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tfVVtw Cure Couáfk, Cold Hortene., ( XSxaWíW enza, any Trritation or Sorttcss of the ( AflOUlA Throat; Relieve the Hackng Cnt#h pMsWmFfV in Co?i'umption , iïro!tr.hiti!, AsthwiiiiU . LjBfJiJj ma, "'" Cnta.-rh. Char and VKHHHmY f iv slreTigth ín t?ic roiir of XCiViKÖ PUBLIC SIK KERs, HüfcA himI SIÍVGERS, Few are aware of the importanceof ehftoUna h Coiigh or"Comuion Cold" in it fljvt tAge ; that whïch in the beginning would yield toa mild remedj, f neglectc-d. Houn nttacksthe Umgs. -'Rrown's Hronchial Troches,'' cuin-iiningdemulcont ingredients allay Pnlraonary and lironclnal Irritation, BROWÏTS "That troublu n my Throat, (for which the "Troches" are a speciflc) ha ving mado TDAPnirci mtí ften a mere whinperor," "I rocommend thoírusp to PüBUcSPEAK' BROWN'SBHS" RKV K. H. CIIAI'IX. I "Have proved extreincly serviceubly for 1 ttUOHJUS RKV. HE.VRY WARD BKECHEI!. "Almost nsiaiit relief in tlio distressing ■ BROWN'S labor of breathinif peculiar to iñu." RKV, A. C EUfiLEeTON. TPilfinfa "Contain no Opium or anytliinginjuri1 HUtiüjü ou8." I)R. A. A. HAYKS, ChcmÍHt, tíoslon. BROWN'S "A smple and pleasant oomblnutlon for CouaiIS.&c.'DI!. G.F. 1UUK1.0W. i TROCHES "Benuflcial n tSmanumm." DK. J. F. W. I.ANE, BROWITS ,,. „ . Koon. I "I liare prort-d thom eicellent for -, , Wiioofí.vo CouuH " TROCHES itEV.n.w.WAnnEy, lïüflton . BROWN'S "B4-TÍÍ fictKl wlien Compüllcrl to spt-íilt. suffering from Coid." TROCHÜ.S St.Loun. "Effpctual in rfmoving Honrscr.cs.s and BROWN'S 'rritation if Uir Tlirout , o nimiu with Si-kakkbs and SWOIM." TRnra Prof. M.STACY JOHNSON' Teacíirr oftfusiv, t'outliern BROWN'S Kemale College, "Groat bínofit when taken befure and aft"' ureachng,a.s tlioy pKrrat HosnerROtHES;ne9. Frnm their past effect, I think they will bc of permanent Rdvnntage to ínf.1' UitU ftm ï President Athens ColW, Ti-nn. Soldby all Kruggist at TWKNÏYTROCHES FIVKCENTS A BOX.- 77Cm6 OF THE COCNTIH OF Washtenaw & Lenawee, Mich., Fron Official Records and Special Surveys, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HARLEY, Beíng Successors to Geil & Harley , Topographical Eng's, Authors of Mapa of the Counties of HHIsdale, Brancli, St. Joseph, C'alhoun, Jacksnn, ('ass, Van Huren, lïerrien, Wayne, (ienece, Kalamazoo, SbtavMM, Konroe, Macomb, St. Clair, &c, Michigan; 1 -omine, Medina, ice, Ohio; Niágara, Érie, Cattui'anf u, Greone, Sara toga, kc., New York; Monmuuth, Morris, 8Éc., New Jersey; City oí ReaJing,'&c.t l'enn.; La porte, kc:, Indiana - etc., etc. The undrsígned are preparing to puhlish. hv Piihficription.anew and oombined Mauofthe CountJos oí Washte.vaw and Lbnawer, Mkhkjan, from oarcful surveys OÍ the en tire District, made exprei-sly for lilis wcnk, and frum Official Records and other reliable information. - The Map will delíncate minutcly varimis fieographical and Topographical features of theCountics, among which may beenumerated the following: I, It will show all th Township, ííection, and Quartor Lines. '2.. It wíllpeiK rail}' show the Umindary Lines of Farms, and the ñames of resident owners. 3. It will Hhow the location of Public Roadp, diftinguishing the open roads from those not opened. 4. It will Khow the location of Churchi'S, Sclioo] Housefi, Hotels, Mills, Mauufactories, Dwullings, Shops, &c. 5. Tt, will give tho courso of Rivera nnd Crecks, nml show the location and outline of all meandered Lftkw. 6 1 1 will contain l'lam of tlifl Principal Vülatcps, showing the Sireets, Lots, and location of Buíldingn. Kacli Villaje Plan will also contain a Directory, giving the ñames and bttflteOM of village subFcríbert. The recorded add.tions to Villages will be dietinguisiied by colora. 7. I. will give the course of Kail Hoads compleled3and also such a.n as are now in proeess of conatruction. 8. It willconciiin a DUtinca Tabte, iving thedistanco by the most dirt-ct open roads, between any tvyo Villages in the District. 9. It will contain a Buin?s3 Directory of country subscribo, gmng theirnames, eccupation, and the suotlon on which thty resido. 10. Views ofl'rivate RpsiilcncCK r.n'l prominent Buildings, will be engraved on thenurgin, by special contract only. In order to secure an insertinn, early applUiition ■hould be made to thp Agents in their respective aUtricts. 12. The Map will l)e ne:itly engraved, handsomely colored, subj-tantially backed with nnislin, and mountedon rollers. No pains nor expense will be spared to m:ike the work in eyery respect worthy of public confidence. The pricc of the Map wi]l be at the lowrate of ix Dollars per copy, ptjftblfl on ilelivfty. Authnrizef ajícuts will visit Tory partios of the Dis trict, for the purpose of perfect ing Lhe wnrk, and, at the siimf time, to Rolicit patronage tf [it. Upon their cal!, will, be the time to subscribe, in orderto obtain the work as it will be old by subscriptien only Commumestkma in rogard to business pertaintng to this Map, if seiit to Ass AltiiOR, Mich., will reveive prompt attt-niion. GEIL & HARLEY, Publïsheis. t"!_ A Prcniitim bas bpon 'awarded by the HtehiglB State AgriculturalSociety. tr ükii., Hakly k Sivk, for their County ilnpn on eshibtttonat the Animal Fair, held in Detroit", in 1860. #- Bee Circulars which will o? dinvributed. 78im3 MOOHE fit LOOMIS Have Removed to tho STORE REOENTLY OCCÜPIED BY C. MACK, Phoonix Block.Eaat side of Main St., AND rm HAVE In Store K' ar8e SIOCK ï " -íai OF BOOTS te SHOES Of every description irhioh will be SOZjB O XX 33 jül. X 13 in THAN CAN BE BOUGH7 JA' This City. Also a large assortment o HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds made in the mrnt Fashionable Sfyle FY GOOD B EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, FRENCfl CALF BOOTS are NOT surpassed this side of New York City, and are warranted not to kip. Our ?fOGASAND KlPSi, are made of the best materials Our stock of Morocco Bootees for Larliee Ín the the test in town, witli TipcIp or without We Make to Order, and never miss of Bcnma the firsttime no give usa cali and we will gjiuw yon our stock free ofcliarge We have scured the tiervicen of two Experienced Jonrneymen. who do ourmending in the Went est. timmer, uad on shortest notico. Our motto is Quick Sales and s nm 1 1 Frofits ThanKful 'or past favorK we hoppbypayinar trict atfrntion to our business to raerit a liberal share of your patronagf for the luturr. jÖEï" Rememberwe are not to be nnderwold. &M MDORE & LOOMIS Ho for the Mimmoth Cabiuet Ware Kuums. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUST OPENEB IX THEIUnew and Elegant War e-R oom EAST SIDEOF MAIN STK EET, j&.N2r Annon A complete stock of EOSEWOOD, M AHOGAD Y SEIS OF PARLOR FURNITUEE INCLUpiXO Sofas, Tcte-a-Tetoii, üahogany Rose-Wood, Black WalDut, Plain ani Marblo Toppert ROéUWOOD, MAHOGAXY, BLAL'K WAI.NTT, FANCY ANO COTTAGE CH.4IKP, &c, &c, &c, te. -4. THL JSS 4 9 Elegant M1RRORS, BUREAUS, SECRETARIE?, Complete BED-ROOM SÏTS, 1N0LUDING LAÏEST STYLES, -ar ft t A % t ÜC-A.T TBESSLS Of the best quality and Difforent Material In Fact thay Have Everything wiih which to furaisli PARLOR, BOÜDOIR, S1TT1KG EOOM. Oït KiTCHEN, AND OUB CITIZENS NEEP NO loager go to Detroit or alsewhere to fiaa l&rgt assottment. This FTJEISTITUKE mujut b old acd will b oli at VEEY LOW FSICES! L IM every man and bis wife or gpizst to' be wit e CO1IEAXDSEE. Theyllüo tays " MEARSE OARRIAGE, And aro always ready to atiad to the burial of tb dendin the aioin'n)? country. Ware-Booms ea=t eide of Main Street, bet a Washington and Liberty o. ,M. MsjïTrs fu:pö c. b. Tnosrésox SPRING GOODS.T EICH GÜODS. ; OÜEA.Ï9 C3-OO3DS . l BACH & PIERSON HAVE just opened o large and til seleoted stock of Spring Goods. latest steles and patterns including POPLTXS, CHALLIES, DE LAINES, TRIMMINGS, BÜMMEÍ S T IJ F F S . DOMESTICS, STAPLES, oU Carefully elected, Wnranted to ploase, oud for sale cheap. COIVEE -A-HNTXD SEE. BACH A PISRSON Mareh2G, 18S0. 793tf ANTOHER JÊ & ARRIVAT. AT THE Él loLD AND RELIA BLE Ht]! CLOTHINt EMPOBIUMü fUiJ& 3ST O . S PHCENIX 23X.OCIS:, MAIN STREET. hasjust returrjffl from the Eastorn Cíties, with a larg and de.sirable stock uf F ALL AND WINTER O O 23 Ei i wfeteb Ue is nowoffcring at umiKiialïy IjOW PHICBS! Among bis Assortmont rrmy be found BROADCLOT1IS, 0ASSIMERE8, DOESKINS, & "#ESTIKGS, of all JoBcnjition, especiflllv for FALL AND WINT Eli WE AR ! whicli he is cutting anil making to order, in theïfttest un bost styles, tdgether with a superior asortment of REA DY MADE CLO THINC! TRCXKS CARPET BAG?, UMRRF.I.I.AP, nnl Gentlemen's Furnisbing Goods: with nUDMI other art'.cles Mtbiïfy founl En iixaïï ■■ e.stabli.shiiifiitfl. Au ANEAÍPOHIUM OFFASUlOiN Lbfl subscriber fia tien liiinsclf, tliat hUIoog pxpfcrteni ■ ;m1 cent-ra, succcss.will eriable liiui to give tlio gTöaten -alis(iictin toall wlio mnjr tritst liimm the vny v mau ufiieturing garmoDt.t to orli. 7O9tf WM WACNKR. 8,776,99i,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WANTED! TO ASS1SÏ INT ÏHE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Vliite folks, or of whntever color, coste or imt.ivitj-, whether renrricd, pinsle or of duubt.ful comiexioi), will b cnHsted in the noble cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITÏ - FROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES r and will receivo thoir outfit at the Extensiva FurnisMng Establishmsai -OF THE -- G ü f TE Ii MAN' o' HEAD QÜARTERS! having been establishcd for the LAST TEN YEARS. our known rule of warfare is au Un di síjuiscd Deslructioii OF IIIGII PRICES ! I'OXl O Ij O T IX I Tr 3r For all .ges! Sex and VoncUiions 1 In con sermonee of the verj fiattering encouragoiiient wlnch Ye hnve reeivil ince our location in this ciijt we havo increneed our Stock of FALL AND WINTEK CLOTHING! Tomeettlie demnnds of oor eusttimers, anJ having bccome more fully convinced than ever, tUat our mode of doaling, namely: afilie lowest poesible rntes for n.a3Ja.i-Te--i='L-irv is the only tme plan-; i will continue fc: serve the public ns heretoforc diiricg tho Cuming fall and winter. Our Stock consiats in evcry variety of READY MADE CLOTHING ! Flain and Fancy CI-OTHS, CASSIMKKS. SJiLK. AND SILK VELVETS. Alargclot of GENTLEMEN'S FURtNISiUNG GOODS, which are all warranted DONT FAIL TO OSlXjXjiT C3-. -JEE. , For past fa vors we are gratefnl to all, The eame ior large ones in proportion, And thoee w!:o see nt to cali Shall receive our best smiles and devotion. M. Guiterman & Co K. }}■ Studente and all others who want to se SONDHEIM'S new 7mod"e of cutting will Jo well to oajl and laave their meaeure For a Nice Fitting Snit ! C3-XTI'i'-t!n.3VI3L.IJ cfc O'o Aua Albor, Sejit. 23, 1S60. LUNG & BLOOD 8 N F i R M A RW FisJws Block Wvodward Ave Detroit, Drs. S. #, CAUPF.NTER & RA1NAIUJ. D-" rOÖS t&VL hj preted that Conínmpliui N jn3Ui-aU', bpeatirt t.hry eannut cure it thenbtelteii) but ttiis doMttatolake it frjn. Aluny mechanica will wor!;s on fi job r?f! tnf nnd after dom;? nothing but npolltbe material tbc wü tel] yon it BWer can be done in tlie #ay ym wnt ir. But jyapplying to a bette r roí tunan-ose who thoroughly inderstaRoi hii bosineM - yuu will get jour vvork accornplbtfattd in simpo. In this respect there ís the same öifTerrnoe 1o bo onWlinll trades anil profcftftiona, The b ogltH in wierharnsfn.ift tlio ais, in Ir frj In !,- :■ ■ ■ und m pbyp?, rill say snch tliiti's eani,c;t l0 ftgw Etue. that they couM not bt il all men lilee rèlrcfl; But fortunately theru is nm,th r cla-sn uf toeft, and these, whon fchej taÏM) jour -ne in bami, i!" tl,. jobas you want it, or reston you to heaitii, fteoordng to mire. We have only to rvmcmier tl ia act to ttadr9tftnd lij one pbysicInD abruM fftomounc tïiat Incurable wnich another can.ttin!. „ !n reclinares; VF&Honicttnvs V.v'. Rial by i possf'ssieiï 'it MfpfHor meaiís, by soine áew ínvention, of whicli be han tlus ao!e use, or by the prenter ttigenitj i lm mind, one penan will make er ilo what no othfr can. Exact ly it may be so in physic. And U'is is th very rHuoa why I have such prest uccow otíi Ú others in tbc treaiment of Consutnption. ïiy bftinj the original genius, hv ponefusiog the I. una -Meter, nhich enables m to clearly -lett rmire tbe Rilt ure of Uiu 'lisenf-fsin'! by haring rach rwnsdïeR for Ponstunption mi no other t'liyician ever lmcl,innke b"M t s:iy tliat I ti;i-i-, a:n] etn effect a cur" i thia dftetira beyond tlO reaeh of any otlicr man. To prore thu to hare heto the ca sp, 1 mfghi g!? you nombefs upon DntniwTM of rcrtiñcat'.'fi from mrnand vromen givon over to t!'C grave, who have bn rescm-ti aivl restoreá to heallti by tlic persevprlng usp of mv ft'icedkH '■■ Ron, Hkit ít is not flföc Sea y fot me to do so here, for Iba fact of onenian dotng whfit aííotíier camint cunnot. i.s cvi.lcnt toíili men of coinmon mué. If tbc Cousumitfvo wisbea furthet pfoof thftn this, 1 can only w y . come íi ni latlufy youncíf by ferial oí tuy fLill u the cure of your c Doctor CnrpBWr wili visit Ypsüsnti. mnl Ann Arbor, dttring 1860-01 . AnflArbot, ut Ooek'fl flnu-1, 3d nr4! -ítli uf each month; {Iawkina llutisc, Yp'ilufifi, íjl1. ïind fith of each monfh, Tlie rèmainilpf of the t'ñif, lie viilbe found al bis Lirog Infumaiv in J otioit Iy778 ■ - - - - ' ""ïqjnl! Mrs. "WINSLOW, An exprricn ed Knrse áM FraBnh) PhyVo'fin, preneiiTa lo tbo :ittuli"n ol ni' tli"i". In r SOOTHING SYRUP, í'OR CHIIOBSST TEETHIKG, wliicli írctit'y fucüitates tlio proceM ni' tvftbing, bv ;)!tetl Klí t!i gumH, rcillicill lili n;'.iini!1ial( n- will ala? ALI, l'AIN and spamnodic act:, n, -.-fA ;■ SÜRE to REGÚLATE ine BOWELS. Ocpon't apon 't. moteen, it wtil yivt' rc.t t i jroufjulvt! i.n'l Relief int] Lealtli to your Infanta Wc llave put np nnl and snM tUw urutif Tor r-p ten yef, nn.l CAN' SAV, IN COXH1:KNCE AM rRUTHofit, what rehire r.evcr ba b!e tu '. of. any idu-r miV.i Nl-.VKlí HA? IT KAIl.ElJ ÍN A SINGLE INblTtNCK, Ti HTRfT A c I KF, v.inn tui'-ly usrd. Never did e kn.w i n inpt occ tf diiiatie&ietloii by any nc who uwil 't. Cn tlié n rtrrir;. . all ar'í 'If hirhtf'l ivíth ÍN np r; tí' n, mi pak ín t' rim of c mmendatii n of tí inagiel ctiicts and mfdiml virtnpii. We ipmk .n this raattr 'WHAT WK I O KNUW." alter t'D 1-fmrB' íipirience, AKD 1 1.11 í K ÜÜK RWUÏATK N 'VQR I11K I [ ] ll.DUNf ÍF W11AT WKI1KKKDKCI.AHI ■'. Inallnrm eviTV B toe 'i h' tho ;n: rt suiïi i nj Croni J; n ani 'l,;iu lnn. rtiliel ffill b tound in fi 1 1 l n ir tvint'y m'sutru nfllr t!i' rfyrup ís a'!mInÍHt roi. This valüable iircparAtiiin i tí," pre cilitifnf ' r-(1 of flic moít EXPERrFNTED Bnd SKII.I KUT, X'.'l:-1 s in N'-w I JuHüTiil, nnJ baja bem u-c-i ffitb N1.V1.K FAIIJNO SUCQÏW in THObSANT) OF ('AS7S. It Bot otly r-li-'vos t lio f 1 1 1 1 frmn pn n. bv.t inTÍgi-ratoa -t" .ín 1 btiv.-cl-, c rrf. aci-1 tv. BIldKs 1 tío :irl ctnTgy tu tlie whole.system. It rill armtibt in.-tiint.y ri.-lievp GRiriNG IN THE BOWEL?, ND VTIND COI.IO an-I oTfrcoino conrulsltn's ulrih t n t Kpeedly rt'ni dk'-i. (Ti'l ir daith. Wt hfllove it [lie l'l.V'l anH 51'HBüT ÜEJIEIY IN 'lili WHRI.D, In all car .( DY-EN TI-.UY and PURKI1CK.A IN CH1U KI N, whétl" r it ane (Y 'in 1(vth'n or frttm any oüirr c.iiiso. Wö fiuM.snv l' everv mi t'ur who h p a chilri TilTcrii'í 'rum anv of (lie í.rdn: cnmuhi nt,- 10 KOT 1 KT VOl'U FUK.irí RF-. NOP. TUK rKKUl H ! OP DTHER., itand betcn yo aal yrr snlT. rni rhil v, an.1 üiertíliet tli..t-ill be SUliü- KS. 01 I Tl I.T - to ffiïïów t1 use of t'ii mP'lir'np. if tinit'ly n i'nll !iciti n fT ir'n; will ;n'('ln] nrv : Nf-n f n'in" i nV- t'c íac-siroUe ;t' ÍT-ll tc 1 '.y. - K1N-1. Vi ■:-':. i en tli(l Ratrtidf vrnr] ]n r, .Sild by Drugïlitts througoiit tic v rid. Prliulpn! fíli-c 13 f' Stif-it. X. Y. PB1CR UNÍ. Y :S CfTKTS PER BWfl.E ifwaaleby Bluíhaíli kO. I-.?"". Jbr the Specdi and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wcakncss, Nocturnal and DiuTHtU Emission?, Nervous and General Dcbi!it, Impotencc, and all Discases orisingrom Solitarj Habits or Excessive ïndulgcncc. rpHERE are thousands of Yoüno Me, as rell as Mtnni,s A Aged and Of.D Men, who aro snffuring to .-ome extont from the abovo discases. Many, perhaps, are not rtwaro qZ their true condition, or when assistance is realiy necdo 1. For the benefit of such, we herewith givo a few of tlia mosli COmmon symptoms, viï; Weakness of the Hark mul Limi., Pain in the Head and Sulf., Dimites ñf Xiyht, !■(■ nnd Welft before the Eyen, Palpitatinn of the Ih-art, Dvspejma, - of iíeniory. Confusión of IiIkiis, Deprcssion of Spirit', Alwrion to Socintij, Self-Distnisf, Timitiiti, eU For oach and al] of the above symptoms thusc remedies will b-j fmmd a "Sovoi"jgn Balm.'1 These remodies embrace thrce prescriptiAns : A 1ot of Paxtels, a box of Nervou Tonic 1'iHs. aml a b..x of l'ifiti Jbnic Pilis, all of which have important offices to pvrferm, and should be used together in everv i_-afo. Thoir superirity ove? other modes of treatment may be briefly stated as follows, vit: They fliminish tho violence of scTiial etciteni-nt. ftS" They iramedjatcly arrost nocturnal aud diurnal emifl■ions. jtyy removo ïöoul wcaTtnp?s, causing tlio orgus . to Mmime their natura-! tnne.and vigor'. ( L&■ They strengthen the constitiuion by otercoming negreras debility and general wuakness. JdfS-Tlioy enHven tho spirits, which are nfiially dcprcaieo, by expelliug all excitinjí causes from tlu sytcm. fliyBy tliöir invigorating properti-ja thj restoro tho patiënt to bis natural health and vipor of miinlmml. ffg Thoy cure when all otlier means have failed, Kg" They contain no Uermrv, no Opium, nor anvthlng that can in any event prove in.juhous. They are easy and plensant to nse. and will not interiore with the patieot's usual husiucss or pMUUTC. jfty They ran be ueod without BUJpiöfoB, or kaovlnge of ven a room-mate. That thoy may come vithín the reSMi of all, wn nnrw fltcd the price of the' PakOts at $1 per box, and tft ' . ■ n 1 cents per box each. In ordering by mail, in nddiitou to tlie price, twelve cents in stamps s'ionlJ bc iucloscl for vt-turn rostage. ySSS I, ADÍES in want of a safe and effectVDvï fl remedy for Irreipilantias, Sppres-iittu ol tha 63-31 Menses, or any alseaae peculiar to tmir .-lex, Ï'P Khould use DR. Gtbí's Fkmai.k MoN'rin.if ■' (ffl - L%■ P't.i.s. Price, hy mail, ít and -no ífrni]. ISi?% Caction.- Thcso lills siííHild ot bo iisfd 'JBBffi íVÍB. dnring pregnnncy, as misoarrittgfi will bo t!ie " ÏADIK3 vrho, from ïll-heaTth. dHrmitr, 6T Ruy otbcr humano and r?n"nable fnuse, K(m f n'1ary to avoid an increase of fainil', cao do o without luenrring dancer to health or constitution by the use of 3f. Ln CramxU French Preventiva routiers. I'riee, by mail, SI and two atamps. . These Powders can only be obtained by address:ng tha Genural Agents, as below. Sand for Dr. Gates's Pritatc Medical Trentise on Sexual Dissase. Pkicb Tes Cexts. AddresB, H. G. MIIXER CO., General Agento. Loni5vüle, Kr. For1 ilfl by MAYXAKP, STKITIX-, AJWII S03f. y78Lin Arri"Arlor, Mícík rlwi: .. 'jitïf.Li::i7s IIAÏK INVIGOEATOR, AN EFFKCT1VE, PAVR AND KCü-NMMICAL COM!or.J KOIÍ RESTUR1ÍKJ GHaY HAIH í it acíginal cUn w.lS out dyting, nu ! pn-voiits the Huir from turning grj . KOU PIIKVI-NÏ1(; BALDNEtíSiínd cuiing ilt]ien there i.. tho haat p;irticle of vitaliTy or rccii])Li;itivc tneigy remainiui:. FORRÈMOnNfï SCTRF AND DAKOROT, onr1 .11 culaneoue affections ní tlie Sraip FOR BEAUTIFY1XC TUK IÏA1H, ittpSTtiDf) tn it nfi mequalled glopa Dd brilliitncy , nialting U uft mmatlkj in its toxiiirc ui l cntiing it toeuri rwtdily. The graj celobriiy ntid tLe iuerrasing denuiadXer thia nnpqvinUfd proparfltion, ennvince the proprietor t!iat nne trial is only uecöanrjr to sal isfj :i lli('ni!1j j-uHk oi m - tmperior fi'.io.liticb over any otbftr jn-ofavatiou :.t prcwMi in nse. It cleanes tb onil scalp fretn davdvf}' n: ' irtH' rwlfm?ff ifrtTir Causes tho liair $a g6r 1 i]ri5iitly,ani"l giv(F t a rfcb,í)f1 I ':riblo : ■. ptytrftDcc, í.ufl ulsn wberG 'he bir is looeeiiki nj.i Uiio- ' nin. it v;:ll give strengt h an.1 vignt t 1V? roón4 - rfotair the (towtb tf tkose }nrts wbicli have 1m i tktiM, rausing it toylêld tifrrpkcorfirgrvfltair, Tfi?fT# bimrlreds of 'litdics and {renilctura it. Km Yoik who li;ivc ha'l thoir hafr reatoreU bj the 'i;? of this Id vigora tor, when all otftfer pfep'arfttlons Itnd fuilt'd. L. M. has in his pesMUiOD letteaa uinnmo". a i!c tast ij Itft Ue ahwve 1actK, from persons of tlie higlieal resj bility'. It will effect ually prevent the hairfrem tutniv ray iintil tb l-i'tcst peHod nfliiW: nnd in cRM vbrfft the baír lias cbanged íta c.í' r, tbe use ofthi In vigora] wfll wiiliV-cvtainty restore it to iü orifiht. í ■, tj,;_, a flark. glossy ap.p6ftrani. As a prftínrt fdï tlie t let and a Hair Restoratlve it i; partí e u lar ly recomoitiiod, h;iviiig au apr---onbV rraSTnnei mul tUt alfarda in fí-í:-3,'.-!v ííc j;--, wliick, when inufil tl. tho Invi ■:- dfew rl iií any rcuirod íbrm to preserve its place, whether plain or in hinco the vea? demand for it bj the iftdiea ns a mandará tnHn artiele VBteb none ougfrt to be without, as the pric places it wltbin the reaob of nlï, t ONLY TWENTY-F1VE CENTS hottl, to bc ha . at all reftpttotfcblfl drdggiata Bd pexfiimors. 1. MH-USP woiaiMllihf aMonïion ofTarertF djrd Guardiaus to tlua use of bis invigora:or. in QOMfi wüWe the. chil'lrrns' Huir iuolines to be went. ThctiMiofit lays the loundnio ïov a inod hcad of lm ir aait rpaovri nr.r imriiritiei; that mcy hrvo beco?no connectcd wfth the ffcalp. thei-emoval of whiVn 15 Bttenfari' both ror ■ '.■ benlthüfthe chiid aad tho future Hfpearaac nfiti'" llir.T. Cautton. - Xone (ftttfn irtttnu1 efarsimilf ms MIU.ERbeincon thomiter wrapir: nl-o, I,. MlLI.tR'S HATÏÏ IKVICORATOR, N. Y. blow:: in the plasd., Whplefialo Df-pot, 6fl Py ?t. ai1 'soM byaïl theprlnol-" pkiMftrchants and Druggists tbxowiJiout the world. r,iberaUli?coi!or tn purotówer bj the cumtiiv. I ahu iURirr to preseüt to the American Public my ! New & Improved InstantaneouÊi Liquid Hair iy$ which after yers of srieotifie experlmsñTinff T baVe hrnupb.T to parfftoiton. It dyi bbob o - t!y ■vitiiut. in.inry to t-hn Ilair oj Skin warrauted tliö ues't artiele of the kfnd in existfuce. PRICB ONLY PIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 56 DLF T.,: ftte ]V


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