc equaro by the 'fapnan Guards, tin; Univértiity Guaid?, and tlic Ellaworth Gudeta - nll in ful! unifónn - tilico fine )ooki."g CiirripahieÜj coin] of stiiiienta of the CTriiversUy. In the square il hplliny Mjiiare was fonned by ílio Uriiveiily corps, thtí Uarry Ouards ocoupyióg í h o contar ; and on bc-h ;ilf of I thu chl"iï?tian hidlbs f Ihc city, thu Rev. F A. IJLABEs, in a iev npjiropr'míc remillks, ,rese;ited ;i Te-tai;ii:iii, to each officer nul private of the depqrtmg Compaiiy. Mr. Bcades, also, in behalf f n nunibt'f of young Iadies, of honi ho namcd Mistes Iluwkin.--, pliipip, liulüi'iuei ai)d Wtilkttl'j pi i'-e..tud c;;cli ulVicer and pi'ivale wilh a imtscwifr, slUratahtiarly artd elcgantly made, and vvoll stoikcd wi'ili neetJIiiSj ins, buUo.Rs( tbi'cd, &c, uil artidus whicli will coitir in p!;y n camp lil'o. and iliat vcry i-txm, unless the clothinij fof'ttvë Jj'ourth IJi'giuei:t shall lic mon.' süljjitantially fnade ihan was Ihat fcr i:.l' f.irst. Lieal, í)í:L'uv ■.cci'pteil the gii'K and responded on the pari of tl, o Barry (uards, in n brief, bat wull-iiintd and ptí.rfrhórii spcéuti', proinisíng; thnt in tho eamuaign thcy veré al. out to enter up011 tlioy wo'ild bo governed by fhe priutplea and teahlftga erf Tze Book, wiiile Uio other gifr, botli ornamental and ns-cfül, woald remind thom, Bhdiild tliey be uallctl to iho field, tliat tlicy were doing battle fot1 their iriends at home. for their .-i.i'a-rs, wave?, mothers, fathers, b:o;liers, and fi;r their country; Tho prcsen'tation ccrc:n;onie-', wliifh wero witp.csseil hy thc'u'sflnds of 6iir 8, bemg over, the Guards wei'e escorted to tlie depot, and lefL on the train at 8,66, A. Mr, raid the cheers, fnd blessihs. and prayers, and tears oí their (neG'd. lï. X. Jvici:. Eác[., luiving, by tlie suggestion -f Majpr Brbt, i-edueed ;i:' fan; to Jaekson and hack, to half prico fot tho occasion, the Tappa Guarda tendercd theí'r services as rtiïli tafy escort to Jacksón, whiuh ore gralefuily acceptcd. A nuiriber oí' on1' cilixuns also tutoompaaisd the Guarda tjiat far on their wny. V rriny rj propriatjily :ic!d, thnt. bst'nrc the Guai(i.i luit, tlie ladies of our rity ïr.ado tliein onu !,i;:;(lred in. yliirts, warnmitnl i.ot to rip. The ladies :ire ulso i;o.v cngi'i'cd in n, for each mciíiliái" ol t!.e Coñipíby a líaví.'loi.'k cup cövejj lbo incn fpr ttiat purposu liuvuig betn li!)era'y .(iii:itcl by Froí. Wiiitk, oí the Univcr.-hy. - Tho Union Guarde, papt, Ckane, juined liio " Uurry Guards V at DéiCtet, en route for the same regimenuil rendezvous. Vjufrrc. thcir depurturo, tbo XTnion Gu'ords '(rere c eli precerrted by the ÜKH:glitfu] ar.d gencrous ladies of üexter, wilh an oil-clotli capo and a " imic-ivij'r," fur wliich thu ihanks of ihe Company, and each qnd ovcry jjieinbü", wcru rotunied by netiolutidn, - Washténáw Co'diïty fiirniniicd thrce full Corapanie;3 for tho First Regiment, and has npw sent two to oifl the Fourth, wliicl), ucctftdmg to present irr dicatione, wil] scon bc callee] iuto activé service.


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Michigan Argus