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i. o. o. fT WA9IITEXAW LODOIC No. 9, of the Inlepentlen ocdet of O'l.l tVíllows meet t their Lodge Room everyÍlTridajr ovtning. ;it 7,SÍ "o'clock! U. V. K. JONES, N J. F. Spai.din-g, Sec'y. Tg SÜTIIERLAND & SON tlTnOLEPALS AXH ItKTAII, Grocersonil Commisaio VV Morrhanis, Kast Main Street Ann -rbor. DE'B.HESSE, PiivsiriAN & Si rceon Respecöfully tender his pro f'ssimal pcrvices to the citizens of Ann Arbrr ;m ■icioity. xlir Offlcn a Miuk's Xcw Building, Mai fcitrcet, Ann Albor Micli. N.B. Kight culis proniply attencleiJ to. TVVITCHELL & CLAHK. A ttobneys ;ind Counsellors at Lnv, General Life am i. Fire Insurance IJeutí. Oflke iu City Hall Bloot en Hiiron St. , Anu Arbor . Collectíons protnt imtde urt rotnit t i.l . i uil special attention naid to conveyftncing. D. S. TWITÍ '1IKI.I., 7-i;;til K. F. l-LAKK. j. mTscoït. AMimoTVl-E k rilOTor,Kril AlrtSBIB. !n (lie toma formei-lv ocru]ieil lv l'nr.lle.v. ver Um steto of Sperry k Moore Perfect satisfáction guaranteod. W. N. STEONG, DKA!.i:r. in Brv fiooils, Boots aiidShoes,Groceries,Bonoets,Fancy GoodSjio.. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. Deat.etís in Staple, Fancy Dry Cïoods, Boots and Shoos, í;c, fte., Main Street Aun Arbor. ""mabtin & thompsóñT" Ft-KMTi ut WARS üohms. Dealer n allUindsof Furniturc, &c. New lilock, Main Street. liISDON & HENDERSON, DEALERS In IT:irdware,Stoves.limisefiirnislnnggoods, Tin Ware icc. &c. , Ne Block, Main Street. A. P. MILLS, DE.tT.KR in Stnple Pry Ooodl, Groeeries, Boots and Shucs auil lieudy Made Cloüiing, Huronptreet Ann arbor.' BEAKES & ABEL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSBIXOBS AT I.AW, and SoUcitOTS II Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster & Co's Böoc Store, Ann Vrbor ÏONGSLEY &OEGAÏf, A TTORXin-s, Soliciturs, and Xot.iries PubA. He, liiive Bookj .nnl Plats sluiwing titlt-s of all lamls n tlic uunty, andattend toconvcjancingand collecting emanas, a mi I" paying tnxps an'l school inU'n-st in any vut of the Stat, 'oilk-f cast si-!e ofthe Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES E. COOK, J08TICB of the PHACK. Offico near.the PeDot, Ypsilanti, Micliifran. "" Wm. LEW1TT, M. D., PUTSia.lN k Svrííkox. Office at his residence, North (,1e of Hnron treet,ndZd house West of DivlsioD itreet, Arm Albor. O. COLLIEE, ! TiNTFACTFRER and dealer in Boots and Shoes. ExiVX change Block, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stebbins kwllson'fl -Mme, Ann rbor, Süch. MOÖKE & LOOMLS. T ixt-FACTrREBS an1 Jealer in Boot aml Sliocs, '.VI Phtcnix Block, Main Street, one duor North of Vasbington. Wii. S. SAUNDEKS, Dealkr In Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann ArbQr Cash Boot k Slioe Store , south. side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, TT7"iioLi;SAt.Knntl Retiiil dealers and manufacturera of VV Ready -Made Clothing, Importera of Cloths, Cassineres, Doeskins, &c. Ne. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, jbha Surgeon Dentist. Office corner of Main jEta2L3 anti Huron streets, over 1'. Bach's sture, JTfaBHBh Aun Arbor, Michigan. "UJHXr April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Dkalkr in Rady Made Olothing1 Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Hats, Caps, Truuks, CarpetBags, &c. Main it.T Ann Arbor. M. CAMPIOJST, yf"ERciuT Taylor and dealer in Ready Made Clotliing, VI No 41, rhcenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSÖN . Dealkrs in Pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &c, Main streel, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., Dkalkks in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drufs & Medicines, [.Boots & Shoe, &c., corner of Main aud Anu streets, bel w the Exchangc, jLnn Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, 1 rocers, Provisión & Cominisí-íon Merchí lenT lersin Water Lime, Laxd Flasteb, and i'L-ïyriiR Ot Paris, one door Eaat oí ('unk's Hotel. _ C. BLISST DBALSt inClocks. Watcheft, Jewlry. an Fancy Goo4n, at the sign of the Big Watcta, No. 27, 1'hoenix Block. J. C. WATTS. Dr.A i.KR in Clocks , Watehea, Jewétry and Silver Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. Bahhkr umi EUhtnatto IT.-itr Dresser, Main Ptroi-t, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept onstantly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DKAI.ERS inMiscellaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper llangiugs, ka. , Main Street Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, rpPUCIIER OF I'iano Forte, Guitar, and Singing, btMDg X desirousof enlarginghe.r claps, will reertve ptapilfl al the re.sidcnce of Prof. WÍN'CHELL, wliich being near the Union School, will be ve.ry conveuient for such scliolarsattendiug tliere who m;iy wish to pursue the study ofinusicin connectíon with other branches. TermsilO, half to be paid at the middle and the ba.1aucefcat the close fo tïic term. D. DeFOREST. ÍTThoi.eíi.i.r and Retail Dcalerin Luraber, Lath, Pliin W giet, Sash, Doors, lilinds, Water Urne, Gfana ltiver Piaster, l'laster Paris, and Xails of all ëizes. A f uil find perfect asortment of the above, and all other kinds of building malcriáis constantly on hand at the lowest possible ratea, on Detroit Street, a U-w roda from fche Railvoad Depot. Also operating extensively in tho Patent Cement Roofing. " WASnTESAW COUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY.'ository of Biblt-s iiMTcstamontsat tbc Society ' pricei ut W. C. Voorlieis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. 8UCCESSOBS To MANUFACT'.IHERS OF Print, Boolx., AND - COLOREO MEDIUMS, ANK Al! HOK BIltH. JBÜflêFactö7y! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASremovedhis nun Shoptothc Now Block in Huton strcet, south oí the Court House, ontnesecond floor, wherehe ie prepared tu furnisb Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FlasJcs, Pouihes Game Bags, and Every otber article in his Line. Qn the mostreasondble ternifl, and to do all kinda o REPAIHIHTG n the ehortcstnctice.and in the beat jaannei , rfuil asfluríinent alway bcuí ou liaudj oud made tü er der.


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