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Address Of Gen. Mcclellan To The Loyal Citizens Of Virginia

Address Of Gen. Mcclellan To The Loyal Citizens Of Virginia image
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General McClollan it appears has for somo time been making arrangoincnts to move on Grafton, but on Mondav afternoon last, he had his movements hastened by information that tho enemy wero burning the bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio _ Kailroad betwcen Whecling and Farmington. He immcdiately Uaued, by telegraph, orders for an advance of tho troops ollocted on the Ohio llivcr. Oue column was directcd to move from Wheeling and Beliaire, under tho command of Col. B. P. Kelley, lst Virginia Voluntcers; another from Marictta, on Parkersburg, under Col. Stedraan, 14th Ohio Voluntcers. These oflicers were dircctcd to move with caution, aud to occupy all tho bridgcf, etc., as thoy advanced. At midnight of Monday, the rebels, as had already been announccd, cvacuatcd Grafton in grcat liaste and ero thisno doubt Col. Kelley has taken posscssion. The following proclamation to Virginians, and address to the troops, wero issued by Gen.McClellan siuiultaucously with tli e advance GEN. McCLELT.AlTS ADRRESS TO THE FEOPLE OF WESTERN VIKGINIA. Headquabteks Dkp't of tiik Orno ) Uincinnnti.Mny 26, 1861. To the Union Men of Western Vinjmia: Viiíuixiaxs: The General Government has long ènough cndured the machinations of a few factious rebels in your midit. Armed traitors have ia vain cudeavored to deter you from eipressing yourloyalty at the polis; liaving failed ín this infamous attcmpt to deprive you of the cxercise of your dcarest rights, they now scek to inaugúrate a reign of terror, and tlius forcé you to yiold to their schcmcs, and subinit to the yoke of the traitorous conspiracy, diguitíed by the name of Southern Oonfederacy. They are destroying the propcrty of citizens of your State, and ruiuing yonr magnificeut railways. The General Government has heretoforc carefully abstaiued from scnding troops across the Ohio, or evcn from postiug tbem along its banks, aUhough frequeotly urged bv niaiiy of your most prominent citizens to do so. It determiucd to await the rosult of the late election, desirous that no one might be able to say that the slight. est effort had been made from this sido to influence the freo cxpressiou of your opinión, although the many agencies brought to bear upon you by the rebels were well kiiown. You have now shown, under the most adverse circuinstances, the great ruass of the people of Western Virginia are true aud loyal to that benefieent Government under wlueb wc and our fathcrs have lived so long. .A 5 soou as the result of the eloctionwas known the traitors commenced tlioir work of destruction. The General Gcv, crnment can not olote its cars to the demand you have made for assistance. I have ordered troops to cross the river. - They come as your friends and brothers - as enemies ouly to the armod rebels who are proying upon you. Your homes, your families, and your property are safe under our protection. All your rights shall be respeeted, Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe that our advent among you will bo signalized by interíerenee with your slaves, understand one thing elearly - not only will we abstaiH from all such interference, but we will, on the contrary, with an iron hand, crush any attcmpt at insurrection on their part. Now that we are in your midst, I cali upon you to fly to arms and support the General Government. Se"er the eonnection that binds you to traitors - proclaim to the world that the faith and loyalty so long boasted by the Oíd Dominion, are still preservad iu Western Virginia, and that you remaia truc to the Stars and Stripes. (Signed) G. B. JIcCIELLAN, Jíüjor Guionil Coinmanding. ADDRESS TO THE VOLUNTEER AH1IY. He.UKJUAKTEUS Dj:r'T OF THE OHIO. I Oiueinmvti, May 2(j, 1861. J iSoldiers : - You are ordcred to cross the frontier and enter upon tbc soil of Virginia. Your mission is to restore peace and coufidenee, to protoot the mnjesty of tho law, and to reseue our bruthron from the grasp of armed traitors. - You are to act in concert with the Virginia troops aud to rapport thoir advance. I place undjr the safeguard of your honor the persons and property of" the Virginians. I know that you irill respect thuir feelings and all their rights. - Preserve the strictest disciplino ; remeraLer that cach one of you holds in his kcep:ng tho honor of Ohio aud the Union. If you are callcd upon to overeóme armed opposition, I kuow that your courage is etjiial to the task ; Lut remombor that your only foes are tho armed traitors ■- aud show mercy even to them wlien they are in your power, for niany of them are misguided men. Wlien, under your proteotiou, the loyal men of Western Virgiuia have been enabled to organizo ' and arm, they eau protect theniselvca ; and you can thon return to your homes, with tho proud satisfaetioo of having preserved a gallant pcople from destruotiou. (Sigñed) GEO B. McCLELLAN. il.-ijor Cit-noral Coininnuili Mg.


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