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SPECIAL NOTICE3. TUS MARKETS. On ICE OF THE MlCIIIGA.Y ARGÜS, Anx Akbsh, Mav SO, lSiil ƒ Tlie foïlow'tng are thö sellin6piice3 nf tho princrl articles of produce offereed ia our market. - - - - 85 95 " white bu. - - - 1,00 BrirVv, cwt. ..... 1,25 Corn, t-'nelUd, - - - - 40 ( " ear, - - - - - 20 22 Buckwhcat, bu. - - . - -42 Oats,bu. - - - - - 20 22 Flour, red, bbl, ..... 50 " white, ..... 5.50 " ruil, I1.0 Iba, .... i,'í) " wuite, .... 25 I!ye Bmr, ..... 2,C5 C.".ni Ifesl. _ - - - . - 1,50 Buckwheat flour, t 2)25 Bearis, - - - - - 60 75, 03 ïimotliy Seed bu. - - - 2,25 SO0 Ctover Seed, ba. ' - - - -4,004,80 llay, ton, ..... 8,00 10,00 Wood, rercord, ... -2,00300 Cranb8irips,bu. .... 2,002,25 Becl, hinr! qr. .... 04 05 " foro qr. - .-- 03 04 l'ork droKsea ct. - - - -5,00 0,00 Hut ton, 1b. - - - - - 01 4i ,1b. - - - - - 07 03 C[1ickea!. .... OS 07 , doi. - . . - . ]o, - - - - 12 M Cl eose, Ib. . - - - 08 09 ï, ii.l, Ib - - . . . 10 14 Trillo, Ib. . in 12 Fotatoes,per bu. - - - iO 25 Onions, per bu. ..... 59 Tunilps, ..... 20 Appleí, grern, - - - . ■ E5 K8 " ún'or], - - , - 1,50 Peachoo, driefl, Ib, - - - . 11 f!'jr.ey, c;i])R, Ib. .... iq Beeswax, ib: ----- SO Salt,rock,blil. .... 2,25 " fine, bbl ..... i,R8 riaster, ton, - - - - - 5,m0 Ivl. O. H. R. Passenger traint leave Detroit and the soveral Stations iu tuis follows. G O I X G WI8I. Cy Ex, HiBIx. Jack. Ac. Xight Er. Detroit, 7.00 A. M. 7. "5 a m.4 10 r m. fj ,'iO p M, Fpsilantl, S.02 " 8 35 " 5.50 " 7.40 " AunArbor, 8.22 " 8.66 " 6.51 " 8 00 '; Pexter, " 9.17 " 0.45 ' Chelre.i. " P.:-2 " 7.P5 " Ar. Chicago, 6.00 r. 11. 7.30 " 6 00 A.M. GOISC E A S T . JCigllt Ex Jacli.Ac. Mali Kx. Doy Tu. ObalseA, a. m. 6.40 a. jí. !.íOp. a. r. k, I Uextor, " 7.05 " S.00 " Aun Arbor, 5.15 '■ 7.35 " 3.30 " .135 I' I fpailiultl, 5 35 " 8.02 S.55 " i 65 " I Ar Detroit, 0.1o " 9.30 " 6.20 " 6.00 " Traiuí do not Ríop at stations wbcre figures are omit. tod in tüo tablo. ■Q&, COÜCII3. The suaden changos of r,ur climate aro sonrees c,f rri.MoxsT, BBOScgiAandAiiroxAïio Arac T10.V8. Elperlmco bftTing prersd tht simple remedies often act ipeedilj and wheii takonin Ihe car'.y stages of the dijea3e, recouráo BhouM ftt onco be had to 'Brown' Bronchlal Tróhes,Mor Loerjges,let iheCold, Cough, or Irritatiun ofthcThroat be oyer so hligl.t, ubji 'his precaution a more Bcriou atUckmay bj eifoot nilly wardedclT. PuBUCSrcAKlat and Hing; es will firidt'acm eütoctual Cor cjearlng .md itrenj tbcntag tbo vniCp. Sea '.k:A. MICHIGAN BOÜTHERW & NORTHERN IXMAXA RAILROA0. 1S01. ECMMEK ABRAKGEMENT. 160i. Tr.-.ins run on this, Furúars cxceptod, na tollovra:'! ■ 'or Chicago nf 9 51 A St.andSP. M., nd na Ar I in ■ at B.05 . M. ni ;.'J0 A Jf. nml 0,30 P. U. Arrivfng 11 ; , !'ae!o and Detroit a! 7,E0 P. M. íui.i 8,00 A. M . aad vin Air Une at 6.00 I'. H. Arrive ftt IWni; from Toledo, it 6:50 A. M., 1C:S6 1'. H: and6.6 : I eares Dutr -.. i' r Toledo al T.CO . M., 1.00 P. M.. andí-20 P. M. Arr'ivo in i stroit (rom I hicoaoat 6. 55 i'. M.,iuvi;.'0 A. M. .4rrivo in Toledo fmm ChicnlTO 4,25 I'. S. anfl4.00 A. ■;.,,. 1 via line -u -t. i" 1' M. Uarc .'■:. -K.-.-ii (. Toledo al 1 16 'H.nd i.roP.M. Arrite fn.m 'l'o;ed' ;u. 21,40 I'. M., and 0,1 i 1'. MC0N"NECTI0N9. At To.::n.i- V'itli ClaToJasd & loledo Eaü Eoai, witli Wubasli falley Rail Ronfl. At DBTBora - wth Grand Truul; Raihvay, Mítli Orectt We3tern liaihvay., with the Detvoil and Milvaukeo. Rftilro&d AT Nkw Ai.ra.vv S: Saii:m H. IÏ. Cr.ossi(; - With Tr&ínH '. IW Altiiinv and L01 At Ciiic.uio - Wilh Chicago a-il Kock Islan-l, Galena, M:!-,in:.rt Chloagro, BurTington and Quincy - Xorlli Etaüway - Chicago, Alton and Öt. Louis, Illinois i: tioiata Wwl aivl South. &$ Ti i i Iu Chlc&go linio, wblch U20 minutos =,1OVCI' í 1 1 Ll ! I TnV.llo tillH1. ÜTÍ" l'atcnt 8l6eping Cara accompany the Niglit Xrains on tbis 1 Tune avA Tare tho sanie as by nny otlicr Baii líoatl Ronte JNO. D. CAMPCnXL. General Superintendent. MOTHERS R3AD TKIS. Tbé folloving isxi extraet í'i-oin a letter written ly ; of .1 !;:i;l t -':uirch to the "Journal and : ■[■,■■ Clnclnuatl, Ohio, an.l peaks volumM 11 favor oi 1 1 ia t world-renowned naatltcuie - Mus. Wins. Low'sSooTBËia Btrcp fo Ciiii.niiKX Tkbtiiixo: 8 an ailvritiseini nt in your columna of Mrs. Winslow'aSootlUngSyrup. -c nevcr said a vroiA 1 of a patent niedicine befrre in our Ule, but wefeel oompelledto aj to yourreaders, tluvt this I nn hamoag- wb bate tkikd it. -svn KNoW ir 10 iik .m.i it CLAlHS. It probably, one of the most succesufiíl mcdiciticR of tíio day, booauae it is one of tlio Destnd those of your readers who bjbve babiM can't do it better ilian til y in a op] ly." tVc ad ortiaemeut in anothcr column IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND UFE OFWOMAN Is C" Qtinually mperiJ if she Í-; m:il enough to neglect or maürcat Itio e sexual hregularities io which twoI her sex Mr1 inore or k-ss subject. IïR. ril!T. i :i vs VUA. p'reparel fröra the same formula which the inventor. roitN'l-XIUS L. (II ESE MAN M. I, of fork, lias for tweufy jïearfTuged ilïjr aan extended private predice - hnmediately relieve without jiaïu, all disturbances of lbo pociodical díscbíirgf?, whether arisïng from iel:i;iiion or suppression. They net Like u chann inremoving the paras that aocotnpany dtfficutt or imraodenite, and are the only safe and ruliabla remedyfor Floahes, Sick ■ Paius in the Loins, Back and Sidea, Pal] of the Hdari Nerrons Tremors, Hvstericfi, Bpaams, Broken 81eip ::n 1 other unpleaflant and dangeroai flects of an unnatitral condiflon 'f tbc sexual Ctuctïpna In the worst casos of Fluor Albus or Whites, they fffect a spceily cure. To WIVBB and MATROOSIK. aiI',iKU N'S I'II.LS nre oflVed as the only Baf rneans "f n n wingïnierrupted menstruation, but. Ja ADIES MUST B K AR. IX MI II Tï Therc is onc condition of tkefemate 8y$lem in which the PiUs entnotbê Taken wl'hout producing n PECULIAR RESULT. Tkecivdïinnre.ferrtdioUPIlEGXANCY- tJu reault, AÏISCARRIA&E. Suck is the. irresistible, tendevcy of the medicine tnrrfitars scrual f'tc.thns tn a normal condiiion, that cvcri the reproductivo poteer of nature, cauuot resüt it. Ezplirit dirccüons stnting when, and tohen they sliould 11 ot be usrd, with o oh Box,- the Prïce Ouc Dollar cach Box, rèntaining 50 Pilla. .'■)!e Pa n pïi let. t ho had free, of the Agents. Pilis sfnt bij mail prompfbj, by enclosin pnce to any Agent. Sold by Dru ■ t v. R. B. HUTCÏilXG?, Propretnr. 'JO Cidar-St., New York. Kor Sale by MATNARD STEBBLN'Ö & WIION, and GRENVILLE & LUI. LUÍ. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. JÖRYAW'S rüLMOKIC RAFEES TÈB Origtual Medicine Eattiblibed in 1S37, and the firs arttcleof thektnd ever introducen! uader the name o 44 Pülmojoc V.rüü ,;' in thi oi tn any othi coantry all other Pulmonic STafera aro counterfeita 'l : uine eau b knowa by the uamc lïliVAN beihgataaape on eacli WAFEK. Brya.v'w Pcijionic Wafers Relieve CougU,Colds, Stro Tliruat, üoarsenees. BrTAN'8 Pl'I.MOViC WAlTERa Relieve Ast unía, Bronchitis, Diffieult Breathing. Bryax's Pulmoxic KTatkrh KaÜeve Pptttingof Bloo 1, l'ain.s in the Cliest. Bryxn's ('ui.momc Waturu Relieve incipieat Coa&uiaption, Lung Dise.ises. Brtan-'s Pn.MOMC WATma Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsila. IÏrtax'3 Prmosic Wafers Relieve the abo ve Complatntfl ín Tèn Minutes. BíiYAN'h PCIMOKIO WaKEES Are a l lessing to all Claasos and Cnnstitutiona, Brva.v's Pulmomc Watibs Are adapted to Voc:ilists anl Public Speakers. Brtax's Pulmoxic Wakers Are in a simple form, and pleasant to the tasto. Bryas's Pclmomc Wafeiís Kot only relieve, but effect rapM and lastíng Cures. Bbtás's Pcueoidc Wjifkm Arewarraated to givo satisfaetioo to c-vory one Kofamlly nhonld be without a bos of " Bryan'a Pulxnento Wafer ■' in the hotiöe, No travelor should be ïyithoul a supply of 'l'rjiin's Pulmonic Wafers ' in his pocket. No persou will evrr object, tn give for "Bryfta'B Pulmonic VTafers" Twenty-tiveCeutK. JOB MOSE3, SüleProprïetor. Rochtor, X. Y. Sold by Grenvillè & Fuller, and all good droggista In tlia Uaited Staten nul Cañadas. Dwelling to Rent. AGO0D tenant is n-antcJ for the Dwelling House of I). IïiiNxixG, on the Xorth aide of Washington Ft , if;t of División, one of the ni stt_-lesi rabie locattons in Poasession given immediately. For t-rra3 applyto C. II. MILLKX. Aun Albor, May 22, 1SG1. ÉOitf XïiSiBiolixtioïa., rniIE COPABTIJERSHIP herstoforo existing bstween 1 the ui tnder the firm name aal te of B.itcheider V ii.sulc,is this (:iy díssolved by mutual consent. AU femuds in favor of aoüag&lnst fairt Crra wül bescttled byD. C.Bati'ae'.dcr at tlio oltl stand JOHN' EI.F.LE, D. C, BATCUEI.DI R. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 20, 1881 . 8llli6 Ho for the Msmmoth ('alïnet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JüST OPENED IN TIIKIÍÍnew and Elegant War e-R o o iu EASt SIDEÜF MAINSTPEKT, A complete Ktodc of ROSEWOOD; MAIIOGAJNY SETS OF PARLOR FURNÍTURE 1NCI.UDIXG Sofas, Tete-i-Tetes, Ushogany Hoso-Woorl, Black Walnut, l'lnin anJ Marble Xopped O[IROTTl CSAlk[lOr R03EWOOD, MAHOGAN'T, BLACK W.I,XUT, FAN'CY AND COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, 4o. -&L-A S?sS T3 9 Elegant SIIRROIÍS, BUREAUS, SECRETAF.IE3, Complet L'üD-KOUM RETS, INCLÜDIivG LATEST STYLES, -orMATTRBSSES Of the best quality and Different Material In Fact they Have Everythiug with which to f'uroioh l'AHLOl!, BOPDC7R, S1TT1WG KO0M. OK KiTCSEM, AND OUR CITIZEN S NEED NO louger go to Lelruit or Uwbere to fiud a large aisurtnient. This FTJRISriTTJBE mufiut bo sold and will be sold at V E E Y L O W l'KICESI i6 Let every man and bis wifo or guing to be wife COMK A.ND SEIi. Theyalno hT a HEAESE ü ARRIAOS, ■ And aro always rendy to ai;ud to thn biu-ial of tbs I dead iuths adjoiuinj country. Ware-Rooms att Blde cf 5Iain Striyt, bfttVMnWashJBosand Liberty r tf. M.iPTF.V. '"..'"■: C B l:i'rrc0.S'


Old News
Michigan Argus