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FÍRE! F5RE ! WESTEHX M ISS.1CHUSF.TTS Insurance Company . C ASI I C A PITA L &4&H Pl VS'. rxrEjn. se 30,000. w. y. strí:n;í, Agent A r: 11 Aib.r. M-n-oli 20, ltfGl. 7!)t.f LIFE !ISt.ACK. Tho Connecticut Muual L:"fo Insiraic} Company. Accumulnted Capital, - 8:5,500,000. W [1,1. ÍN -I ÜK1.IVKS fdi ni v nliKiuiit nut exri'ril.iiï $10,0 K) fur the whote ti-rin ol'l.ifc c.rfor a term of vi-jir., "ti tho mtitt h-rin-. N.H Tin' CiMli:i:i!i_v ii jMMi-lv nliitnal :hh1 tfce polirv hoMen get all tlie nurpliiii rer U.o t"c" cost Af nsnranee It aeoomndaie i lio nsnrcl Uie M'ttl.-nií'iii (f ilu-ir ON I.IF1-: POJ.TClft, if dMinQ, b,v Inklng n ante fúr tm haiftlni ainHlfitT&uarfng iutorvat u W ht i-i. ni, fl .11111'. 111. Dividend are Dcclarcd Annuall;)! .ïtl'l Hincè Ihf;.' nflw :un npit (ti Fi-rv [T ciMit on (lie prrniitiiii, c.:isli únl nnle, nn'l .iré increaslng tbey br .:p]i]u-'! lo onnesl Ihflnntos. iíT The mies nf prpininnix mviwIow ;is imv othe? rc-(...nilil.' l'niH':MV :itlfl tllC ljlf_'r íii-i-ninillilll'il fullil of f ;.:.. (i.imn i -v.-uiviv liivented, a m:.v be mu hy refer.■ li. rutí-ni -ni inrulc Hccoi-ilin' to la, mi ÜU' in ihoutBottüf Uie Countj Clcik.nt Ann Ai'm.i. JAMES üUOl)WIN, l'n l. FrirUnhtraapplyto JAME!) C. W.VTSdV, IBSj 1 Agent ;it Ann Albur, MUli. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulatcd Jin, 1300, 81,707,133,94 MOIÍRIS FRANKLIN, Pretidetf, J. C. KKXDALL, V,rc PresiArvl, PLIXY FKEEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED wlth theCtmiplrolWof Stat f Xcw Vork. Iividoadn avvi'iígr 40 per cent. annuiiHy. ASSETS. ('a-h In Bank, . S .11,M5,49 Inviwted la ecurlílo, oroatixl iimli'r tho law.sof lh Sülto r N'cvv Y..rk ;iii.l c.f th L'. S., Í08,ST0,79 Itonl E-ate nd Fixturc-, Hot. HJ iiml 114 n,.,;,.lway 132,450 04 l'in'ls tul Mort'íaijos ílniwin 7 ít ct. nttrosí íS3,yy8.39 Siitr [-.■ccivf'l tur 4n n-r cent ,01 jtrciniunis 00 HfE policios, bí'itrinjt hitfrost, 675,Iil.).S. (Juartfrlv and átiDlaDDusl pmntamii,dnc subsoquPDt'to Januarv 1, 186Q 20,550.38 'ntereat ccnxeil u lo Jim. 1 . isro, 3fi.4SR.77 Renta uerueduptojin. 1, li6t), 1,TOC34 l'reinininsitn poUOlte in hauils of Adonis, -ti,44í.l! ti ,787,183 .24 rir WttlÉmS Lkwitt, Medical Kx.iminors. 74ïtf .(. ;H.I!i:iiTSMITll, Agnt Insurance Agency I C. H. MILLEN ts Tin: AiM'.NT f..i Hw fnllniring lii-st Hitan mmiMnles: IIIDIK IXMHANCE COMPAKY, of New York CKy.- CipHal ond Surplua, SI ,rji:o,H0O. CITY PIRE IXSlRAVfE COMPAXV, of Dartfbld.- Capital aml Surplus, $400 000. (OXTISE.VTAL I.Sl"ASCF. CO3IPAW, o( y.irk dt.- Capitel and Borplo, Sloo.noi). Tin imrtora af the nett profitfl In thii Caiuian3 u dinded ;iniuiall among its policy holdera. CJrl MII.I.EN Ann Arlmr, DwmWr 13, 1SC0. fr.i778 Conway Fíie Insurance Co., Of Conway. Mass. Capirnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Casb), - - 26!),96:3 12 Liabiüties. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogéis, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y. Presiden!. DIRECTORS. j s wrriTNKv l BontiÁH, w. f.i.t.iott, s IIOWI.VNn D C. MiOlI.VÜAV, K. I. MOKGAN W1IÏ BF.MEHT, JOSIAII AI.I.IS. A.H.BU'I.EN W. U. niCKINSON, W.T. CLAP!1, U. C. R'J(íKHsAun Arbor References: Dr. E WEI.I.S, L. JAMES. L. DOIOE, NOCH JAMES. CAPT. O. S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Aircnt. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & "IRÉ INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capítol, - - - 8500,000 .me of the HKAVMST, SAfKST aml BtXT Imaurauct Co's. in the U.S. Duufea "i rea"ñable tenns, and al mya paj promptly. Thfit i no bettor Firc Iusuranc Coínpany. Mo ney Wanted. rho wül'l LeudMoncyi ÍAM B8QUEBTED BY8EVERAL rER.S()N.S tu obtain uioil'-y for thein at Ten Per Cent I itere st, (OrMore.) K,,r any im willinü to lonil, I can at unce Inyett on f.iod nnenoumberel nbuiiilint REAL ESTÁTE locurltj any urna ol muney nl soc that the title aodMcurhy Ín Al 1. KKilIT. - The borrovvcr pavincallcipsn.ïei!, incliKlinj! reooSag. " K. w. .mi;,x, Ano Arbor, Gct. 7. 18S0. 715tf General Land Agency. PERSONS wanting farms, o r rcíldcncod n ornoo Aun Arbor, can by callingonme electfroma list ofover IOO Farms For Sale! Ofvarlou !lzC6 trom :t, te K0 aoronoach ;(some ai good iBanyinlhisConnty.) Murcthan 50 Divelitis llouses n'hUTlty.rromtwo bundred to fourthomnn do Hrsoach: and ovar 2 O O r.(JltDINO LOTS! Amonglliefarm aro the lüBhcpetariu . OOOaoraa, thö I'otr.(;r fartn, i n fïreeu Oji'k, t'ne IMncefarin , (t j i 4o lacros, thcBInmlonnnil Jc-nks farms, in Webster; th' BtobK, Mirhacl Clancy, Newton Hni'gan, and l'allah.ii farm, in Ann Arbor; J . Kir.fc'sley'4 liirm, inPitn!in,lthi; IHtch and Hink larins in l.odi: tlic Patrick':iayufnrm in Frendom; W. 8. DaTim, B. (5. Bnker í mid Rur.k'n farms indylvan. Mostt thnse nd many o'.hcrs can be dlvidedtu sult ')UrohBBCr' E.W-MOIGAN. AnnArboJ. Jan lst 18SK 5:1 j jy VV . JM O R G A N , Agent lor Jlí. Mutual LifrlnsnrancrCinnimny, N""'1 "rk. AcoumolatedAaaet, - - $0,360,000. loading Ufe [nsorance Company in thc I . S. Kolckorbocker Ufe huurance Companj, New ork, - a lirst da Cu.- terms reasnnable. lt.imbuldi Kir laeonnge Uompanj, Xcw Ynrk. Capital, 'th ahu'jíc surplus, - $2011,1)00. Peoría Marine Kne lmuranrc Co., IVona Ul. - hntv r Ko. 1 riif Insurance Cu's. 7O7tf Opital, - - - $500,000; L. F. RANDALL, HEALtNO IN PIANO FORTES, MEL0DEONS, SHEET Music .y Musical Murcliandisc. JACKSON - - - MICII. FIÜNO FORTES froto tho míinufactory of A. II. CALE Jt CO. of New Yurlí, for whom 1 unagt. I will warrant Influíoi to nono, Id style of Alliab qti:mtity 01 quality of tone and prouiptoess of actlon MELODEOJSTS, miinrnrr.itrel by TRKAT .V IJXST.EY K"ew ir.ivon Tonn& kstky t OREEN, of Bra(Ubon Vt. I will w:irrint superior to anjr In thepurket in erery respect thnt porteüu . ttu good qiiíllitít's ( a McUnJiMín. I Oil li)in) and ni constaiitij reeoivtng 1 1 ni ti tlic jmblifherH Inrc qtiantí.-í. of the most poLMilar SHEET MUSIC whíí'b I íll enl by mail t" ny part of the country, ou recapi "i" nwiked prtoaA. A rowI usoxtmont of GUITARS, VIOLINS, HANO Stools, Bows Strings, Instructions líodks fur all instrunipntB, CHURU MUSIC BOOKS Glee Boohs Sfc., Ifc., Spe. Tli1 u.-mil dUeounl to the Profesión. Musical Intttruincnts tuuoii anl rciairel and wtlgtactloaguaiaiiU o in evpry rmiiect. J.ITKT I., r BAXPAl


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Michigan Argus