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Anxprrfeït.ei Xíifc ; mi Femal Í'liv-Vnn, ]ront to tl.e uut-níion ol mi flu-i'. li r SOOTHING SYRUI FOR CílILDREN TEETHIN3; wliicTi ffrf-ntiy fáeftlUtri tlie proeci nf Uetbng , bv, Bfti n ng i be sunis, iucln ull Enífoiuuitit n- wiií Al.LlWlN .-ili-l .iuitnulic ím t ii rul i ' l. SU3E to REGÚLATE ihe BOWELS. Topon.-l upon 't, mi Cacti, ií wíH fí?e nM w )Mtatoftri, und Kcliof' ant] health to yonr Intunts have prt up nnd and old tbis article íor orer T.n years, i.nd CAN' SAY, INT CUNHJjKNCK AND, whet w Vave Kver hem uti'f to n oí", i'iiv oth' rnifili ;:n - NhYI lí llAs l'í KA1J.U IN A SIM, IX IK&TKCK, TO IKH.iT A t 1:1:1:, 'ha t'mely omh!. Kwtraíd we ,i. w m ítu:Ke W dl tatitnetiotí by any . Who ÍifíiI it. On ll)% c' ntnifV, all re dfhghted wltli it npi-r fi-. n-, nnd Kp Hk iaJ trrii of commrodath s oi Ib magicuf f'flVcts an4 rprdi al v "ríiiPf. Wc fjifíik ín tliin" muit r 'WII.T Wl" lo KN'OW," ftftei (■■ v-;uV cxm ritnce, NL' 1 LEI i.K ol'íi Kí-ÍTTATHX FOB THK FUIJIMJU Wt V W'HAl WE Ül RE DF.( 1 AkF. ín a!lu si i .ry ín t;imt iviit t the ijtfi Rt la Hufft r n írom pit'ti uini e.bnuti.ri, reltel iil w iuiíirl in liltun ir tv.tnty m 'di.I'-k afrir Ibi' -;. rup i ,'idinlnistr.rcd. This val j1í1' profMimtion is jrerij titn -f tn; oftiw moit i;xrt:i:iKNri-:) and m:i!,i,hi, MRHfcH ;n N'iw 1 n.'I.n i, aiid bus beeu üed irflh KEVKK n, ni; eucctfwio THOUSANT) OF CASFS. It nt ftclr rilir-vcs thccb'1 1 frin p n, but uivír. rta Míe Kt iiiricli i! n 1 bbweífl, c rfect.-" uriil t.v. nn! jt'' Oii ' n) :nl euorjyr tu tho vbolc ysiem. U vrUI iüiUo.-t n-1r.nily relieve K. ■v.';sr, ni tí:i: bowfl, xri v;m toi.iü rbI f)V(-r vi me amvulnir n ■, wWeli ir 1 itpwrtl? rn. In deuth, V he".pY it tlif HKr '1 auJ SClíEsT ÍIKMKDY m 'lüi: VVORI.I. in 11 f ,f. IíV-.NTUíV and I lARtílIflCl ÍN CHILlAl N, vltl it arnés fr m tet-th'nj, or rr m njiy otht-t cnuw. "Wf. nrriutü wt ( evpry mtthr Vrm h (i efilW infliriK 'r -ín Miv ol t : fi regu ffil nf - IH1 KOT 1 KT V)l_"ií 'PRE.IÜI ÏCÏCS, KOR THK HOTJÜ1 WTH l OTHI'R?, st-n'l betirpcD ven i -i I vi r iffi r Di rMMf' MUÍ t; e raiiof tlwtwUl beSVRK- YES. ,í- 01 l TKLY - to fgJlon me of thU metic'nfl. if Éirocly a4. Pul] i'.io-t'in for us!n will tpan,r wieh b'ttle, i RleHB tU fiía Nimílr i-f CL'IíUb i: 1'KKaN ■ %.' ■ V'H ',- . i, , .(i mr s;.lc' v r-irp' r, .■'l'.í hv Drugjstd thfnugotii !■■' rT4. Principal míe, 13 rcl,r Slv#í. N. . PIUCE CHUY ■ TlK F.rIeby !:;.■ r'-fi .'.- r,,. l;.T7r. .Por the Spcedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissions, Jfcrvous and General Dcbility, Impotacet and all Diseases arisfng frotn Solitary Ilabits or Excessíve Indulgencc. rpiIKRE are thonsands of Young Mstl, as well as Midple X Aüei and Old Me. y, whu are suflV-riiig to some extonc frora the above discases. Many, perhaps, ar; not awaro of thetr true condition, or when assistanee ís really neede-l. For the benetit of suplí, wo herewith give a fcw ff tli tnütt romraon symptoms, viz: Wealuttiis o thñ liwk íukI Limb. Pain Ín thñ Otad and Sidt, DünneM qf Sight, Dot jvmi Wrb before the Eye. Patpitution of the Henrt, DfjppUt, lem Memory, Confusión of Idmx, Dfpresxioii of Spirt', Awmñu to Society, Se! f -Distrust, Timidiy, fr. (V cn-U !nd all f tho above ayinptoms theso romedics will ba fouud m " Soteign Balm. ' Tliese reraediaa threc pnaeripÜODi : A ba of Fa-steh, a box of tferwotu Tonie Püls, tnd a. box of Viril Tonic Pili, all of whiuh Iinye imprtant oSeei to perforw, and shouíd bü nsed togfthor in averj" casi. Thc-ir surerioritj ove, other modcs of treatmeut may bu briefly rtttH u ful- loin, vis: j5" Thfty diminish the violcnce of sexnal oxrítamont. " Thoy i ui mecate ly arrest nocturnal and diurnal einiiliOM. fjfir They remove local waiíno33, causiug tho orgaai to asíumo tlieir natura.] tone and vigor. &&" They strengtlien the constltution by ovarcoming oervr 0U3 debilíty aad general weíikne.i. fly They enlíven the spirits, which are tWBftlly depresíoa, by expelliag all excit?i oiuiflea from tho yeten. J8Tg" By their lavigoraCing proporties thuy restora ib patiënt to his natural ticalth ana vignr of mnuhund. 4 Tliey enre when all other inans h:ivn failed. JO" They contato no JUamrrv, no Opium, nor amtljiug that can in any o vent prove injurions. JJ5" Thoy a're un anl pleasant to use, nl wül not intorfere with the patient'd usual butineu or pfeasftr. itt They can bo ustid witlivut auspioion, or knovled; of even a room-niato. That they may com? wtthln tlio raacU of sil, we hnv ttx+á the price of the I'astth at S' I":'" box, and tlie 1'tlU tu M eunts per box e.ich. In onterfaú hv m.iil. Ín idditton lo tha i price, twelvo ceats ia stampa shonlil be fuoloscd for rvtmiv, j postage. É- LADTES in want of a ?nfe Mitl efTrtual iJl Jftense$, or any Üi.wase pecnllú to their scit W riwaidufl Gatkss FEHaije MothLt Tills. Pri:?. bjf mail, St an'l vut Utinty. jfí&t Cautio.v. - Theio Pilli ibouM not b nwJ Á. durin prtgnQMCy, a.' miscurrin%ñ irUI hv l; LADÏE9 who, fmm [lUhealtti. itfiMBnitjr, or any other hnmmo aud feASopftbl eatisq, ii.--in It nace-, iarv to avoid an increaso of family, can do m whhont tnour ring daneor to bcalth or coastitntioB hy th um i' -'f. ï ; Cruux's French Precentice Powders. I'i'ifie, Ly Bil, $1 nuil two stamp. These Povrdori can oníy be oV.aíuod by adc!reeLins til. General Agents, n belovr. Send for I)r. Oatbs's prívate Medical IwnH on Serwu JjiK'MtS. I'UICE TK CEM3. Addresí. H. G. MILLEn Jt CO., Goerí ARWtti, F.r" by MA.TXARD, STE13BIXS, AJWI! SOX. yTScin Anrc'Arbor, Hioli. I'ROK L. MJLLEh'S ÍTÁÍtt INVIGOEATOlt. AN LiTKiiTv ï;, SAF' .i KCOXOMiCAI. COMi'OL'ND FOR RKSXORIN'J GIUY IIAIU to Un original i-oicr wi;;4. out dyDg, and prevéala H.iir 1'rnm Lurntng Riar, KOK ru:;.V:.NriXí BAL! SKSSfthd tnHiigiwhfií in tlie legmi tíurttcp ol' vitaüly or ivci.p íi.Livc fiicrgy rewaininï, FOIÏ IIFMOVUÍC; LCUBF AND rAXDr.fïT, aiu1. til cutaFOit BEAï)'irV;Nij THE ÍIAJIí, impartlKgto au urcunU'rvl gioss miu lnilüancy , mftlciug il ,-uft :vinl !K r in tti tc'i 'in1 (Hl ! muitlDL t lo i-uri tfckiliïy. Tiif grr-ii Clébri) a;i i U; töicrtsitiög liumiaml frr llii unequalled pr'fpnation, cunrincu tut1 iroifftur (1 rI :i. trial is ónly nweniMiry Rflifafy a di-crrnií'íípiílilic of il iuptriotqualitiw iiver npv.oíher prpjaratj&ji t prewa' in um). It clean ;ea Ihc i. a ' nd Bcálp írr.m dondrvffmn ot her ftiltonwi ïtt$tmt9i ('aust'.s tho lir lo jnt r lu iir :-:■! '; - ; no vesi' a i'ieli, sott, plosí-j nnü ficxible :- pearnficc,arnl ui.=.rf wbere 'lu' halr looxfiihig anri ibin niiij?. it wil gp- ütrccgth aii.l vinr to.iha i ot. 1 , , h mi t-sfi re the growtl l t] orh parta ujcb lmvc bccoscè b.iM, eauKiitg It to ytéhi hjesh core-ing off,ar. 'iVlo-ro Ai-' LUürecU of ladia and genth-nwn i. Xw Voik whu have ha! Llifir lialr rcston-U by th ■! uf tlii.- [avigwator, wliwa uil oihor ptvparafiuiti hml fiUd. L M. ha in bid i ttfai .-.'u !e lestifjins to the ü'dovo facts, Trnin pontons of the liiht-iit renprcta bility. I; will efSrattiállt1 prevpat h hnnfrom tvin eray unUl the latü.s! eriod of Ijft ; uiul in eau wiir.t the hnlr has changad ík eíslor, Iho vio ïnror&ff.r ■.vul witlL-fi-iainiy rtMort it to iis ariginêl hit , givn i a fbtrk. glossy apjieaninc. As a pe rfi me fnr tlit' ti-ilrt in ' a Hir hesturatïvc rt is part eularly roeoiumn'X híivíiig ,m ngltcoable friifrancc: rnr if grtiti fncüitifii it affuiil in drtfing the ha ir. nh'ch, w lien molat witli tlit Invigorator c.n.n be Aywmeá in nnv rwjuíred forra u h t prtMervo-Ufl pbict, hliether plain ir in bnra the (rr("#t acmfiod lor it liy t ï i . la i;cs &$ n standard toilet arfí'ctííihicb none ftuht tn bo withftut, as tlio rric places it wit kiij the reach of all, twtag ONLY TWENTF-FIVE GEKT por bofí'.í'. tp li: )ul ,it a-U nBBycnt&blq Jínjist11 hH pcrñi m rs . ) SllfXfcR wmiM cftíl fíi ntfcniinn of furent nnft Guarip.ins t Ihe uv of iuTi{cnrir. In t?i é fl licitt the chiMi 'ns' lïnif pnoÜues i" bo pak. '11 r nf it ■ ' . ttfi l ■ [1 rrmov.' soy inpu'.-iiio-j tliii umy lipve t-eerme ciriiurt kU9 Hip pralp, thoremorál of n h:cli ;sncMy 1 nlh f r 'V. Q future p[.t;nec rt ita Flair. r.rT!-.- imm'ño tHÍíakI ti pft' HiníTr r nrra :il Mulvfciine on rhe mi ter rrmpfr: nto I-. MUI ÏR'H IIATH IXVIOOIÏA'ÏOR, N " . M W] ■'■ ■ i ■ D ; ■■" 5 . ■ ■ '-! . ;ii: i v , , ! -i by a" tl urinciplo an-ï I'ru;.'jist thr#i ■'-rld. LitH 'aUiiscouBt io iurch.V(Mt. ! the cupMty, I .il-;o to t K?ent to the At 'ricati ÏHAHe vn4 New & Improvod Instantaöootta Ziquid Hair ïïye which nf:cr vears of scientifie Pxpenrecuting I Kare brought tn perfectïoij. 1' ïyes hlacli or bfown in=iant]y without injnry to the Ilairo: -kin unrranto:1. the best article (jf the kin 1 ín exÏBtcvcé. PRICE ONLY FXTTY CENTS. DEPOT, 5G DE Y ST., Xcw To-, 762yl DO YOU WANT WIIISKKUS? DO YOU WANT WH1SKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WAXT A MTISTACHE? BE LI. !Ni; HA VI 'S cn.i :;:: ',ted STIMUUTIXÖ OXGUi'XT; For Ihe Waís!í2r3 and Hár. TM t nlwcrïbo tal pl asure in r-nnnuncirg tn iho Citizenftof tlio UoitedriUten, thut thvy iiavc ubUÍDíd icy (or, and nr nnw oiinhlH t" rtffW rn th , AntMÜeaD puhlic, tbo (tbure jutl oelcbMMitcl .nul world rnoivneJ avticlp, ■ THE SÏHTJLAÏ1ÏÏG GNC-UENT Ík nroparofl by Dr. C f'. Dkluoilim, an euine&t phruicisQuf Lou'dou, rtart is,:u".eú tobring out a tbick iet of Whiekers or a Mustachs 'l in frnrat'irto to ix wr-ol Tbif aTtfole :s The rnlv nno of th k n.l usad by . au4 iu Londt aui Paris it i.- in universal tiKf , It wa boa ut i Í ui, odononttcal, Ho,-iTifg. fei pfimulnlin opmpaaad aotiutas i ,..-. lypts, catiting a beautiful protrth nf [-.txurlüijt hair, Ff aJJtd Ln t h Bcalp, tt will ■ . ;. i oaus lo apriiijyyy ia jitace oí tlie ïviM jo'k :i iirj.;1 (.■"■wt h of ïnr UaWy Appüod accorfiioj.T to mrootins, it uü! turn mr rf twj hairiUHit, rv, . .... original }olftx I ivil , ' .■ li.. "OnGCK.nt in hu iadfepefefotltle' "nr y jfirntlemaB tolU t# I jröuid uot 't-v oonaii'or;iticn be wïthóut :I. ThesubaeriberRarvthc on!y AjreDts f r ihe ;iriM-lein tbc ünitei1 Stati;, tfl wLüm%) I to ruWrespcd, ' ne i ollar (ibox- forwv!o h 1I OiugmiK an1 h tVv nl ;", , , ■ intól'io hvo tjjdircdolïoct) will any ho cUy-iff it, 1,y urii' [il .;vi). ■ ! nn ri-cuipí uf iííle au-J poatagc L1.1S. Apr-'y to mir a4drsh ÜO-UCI L. Mi-.iiEMAN &CÜ., Ayer's Cheny Pectoral:


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