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I GREAT. GREATER GREATES ÜAIíGAiKS EVER 0FFËRE1 1S59. L-)l859 ín tliisCity, are now being oflcrcil at ti CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jowelry Store THE Snbaeriber wonlduj to tbe clHzaa" ol Ann bor, l'i particulnr, nd Ih1 v--t il Vn4ht0ni Coudiv in (renernl, thol lmhnsjust lMPOfíl'ED r RECTLY from KUKOPK. Trcraendous Stock of Watches! Ah ofwblcb hfl hinde himseliro solí f'IIi: l'i:i tli ciin bfl txmcrht wrM fjt New Yorlt City. Open Face Cylloder Watobaa imm Sfi to $ do do Lirvfir do do n to Iuiiting Cnsn rio do rio 14 to do do Cylindcr do do 9 to Gold Winbn from 20 to 1 1 1 nve i'. o ttie CELKBRATED AMERICAN W ATCIIES wblcfa I wlll sen ttr 4:í". Kvcry Vvatch wurranttid perform well. oriíic inonoy vptnnded. Clooki, Jcwclry, l'intcd War, Fimcy Goo'Ia. Gold IVns, ! Musicñl Instruments an'l .Stiinf Cutlcry, &, . and in fnct n varifí.y of every:hine iTiiilly kept y Je elrs pan bf hnugbt rbrtne nrxt nínety dfys t vuf 0 W N i1 R I C E S ! Persons buyinpr ntiylhins: nt thís wrll known eflti ■ Itsiime tit rnn rely upon rotting guori rxnet'y as r retentad, orthemony refunded. nallearly Hnd i cure the best bargaiñs ever oflfered Ín ibií ('ity. One word in regard to Ripairing : Wo nrr. preparad lo multo any repnirs onfinn or co nidii Wdicln'8, eren tomaklngc er tbe entfre vrati t" npcussnry. Hepníriníí of C'locki? and JrwHry uil. Al su tfie mauufactnrlnv ol RINGS, BROOC1 or uything deeired, firom California Gold on short i tice. Enprnvipc i hllits branches exernted with mliras and íÜípüteb, J C. WVT'J Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7í4w HORACE WATERS AGENT 3 3 3 B r o a (1 w a y , W o w V o r k Publlülur of 3IuIc ttO Mtislc ISuoks AXD DEA1BB IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexanclre Orgoi Oigan At'cordeonp, Miirlin's celebra ted andother Guiturs, VíoIídb, Tenor Viol?, ViolíbceHo, Accordeons Flutinas, Fintee, Fifee, TrianglesClari nette Tun:ng Forks,Fip' andHammers, ViolinBows bcstltal ian 8 trio ge, Basa Instruments for Bands, Pinno Btoobj and covers, and aJl kinds of Musical Instrumente. s; i o o t ive xx s i o, i'rum ftll tlic publt&liprs in tlic ü. 8., Bertini'n Iluntin .m! ni School, and all kin. is or Inntmction Boa for above iiuttramentHj Chureh HdsIc Bookn Mui ■ ii-::iMt!y bound; Uubíc papor, and all kiaüa of Mu UercbaudJae, Att heLowcst Pricei New Pianos, At $17'), $200, $225, $250, andan to SSOO. Secoi Kand Pianos rrom $25 op fo $160: New Mplodoon, S4 $00, $76, $10Q and uptï $200; Becond öftod Melodeo frota Só11 1" í-'S(); Vlexandre Onynnn, wlth Sto tttopn, $K ninestopft, $185 and $226; thlrtccualops, $230, $276 a 1800; mteen atojm, $3B0 awl $:i7-': A Hberul dfecou to CleTgj mi'ii, ( burchca, ?b)ath School, Seniínnri .imi Teacher. The Trade gopplied attlieosual tra discoupta Tcstiiuanlnlsof the Hornee tVntcra Plan. Kiid IVIclodtotis. John TWctt, of Cfertbagp, New Vork, who lias fa ODB Of the IIMnrcV;itcr-i l'i;inos, wvitsjis follova: - " A frícinl of iniiH? wishes me to purebaw i ]rnno 1 hor. the liki-i Il" om vim iotd in PeccmlA-r, 1S; tíy plana la becoming pular in llün placo, tod I third can introdnco one or two irioroj tln-y irlU be more jmi lir tli:ii' :my ither IBftke." 'Wfl bftYQ Iwo of Wrttrrs' I'innos ín use in onrPec narv, one if vhich han been ScTCTelr tfisted foi 1lir reara, and iré can testlf; to (pood quolftj anl dui blUty." - Wnn.i ,v Gregwy, Moun Cnrroll, lit. "II, Watoni, !■: -■".- Dkak Pir: ITartag aaed nnenT yn Piano Fortes for two yvars paM. 1 havf fontnl it a ve superior ïnttrument. Atosrxo Gk.iy, Principal Brofikftn Kfightg St-mmanj. "Tito Plano I recorred from yon continúes tn rire si isfactlon. 1 regfttd Ltaonc ofthe best inntnaoeala in t ! luce." rAira I Ci.ahkk, Charletton, Va. "The Uelodeon has safeljr arrïwd. I foei oblind t" yi firy onr liberal discount.'' Rev. J. M. yarqnenUtfS, C "The pililo w:is flnly rocoired. tteama in cxrclli condJtioo, ;ui'l is vi-iy mach admirad by my numero familvt Aocopt my UiablEfl for your promptuoM.1' RoBBKI CoonOK, iVárrcnham, Bradjacd Cf. Pa. "Vour plano ptoaMS na well. Ií tin1 bost one In o eouaty.'V-TllOXaS -. I.aiuam, CaviphcUtnv, On. IfWe aro rery mnch olilijrod to yon for harinff sp SHch a Hoe Instrument fbt S-';W.M- a: Ci Bujfalü T)e.m",crat. 'Tha ilnini'c Waters Ptanoearoknovn anamonj; t! verv beat We aw enaWed to epesh of uiee tnstr ments wlth confi-lence, from penonal knowledRQ of thi excellent tone and dacable quality." - jV. Y. Enangeli. "Wecan Bpeab if Ihe raerits of tho Harneo Waters i unos from personal koowledgc, as balng Ihe very Snc ,i,;ilily." - Chrislinn Intetlignircr. "ThV Horaoa Wtera pianos are milli of basi ai most Ihoroughly Reaeoned material. We bate no doa tb1 boyera caá do aa wcU,periwp botter, al thtutlun any otlierhousc in öie Union.'1 - Advocar, and Jottrnt Watera' pBftaoa and melodeons challenge comparln with the finest coade any where lathè country."- fli .To'rrnni "Horace Watera' Plano Forten are of fulï, rloh ai eren tone, and powerfal - .V. Y. Musical Itrwcw. "Onr (rienda wül Bnd :it Mr. Watws' store tlie vr beal aworünent of Uuatc and of Planos tobe found the t"niie:l Sixtos, anl ve uwe onr aoutborn and reste Monda to give him u cali whenever Uiej go to Xt Vork."- Grahnm's Mflgatine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Ti SabbathSchool Bel 100,000 Issued in te Months. TU? tiTiitroccfU-ntcd calo of this book lias in-luccl il publbthertoaddsomeSO ncw tunesandJiymnstoits prc eni rijtft, without extra ebarge, éxcepi on thecheapH Uton1 Among Uiemany beautiful tunea and hymna add riav be fi.uii'i:- "I onglit fco loTemy mother';1 "01 tw a good ehild, Indeed l irlll." Thesoand ewht othe from the Bell, were wing at th Swndaj School itnnive sin-y of the M. Chureh ;tt the Academv of Muelo, wíl ffreat applaose. The Bell coi taina oearly 200 tunea :u li rnn-% :iml i- one of tho best coUécttona everissne Price 13c; $10perhundred,po8tage k Hegantly boom ombossed ptlt, 26c, $S0pr 100 )t haaboen barodaoi Uktomanyof the Public Schools. The e '. l publlshedin dmallnumberaeniftled Ani rersary and Sonday School Music Booka, No. 1,2, 8, 4, In order to mmodatetho mllllon; price & W i Iiundred No. 5 will itoonbe Isaued - conimcncemr-nt i another book, Also, Revira] Muijic BookB, N'. l &: prloe $1 & $2 1 'r Í00, postage le Morethaii 300,0f coplea oftlie above booka have I o üwued tho pa efghtcen monüui, and the demandiarapid); L&creawn Pablished bv B(ACE WATERS, Ant, $o Kroadway, N'. V. Publised by Horace Water i No. 333 BTOadway, New York. VocL"Kind Wordseai nererdtej" "Tho Angelg to] me 8O" "Wlldí of the Wrst:" "Thoughta of God;1 'Giva me.back my Uoantain Home;'' "l'av Dreuna;1 'Dandy Cock Robui;" ltVm wlth thee stilt;"l'-i n:i:n--; "Thertt'sno darílnglfkenltnei" '9aia1i Jaao Lee'lES pr of thee;11 Win leavtegtbee In Sorfow;" "Blrde Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Bonbeli'1 an Wake, ladyj wakeK' pxüce 2m each. 1 IxiïritriiKNTAi, - ' 'l'alnco Garden, or Rtnging EUr Pnikn, 40c; "Swíngng Bchottlsche;" lMhabel Schol tisch;" 'Thomas Saker'fl Schoiligcho;" "Plccoloraln oiKrt, 86 eenta each. The abpjepieceíthavoboautífu Vlgnötteo "Weimer Polka;" "Arabfan ffai cryMarch,1 the verv bat; (lVanBOvlanna DonlellaMaxarka; ''Real nu Polka :'' lCinoline Walt," and "iAnoers' Qoi Irillp," 25c each. "The Empire of Relcha QuaArlUef1 ■■ iew dance, and "The Hlbernlan QuailriUe,'1 S6eeach ilanv of these pieoea are played by Baker 'fl eelebrate oreh -t rn wlth Klr';it applrune, íifir Mailed freo. urge lot of Foreiyn llusic ;it half price. Pianos, Melodeoiïs and Organs. The Horace Waters Planos and Helodeona, for deplh uiiLy of tone and duraMHty, awre omrarpawed. Pnoaj "ery low ooond [land Pianos and tlelodeona from $--r t l')0. Mnsic aadMusiccl ïnntrnctUmn of uil sinds, atlbt óffest prioes. HOIïack WATERS, Agent. Ni.. :m Broadway.N. V. TBjKrmOXIALfi; - "The Hora re Waters l'ianos are k&OWl imong thovory bwt.' - Ëwmffetbt, "We cun sppiik of their merjti from personal knowl Klge,11 - Chriftifln Intdtigcncer. "Nothiogat the Fair ÉUiplayed greater exoeUanoe -"- "hurchman. Waters' Planos and Melodeona challenge comparisoi rltfa the Qneat made anywliereln the coantry."- ifiw Uurnal. 7l9tf Irving's "Works - National Edition rUIS Fine Edltlon "f the Worka of Wbhikotos Ir vixc (tncluding the Ufe el WasUagUa wilt be pub' ahed for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Monthly Volumes, Price $1.50 Pajablo on Dclivery. teautlfally Prlnted 6n heaTy aaperflue paper, of tlu i-i beet quaJIty, and aabstantiftUy bound in hvn$ leveltejd boards, j"Each Vulume illustratod with Vignettei on Steel and AVood. TJ EnJeker'bocker'a New Vork, Sketch Book, ClflAh. OolumbuR) -i vota, Bracebrldge Hall . . s t " i ;i. Tale ■ of ;t Traveler; Crnj on Wlaoelhinyi Cant. Bonnevjlle, OUvor G'Msinith, Uahomèt. 9 rolrf. Gr tBftdii - Alhambr . Wolfctfa Root,'cT Washington, 5 volB. Ba lm.i'inn'li. TWs editïon will be boW BXCTraiviu.T lo 8uborfbpri uil wil] bc great)y Buperior to any orcr before Iwraed,,- rei '. nannBorae sel of thuae uniwr-wlly popular vork Ihuí ptncoJ tvithln thn maift of all. c ] TITNAM. Art . Pobluher, lij Na mu Slreet, New Vork, l City Cheap Lumber &is7i, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris ' Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, c&c, i&c. . k D. DeForest, ITAV1NG lncrenod his fnrilitlcs for doing buul 11 nos nii enlarged his Yard and Stock, ia pre s paiod Ch pretest min, wlth ttc bea, hirscst and chesieteMoaed(tockTTlnthia miritt" tv %r_ Hlisly the riïnsomiMp ■ -.,-i .-.ii,.„.; ,f „] f)„, IW molt" 1 nottn bc nutl'Ttold lor ensh on dclivcrv ,1 I wi!) not linflertaki-lorriKHoiithepnblic bysnylno Ikf-wil] getabavedil thajr buy elaewbcre.foi Prin thnt tlicreHiacllaalowiL8i,h-v cun ntt'ord to. n All kinds of Tiraber, ,ïoist., 0 nt Scantlini:, Pinc, Whitewood Bnsgwood Hem 35 Plaued and Matched Pine, Whitewood ;u Ash Klooi in{:.PInnedindroiiïh Pinpand Whitewnod , siding.Foict PostB, OekandCedai Poate andl'ickcte I l all kinds. , Pinc tfail), aiií) llUjitcmoob t. .q f i Ptno, Ashani Whitewood Shlnglrp, to Barn Boards and Barn Ploor Plank, i Black V.., nt, and Cherry and thin Btutt', Wagon nnd BUGGY AXLES and-TONGUES, S" Hoxnnd Body !.umber,Mnplo l.og Timber, Flickory. ■ Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Old'.lïliicknesscB.wiililifl indlengtbi,&e.. &c, pl Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnds. X3"í.ilis I all slzea, &c, &c 'c l-S', DOORS, tfe JILIJSTDS, mndebyhand toorder as lowas factory priers, on tho shorteslnoticc bythc bi-stot workmun, and Oh, Best Seasoned Lumber. tis ÍS, Bills ofalí lo3v.ri)tion in the nbov building lint furnishrdontheshurtfiBtot nolfce, ter We have Mills Cutting ReguJarly. pg, A ful! anrln perfect aseortmeut of the atove anc other kiitds oí - Building Materials ) , Constantly onliantlalllir lowestpossible ratef Cali and be Convinced. A few roda southfrnm R. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mivk. ns ROOFING, N. B. - I am now operating Extensivel3 iafclic Patent Cement Roofing. TBE CAMPAM OPENes Campion's Platforin ! ttiik rabeeribtfr Un jcuit rctunwd from thcast wilh X. his Fali and Winter , Gr O O 3D O ►ka Which hc Ís sic Determined to Sell s. AT THE V LOtVEST TRICE FOK CASH! 'j" nl which, Fiist Quality Gods can üc .ifrord,„t ed in this oity. M3' clolis are all of the 2 FINEST QUALITY am] as I manufacture thcm into clothing my.iO süït, I utii cnabloil to g WARRANT EYERY (ÍARMENT k i '"' I sell. 10 bc WELL MADE, wliicli is a strong j, iïulucoinent to custoinera to patronizo ray ree store in preferente to places where large qunni- titi; of Jmlf inadt goods are kepl for snle. - ] have ihcLATKST va-dioxs, nnd can gire yon .,... ns Fine and we:l Fitting G-irments as can bt bouyht anywhere, I am bouod to sell t CU E A PER AND Z BETTFR GOODS I '"' tlinn any other similar establishment in tJiis ! city. Tour custom is most respect fully inritcd. M. CAMPION. ". Ann Arbor, Nov. 100. 773yl LOOMIS & TRIPF, $t. SucGMson to pii Chapín á Loorüi.s.andChapin, Tripp A, Loomis ''' FTIHBabore (Irai ( Loorals & Tripp faarhig purábumd J. the i'iitiro Interest of the former compaiüM w ", conttonc Ihe buslncM M Itaoold atandB. whêre they wil! n ' be rcdy on ö" ihortwij ootloe, to till all orden n the me lillC u1 Castings and Machinery, ín the most vorknvutfiku ïnanntT, and on as liberal fy tmns as any othcr shop in tlit' State. Among tlio rari iit ou8 ftituili-íiiiatiulhcluii-il v iis, wc vottld enumérate = STEAMENGINKS f all kin-U; Mili Geannjj and Fixíuroü, wrougUtaml c . cast; all tlit nrions oastings for makïng and rrjmiring , Ilorse Powers & ThrcBÏiing Machines ) mcb ns arofti pronent}or hAreformerlybccn ín dm in this part of the State, as well n all th vnrious kimU of nftirtlngfr ml maebino work oaltod :'":■ by tkrincn uiil mocliíinics inthis scctinii of the country hll of nlï the vnrious pattcrna, ap n iIem :i m-1 pricfli] wfll ba ■ keptooDstaotly on hand, got the most modern and im. rs proTod style.-i. HUBBARD'S WROTTGHT IRON ï REAPERS & MOVVERS. ,1, Iiaving oommvnwd manufiurtaring this snperiorMaLS chine, single spd COmbinod, the fa r mors aro inviteü to eal] and Bee a Bpoetmcn machtno now in our wre room, it. before pnrchftsingelsewhere, beheviníí that thíu machino ,1; neet! ouly to be geen to conrlnee the farmer of ;rf ITS SUPERTORITY -. over the Rfniurs and Blowers In this market. ï Thankful fr former patronage totheold fimii, we woulti BOÜCit h rontiniuuiro t'i-m ol-i iVicii.ïs(;tii:l a trial by all irtshlng foranything in our lino of biisinenn. LOOMIS ft TK11T. Ann Albur, May 18tht 1859. G97tf SCHOFF & MILLER s 4 BE STII.L ON HA tlD at tlieirol.l 3(an.l. a No. 2, Franklin Block, ., wilh the mort complot e Msortmoni rf ;[ Books and Stationery, ■' PBEFTJM.EKIE8, a FANCY GOODS, i l' WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, J SHADÏ3S, ï I10LLERS, 1 CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS. S HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. i Ever offored ia tbis Market ! aotï Ü.cy irould suggest tothosc in pursuit cfanj-thingin ; SANTA CL A US" LINE t Uut they can secure a 1 Doublé Chi'istmas Present ! 1 bypurch&slDg from thi eaeh purohMer gets an additional present of ïbwclry, fco., Ranging in value from 50 ets. to $50. 03 Theytrust that tb,lrlong exparieace In leleotlng goods fnrtliis in;u-kcL, and ntrict attention to the wants , of CaitoroerB, inty entiUe tnexn tO u liberal sharc of Patronage. Ann Arbor, tVc. 5. 1860. TTTtf EYE and EAR. njK DR. F. A. CADWELL, J' OI'KRTül! ON TUK KVK AM) T:AK. For Dcafnrsf. Bllndneu, and alldefkot ojf Slgllt aiul II-nrl)i. Dn. C. BEINO A REG0LAK, TWENTV [' K-' bxoIqbítq pmctlofl ín thu irfattm'iit of l.s(..■iscs otüa EYEANU BiR, wi)lbfoandqoll8edto ivo rslW oi -m-.. i .i com " ■" ■■■'■ irtthln the rowib of hnninn iÜU. ya charf for nu eraialiinllon or anopmton, or fur unsncccf"-l urvica. i)B C.' Traibb o hik Kvka.miF.ak. ofSOOpp., oentáiotng roferonoWi TUmoo(8)i, Descriptlonof liis euM. CaaM, -■ ■ ■ l other impoytont nutter.iUDatntod nlth C"tH, to li" httAgratU, by wmtlng 7 Onti to p poatago. AWre Tr. Cowm ;iö Randolph ñrwt corniTlirabotn, Ulilcajo, III. lj-708 ■- ■ - L■ Commiasionera' Notice. QTATK (!■ mCHir.AS, Coanty of v„,i,tor,aO Thejamht wlwd having been appninted 1V u, . -„.'T' ("iirt. For Miyl Coiinty, CominiiMiouers to lecei ainioeiiud aljntall claims :mjI demanda ." alt wrl??' ngahul the t ilahlnn Bonkt, ,r th. t.' BRlp Of Slv;tn. iliriM'V'! . lii-n l,v imlire thiit -1' moinlis (mui lti ;tn. l order of sald l'rubate r ?? nilowed i..r rt editor lu prexral Hint claims „ai, [ Ruk] doctaovd, and thfti theywillniect ;ii ihe dnil Thomas 'i' Koyce, in the towmhip of Svi."" in raid county, on Palurda; tbc 24thdsrof ,-,,,' wi Saturdnj thc231Uj nf X ovember n -xt, at on p'clock In theafternoon f racli day, t rective f ■mine, and adjutl sni.l claim. WILT.UM A .IONIOS. „ . . H1RA1I PIERCE i omioMoBtn Usted, Hay 22d IB61. SOOlt Chanccry Sale. BTATE OF MOTTO N, tuk CurriT Corar ko TOr Coirimr o tYajhtkwaw, Ella A Perklns f. Sebrab „ kin - I r 1 Chancerj : In pursnarjce decretal "f (he Circuit Cnurf of tln. Counti of Waablenair, In Clmnwry, Mntde n the abuvil c&nse "n the aocond -by ..f December, A. D. eightetw hnndred and IHiy nlne, and n farthcr order ! ttii Coqh on il" Blxth 'l:iyoi Februnryr& l eighteen linn. !rf l and Bixty-one, "ill iv s,,ii. undér the dlrcctioo ..f the (':ruit Cuurl Connnisstoner i.t (toConnty r Wiwlv tenaw. at public auction, at the Koulk' r front door oi Uu Conrl Bouw, in tli" city f Aon aVrbor, on Sttordu Ihe üixth day ..f Jnljr, eighteen I111 urii -1 ;im. sixtv t wi (re o'clock , noon, of Mid dny . all Möse c'ertsïn tíñela nr parcela nf land lying and beiñg in th toifnstip ,,1 s. Lui. i?i Ibe County .f Waahtenaw afbresald, nn. ri,. ■cribed In said decree sa folltpra, vix s the west half ..f the onth-oast quarter c,r section flttwn, and Ibe rtn luilf -jT ilir' nirUi enat quartci of sèction ;.niv tw M towiubip one outh, ol moge seven eui, '.r 10 moca tlien-oi a may bc n sarj 10 tatlaiy Iheamonnt clu aponaaU tit-crii-, BPgethar witli ntert-it and li. S IWITCHEU,, (ii . Conrl Cnm. fur the Coimty of Waahimu 11. it.wvkinh. lor Cumplalaani and luitnuat'. AnaArborMaySO.Uai. ■'='■. sriELUFF'S SALE. BV virtucor .-111 exeentlon Iraaed nut of and un.irr tin -c-iil ..i tbc linuit Coort tur tbc Cognty of VaA lenatr, nnl statp ji Michigan, lionrmi; !:- tbc 2M. da; "i Dcotmber, ISa&aod lo me directa] anddelwñn? agaimt tho gooda umi cbattela, and lor want thertJ btnda l (enementi o Jobn li. Kipf defendani thnvh Dained, I did.on tbe 29tb ila ..t 1 „ r, isgo i,.v. upon and seint all tbc rigbi, Htl and Intemt of Uh s;,i.l Jolin 11. Kur, n mi to the follotring deveribeil land ndnmnbo.lowiti Ihenouth of northsl ■; 2 ücetion No.2; kUoall tbeland lying nortliol the Villar of MfinchCflttr un tbc ooih X uf eectlou 2, (rescrrlSi M sold uBarnabuCaw);al8onorth'Went u of umi i--t . i-i-tinn 3: :iNi 11..1 lli i-i-t of southHlMl u and aoutb-eael ', of nortb eat ', au 'J acn-n i.rr tw raat sido of th Borth-weiri L of aouth-onsi vv ; iiv, i,y : acres offtbe taal lUe ol soulb-ireat '., of nórthcail % of soetlon 8, town I s.,it]i range .'! eatit. Aláo ' Itial pice orparcrlof land In tlio totrruhlp "f Manelwa l .-r belng the eaal 40 acres of the north part „1 ,„,. Doxtli-eftflt rractiQna] Vl "1 Kcti4 b 3feoBiniencfna on tbe nort.-. lioeof mld seeUon at a point 81 ehsin :T: link fr")ii the nortb :it corner uf sjiiil section, runniae thence wesl oñ aid aeetlon line 28 chaina and r.T linlu tothenoith-weat corner of the nnrih ia.i , of tlie i north-ircal ', ol saW aectlon, thence somlipriy ontt iioarter line tothesonth wcsi cnrnor of the imrth-psrï IÍ of the north-Keat }i of aaid aeetlon, thence easterH , 28 chaina and 8" links parallel wlth the aaid Kctioa üiktotbe aouUi-wesl eorner of lan.i aaained t.. and !■- longlng !■■ LoreOKO Higgios. thence northcr v on the west line "f i'l Mijfrins' lamlto the placo of beginninif. nelotfng ü!m tbe tilit of ay in in casterly and w.Mvr I.t diiection aoroaa aafd Blgglna' Umi, raaerriai Um rilit of way in neaJterly and vesterly dlTCetlon aeroaa the -iiiil 40 iicres in totrmuip 4. si.uih of ranfre 3'e.tRt - Alsn hlcjrks NV). 1,B, 7. S, 9. 1. ), 19 ï.l ' -.'4 f, % 27,28, !i, 50, 31 , 35, and 34; aUo kW Sn. 1, n biwfc Ko, :f. lot Xo. Sand west '.. of lot 2 in Mock 5, nUv lots No. 2, 3, S, ) 11. 12, 13, H, 16, in bl.wk 1 1 . (exeeat the ibove descnptlon M ion la ! ii-,1 t.. tli Mict igaa Boothera and Northmi Ind'ana Rail Road Co. for Depot grounda, and also lot o. 6 in block 24, and lot lï in Iilnck 1 awned by S. R. Spencer); nis,. Iota 3. f, a, 12. nnd west % of lot 5 in bloei 12: Iota 4. 5 nn, 6 inbiuck Xo. -2-2, (except that dVeded to illi i IiaxterhIso block No iti, (exe-pt Iota No. 1 . ■- and 4,j all in tbr vill.igei.1 Manchester; abra a pari of easl (Í of north east '., .ii (ctionNo. 11, In Town (outhradg :: eaa beginning af north-vMl corner of raid lot, thance nnrth 8 degreea eaal 8 chainsand 37 links toa atake in n.irth. '■'t i ndary 'il laadaovned by Uessra. Cm and Krceman, thence alvng the sana louth 61 degtcea and .;o minutes et i chaina and OS links t a stalt e in themiddle of the Territorial Road, thnce alone the nmo, nurtl 62 degraes and ! (i mtnutea ireat 2 chaina and 7 t„ thepueaof beginning containing 38-100 acte "f land; also 1, is„. in. il, la, 13, 14 and ir. in block No. is „f the Viliaite of Manchester; also Bleek No. 18 and lotNo, S Uock IS in ManclieMer; alsn beginalng at a certaiir lnke (iw Ihe west bank of Ibertm RaMnand on tl taatside-d HockNo. 20 in the rillaiteof Uaachesterj Iherce muh 51 degreea :;o minutes west to a stake n :i Kan batween block 1 and 2ï in naid villaje, thenca "? id line north 20 degreea 30 minutes to the Hiwt ■fatesaid, thence alongsnld RItot to Ihe place "f lqjn. ontainlngol anaere, In tbe eountyof Walltenawand State of Michigan, all nf wbiefa premisea 1 aball pose fbrsaleal public auction, as lw direct, at ihe Iriuir door of the Cour üoaw, in the l'ityof nn Arin r, n. ii being the place for hoW'ng tb Circuit Coyrt for tbe County of Wasbtenaw, on Uondajr the 8thdaj il Jolj nest, al eleves o'ciaei In the forensen f hU ■'■'v THOMA8F. LEO.NAKD, late gherlffl IlatM, May 1B, 1861. gijotd REAL ESTATEFOR SALE. STATE OF mcHIOAM, Cofstt ar n liitbaw. sln theralt of tie K-tate nf Jane illett, Am..s W. Cillett, and ïr-ressa K. (iillett, of the l'uunty of Washtenaw, in tbs State nr Mleblgan, Minors Notice s herehy -ven, That in punnaoce nf an order granted t.i the nndsnigned, Charles Y Sanford Guarlian nf theKstate of said.Mmnrs hy the llnn .liidfe „t Probate f.r thtr Otjt t Vlit, on the BigM ilay of April A. D. ISS1. rticrc will he aold :it l'utiliir veadae, to the bigheat bidder, ;it the dweUiaa: hrnu of tbe undersigiiedln the townalnp of Kreeiimn, in thn County of WhjKtnaaw, in aaM State, on gaturèay the nntdayof Jdtae A. I). 1861. at oa o'clock ia the aft noon of that lay, (snbjeet to all encumbranee h? moitgagoroth(nrlaexisthwait tbe tima "f the Mei tbe foUowing deatvibed Real Estáte to i : Sitnate in thetownshipof Bndgowater, Gounty of Waubtenavand State of Michigan -Being thé north vrt ..I ihe Kat half nf the nnrth et gnarter f iection nn Bye im township no, fonr soúih of range foar eastjCODtmningr twenty seven acres f land. tbe -niw mora nr les CHARLES W.SANFtlUll, Guardián. Dat cd April 8 th, A. D. 1861. Bfoptgage Forcclosurc. TkrTAl'I.T linvinf; lieen maile in the e. ndition of a l Uortgageexecutedby ratriek SulUvnn and J.xinna. SalUvan (o Luther James, da ted Apnlelghth.A [). lg.'iS. and recorded in the Reaistcr'a OHce in ITashteBa n,','"",'-1',',",'"'1' ""' "f J1"r''.-"-. atmge 429, April nth, A. J. 185S, ut lialf past llire, I'. M., hy rhleh defaultthe powex of aale contnfned in Bald mrigtge becarr.e operatiTe, iinl nu snit orproceedicghaTiD been institnteaathuc toreoover the h-w aecurei bysaM morteage nr any pan thereof, .inl the suaa o# si hnndreoand tnrev dollars and nmetysb eeuts (íiííí: 96) boing n claisied t be !"■ liieronu. Kotíee la tlieref.ire hereb) giTenthatsaid mortgage will Ihj foreoloaedbya saleorthe mortgaged premlRes. to-wit: TInsouth-veat qnartcr of the north-eart qnarter, ad the noutWast quarter of the nertbireat quaner9f sectioi No. saen,añdihe loaMt-eaKt loa aorea of tbesontbast quarter "! the m nh eust quarter of section numter ntae, extending sevettyrodn and est, nnd nnrth and BoathEarsnoaghto eonuin ten aerv, n'.l in lawnsbip . one snuth nfrinse livo easl, belng in ITebster, nth Conntv of (7aahtenaw and tat,. of Michigan, nr snm part therenl', at public v.n, ,,,.. ;,t [he Soort House in the city of nn Arbor on the 6thday of July next at nnon K.W.M.i.A.H, W'WMS Dated, April 1.2, A.D. 186J. Mortgage Foreclosurc. DKrAVl.T liavinjt been nade in the enn.litinn of n Horlgago expeuted by N'elson EUsirortb and Klcannr blswife to .lahii Hibbard, dated the :oth davnt AmïiisI, A. li. 1859, andreconled in the Réglateos otíce, in the oounty of Vaahtenaw in I.iher N,. '_'_ut mortgagea :it pago 710, oDtheseeondi ay sfSeptcrobi r. A. D. I8S6, at U o'olock, 1'. M., and assigned I y Jaba llibbard la S, W. ttnceland hy assinnient undt-r seal, datefl the M] dav nf 1'4'bniaiy . A . I). 1861 , and recorded in said ltei.ster'sodice in Libi-r No. 22 ofMortgagea at page 77(1. ',,n the lllth lay of March, A . II. lSiil . at 4 oVlnck, 1'. M. hv vhich U'faultthe power of sala eontalned in .,iii inortgagehecamo openUve, and aosiiil or proceeding baring been instituted at lavto recover tho debt scenred br saidmortgage.ornny part tbereof. and the sum of live bundred and three dollars ana thlrtythrëe cents being nuw clalmed tobone thareon: Notfee therefomhere. byglrenthai the said mortgagjewill foredeaed by a ■' of tbe nmrtgaged premiaea, tn.wit: ,u that eertain trartor parcel.of land sitúate in the Town of Lyndon, in the Counly of VTashtenaw, and State of Mloblgan, fccundMand aosarJbed aaJbllow. The north-west pnrt ofthesoutb west Qractional-qaarteT, and the part imril: r th' State road running from Dexier to Grand Rlrer in the part ofthesouth west frar.tionnl qnartsr, al! n Bection -i (VA. townshlp one aonth of rnntr nunibcr threo (3) past; containing Bftyeighl (Ñf) aorea and 53-100 of. in acre, morenr lesy, orsome part theteof. at public Tendue at the Courl Bouselh the city of Aun' Arbor, on the t'Icvinth daj nf.ltine next at noon S. '. K.NKKI.ANll, AsM.-neo. Kini:sh;y & MoBOAS, Att's. Dated, Uarch in, A. 1). 1801. JJJM Mortgngc Sale DKFADLT havin beea m.n.le in the cmidition ofn certain Uortgage exocuted bj James Connejlr, Jt ., and Catbarine Conneliy bla wife lo fllram OÏ Warren . dated (he aftaanth day of lleeemberin theyear Kightcen hundredandfirty lliree, and recoxdedin theOffloaof tln Register o( Üeeds uf Washu-nvw County, Michigan, In I.ibi-r 20 or Uortgama on page ISO, at eieren an.l ouarter of the clnck in the forenoon on the nineteentli lav f IVremoer, A. D., J85;i, ivhieh MortgORe was on the thlrty-Orsl day of October, A. n., 1854. awtgned hv said warren to ZebedeeWaudron,andaaldas8ignmenl was recordad in the said OJBea of said Register on tho twenty-thinl day nf Kehrnary, A. D., 1S01 ut nine and a, half o'clnck in the foremmn. in ZJbsr 20 of MulïgagQS, n page I-tT, iind the said Mortgage was also on tho Eightei nth day of Pebraarr. A. IL, 1861, dulv asaigned hy aid Valdrnnti Alpheus fcTeleh, whtchlaat mentiinet assignment was reotndad In the snid Office of said Regfsti ron the twi nty-flfth day of Fobruary.A. 1)., UU, a-t nlneanda half o'eloeklo the forenoon. In Líber 27 of Jlnrtgages ;n pi ge 814, by trbich default the porn-M uf sale contained in said mortgago became operatire an.l n.isuit nr i„„wlinshavi. been nstitut'd at IW torecorerthedebt do scrured theiebv nr any prt thureof, and the sum of three hundred an.l ftfty ono (lnliars and tilty tour cents baina clahned to bo duo" Ehereon at the date f this notioe : - Notice is therefbre hereby giren that said mortgage (rill bo forecloaol by Bah) oX the mortgagodApfentlaaa t wit : the Y.-t lialf of the South West Quarter of SectJod Numljcr Tw.i, in TOmUbip "nc Snuth of Range Sis Bast. being in Northneld, In the Connty of Wahtenar in. I stal., ot Ulchlgan, or .. mach tliercnf as wiu be neoeasaryto pay theaum olalmed to be due vth the nterest, eosta and ooarges, at pubUc vendue, at tho louthdoorof tho Court House, in the tbeCltjofAnn r!i.r, in saidCountj of Washtenaw on the Canth lay of' lune. A n., 1881, al ton oftheolaok in the forenoon of U day. ALPHEUS KELCH, Asslgnee. l'uteil, Marrh 7, 1881 7:ilt.l City Meat Market. THEIE MARKET O TUI" CORNER OF AKS AND MAIN' STREETS; An.l will keep cnnstantly on hand b full assortment of, 3C-x--c-(-la. 3Vt-o -a.-t --, hifh Ihov wil] ilwavs ba f.mnil in roudiiiessto ent upnn UIT QUSTOUERS. Ko Piiss ivill hu spared to kiop' lielr market Jlcan, and Me als Sweet nd lati'ins luav li'iv npoh gvHfilg the Lest ROAgH riuKs, CHOPS, oto. .tháteau be found In theCitr (AI.L NDTRY IS. s. PROCTOR T. WAIJÍKR. AnnAibor.May I, 1 SüO 745uiO


Old News
Michigan Argus