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The Merriman Habeas Corpus Case

The Merriman Habeas Corpus Case image
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A ckiz-'ii o? Baltimoro, nunipd riman, Imving been arrested by ordei' CiuiwaUáSur, - charol! oL mudo lio, lint supposed tu bo Ireason- a f htbtas roí-pus was isilëd by ('hief' Jü: :;.:;■;v. Gen. C. n to ] reduce the body of Merriman in i, vvherotipon Jndge T. issuod an ;hment for ihc General. Wo let llio telegniph record tbo subsequent . Biutimorc, May 23. Tu o V. ?'. Óriort Tloiiso :md tho t are dunsèty Vrowded to-day. to i the pmceedingö in Ih'e kúbeas curpvs èasü ol John MeFrítnaft, A writ i! aMaeíhmcnt wus issued ' ÖÖÖ. (':'.(V;il!;,dor lo CKiy for ITipt pj (' -t;lt. 'J'Ijp, Rfai'íhiil rcf.nríc:] th%t ho wns rofiísctl :i(lii:illaru-o to Fort Mcllciirv. ('hief Juticu T:mev íoad tbé lb.low ing statement ': "Ibrclered an attachment ye'stérday beciatise llie dutë'ntioli of tho prisbnür ilawful upo:) wil grdftndn : ' l'irsv, tlie [ 'resident, unfter the bonsfïhiUttn ;ui! laws et' tliu Uiiitëd States, ■ sttspehd the pritiltigo 6t h ij hor autliorize militnry ofSeérs to do so. "■Sècoh'Q, military liffvo no figkt to :irresi onditain anypsreoó; dr subject iiiiii tri le ftrticles oí war, tbr an nilonsu agrtist thé laws ! tho i ni ted States, escept in aid oí' tho judicial authoi'ity iw.d subject to it. '■I a party be arrested by the niili(ttry, it h t!e d'ify óf the ofRcerS tó deliver liim líijnicd'tately to t.ho civil au tin ril: Thu'Jadge adiled: ''Ünder tfrdinary círcuntstances it woüld bc the duty oí tho Marañal to.procecd v i t h a pesse us and ! rííi the pá'íties name'd fn the w'rit in't'o crttirt, Ifrit, ffotti (he siítíerior forcé he wótild encóüntér, this Id bu iinpóssiWe.'" Résáid: "TRe M rfcbaï hta dtiné all iii Ws power tó d6h'árgá hisuutv." "DurinLC thö Wt'éfe," ho sJid; "hn should prepara his opinión in tíie proin rses, and FórWavd it tó the President, Oiiüinir npon !ii:n to pei'fbrm hís cóíistíiuiior.itl dtítr, nhd see t'.e laws fá'ithfol!y e-ee;tffi. ftffd enforec ího decreus oí' Hirt."


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Michigan Argus