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SECIX, NOTICES. THE MARKETS. Office of the Michigan Aïïgus, ) ANX ABBOB, June 6, 1861 ƒ Tho followlng are the sellinlprices of the principal articles of produce offereed in our markct. Wheat red.bu. - - - - 85 95 " white bu. - - - - 1,00 Barley, cwt. ..... 1,25 Corn, shelled, - ■ 40 " ear, - - - - - 20 22 Buckwheat, bu. - - - - 42 Oats.bu. - - - - - 20 22 Flour, red, bbl, ..... 5,00 " white, ..... 5,50 " red, 100 lbs, .... 2,50 " white, .... 2,76 Kye Sour, ..... 2,25 Corn Meal, - - . - 1,50 Uuckwheat flour, ..... 2,25 Beans, ..... 60 75 Klax Seed, Ib, ----- 03 Timothy Soertbu. .... 2,25300 ClovorSced, bu. .... -4,004,60 Hay, ton, ..... 8,00 10,00 Wood, percord, .... -2,00300 Cranberries, bu. .... 2,002,25 Bcel , hind qr. .... 04 06 " foreqr. - - - - 03 04 Pork dressed cwt. .... 50 6,00 Mutton, lb. - . - 04 4(, TurliejRjlb. - - - - - 07 Ó6 Cl.ickens, - . - . - 06 07 Egffs, doï. ..... 10 Butter, lh. - - - - - 12 14 - - - - - 08 09 I.ard, lb. - - ■ " - 10 14 Trillow, lb. - 10 12 Vototow.pwba. - - - 20 25 Onions, per bu. ..... 50 Turnlps, ..... 20 Apples, green, - - - - - 25 SS " dried, - . . 1.60 Ppaches, dried, lb. 11 Honcy, caps, Ib. .... jq Bcesivax, lb. - - . - - 30 Salt, rock, bbl. .... 2,25 " fine, bbl ..... 1,88 Piaster, ton. - - - - . 5,00 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. 1861. SL'MMER ARRANGEMENT. 186Í. Traína now run on this road, Puuáays excepted, as folio ws : Leave Toledo for Chicago at 9 ñl A M.,and9P. H., and vin Air Line at 9.05 A. M. Leftve Detroit for Chicago at 7,20 A. M. and 6,30 P. M. Arriving in Chicago f rom Toledo and Detroit at 7,30 P. M. and 6,00 A. M . and via Air Une at 6.00 P. M. Arrive at Detroit frora Toledo, at 6:55 A. M., 12:35 P. iM. and 5.55 P.'M. Leaves Detroit for Toledo at 7.20 A. K., 1.00 P. M., and 6-20 V. 11. Arrive in Detroit frora Chicago at 5. 55 P. M. , and 6.55 A. M. Arrive n Toledo from Chicago 4,25 P. M. and 4.30 A. M., and via air line at 4.15 PM. Leave Jackson for Toledo at 4.45 A M. and 1 ,f0 I'. M. Arrive from Toledo at 21,40 P. lt, and 9,15 P. M CONN'ECTIONS. At Toledo - With Cleveland & Toledo Kail Road, with Wabash Valley Rail Road. At Detroit - With Grand Trunk Raihvay, with Great Western Kaitway, alao, with the Detroit and JJilwaukee, Railroad At Nkw AXBAJTT k Salkm R. R. - WitU Trains "or Lafayette, New Albany and Louisville. At Chicago - With Chicago and Rock Islam!, Galena, Milwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Qulntff - North West Railway - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Points West and South. flfy Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 min tes slower than Toledo timo. ]%& Patent Steeping Cars accompaoy the Night Trains on this Route. Time and Fare the same as by any other Rai) Road Route. JXO. D. CAMPBELL. Gene-al Superintendent. MOTHERS READ THIS. The following is an extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist Church to the "Journal and Messeneer," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in "avor oí that world renowned medicino- Mus. WixsI.OW'SSOOTHING SYRCP FOR ClIILDREN TEKTHINli : ';We ee an idvertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow;s SoothingPyrup. Now we never 8aid a word n favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we foei compelledto say to your readers, that ihlfl is no lUmbug - WE HAVE TRIHD IT, AND KNOW ITTOBKALI 1T claims. H is. probably, one of the most succeasful medicines of tbe day, becaune it is one of the oest. And those of your readers who have babies can't do it bette r than to 1 y in a supply." See advertisement in anothfr column THE GREAT EMGLISH BEMEDY. SIK JAMES OLARKE'S Celcbratcd 1 saaie Pilis. PROTECTED @bjS?sJ L E T T E R f BY R0YAL PATENT Prepared from. a preêcription of 8ir J. Clatke, M D., Phytician Extraoréinary t( the Queen. Tbis tnvalr.nMe medicine is un&üing; in tbe cnre of al! hese ifiinful and dangerous djueonej to which tb feciiilc : r:?Ütutien is eubject. It modéralas all excM and ■#- moves all obstructions, and a ftpeedv caro my btt rlied on TO IHARRIKD LAD1ES It is peculi&rly rtuited. It wil!, in a short timf , bring od the monthly period with reularity. Each iKittJe, prioe Od Dollar, bars the Goronuneef fitaiup of Great BriUin, to prevent counterfeit. The$c Pillê êkould mot be tmten by femaUe during (kt FIRST iii REK MONTHS of Pregnant? , as tkey art rare to bring on Mitcarriae, bv' ai any otktr time t.hey ast taje. In uil cases of N'erroun and Spinal Affectionn, Piit. li tbe Back and limbs, Fatigue on ilight ciertlon, Palpita tiun of the Heart, Hrstaricn, an4 WhiUs, these Pilla wil etfact a core wben uil othor meani hare fküed, am3 ftlthough a powcrfu.1 remedy, d not contain Iron, oalom ucUiacny, or any ihing hurtful te the coostitntien. Kuil directioDj aecomparj each package. Sole Ageot for the United States and Canada, JOB 1ÍOSES, (TaUI.C. 6aldwinft0ov Bochester, N. Y -$1,00 and 6 pstag itunpi endoied to any aa Ageis will inwre a bottle of tó Bills br retan I Sold be GREXV1LL k Ft'IXEB Ann Arbor, and by Druggists inevery town. IMPORTANTVoFËMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Is continually in peril if sbe is mart enough to Degrlect or maltreat those sexual rregularities to which twothirdB of her Fex are more or less subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'SPILLS, preparcl from the same formula which the inventor, rORN'EI.IUS t. CHEESEMAN; M. D., of New-fork, has for twenty years'usefl successfully in an extended private pr9 ctice - immediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the pojiodical discharge, whether ansing from relaxation or suppression. Thfy act like a charm inremoving the pains that accempany difEcult or immoderate mecstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Paius in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpita tion of the Heart Nervous Tremors, Hysterie, Spasms, Broken Slep and other unpleasantand dangLtous eflects of au unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATEONS. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS are offeredas the only safe means of renewinginterrupted menstruation, but. I.ÏDIKS MUST BEAR IN JI1M) There ia one condüion of thcfemale system in wMch the Puls cannot be taken producmg a PECULIAR RESULT. The amdüionref er-red to is PREGNAFCY- the, MISChRRIAGE. Such is the irresittibU tendency of the medicine to restors the serual finictions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of nature cannot resitt it. Ezplicit directions etating taken, and when they shauld not be used, wilh each Box, -the Prici Out Dollar each Box, -.ontaining 50 Pillt. A valuable Pa'iiphlet. to b had free, of the Agents. Pilis tent 5y mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Sold by Drugeisis general y. K. B. BCTCH1NGS, Proprietor. 20 Gedanst, Nm York. For Sale by MAYÍJARD STEBBDfS k WILêON, and GEEN'VILLE & It'Lt.ER. Coughs. The sudden changes of our climato ir SOUrces of Pci.MO.ViKT, BEOXCHUI,andASTHJIATI0 AITÏC hosb. Exporience having proved that simple remedi oftea act speedily and certainjy wben taken in the early stages of the diseass, recourse should at once be had to .'Brown-s Bronchial Trochei," or Lo5eDges,Iet tbe OM, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by !hie preoaution a moro serious attackmay bï effectually wardedoff. PrEucSpEAKEnsam] Si.vokrs wiliaiKithem fr-.i] for rlearinganii Jtrcrthcning tho Tol. i?o.. ;"' 'rr:'r"llt"-fTÏ6m6


Old News
Michigan Argus