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A. DE FOR EST, Aiways aheadin Low Prlcee. HAVivr; lUMoVKn ItVBTORB ti the F.-ist o M.iin straft, nne door north of tiuitcrman'a. I m ttow recciving N'ew (Joods, comprfstog all kinds of G:ocernes, Ffüits, Rxlrfeetfi, Glasswar, LatnpH, Ixïolring (;i-8'-ss, Cut'orv, Zilver pl&ted Good LOW E It 'k H A JY E V E K ! prench China Ten Sets, from $L 50 to IS 00 Fr nch China D'fflu r Sets. from 20 ro to 30 0') Btone China Tea fceU, fïm ;i 00 tü 45U ftooe China DHmerStt, in m t öO to 16 60 Beaatiful Ülü Gobleta, 200 pr do. -n tïlasa Kerosene Lonaps from ü" to ' 0 Maiblo Kerosene f,ampfl fr m 78 to S O'J Fluid [mp froni 18 to 50 Ki-r sene OU, goodquality, 60c pwg&Uon a il other Gooda il (,'om ipondïng prïcca. %jf LawpQ of all kimïs altwvd and i epnired. Peoplea ötoro, T99tf A. DxFOStEST. Hangsterfer's ülock. DEA NI CO., l NVTTE (vttentcOn to tlu'ir new stock comprising all 1 kinds of ! CrocKery, Glas3ware, Lamps, Gas Fiztures and ïlojie-furniühiu good-jiiH of wh'ch fhty nre offer ing At ihe Zowcsé Possiblo Raics. Frcnch China Tea Bete from tS 0 io 20 00 French Chin-i dttmfer seta from 25 0ü to 70 0:) Stoiio china Tea ■■'.■tri frcin 3 50 to ft U0 Bione china diniit'r sets from _, 8 noto L0 00 Glasa Kerosene f-ainps complete From 37 to 62á Mai ble Ki rosen1 Lcunps complete l'rom 80 to 10 o t Flaid Lampa from 18 to 62,'á Lcttnpa of all kfnda altercd and repaïred. TROTTING STALLIOKS. ATTENTÏON MH BREELEES. YOÜNÖ II E NE Y ÖLAT, and YOUNG BLAGK HA WK. Young lienvy Clay WAS mised bj Islan PhUUps, of Ontario Co., X. Y. Hts color in a cual black, 16 liancU high, weifïh1 llñO Ib;-. , and in-ver as t ra i nel. :ind oan trot in 3 minuto?, and will I)? ahown ín liaroeaa to any ona wUhing, aml an ;i horscforftll wnrk cnnnot bo sarpassed. as the teaiini . iifals he ri'ceivpd last f;i!l show; lie received a premium attheNatmcal Horae Show at CIaauMoo, eoopeting wiiii two'.ve borses from ditTcrtnt iftatcp, also at ihe late Michigan State Agrieultural Fair, held ia Detroit, competiDg irith 28 bornes, ho also recoiveri the lst premium at the lastWaahtenawCo. Agrieultural 'è&iy, Young: Hiark Hawk Isa mahopfany hay color, 16 hands higl-i, and wölgh" ■i i ;,. r on aad lastiog quahty eannot h1' Btitpaseedfor one never handled moro, Uia gct .shuw.weli aa they can be Êsceo in and tuouod Ann lw haa proved himself a sure foal gejter, Young Bl.ick Ilawk was raísed by Ebenftír Lfggeít, of Stiílwater, ara toga t'o., N. Y , fr-m h superior Bamble, ari'l for furt-Êer p&rtlculara of qu&lttlea und goodnt'.ss, I rsifer 300 toJas. Newlaod, (f tliis ciiy. The abo e horcos may bö seenatxny stable Gn Fridaj and Patunlaj oí' each wrek. San Albur, May8th: 1851. 799m2 BYBON GREEN. Important Natiocal Wcrks, Publiahed by I). AFPIKÏON fe CO., 346 AND 3é8 BUOADWAYNEW YORK The Poïlowing worfcs are sent to 8ub8öriber in any part of the country, (upon receit of retaii price,) by mail or expresa, prepakl; THENKVVAMRRUPÍ CTCIfOFifiDIA; A Popular Dictionary of (íenernl Knowledge. Edíted by Gbo. Ripzjet and Charles a. Dana, áided by a numero u 9 acltíci oorpa of wrftera In all branóhea f-f tícienceí, Art íiii'l Litera ture. Tilia vork ia beíng publishedin about 15 large octavo volames, each containing 760two-coluquo pages. Vota. ., il, ín., iv. v., vi, Vil, vm., & ix. are now ready, oach contáining ncar 2.500original arti ele. A11 aiMition:il volume will be pubüshed ontee in about three moothfl. Trice, iu Ciutli, L; Shecp, $G.5ü; Ilalf r.usala, S-l 50 each. The New American CyclopaHÜü a popular wIlTioui beinp saperOeial, learned without beiug podantic, comprehon.-íivi butaafficiently detailed, fteeíVoni personal lique and party projuilice, tVc-h and vet accurate. It is a complete sUttrawat oíaü ttai te known upoti rvcryimportftnt topic within the scope of human intelligent.- Lvory Important nrticle ín it has bcen spocially writtcn for its ivqh by ijlt: who are aulioitics upon the topic on wiiicu tlioy ppéak. Tlicy are re quired to briñg thé nubjfict up tu the present moment; to state just how it tañan nv. All the stfltlsUcalÍRforraatitraJR fromthe laten reporta; the ;. ■ :oui}ts keen pnce íth the latest exploratíonK; niséorioal Biattera íncludo the freshest jilnt view; tlie biorajhiRÍ noticoK ads nk no oaly of the tleaü but aiáü oí tlie living. It ia a library of itself A iUïDOIiiilE.VT OF TIITí DEBATES OF COiVGUESS Being a Politica! History of -the United State, Erom the orgaateation qf thé first Federal ConKresa iu 178' to 1856. tmpiled by Hun. T110 Hart BESTosr.frojn tiio Official Records of Congreas. The work wiil be cocspletRd in 15 roval octavo volumes of 750 pagos e;ich, 11 óf which aiv now ready. An dditional Fojume will bo publinhed onéein threomonths. Cloth, $3; La-,v bheep, (3.60' Half Mor., $4; Hall Calf, $4.50 each. AWAY 0FPU0CUKTC THfcEÏCLOrSDIA 0R DEBATÍS Furm a club of fóíir, arul reinit the prico of fnnr bookp, and live copies will be sent at the remittt-rs expendo for carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copiüs wilt bsent at our expense for cavnage. To Agcnts. No other work -.v til 30 liberally reward the exertiona of v&cntfl. An Acext WASTEB i.v tuis CoCNTT Tcrms n-.mlc known on Application to the Puuli&berK. Ann Arbor. ar.cb. 1859. R902ñmt -w& Bev Tin?. WmoflTj agent at Kinne & Sraitha Book títore, YpüilanH. 1STE3-W" GOODS WIXES & KNIGHT Aro uott recciringtheir SECON'D Spring and Kumincr STOCK OF GOODS In coascquoDcc of the Great Pressure in the 3MOTSTEY I3VIJ3k.3Fl2S'E:T wc havo been enabled to purchase raany kird of Goods at our own prices. "V'o can sell raoat kinds of DRESS GOUDS for LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in Xcw York S I X WEEKS SINCE! We invite iho nttention of all to an inepeiüon of oar stook. WÜYES & KNIGHT. May 10, 1S61. Ann Arbor Marble Wer's. X Batolioldor II AS ou hand a fino assortnioat of Auuricaa and 1 TA LIA N MA II B L E wtlchho is preparo;! to m.niuKicturo into in all their v.nietics, sai in a WOHKMANLIKE manner. Haring had considerable oiperiiínce in the businpsii be llaiters himfietf that bü wiil be ab! to plaaH all ho may favor me -.vith their orr'er?. ïlis price LO VV AS ï II E LOWEST. thoso wlibing any thiog in ray t'.ae ure rospectfully iu 'ited to cali. D. C. BATCUELDEH. Ann Arln.r. May :0, 1861. 80Hf Oval Picture Frames A LL SIZE3, STYLF.S and PRICE3 juat received and ■ÍÍ- tórsalo chenpat SCÍIOFF & MILLEB'3. 3 1fB0.'c.2-, WOtf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "d7l. wood & ca,; IIATE tOIT OPEXKI) A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, i For the SPRING i SUMMER ïrtde of ltiGl Ilaving purcliased thoir stoclc at much U'sa i [ tlian the usual prices.they are prepared to offer GEEAT 1NDUCEMENTÓ To Cash & Ready Pay BtSyers. Thankful for paBt favors tliey ill bc ever ready to show their Goods and ly fair and liberal dealinjjhope to roceivo tlicir full sliarc of the public patronage. Wtt si do of public square. Ann Arbor April 1861. FORT SUMPTER EVACÜATED. ., Q ... . - . Hack & Schmid R33IKr3ElOH.CED: with ft T r e m e n d o u s Stock OF STAPLE AND FANCT DRY GOODS! GROOIDHIB S, CROCKEHY, SHOES, HATS Sc CjFS, Hüslilili.s Conmi3nceil incamesi! Death to High Prices ! MACK & SCHMID aro now recoiving tlieir SPRING AND SUMMER and wijl sell tliem for the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Gheapcr Than has ever been heard oí insr .A-üNrisr .rbok,. Come One, Come AL', and Lee. C MACK, 795 F. SCHMID. 18(77 "Ï861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.II.MILLEN&CO. Have rcm")verl to tbeir Brtok ?tore riconfty occupltd by A. DuForefit, and are now recaiving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS IOR THE PRESTO TRADE) Among bieb are Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTJFUL NE IV csTYLES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNKTS. RIBBONS, &c, &o. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, &CR0CKERY. Aho an enlire New Stock of Carpets and Oi' Cloths, af New and Beautiul Patterns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PANIC PEICES! Ani wc cin rotisfy all who wH cali an-! examine our 8to.k,tbat Uoociiiaiü Cheaplhis fyring for CASH OR READY PAT. H MLL,LfeN & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus