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FÍRST rate Tea. Sugar and CcíJee, ot the lowost market priref, at RAYMOND'S CASFI STORE, 148 Jen'. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. f_ Black Sal, WANTED by BECKLEY&HICKS. Aun Arbor, LowerTown. 26 TVOOD! WOOBÜ WE want 9ome fromtubscribershnraediately. Oct 15. 18.New Goods! New Goods ! ' TIIH undrsigned hasjust received his supply of Fall Goods from N. Y. Cuy. Bt&des.a first raf: iiss-onment of Sheetings, Cotton Yara, Fulled Cloihs, Brond Clolhs.. and other Siaplë Goods, lie is just opening n eplcndid lot of Rich, Woos'ed Damask Shawls, ls( quolity, Brocha, do do Kahyl, do do CnMimere, do Fïisiiionnble Crnvuta. Rich Bunnct Ribbons. Fusltionable heod irimmings, Velvet " ALSO. t ASSORT.MK.VT OK fiJlESS STUT-FS SUCH AS ( ashmere D'Ecosse. Muslin DeLaine, Piirissnunes. Roliroy Plaid, Prints of every descripiion. Plaidi lilnek Álnpnca. iigurcd, black Alnpaca. Plain, colored Alapnco, fiijured, col'd Alapaca, Plaid, and Chnngenble AInpaca. Tlie uiuleraigned h;is in oddíiion to n firet rale assortment of Stap'.e nnd Fancy Dry Qoods, a choice Jut of Teíis aun Cofíee. for fumily use. Aïso, a lar ge lol of Gccie Pcathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. 11 id Stock is well suifed 10 both city and country irade. Country people are nvited to cali and luok and sntisfy tbemselves thst his stock will bear compariscin eitlier in qunlity or price wiih anyotlicr in tlift western c nhtiyW. A. RA Y MOND. 148 Jefierson Avenue. Derroit. Oef. 14, 1S44. 2'tfPETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVAlhED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten years before the public. Duriiijj thatperiod ey Uave obiaineda celebrky unpatallcled in the istory of the most popular medicines which havu receded them or hive töllowed ín their - lie happy combination of vegetable ingrediente o wliieb, these pillsowe their etiicacy, is the reult ofyeais of earnest study nnd experiment, diectedby Jong previotis experience in the propertiesof medieul subsiances. the paihology oí disease. the nnture and modus operandi of the various fluids wluch minister 10 the support and sustenunce of the human body, andorganization iy wbich tliose fluWs are prcíored, modified and diatributed. The trium"fh of skill, and patiënt experiment has been complete. Througliout the ength and breadth ol our land. in ]ritish America=and the Wost Indiep. and on the contineni of Europe. ihe carative viy-.uesof Toter's Vegetable Pilis, are gralefully acknowledged. They . mny be called the medicine vak KXcr.r.i.r.NCE, ot the Southern Staten. Their consumption souihof the Potomac-, is cnormous, and continually on the 'mercase. Nü other pil.1 "goes down" there, however sugared over wiili Lired pufis and bomt innnufaciuied certifícales. Peters' Vegetable Pilla'mny be termed a universa medicino, for there is scnrcely uny derangctr.ent or obstrucción of the organs and functions of the human machine which they will not nllevia'.e or remove when administered in llie early stnes of congestión of the sfomach orbowes, they speedily relax those organs. reduce the auejuhint lever, and restore the suflerërto henlth. Coiiiaining no ïrritaiing or drastie substances. iheir exhibición is ncvor followed by that prosiraiion of the; bodily powers which charncierize the oppratum of most other caiharticB, and they. mfiV he'aduiijiisrered without the slightest fenr oi' producing loca! infhtintnation. so frequently ouusi-d by the purgent eomposuions vended by the quacksnii:'. charlatans of llie day. In almost aü stages of disease, Peters' Vegetnbíe Pilis will be found of beneficia! effecí, btr they shouid alvvays be resoried to whén the ursi sympt )in makes its apptarance. The conquesi of the complaint will tjien be easy and immediate. In billions dicorders: remiuant or ntermitmnt fevcr. dispepsia, dysoniery. cholera, cholic, iliarhcsn. drop&y. sour or. fceted ernciaiions, enInrgement of tl)e spleen, sick headache. all complaints growing oui of imperfect or too rapid digestión, torpor of thébowels. fèmaleobstructions. habiiual costiveness. and all other disenses in which n purgative nietlicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be found unrivalied in the speedr certahuy and genüeness of their operation.It is oskecl iipon 'wiiat principie these extraor dinnry eflecis are produced? ' We reply that Pelers Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the bloo.d. by purifying the chyle and other fluida oí wliicli blood is composed. Ghyle is o inilky fluid depnsitcd !y the digcstiVe matter on the eoats of the intesiines; and which %rhen combined 'with the biUrnry secreten, is conveyed inro th; veins and becoines the principie of life. This medicine acts directly uton the chylel Iroin whieh it expels all aerid particles, and al. humors detriir.ental to a healthy eirculation. It cleansesthc juicos and flaids before the chemical chnnge takes place which fits ihemfor ihe immediate purposes of vitality. This is beginning at the beginninfr. To embne the streams of life with healthj it is necessary to purify them at their so urces. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine performs íts cures. Testimoniáis which would fill volumes (many of them from high scieiuific authority) ore its vouchers, and it is used in the pracüce of the first Physicians here and abroad. Forsnlehy F. J. B. Crnne. W. S. A J. W. Maynaid. J. H. Linul. Harris. Paitridges & Co S. P. & J. C.Jewetr, Davldsön & Becker, II. Breker. Christian Ehfirbath, G. Grenville, D. 1"). Waterman. 0. J. Garland. E. T. Williams. Ann Arhor; George Warner & Co., D. C. VVhitwoo([. J. Millard & Son. N. H. Wing. Do.ricr; M. Jackson, Leoni; Pail Raymond. JacksGTi; Brothsraon & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; DS Haywood. Saline; Stone, Babcor.k itCo., Ypvlavli; Scattercood & Co, Plymovth: Pierre 1 .;!ler and T. II. Eaton fc Co. niXroii; also íd Adrián. Tecumsen. Brooklyn, Pöntiac, Chicacro. and almost every where olse. Ann Arbor, lian. 15. 1.S44. 27-lyAshcs, Asia es I TO ñny amount wnnted by BKCKLÉY &. 1ITCKS. Ann Arbc-, Lower Tdwn. 26 Era SccéI! WANT ED by BECKLEY& HICKS. Ann Arbor. Lover Tnwn. 26 itAB BROAU CLOTM lor curnnge trimmin. Corda and Tnssels for winriow shndes, fnr sale by W. A. RAYMOND, 32 tf 143 Je(Ter8on Avenue. Detroit. WANTEÜ, nny quantity of DEERSKINS by BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 29. 1844. 32-tf K. & J. Ij. DAVIDSON, JAVE now on hand u complete assortment of FALLA.-YD WIJVTER DRY GOODS, GRQCERIES, SHELF-HARD WARE, $ C. #C. which ihey vvill sell i:henp for resdy pny. The highest market price paid at all times tor Pork and all other kinds of produce. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. lSTov. 20. 18J4. 31 1900 lbs. Oeesc Fcathers! OF first rnte quality for sale by ihe poand or hundred weight in quantities to suit purcliaeers. may be found at RAYMOiND'S CASIi STORE. 32-tf 1 143 JeíFerson, Ave. Detroit. ULOR'ED CARPET WARP, white Carpftt Wnrp. and Coiton Ynrn. frotn No. 5 to 22, forsnleat ' RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 3-tf I4á Jelïorson Ave. Detroit.WRl&HT'S POOR MAN'S PIX.I.S, - A n excellent vegetable lamily Medicine, in caljL bcs ol Indigestión. Dyspcpsín, Liver Coro lt'iints or Jaundico. Ágne and Fever. Cooted 'ongue, Sickness nt the Slomnoh, Sick Headche, Ri-mittani aml In'ernnitcni Fevers.Coughfl.olds Catarrh, &c. &c. Emirtly vegetable, hey are emphatienlly JTJSTVRWS JFRMJEJVnr onducing 10 lienlth mul eounteracüng (iiecasB iy purilying the bluodr cieaeing, the Êystem of 'iiiiited Iiumors, removiug tbstractiona, stimuifing ;he organs of'secreiion. mifigling wüh the bod nnd acting cvery way ra harnpoijj with.tha. ystem. For Inflamatory disensos used in connoctibrr vtth ihe ''Rheumntic l'laster" they will be found ncn'ly to aid in the reinoval of diseasea for ivhich the Piaster is above recommended, nnd, Mrtictilarly are hey calculaied for iill derangemento o f "the :tígesbvs nnd Bilimy Organs, tlie primary ongin of a nr.iltitiide of diaecBes. Pi ice - 25 cents nnd 50 cents a Uox. For sale nt Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 1G-Iy Certifícales. WuousrocK. Lekawkk Co., A ug. 20, 1L43. 5 For twelve yeors I have been troubled wnh n rhe. matic affection in my beeft, 6O that 1 havehare ly ever been free irom pain during the whole umi and wiihin iwelve hours ñfior I bsd appliei soine4iJ Wrigb'.'s Rheumalic Piaster, lwas perf( :tly easy, and have had no pnin fince. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Coi.umbia, í Aug. 2j), 1844. V This may certify tbnt I kave used Wright'ö Pilis in my family in violent attacks of chili and. Iblüous (ever. and have found them to be thebest Filia that I ever used. and would recommend every iamily to keep them on hand. JAMES AVVARTOUT. Thompson, Gkaco.v Co.. Ohio. ? April 28th, 18-14. Th ia may certify that I have usrd Wnghts. Ponr Mnn's Pilis and Rheumatic Piasier n my practica, and woüld say to tho public that they enn rely upon thcir recommendation with the utmost confidenjee; ih short, they only need tiyinti recommend theinselve?.REY. R. il. SCOTT, M. D. Loraine Go., Green, May 16, 1843.. This muy certify thnt I have used Wright m Poor jVIan's Pilis in my pvactice, ond find ttiem. to be one of. ifnot jitircly. he best pilla now iiv use; nnd would reconnnend evcry family iv keep theni on hond. especinlly those who iive tiear low, mnrsi'.y lar.d, or mili ponds, or in an ■ unhealthy climate. . JOSHUA BASCOMB. M. D, Without adclmg jïfóré tesiimony o i the efficacjr of the above mentioned medicine, we do rot heaitatc to say that we are not aíruid 10 have its virtues tested by the sido of any othor of the kind ihnt ever has been oflered to an American pnb-, lic. and we will let í stand upon itsown merits. For salo at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothers. Wbite Pigeon. R. VVillinn:3, Jr.? &■ CoM Sturges Prairie Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Branch couney. A. K. Hall, VV. A. Bliss, Jameetown, Ind. Elisha Steer. Anaola, tl . Chester Moas. Albion. Michigan.A. P. Munn &-R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. . A. Calíender. fí E. Packer, Buttle Creek, C. W. Vining.. "Galesburgh, "- Cnpt. Biowti. PrairievLÜe, D. H. Medwood. Adrián, "■ Quackenboss. & More. Tecumeeh " S. A. ltowley. Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Manchester. " VV. H. Pallereon. Saline, " Harnion &. Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller. Wholesale Agent for Détroif. , Gco. P. Wright .& Co.. solé proprietors forthci United State?, and Upper nnd Lower Crnada.. All orders and business letters for the present,, may be dirccted to Geo. P. .Wright, Columbja P. O., Jackson Co., Mich. It is for sale also at Monroe. Mt. Clemens, . Utica. Pontiac. and by Dubois & "Wright, JefTef-son, Agcnts for the Slate of Michigan. Kilgokk. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years since, I was laken with the Scrolula. so (bat I had no relief day or night, my limbs , beingmucbswelled and covered with Ulcess, mybreast and back in great pain, and nerves mucru shattcreiJ. I npjilied to difierent Physicians, all ' of whom said iherc was no help for me, and all . the remedies I tried proved unavailing until I made use of Wright's ABti Inflnm. and Rheum. Pliisier. which reduced ïhe inflamation, bealed, the ulcers broughf the skin to its natural color, and reiieved tlie pn;n I would recommend it.. to all similarly afflicted, and am sure they will_ bo satisfien after giving it a fair irial. CATHÁPJNE ALLENSWORTH.. Tnoairsox. Geauga Co.. Ohio, ) April 20, Í848. 5 Í certify that my little boy pul hls antis into boiling waier, nearly to the elböA. 6O that wlienu the dress was taken off the skin came wiih it;r n!ter applyina soveral remedies io no purposn the arm beconiing much swollen and the childl in great pain. I appüed '-Wriglu's Anti Inflam- matory nnd Rheumaiic Piaster," and within twcw hours hc wass perfect ly easy, and went to sikepi. After -to or three doys I removed the plasi3n..andL applied another. amï whei) ;hni was remswöd tHa arm was hcnledy except a place tlie size f ashil}-' ling which was soon well. I believe itto be tH(fc best article foraburn that cun bft produced, andl would reoommend all to keep it on hand'iö coa of accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHfTOK. NERVOUS DI SEAS ES are grewdy benafSt'. ted by the use of these pi lis; - ssNerowïfaiache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dase &.. thetr tendeney being to sooihe the irrrïulijlltjr of" the eystern, allm; puin. and induce qores and!r pose. Those afl3icte"d with Coughs. Cftfrr Jnrluenza, &c, will find relief frora the e ef :iese puls. Exposure lo cold closes the pore of the the skin, checks perspi r&tion, reiards the cculation, and produces varions inflammaiory aiiseases. Does any one percetve a cold coming upon him? Let him on going to bed, taks swfhcient to opérate smartly, and then-every nij-ht, take enoiigh to produce a mild operation till the disease abates. In case of "Worms lerta ten of Pink be taken freely for 12 hours. and" then administer Puls sufiicient to p.rodaee,a brisk cathartic npoation. 20-ly.DR. ÖSGOOD'S INDIA CKCLAGOGÜE. AMONG the most valuable qunlmes ol thïa medicine, is its restoring iifluenc upon constilutiona irnp;iired and injurcd by previous. attacks oi billious iever, orfever andagae: or by n long reaidence in those oliniaiea whicfi produce them. Tliore nre nmny constitntions wfiohi become grrndually undermined by a mi(is-mal influente, without even u dny's actual continenienu f 'i sneh cases, the Cholagogue acts like a charn - the 8allow complexión, loss of appetile, languor, wenriness and depression ofspiïits. vy.ith. otlier unplensnnt symptoms which r#nderlife n burelen, all yield to this remedy vfben faithiully ust;d aecording to the directions oí theaccomRa- nying pamphlot. It is erairety a vegetable prp aratien, and mayle taken w'íh perfect stfety un.' der all circunismncos of t-Ue systeni. Fur sa)e by 3G W. S. . J. W. MAYNARE, solé Agen, For Ann Arbor and viciaityvPOLLARD TEIttPERANCE HOUSE) BY L. D. &, O. WEYBURN, Ncar the Steamboal and Packet lutndingt Buffaïo. HPHIS establishment has, dwrïng the past Yi'mJL ter. been cor.siderably enlarged, nnd improved with new furniture. etc, nnd ia now rendy to make the Trnveüor at home, at the moderat chnrgCB of 25 ocnt3 per menl. nnd 87j per áay - pnssengers nnd baggnge conveyed 10 and frotn iho. Hoiise free of chnrge. N B. rasserrgers from the Eost will find a Sign for the House, in the Depot, under which to nlace thcir hai'irage. We. the s'ibsrnbers. tnke plonsure in recommending the nrvove house, to tho friends of iho cause, as bfinc wp'I worthy of patronage. C. T. RAND. Tres'i Pollnnl Temp. Soc. II. MIÍ.LARD. Scc'y do do . d E. D. ROBINSON, Pree't Y. M's T. 5s ü. FOB ES. S(cy do 3o Buffjlo, July, 1344. fcl-Svr.


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