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DR. SMITH'S I JNIVEHSITY JPILX.S . : ■ - rilHÈSE Pilis aro Drêoarecl ly Win. M. Sniith,M. D., Inte Profesaor of Materia Medica and T PlSm in 11 Umveísi of Èrio, Uhio. Ur Smi.h would say. ,0 the pul,3, that m offering them iLis Pili," he presenta no quaek nosiiiim hat wíl! ly lia imtaung effccw upon ihestomach and bowcls creo. e clísense wheré was Hule or none beiore, bul ono rhal ís sale, mild. salatnrv and uniíonn in its efieets upon ihe wholcsystem. ..„..„p, He would say that ho hns bo.w apent 20 yenrs in research and myestígatión, .l.roctec to thePu tholigy ol disense, und ihc proporties of medicinal substnnees and thoir adap.nuon to tho re.novnl áf fhe maladies W vvhicli fies!) ís heir. , Aa Üiü rosu.t ol these lab.ors, he ís now nl.le to to the public a eombinaíion of medicinal veSciable subwances. ts asnear pe.lect.on, ns study and close mvesnaation. tesis nnd expeiímonts, can bnng H. Jle would say to 1 hysiciuns. as wellasothcrs, trythispül; it will noi dcceive you. . . U peculiarlv adapted to thc removal and preve.mon of the íol!ouin!? rl.soasrs: _BüJpUL íntermiuant and líenuttant TeveiT,; Fever and Agne, Coi-gl.. L.vor Cmppl;nis, Sick _ Hfendaph, Pnssivo Dropsy, R!imi...atism, Enlargemet of the Spleen. íniernal "iles, . Coh c, Ai-.iiiy of thé Stomach, Incipient Diarrhaa. Habi.ttíal Cosñvenes?. nnd in II cases o! 1 ...por oí 1 he t.ow-.,. whena caihartie. burient. or altérajive, i nceded Thcy are i,ñild; .vet cerínirj m their oportí, ,ion. produce ftehher riausöa, gí, nor debiRty. The OgeiHs of these 1 .l.s are .■„'.ucteo, ,n cnsc full sarislactioi) s noi giVeh lo any peifloq ho nay puxcliuse iliem, tnat thcy shnll have jhcir inoney refüudtU. TESTIMONIALS. ÍN FAVOR O K DR. WM. M. SMITH'S U.NIYE.RSITY PILLS.TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Monroe, Michigan, June 12, ISii. Dr. Síutii-- Dear Sir.- T fake mnch plèasure in fiivinor my lestjtnony in favor of your valuabreUNIVERSITY PILLS. I most cheerf'tilly recommend Iheni to the public as n safe easv, and efficiënt cathariic for mosl of the diseases incident lo tliis región of country. I have made niteÖswe hSe of (hem for four ycars in my prt.ctice, and I believe fhefli to tte the BEST Anti-biliousCalharlic or Aperient medicine Mj.f.P eral use Yours, fcc. GEORGE LAN DON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TE1.LKR. Masillo; Öhio, May Ist, 1544. Dr. Smith- Sir,- I toke much pleasure in bearincr teslimouy to the .efficacy .of your Pilis in removing bilo from the sleinacii, ueterging the Livor and Ui all complrfints emanaUngfromlhutsóurce. i, _ T 'i J' C' TELLLK, M" TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. V.tívhk.oo, MicH-fRftireh 10, 13-14. . To Dr Smith- Srr,- For upards of sixfcmanths I was crueüy affiicted with Fever and Affue nmi'duriiiff tbat Ome conjd find nothing Uiut gave me permanent relief; at lengrh houecr your ünivcrt-itv Pilis were iecoinmended to me by one of the be.t Physicuins in tliese and I am happy in beiiïg r.ble to say, Ibat from the ijse of one box I was permanenlly cured of my aue; since then a number of my faraily have been as .signally beiiefitted. Your?. llpppecifu'lv, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL GOODNOVV. Monrof., Miel)., Jone 1, 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith hos been my Family Physicinn Por Ibur ycars last 'iliathe hus used bis UniversiU Pilis in Iiis praciice m my family with nnparalleled and I think ihem preiemble lo nnv pijl lor bilious affect ion " the world. PA NI EL G00DN0W. Imikerper, Macomb-Si. House. TESTIMONMAL OF D. S. PARSHALL., Midi., June 5, 1344. Dr Smith- I nm happy to ?ivf yon mv cordial npprovnl of your University Pilis. I am able to keop off Fever i.nd A-,nie,'and Iërèrs to wlnch all of ns are SJLibjéerifi this Western Country, by the fimcly use of your Univrsky Pilis. Send an A pent -tins ; wny :is soon IfÜi OF MESSRS: NOJ1LB AND 15 We certifv thai we are and have been ■ personally acquanUed with Vni, ftl. Smilh, M. D., and . knovv that he isa man ot eminejice in bis profeesion- and that for fonr venís he filled the chair of Materia Medica nñd Phnrmñcy iii the Wilioiighby University o' LnUe Erie, with honor to himself oml satifíaclioj) to t Trustees and FacuHy, ns wcll as ío tlie Stndenis of ihe above University. As for his Pillo; tiiey are 'par excplience' OtiAIvLr.o INOÍ3LE. Monroe, Mích., June 19, 184. Ö. F.FYFIELD. ' ' TESTIMONIAL OF RÍAL B. CHASE. This I cert:f-, that monih ót' September Jast, 1 was: aUacked wil! Cilüous Fevor (vvbiJe aunv from home at Owasso lo bnild a water wlieel) and with one dote of Smitb'.sUnivereity Pilis, I broke it up; and as many íithers were sick at the tinír, 1 adniiniítered thesc Pilis to them, and in all cases it bioke up tlieir fevers. I liave used them many limes s'mce, and with ffreat success. Thev are llie best piils I ever used. fe RIAL B. CHASE. Millwnght. Shiawaesee Town, Mich. June Ist, 1 S 44. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. C. WRTGHT. This may certify, that three years ao I vvas nUached vjth Livor. Complaint so severely that T "ouíd pcarcely tum myi-elf in bed: í öséd mnny speciücs and remedies, svoh as Brandretli's, Rpsurrectnn, Orèuta!, and öther pilJs. but with lili Je pr no eflect. One year ago, my friend Hr. Smith caüed on me on las way to Bostón, wlien lie gave me a box pf his Universitv Pilis, whiclr perfectly resUTed me, and my healih has not agaiii sulíered from like cause. ABIG AÏL C. WRIGli'i . Rochestcr. N. Y., No. ÍS, Franklin Street. June L3. 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN V. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice rrqi.iires me to state, that I have soJJ yourbniversily Pilis forone and a half years last past, and flaX 1 can sell no others while I have thein on hand. Thev have superseded the sale of all oihers- their effect is Uuly wonderful. r JOHN W. MILLER, Dntggisl. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Sale by J. H. LUND, Lo wer Town, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Uppeí Town, Ann Árbor. lr3


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