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Arsenal. - A public establishment in which naval and military pnppüe?, army ongines and equipmonts, &o. , are manufaotured and stored. Carbine. - A short musket used by cavalry; so called from a kind ol light horse in thu lüth century, by whom it was used. Carroñada - A short iron gun, diflfering from the ordinary gun by having a chumber, and behig fixed to the carriage by a loop beneath, instead of trunnions. They are cssentially navy ordnanco. Charges (gun.) - The service charges of powder aro : for iron and hrass guns, about one-third tho weight of the shot; brasa howkzers, one-ninth ; carronades, onc-twelfth. Cuadel - A fortross within or adjoining a town, and so situated thut, though commanding thu latter, tho iall of the placo rnay not necessarily invoIvü tliat of the citadel. It should serve as a retreat or raliying place for the garrison. Grenad.e. - A small shell thrown bv tho hand, generally from thu parapet into tho ditch or eovered way.assoon as the fuze its lighted. A land service grenade woighs about 1 lb. 13 oz., and may be thrown from 40 to GO feet. Guns. - Brass guns are chiefly used in field batteries and operations, &c, being lighter than iron guns of the same calibre. For the atlack and defenso of fortresses, for siego batteries, and for uso un board ships, iron ordvance is used, as being able to sustain f'ar longer continued and more rap'id firo than brass guns. The term " Pounder"' is derived from the weight of shot thü guns carry, e. g., a 32 pounder projects a shot 'ó'l Iba. in weight, and so on. Howitzer. - A short pieco of ordnance, either brass or iron. They are in porportion to a gun of tho saine weight, much largor in calibre, and can bo loadod more easily. ïhey are used for projecting shell, canister, and grape, as well as solid shot. Mortar. - A short piece of ordnance, distinguished by the diameter of bore, and differing from guns ia the construetion oí bore, calibre, length, and thickness of metul, and position of the trunnions, wbiuh are at the extromity of the breech. It is used for projeoting shell ol various kinds into towns, or batteries, blowing up magazines, &c, &c. Pcnclralion.- The deplh ol ponetra tion of a musket ball to an earthen bank is 1 ft. 8 in., requiring a thickness of parapet of 3 ft. ■ l'eDetration of 6 pounders, 3 ft. 0 in. to 4 it, 6 in. " 9 '■ 6 ft. 6 ia. to 7 ft. 6 in. " 12 ■' 8 ft. 6in. to 10 ft. " 18and24poundcrs,ll ft. 6 in. to 13 ft. Powder. Government powder is composed of 75 parts nitre, 10 of sulphur, 15 of charcoal. Gooct powder should bave no smell, and be of a Blate color, vvih all the partidos well granulated. The expansión of gunpowder. is 5000 feet in a second. Rocket. - A cylindrical case of pasteboard or iron, fïlled with a composition, the combustión of whioh produces a recoil against the atmosphero so great as to project the rocket. To tho end of tho rocket ia attaokcd a rod of iron to guido its üight. Congrove rockete (so named from their inventor, Sir. W. Congreve,) are made ol iron and are a torrnblo destructive projectile, especinlly when directed Mgainst inasses of of cavalry and infantry. They are of great use in cases whero guns cannot be brought to bear. Shells. - Shells are hollow iron shot filled with an explosivo compound. Thev aro of various kinds - viz. : 1. The" common shell, with one fuze hole. used against troopg, in the detense and attacks of town--, against ships, &o, 2. The Careaste, with threa or four fuze hole?, fillod with a furiousiv burning compo.-iti jn. to set fire to buildings, ship?, &c. It burns from 8 to 1Ü minutes, the flames being nlmost inextingguiííhable. 3 Spherical Case, or pnclls, (60 nameu trom the inventor,] tillod with musket balls, and containing n burating cÜarga óf powcrer. These sholls are" most destructivo against Oavalry or Infantry. 4. The Compound Shot, fiilcd with leud, to ulerease its impelus. Shot. - Shot are o{ varioua kinds, namely : 1. Round Shot. 2. Har Shot, consisting pf a bar, vvilh a round head at either end. 3. Chain Shot, consisting of tw.o half baila chained togethor. 4. Grapc Shot, so arranged as to rosetnblo a bunoh of gi-npes. The nhot aro pilej round an iron spike, placed in a strong canvas bag, and bound together po tho outsido by a oord. passed ovor thora in the majiner of a not. Caaister or Case Shot con. sists oí balls pneked in tin caüisteTe, iwith awooden bottotn, of a oylindrical orm, and fittod to tho calibre ot the guns. The balls aro of different weight, according to tlie size ol tho gun, The most destructivo range for oanister is Irom 100 to '200 yards. C. Saugrel, or htugrage, consisting oí piecos of iron oí rny kiud or ebape. 7. Red hot Sliot, beated in furnacos for tho purpose, and very destructive against ships and buildings, &c. Windage is the diöerence betvveen the diameter of the bore and that of shot; funr.eily onc-nventiuth the di. afiietcr of the shut was allowed, but it is DOW reduoed, T hu ]Ups the wind(igo, the loDger ore the ranges, and tho more accurate tho firing.


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