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Side -Walk Order- Spring Street. STATU Or' MIOHIOAN- Wwbten nvcoun. ty. City of Ann Arbor, i - KecoivW I Office, Junu 5th, A. 1) 1861.- To Henry BowI er, Thomas Snapp. Jncob Snapp, Elbridsre Traver, J. H. Hule, B. V. Hale, MaryO. Suth.erlandj (non resident,) Franciê A. Ranilall, Williniii öolilailiv, Charles Schuit, and Juhn P. Dule: - You and euch of you are liereby notified that the (Jommon Cuuneil of he City of Ann Arbor has ordered tlio side-walk ou the West uide of Spring street from Miller j Avenue to a point lour ro;.8 North of the corner of Spring atreet and High Street in ; City of Ann Arbor, to be graded and planked ; that sueh eil walk is to be con. structed four t'eet wide, of pine plank two inobea thick mul from four to sixinches wid?, and spiked to alei-pera of oak four by four inches, and ie to be built onder the superintaodence of the Street Commissiouer and Supervisor of the Sceoiid district of said City, and tlmt you nre about to be assessed to defray tlie expenses of grnding and plunking guch side walk in front of of mljucciit to certain I preraisea in aaid cily, oifned or occupied by ! you reapeetively, and thatu report and ftBesQient roll has been made out in the premises, and is on file i.i tilia office lor incpeetion ; and that the Ccmmon Council of said City will meet at the Firemen's Hall in said city on the First day of July, next, at geven o'clock, P. M. to review eueh asscsment roH on the request of any ptrton consideringhiniself aggneved Ihereby: and you are hereby j further notiiiud that the party ia allowed : thirty days iroiu the time of the service of ' this notice upon him, within which to make ] euch grading and side walk under the superiutendenca of the Street Commissioner and Supervisor of the Second district of said city, and that il' auch eide walk shall within that time have been so conslructed to the salisfaetion of sueh superintendente do expense of procecdings to collect such asseasment hn)F be incurred by the personn ao constructing the same. But if any part of such side walk ehali not be construct ed within Baid time, tho the premises so asseaseii for the construction thereof will be sold or leased for the ahorteak term of year at which any person will tako ' the same aad pay the tax assessed thcreou for constructing such aide walk, with the interest and al costa and charges thereon. By order of the Comnion Council, S. M. WEBSTER, Kecorder. No. 41. An Ordinance relative to I'ounds and to present Caltte running at large. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the City of Aun Arbor. Sko. 1, The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor shall, as soon as practicable, provide two suittible Pounda, one to be located north of Hurou River to be atyled " North Pouud," the other south of Huron River to be styled " South l'ouml ;" and shall appoint o, Pound-keeper for each Pound, wlio ahall hold the office until another is appoiuted ia hu place. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of each poundkeeper to reeeive from aDy person, whose duty it is by ibis ordinance to drivo the same, all animáis so drove to tbc pound under his charge, to pay for driving, to safely keep, care for and feed, to deliver to the owner upon ' receiving his feos with sil expenses, and to i give notice and sell the saine if not laken ! iiway in accordance with this Ordinance; he j shall keep an account of all sulea with a descriptiou ot ihe anitnal sold.lhc amount for which it was sold, with the name of the purchaser, ihe cost and ch..rges against such, credit ing the balance to thecity, and if paid to the owner state to whoin uud take his receipt therefor; he shall file a copy of such record with his account and receipt and the City Treasurer's receipt with the Recorder between the lu at.d lath day of March in eaeh jear, imuiediately preceüing which he shall pay to the City Treasurer all balances in h:s liands. Seo. 3 It Shall be unlawful for any Horsa, Mare, Mule, Colt, Buil. Ox, Steer, Cour, Calf, Uog, Shoat, Pig, Öheep, Goose, or Duck lo go at largt within the Umita of the City of Ann Arbor ;it shail be lawfui for any pereon and il shall be the duty of the Marshal and each of his deputies and of each ConstabU of said city to drive the same to pound or cause the same to be ao driven, and f„r driving the sanie to pound as aforesaid the Mare anal, Constaole, or any person employed by the Marshal, Bhall be entilled to reoeivtwenty cents for eaeh Horse Mare, Mule, Colt, Buil, Ux, Steer, Uow, Calf, Hog, or Shoat, and five cents for each suiking Pig, Sheep, üoose or Duck. Sko. 4 The pound keeper shall be entitled to the same fees for recuiving that the driver is lor driving. eaeh annimul, together with reeasonable charges for keeping and feeding, not exceeding iwentj'-five cenls pT day which shall be paid hiui by the owner thereof o) by soine ot her peraon , before aueh animal ahall be released from the pound, and if the oner shall not pay the fecs for driving, impsunding, and all reasonable charges withie 48 hours after the same is impoundcd, then the pound keeper shall sell such animal at public Vendue at the pjund, giviog threo days notice thereof by advertisements posted at the pound, at the nearest public'J at the Post Office in said City, except the geese and dueks which may be sold after 48 hours de ention without notice two or more bidders being present ; the pound keeper shall be entitled to receive out of proceeds of tbo eale fil'ty cents foradvertising eaeh lot of animáis and five per cent, on amount of sale for selling, he-shall return the surplus to the owner of anch animal, provided it ahall ba demanded previous to it s bcing paid to tlio City Treasurer. Sec. 5. It aliall be the duty of the Marshal, and each f his duputies, to carry the provisiona of this OrdinuDce iuto effect, and upon complaint, before any Juetice of the Peace ia said City of a neglect or failure, after due notice, to drive or cause to be driven to the pouud any Horse, Mare, Mule, Colt, Buil, Ox, Steer, Cow, Calf, Hog, Shoat, Pig, Sheep, Goose, or Duck found running at large in aaid Cily, with proper proof thereof, hc sh:ill on conviction be scnteneed to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars together with cost of prosecution. Sec. 6. If either of the pound-keepera shall refuse to receive any animáis driven to the pound, in accordance with this Ordinance, or shall wilfully neglect any other duty hereby prmoribed he shall upon convietion pay a fine of one dollar and cost of prosecutiou, and if he shall neglect to ren. Ier a correct account and to pay over whatever balance there may be in liis hands according to section 2, he shall upon complaint and conviotion before any Justice of the Peace in said City, pay a fine of rot leas than ten dollars, together with the amount of all moneys ascertained to be in his hands and costs of proseculion. Sko. 7. If any perion shall wilfully break orattempt to break either of the pounds in, said City. or rescue or nttempt to rescue imy anima confined therein, or whilo being driven thereto, or attempt to prevent the eame from being relaken, provided it shall haveescaped, he shall upon conviction thereof be fined not exceeding fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, or imprisoned ten days and coeta of prosecution, or both acoording to disore. lion of the court. Sec. 8. Ordinance No. 1, entitled an Ordinance to prevent Hogs running at large; Ordinance No. 14, relative to Cattie running at large; Ordinance No. 19, relstive to Horses and Cattie running at large; Ordinance No. 37, amendat ry of No 19; and Ordinance No. 17 relative to ths sale of fire wood are hereby repealed. Made and passed in Common Council, this 3d day of June, 1861. J. F. MILLER, Mayor. S. M. Webstee, Recorder. JSTo. 48. An Crdinanct relative to Streeta, i(C. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor That whenevor the Marshal shall, by virtue of Ordinances No 7 or 25, have removed any timber, wood, stone or other incumbranoe from any of the streets. lanes alloys, or side walks of said City, he shall immediately give notice to the owner thereof, if to be found, that he can have the eame by paying tho expense of removing together with the legiil charges therefor, and if no owner can be found he ahall put tip a noiieê as near as may be to the place from whence nid obstruction was removed, and if no claimant filiall appear and pay said expenses witlvn throe days from the date of said notice, the Marshal sh.ill proceed toeel) the same at public auction to the highest bidder, first giving four days notico of eaid sale by posting up five or more written or printed notices in conspicuous places, and 6hall immediately make return of the sale to the City Treasurer and pay the money over to him, taking duplícate receipls for tho same, one of which he shall immediately file in the Recorder's office. Made and passed in Comrribn Council, this 3d doy of June, A. D., Iá61. JOHN F. MILLER, Mayor. S. M. Wkbstee, Recorder. CARDS! CARDS! ! CAHDS'Ü Having parchaed a RrGGLEf: Rotary Diamond Crd Prau, fth a lino Miortment of Cuni type, Ihe Argtb Officpis Ijroparfirt to print Cfirds of hJI kinds in tb noaU'kt posnblt tyle nd t a groat rednclion from former pricus, inolucling I)uinesii Crd.i formen of a avocationsaDiliirofessious, Ball, WciMiuj, aml VMtiog Crds, '. etc. Cali, give 'ts yours orders fnd se9 how it in done.


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