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A BK XOW Ol'KNING, M.ïMT Kl.'OM l'l'IiUHlki AND Mamiíucturcrs, n NVw Mul Complete rit ock 6l LAVV &. MEDICAL UOUKS, School Hooks, Miscellar.cous fímk-i. H'i.nU Ronk, dan stroA.rpxojsTjs n -v i V:i 1 1 and Wiii'l'.v 1':i[iit, Drawiug aol MiUhoinnlica) Inttiiinonts. Music. Juventle l.ibraric-, Ktivilti's, Inks nnd Cunl. GOI.D And all. ol?er kinds of Pens and Pctcis Wiii'lmv Cornfce, tthailetf and Fixtur1, POCKET CUÏLEHY! Anti i-vcryihin-r pcrtalnlng to Uie tnwlo, und more '.■ wltinithry wrmlij r, ;■ ttn' :itli-ntÍMii (il the emmiry. ïn oitndoctftig out bi sfne, w'o nhali !■ uil tlial eau .i.nn-,s) thai ri" rcAHoQftbte man, wctuuii of cliiM shall Jiti'i ;u)y t':tult . W boMonfi footlittefl wlitch will cnubto u to Rnpptj mu ftomors at (hu Lowest Poesibíe Figures. 'f pTApocetoaoilfor BEADY PA Y, ata amolIodTance. Wl expecl a prvfit "ti our gootlnj but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. .■ h engiigad tho serviros oí JAMES V. SPA!.I'IX( , Iicrt'fini :ut' iin'parod to furnish Visiting, Welding and all othcr Carda wrilten lo order, with ncatness and dispatch, by mai' or othcrwise. Tlte "Kmi'irk lio'tK Stokk." ís manned by aíonl 'er,1 mi thcv will alv:ivs h' founil 00 tito "quartpr d60k, roatly anti willink to atleud to all with [ilcusure, who wilt favur Hu-m with a cali. Líemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Am Aroor, Mar, 1S40. TJf THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - oí-- O O DO & GOODS I'TIOM AUCTIOM. Facts for tbs People WASHTEN _A_ V"7" ADJOTMiNG COUNTIES ! And tlieir numeróos quostions nnswerod. Why Evrrybndy trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, the Prpprietorol tlinl Establishment hasjcal retumed from the Easicrn OitlCBWilh tho Largeat, Handsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractivc Stock of STAPLE AXDFAKCY DRY COODS! ever broiiijlit to tliis part "f the State.; W'hy is Ecwtjbody plcuscd witk kis Stock? Beccnm Wtyte ■■"' 'n"rl' beiBiilui, qtnIHjr ii-ilT,aml pur.-., ..wrr t]i:i!i :tt :HIV (ttlu'f slou in thi' BOQIltjr. Wiy has he alway Siimething New and Clicap to Show? BeetiiKObahMiMmi! eooneetéd with one of Iho l.v wat Dryü lsHou#inNew Vork, who la eonUnuaw " UOI1B1N0 ttOIJfV" for ctaoap bargalnsnl il' lal c stylcs u tl-y sppoar from time to Urne :m.l lu thi wy Iteops Wm üupplisd rltb -.vl-s. .-ind cuossqunoKï onstomen canalway fiuU jiomothing Vrch , í;EV DESIRABLE Why does he srll so much Cheaper than the rest? BoöUlMhOhOJ hiiyor n the cjto all the timo total adrsntagc f the continual eling of the maVkat, nd in thiit ni by hta goodi much cheapor thao other cïd, anètnei ne marku them down tot IJIOT7Ü-I3S11 FIGURES. Why does he stil Ladiet' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper litan was ever hcard ofby the oldest Shoemakvrs? Bocauso he buyn liix tocï in tlio lanfl "f .luiciiial ers, of the mnnrAietaniK, roBj -'S (KT cent ehenper thuii tlie New Vork Jobber ell tliem, and much bettnr wort than thygenerall) k--tJ. ihiH counto unable hbn lo Betra liCtUT G ai ter for 35 Cents. than otberamttnt 60 eet,aBil a hetter KOXKD (A1TKH at óOíents, thiiu otbon U at ;ri cojqU. Has he au y Kats and Cnps? Ye,I Khould think he has staokí at them, cnoufch to anpplr the Stata, at prfoea lower than wafl overheardol rouMlhéM parts. W7;j is Af Tea so much brtl-.r for the pricc you pay than you gel al otner places? PaCIHIM he takwgreat care in slectin it, aml giVOtfhil ciwtomerfl the benedtof a real gooBTS cent TEA TOR 50 CENTS, It is a wmj he has ffot. Where thould you go to gel your CLOTIIS and have them Cut or Made? Ito the BAXN'Kll STOKK, hen the People'i Banner c unfiirledfor the iviple sgixni. Suuth sidc of Public Square, a fewdoora vest of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sepl. IS, lsi-0. 8tf MANHOOf How Lost and How Rcstored. Just Puhhshed ina Sealed JËnvtrloptj A LKCTl'lïK ON THE NATURE, TUKA'l'MKNÏ AND RADICAL CUBE OF SPERj-ATORKHOEA, or Seminal WeaktWM, Sexual Dfbility, Nervoiwoess and invoiuntft ry BmlÑtonfl luduolng unputtnoy, and Men tul and I'liysir;tl fnea -:icity. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green Book," $c. Tbf vorld rooowned aaibor, in tiiis admirable Lector ch-riily pTOTtfl f toni bis uwil 6XperlB0fl tfuit the 8 wful eonaequenees 6faelfbusemay b cHetuatlv rciftovod vrtthout medicino and nithout dangerons norgical opera' itoiis, iiuuffics.iii-tmniciits, rlnga o cordial, polntltij? out a mode or cure at once ct-itain and ffectual, hy u-iiich cviTv BulTerer, po imtter whnt hls conditton mny bo.may cure liiinlf chrtiply. pritaidy and rtiflically.- This Lecture ill prove a boon to thousands aml thouKandp. Kent nnder Boal to anj addrew. pont pald. nu iho recelpt "f two poiitnge stmnpn. bj adareraing Dr. CÏJ. .1 KLINK, 17 Bowfciyi New Vori Poít liox, 4(58O. 7fiS "BUY YOUR "CLOTHING Cleveland Clolhing iJousc Wbere they qow soil Wintor dothlng il groitly ÏEIDXTCEX) PRICES, A teivilnors West of C'ook's Hntcl, Uuron Strwt, Ann Arbor. ' 782tf A; & C. LOEJ3. lÍREATMllGrAIJNS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. tv. iiavi: AdAiv i:i:n.l:ism:n OCB STORE TVlTli i i Uw inosi nplvnilfil Stucfc üi Gr O O BSf I th-it AV.VS ofTnvil in mij One vtttablfchroent ii } llir Muli-, ;i!i .C wlifoh Ml lier lul' OAê-M O[& [PG3O[D)(yjO[i j is tÓW EU ma fOuBd in the Tuion We want Money ! in'l M-ill male Great Sacrifices on Anyiïiin: 1 we lime to obtuhi it, nt xcefrting OLD NOTES ATs'D ACCOUNTS ' Cniiliullv illVÏlft ALL CASH CÜSTOMERS (íw.-íU inri ctiiiEiny our Gooil an Irlcfs. Wfl ala 1 invite mr Prompt Faying Customers f to ëonu) and buj theïr pplies fot tlie'NVmlcr. ToOiopi üauhful OOM i h;i ;ui' iil'rukl to culi, n ii say lo ili.-nij tok eoorafto SEXjXj Your "'CVI-Xïï-ïi-rr ■vitlimit longer waltihgfbr liighcr pricos, come in, ï (ild scores, and Uien , .it raoh jiriccs i-, wiü m ke np all lomea It is kudl . nrnnfinf ij to emnnemlcour (Joods, tor We have Everything! A Ijirgc issovtiiiont of UAIÏPETING, CKOtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINKS, GLOEEIES, TAINTS, OILS, :iat GA I'S, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTTONS &c, &c,, &c. , O IL IL A 55D OH[E[y)OS (71510 .MAYN.W'.n. K:!.I:1:S k WII.SO . Stoves &. Hardware ! IlSDON & HKNDERSON Have now irSturoa lagasnortmonfrof Hardware and House Furnishing All corkvUlbeaoldssCHEAPuataa; othcr Ks ablislimcnt in Michigan, They bavgóttlie Best Assortment of Cooking P A Te ZOU AND l'LATE S TOV E3 ÍS I3T THIS SiT-A-TlD, Apd will sellthem Choaper than THE OBEAPlST, Plotse cali ii ml si-p. AH ktutlfi of tin wnre knpt on hand. Particular atteotion paid lo - ■. 1 1 kfada of 7 OD 123 s' CD Si LSSL; VThldi U be dona wltli AViVl laKSSS A ND DISPk TCIL c:il'.:iln'. SCé Hi.h STOTÉ I'.IKIM in '_M sl'M-i' ut Eïew Bloak RISDON & HENBERSON. Aun Arbor, 6, 1861. U . BIiIS S nnsDuiinnanminnmnnRiaitinaBniinufflntDnninnRsnnmnnirrBnññnfnii Still iu the Field! wrra a LAIIGE STOCK of GOODS in my Une direct tVom New York, Boston, .in,! tb e Manufacturers! I have juat received a largp an'l rpll selccted asflnrtmcnt of CLOOKS, WATCHES, J JES "W E Ij R TT. SILVIHÏ & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankee Notious, fee. T wouldcíill particular attention to my lurgc stock of SPECTAOLES, of Gold, fcrilver, Steel, and Plated, with PER S C O P I 0 GLASS A suijorior ïirtii-le, and agIVftt vnnrty of arïielos ia ibe CHEAP for OA.SH. l'crsonc bavuig difleult nmichm.) 'fin w!th glaaws, cnii bc :ii-i-mninnilnlfl (ij) lm -t"K i e .ui l . ■ i . 1 1 1 pletu , I" s, Particulrr attei ( u pold ■ i uf all kinds of Fine Watckw, sneta a Making1 & Setting New Jewels, l'INIONS, STAI'KS and CYI.INDERS, nlso CLOCK8, AND JEWELKY, Ropalfed and warracted. C. BLISS. Angna Mj isr[. -(iSlf Ayer's Ague Cur, Ayeres Sarsaparilla A compouitd reraedy, designer! to be the most oüi'ctiial Altovatie tlmt ean be' mide. It i. i a concón trnted extract of Para Sarsaparilla, mi combined wlth other substanees of stil] greatev alterative power aa to aflord on efíbctive antidoto for the (lisiases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed thnt gúch a remedy is wonted by those -who suffer from Strumous complairAs, and that one which will aecomplish theii curo must prove of immense service to this large clnss of our arflicted féllowcitizens. IIow completely this eompound wil] do it luis been proven by experiment on mnny of the worst cases to bc found of the following complainfs : - ScilOF.UIA AN"D SCROFfT.OfS CoMPI.AINTS, EltUPTIOSS AXI) EllUPTIVE DiaKASKS,, Pimples, Blotciie, Xl-mous, Sai.t Rheum, Scali) IIkad, Svi' and Stphilitio Afl'ECTIONS, MERCURIAL Dl8B ASE, DltursV, Xtl'KAI.GIA 011 TlC DoULOUREUT, DlilSII.lTY, DïSFEP9TA axi) Indigestión', EuTSifEEAS, IIosk or Sr. Axtiiony's Imrh, and indeed tho whole class of complaints aridng from Impuiuty oi' THE 1ÍL00D. This eompound will bc found a grettt promoter of hcaltli, when taken in tho spring, to cxpcl the foul humora which fester in the blood at that season of the yc-ar. Hythctimely expulsión of them many rankling disorders aio nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare thcmselves from the endurance of foul cruptions and uleerous sores, through which the system will strive to lid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channcls of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cleanse out the ritiated blood whcnevev yon Bnd its iinpuritira bursting through the skin in pimples, cruption1;, or sores; cleanse it when you iind it is ob structed and sluggish in tlic veins ; clcanso it whenever it is foul, and your feclings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder ís feit, peoplc enjoy botter hcalth, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is veil ; but vith this pnbulum of lifo disordcred, there can be no lasting health. Sooncr or later somcthiiy must go wrong, and the great machinery oL lifo is disordercd or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of aceomplishing these end. J!u tho world has boon egregiously deceived 1 preparations of it, partly the druj, alono has not all the virtuo that is chiimct for it, but more bccausc many preparations pretending to be concentrated extracta of it eontajji hut littlo of the virtuo of Sarsaparilla or any thing elsc. During late ycars the public havo been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quar of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mos of these have been frauds upon the sick, foi they not only contain littlc, if any, Sar.sapa rilla, but often no curativo proporties wliatev er. Heneo, bitter and painful disappointmen has followed the use of the various extracts o Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous wnh imposition and cheat. Stil W8 cali this eompound Sarsaparilla, and intciu to supply such a remedy as shall rescue tho name from tho load of obloquy which rest upon it. And we think we have ground foi believing it has virtucs which aro irresistible by the ordinary run of the discases it is intend cd to cure. In order to secure thcir complete eradieation from the system, tho remedy shoulc be judiciously taken according to directions 01 the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlcc, $1 per liottlc ; Six Bottles for $3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for tho cure o every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, thut it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, whcrever it has been cmploycd. As it has long been in constant ose throughout this section, wc need not do more thai assurc the people its quality is kept up to the bes it ever has been, and that it may bc relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, ron the cure op Costirencss, Jaundicc, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, TJy.icntery, Foul Stomach, Hrysipclas, lïcadaclte, Piles, IUicumatism, Eruptions and Skin Discases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and Salí Rheum, Worm, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dininr Pi!,', and for Purifyinj the Blood. They ave sugar-coatcd, so that the most sensitivo can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient n the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Fiva boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clcrgymcn, Physituans, Statcsmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparallelcd usefulneas of these remedies, but our space herc will not pennit the insertion of them. The Agents bclow namcd furnish gratis our American Alm.vxac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not bc put off by unprineipled dealers with othcr preparations they makc more profit on. emnml Ayer's, and take no others. Tlic sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should Kitc t. AU cur remedies are for sale by M..,.N..,.i; , i.i.iu .NStfc (VILSON, and hy all Druggigte mm] Dealera everywhera. J. I5URR1LL, Traveling Agent. As a poriën 1 S(. tnscliio proparaifon ofIRON pnrio&d in Oxygon : ii' ! Carbon by oombuètioo in Bydrogen. teliniii'i! tin1 bigbost Medical Authorlifetj i")i)i ín Ku ropeand tho UjaitedStatefl,ftndpreact1bediii thelt practico Tii'1 experferêcof tliouMUdo daílj provo tliat m preparationoi Fron can bo cumpa red -.viiii f. [mpnritlefl Of llic blood, , lU-jiri'sMMiis of rfla] c:ut.-i . '.! '■ .'Mul nlhfruisi' -iriviy coi iplexlona indlcatefl Itfl uooosslty to almoat cvory coneeiTable eaw. [droxIous in all maladtea n wWob i' ba a i n i ried, hae provodftWuutely curativeineaeb i tin foUowing coffiifln'nts, viz: In Deblllly, RTcittoiu AfTcitlniiS, Emnciadon uyapcpftln, Constlp&tloii1 Dlnri'htra, Dysente)j'. tnclplcnt Cohaninytlon, Scroftilous Tu 'nu !.-i 4, Sat ftAcam, MhwnilrvVki, Whlirs, :!:!.;■-:-■. l ,.-,■■, ComplamtB. (Jhronic {,adadtc$t Ilhcünafta, intermitían Ftw, Piñtplm the Face, &c tnca.seol ürxeh iLj;Emurï,whotl)cr tbcresull ofou1 ■ iliscü.-Tj or ot' tli' cöntinocd dimlnntlon of nervotia mul eoergj from ohronlo oomplainta, one trial of this rentoral ive haa provod succcss'ul t" ;m otont whioh do dcfcriptionjQor writteo attentation would n-nder credlblc. Invalida s long bpdrldden is ta luivo bccomc forgotteo in Uielr own aeighboi boodtt, h&resuddeuij re-nppearcd in the bnsy wmlá aslfjual itlurned Drom protracted travel inn dlslani land, Sorae ■■' nal ins(aiiccs of iliis kind, ■"■■ atteatedof femata ■ ■ -■■i victiins nf appareni marnsmus, sanguine ma exhaufitlon, crltioal ehanges, and iliat i-cmiplicatioi: of nr ï'vou.s and dyspeptic ai ordon t air and oxorölse toi nrblcb the pbysicuiD bus do name. In N'sqvora AFFKCnoxB of i)! ktöda,aDd for reasons fa)nili:ir t medical men, tbe operaKon of tbu preparatlonof iron mustncccs;nii_v besalutary, for, unlikt; the oíd oxides, Itfn TigorousJj tonifl wit hu ut bi'intf excitinK apd overiieating; aqd gentfje, rognJaflj anerleni, even the m"t o!'t iü.'itr c.'ist's ii f ooauTenesii vritbotij even boing a gaiftrtc purgativo, or InSlctinga disagrccable sf-nsation. ii Es thls lattor ropcrty, nmong otbers, which niakes it m emarkablj cflectoal ano permanent :i remedv foi ViUat upon which it al-so appears lo exort adisíincí and ['■ eilic actiuu by dtsperslng the local teniicucy uhich fonns them. In Dvsi'Kj'M v, iiiinnncrnlilo asare ils causes, :i Btngie box of those Chnlybcate l'ills have oftep uffleed For mu t habitual caaes, loeluding tho attendent Os:ircilfiSrt l.i K'hcckcdPuRundiA, oven when aivanced to Jhjstn trnf ponfirmed, emadatlng and apparentlv malignan t, tbe effeott haviog heen ciuilly decisivc an iistonishmj; In tho Local pauutlou of DMh4utdetreogtb,debiHtatlng ronjíli, and romlttent hectic, which genemlly indícate Inöpimt Confiitqnioit, m sevoral vcry gratilyiiig ud1 ntcresting mntanoes. In ScrofiUou l'uhcrcuolsis, liila modlcated Iron bns had far more than the gnod offieofs of the most cautioual_v balanceé preparatlonti of [odfne, without any of aoelr well known liabltitlea. Theatl fntion ol femalencamiotbetoo conddently invit--l to rrntdij :un] rctloratïve in tlic c;w pcoullarly niTectinjf Ihoni . In Rhoimntism, hotli cli-onk ui'l [nflammatorv - ín the ini ter, ii"wc cv, more doei ledly - it haa !)■■ n Invarlablv well reportod, both ftaallerfatfnj paio and reducjng tho b welling sa Dd itilTneM of the Joints and musecta. In ïntermtUent Fevcr itmui o aaarlljr boa :■ remed v and Biwrgetic reatorativc, and It projrrQa in tho now aeulementg ot the West, wil] probably be ono r high renova aad asefulncss. i reinedy haa ever been dtscovered m tho wliolohistory of melicioe, which eserta such prompt, tiappyand iully restornttve elTocts. Good appcite, complete dlgofttlor. rupiil u-quisition of Btrength, wlth an ununnal dfaposition for aotfre and choerfüi exorelse, [nuaifidlatelv follow ts ma. Put ii] in Hul i letal boxea containtng "jo puls, prico 50 centfl per bos : for sale by drugglste and dealera. wlH bo 'ut tree any allr'oss on rooelpi of the price All lei ten, orders, etc., iirii iii be uddressed to B; l:. J,OCKE,icC.. . General Agente, ■lTTyT :;;;■ Broaday.N. V. For Snle by GRKVíLLE A FULLEH, Aun Arbor. Howard Association, Pliiladelphia. A BenevolctU Tnêtftutlffl utsbli$hed fty tpteial ndomain J'nr relief of fr Stek nnd Dhtresseel, nfflictnl n'O, 'nu'tn and Epidemie Isrusrs, iirrf rtprrwüy for Ifu Cttrc ■{' Dhsost oftfie Sexual Ortrnn, Pispcnmnj fret ! ntH' tu ati porti "f ■'!■ United Statte, ALDADlKREPOKTSonspennatorrhoea.iindoUierDiaaea ol the Sexual Oiiraus, and on theXËW REMEDIES ■niyi-i], ent 'n ;t m r-1 ■- 1 in senior] onvelopes, fn-c ►f chnrgc. IVo or three Stampa Cor poetase bê will be entable. LdrosfrDR. J, SKILLÏN FIOUGHTON, Acting Sur reoo [iowacd Aasjooiation No 2,eoutli Nintii Street, l'hilidelpblt, Weyl 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers Fvv 3a] oheap ut ;üITKKMA.M A (Jo


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