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GREAÏ. GItEATER GREATESJ, BAKGA12ÏS EVER OFFERED 1859. Jfp=ïo ' In tliisCity, are uow being offered at the CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCIÏ, & Jowelry Storo: HIK Subscribo r wouldsay to tbocitizeníol Ann Ar1 in r. i particular, and the rest of Waihicnaw Oiititv in aiüicrnl, tli.-il henna just ÏMPORI'ED 1)1ItECTLY from KUIÍOPE.a Trcmendous Stock of Watcbcs! Ah of wbich he blodítlmself to olí CHÉAPER thau can be bought west of New York City. Open Face Cylinder Wntches trom 86 to $10 do do kever do do B to 21 Hunting Cnse do do do 14 to 33 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 'ïold Watelirs trom 20 to 150 i l.ave hUo tne CELEBRATED AMERICAN WAT CUES, wbichl wlll sen ttr 835. EveryWatch warranted to purform we 11, or tlic moiuiy retunded. Clficks, Jewclry, rintcil Ware, Fnncy Gnoris, Gold Pens, Musical Instruments and Stringa, Cutlcry, &c, iind in faet n varhtty of cverythinu uaually heptby Jcwelan can bc bought lor tho uoxt uinety days nt your OWN P 11 ICES! PoreoiiB buying ntiything at this well known establisume ut tnn rely upon getting goods cxnct'y as rp3, orthHmony refundid. Callearly und secure tho best bargalus ever offored in thi; City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We ftre preparad to mke nny repairs onfine or common Watfihes, ven to mukinso r the eiitire wntch, f nftcessnry. RepaJrlng of Clocks nnd JewHry 09 usual. Aiao the manofacturlag oí RINGS, BROOCHS, or auything d""9reI, from Cnliforina Gold onehortnotice. EBgrarlpe In niiita branches cxct'nted witbneat IH'BS 1111(1 (ÜSj.Htell. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thl659. 7i4w 1IÜRACE WATERS, AGENT 3 il 3 Broailway, N c w Y o r k PubllslH i of Muilc nu tl Aluslr Books AND PEALKK I.V Pianos, Mclodeons, Alcxandre Organs Organ Accordeon?, Mavtin's oelebratud and other Guitars, Violins, Tuiior Viols, Yiolincellos, Accordeons, FI atinas, Flutcs, Fifcs, TrianglesClarbnetts, Tuning Forks.Pipes andHammers, ViolinBow.s, bcstltalian Stringp, Base Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S li o o t OVE ix S i c, Voiia.aU tho.pubjahers in the U. S. , Bertini's 1! and tiodern School, and all Itinds m lntmciion Booki for the above instrucaents; Clmn-l Musie Books; Music elegantly bonnd; Music pAdi1, and all kinds of Huslc MiTcliiindise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $325, $250, and up to $S00. Socood Hanti Pianos Brom S-5 up to élt30; New Uelodepoa, il', $fiÓj ST5, S100, and up to $200; Sccond Hand Molodeons trom $30 to SSO; Mexandre Oijgans, wïfh 8ve stops, H60 nine stops j $185 and $225; thirteén Stops, $250, $275 am S300; ftfteen Btops, $320'and $8ï8j A liberal dicoiini to Clergvmeii, Churches, Sabbath Scliools, Seminaries and Toachers. The Trade suppüed at the usual ttado discount 3 Tcstliuunlals of tle Horacc Waters Planos ;,imÍ .Milixlciiii,;. John HrwoU, r f'arthago, New York, who lias hat nno of th? HoniccWaters Pianos, writt'sas folio w.s: - iiA fricii'l of mi uu wishes me to purehasc a piano for her. She likes the ono you sold me in Decembor, ]856 My piano is becoming popular in '.Kis pltce, and I tl.iitk 1 eau iiiirodiicc one or twomorc; they will be more popu lar than any other mnke." 'We have two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourSemi nary, ono of which has been severely tested for thre year.s. and we can lestify to tneir gnm qnality and lura bility."- Wood k (ire.cory, Monnt Carroll, Hl. "lï, Waters, Bsq. - Dbak Sik: Haying usod oneof your Piano Fortes for two yeara past. I have fonud ItavöTJ superior Instrument. Ai.oxzo Ckay, Principal Broóklyn Heights Seminary. "The Piano I received from you continúes to gin B9Í sfjicLion. 1 regard itasone of the bwtingtrtaoiQatB inthu place." James I Clarkk, Charleston, Va. "The Helodeon bas Bafely I feel oblipo'i to you f.ry our libt'ral du-count." Rev. J. M. McCOKiiick YarqueaviileS, C. "The piano wns duly reccived. Itcame in excelleni condition, and is very much admirad by my munoroufc bQuQy Accept my tnanlca for your prompiueas." - ROBRRT Cooi'EB, Wdrrenkani, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano ploascs us wcll. It is llie best. one ia our county.",- TiiOMa? A. T.atham, CampbelUon, Ga. "We are very niuch obligedtoyoa fir liavinpr sont shcIi a fine instrument for $250."- 1ïrank,Held & Co. ÜïJfoiii DcmGcral. í(Thc llorare Waters Pianos are known as among the very lest We aro enablcd to spoak of these Instrumenta with confldence, from personal knowledge of tlieir excellent tone and durable rjnality."-. Y. Evan#tlit. "We can spenfe "f tfid merits of the Horéce Water pi anos from por.soual knowledge, as boing the very fintst qualiy." - Chrhtian Intdligenccr. "The Horape Waters pianos are ouïlt of the best an' most thorogbly seaoned material. We have no doubi that buyera san do as wcil.pcrhaps botter, at thisthan at anv otherhouse m theünfob." - Advocate and Journal. Watcri' piaims nd mclodeons challenge COmparteO! with the fiue.-it made any where in the country.' - Home Journal' (iHorace Vaters' Piano Fortes ara of fulT, rich am' eren tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical Itcwao. "Our frienda will liii'l aj Mr. Waters' store the verj best assortment of Muaic and of Pianos to be found in the United Suites, and we urge our southern and western frienda to give him a cali whenover they go to New York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h Sch ooi Bell, 100,000 Issued lu ten Montbs. The unprocpdontej ale of tbls book has induccrUhc publislier to aüd sume 30 new tunesand Uymns to its pres. ent size, without oxtr;v cbarfre, except on the clieap editioir Amoñg themaiiy bfeaüfal tunes and hymns adiUii! may be found:- "I oujtht to lnvo my tooilier;" "O PU be a good child, indeed 1 will." These and eight others from the Keil, were iupg at the gumlay School Anmver. snry of the M. E. Church at the Acatleniy of Jltisio, wlth Kreat applause. The ltellcortain nenily 200 tuiifs and l:yinn--, rind iü ono of the best collectiona ever issued. I'i-iro löc; $lö per liundrel,posage 4c Elegaiotiy bound, r'mbossed Rilt, "Oj S- l"'r um II ha lou iutroduced iiin ir.juiv of tlii' Fubllc Schools. ïhe : o '. is pubjished n small numbera entitled Anniand Sanday School Mrtsio Books, No. 1,2, 3, k 4, in order to aeommndate the million: price Í2 & $3 per hundred N'. ■") will BOOD ba issued - coniraencemcnt ol another book. Also, lïevival Musir Bookfl, No, 1 4 i, jirire SI & $2 per 100, postase lc. More than 300,000 coplea of tho abovo books h:ive been issueil the paBt ethteen months, and the demandterapidly Uicroaahi l'ublishe'l bv HORÍCE WATERS, Agent, 338 Brondway, X. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 Kroadway, New Vork. Vocal.VKind Wgrds can neverdic;" "The Angels told me so;" "fl"lds d! the West;" "Thoujrhts of (i.!;" "Givo me back my Moustaln Home;" "Uay i". "Dandy OockRobin;'1 "I'lu with thee lrtill;"Petli "There'ft no darilng like mine;" "Sainh Jane !■;' er of thee:" "I'm leavinï thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Hcauty:" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel,' and 'Wake, lady, wake,.' price 25c e.ach. ' I.vsTRuiiB.vTJM.,-' 'Palace tíanlen, or Sinfrinp: Binl Polka," 40e; "Swingtng Schottische;" "Mirabel Scliottisoli;" 'Thcmins üakor'a fchottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 85 ceuts each. The abovopiwjf havébBaütlful Vigncttee. "WcUner Polka;" "Arabian Wal cry Uarch," tho very last: "Vassuvianna Doniflls Mazr.ika; "Read: in Polka;" "Crinoline M'altz," and "Incers' Qua drille,"25c cach. "The Kinpireof Keich's Quadrille;11 a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. Many of these pieces are played by Haker's oelebrated ■■ftVi ra with líreat applruse.ftg" Mailed free. A largo lot of yoreign Music at half price. Planos, Mclodeons and Orgaus. The. Iloraco Waters Pianos and Melodcons, for di'pth, puiil.y of tone and durabiliiy, are unaurpassed. Pricns very ïow áecond Haud Pianos and Mclodeons from $25 to $150. Mnsic and Musical instructions of all kinds, atthe lowest prices. HORACE WATERS, Aj,-ent, No. 333 Hroadway, N. Y. TjíSTIMON'IAlí?; - "The llorr.r.o Waters Pianos are koown as nmong the very bet.' - Evanxeliat. "We can Hpeak of their meritw from personal knowledge."- Chrittian Inutugcnccr. ' 'N"o hing at tho Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Ckiirckman. Waters' Pianos anrl Meln.íeons ehallen.ïfcomparison with the fincst made any where in the country." - Home Journal. 715" - Irving's Works - National Editioii iniIIS Fine Edilion of the Works of Wapiiic;tox Ih l (inqiudiog the lite ol Washingttu). willbe lubIshed t"L' SXTBSCRIBERS ONLY In Mouthly Volumes, Pricc $1.50 Fuyable on Delivery. BeaatiLuUy Priatd Qn bevy Bupwfioe pftper, of the i quálfly, and substaatially bouud in hejivj bevelled boardB, (CJ"Each Volvïmc Ilustratcd with Vignottet on Steel and Wood. XB Kmckcrbocker's New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. Columbus, 3 V4)U. Bi acflbrtdge Hall, Aatorin, Tnlcsof : Triivolor, Crayon MIseeïlany, ( :i .ï. Ht.Iiili'vill", Oliver Goldsmtfhi Mahomet. '-i vol. GrenadH. Alhambrn, WollVrt'.s Koost, I.ife of Wasliington, 5 vols. ■i ;undl. Tliisdiitinn will he m ExnrsivKr.Y 1" Bnbscriberi and will b" ifro:itly sitirior to am uw bfifbvé Isfl6d',A rei v tiaiywome aet of theae oaiTersall; popnlaj worki irtthui placed withirt tho mans ofnll. P I'. PUTNAM, Agt.,Pub1t8Ker, llö Mwsau StreeNew Vorfe. City Cheap Lumbcr Sas7i , Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand lïiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putey, (.Ge, Lc. , D. DeForest, HAVING Incrcaned hli facilitica tor doiip busi nos and ftnlflrgiïd his Yard aiu) 8tbcfc i pre parod tue ptasent aeaaoa, witii tl: beaillonroa and cüearéslseasoned stock e verin thie mi rit! tg antiit'y the roatonabln SxAèctatiohg ( nl. o,,, motto e iiotto be undPrsolril'or cash on dclivcrv I wül not iMilcrtHkctolri-!,[iT]the public bysoylna thnt Iheywill Ri-t shaved it thi'y bu y :lcwhrrc, fi? wi presumo thut utherowilisclliialownsthc-v 'can iitïord to. All kinds of Timtoer, Joists, and Scantlliig, rine, Whitowood Basgwood Hem lock, Plaiied and Matched Pine, Whitewood Ash Klooi np.Planed.ind ronïli Piiieaml Whitrwnml fli'Ung. Fe iet l'osts, OakandC'udm Tostfe andi'icküts ot all kinds. Pint íTatl), anir ilUjitcuioob %. .( P.tttB, Ash:ur VVhilewood Shinglce, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank Black VVa.uUt, and Cherry and tbin stuft, Wagou and BUGffY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxund Body Lumbcr, Maplel-og Timber, Ilickory, Oak7 Ash, Elm, Becch, Ofaihhicknctset.wldtha andlengtha,&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. 33"f,ilst ofallsizea, &c. &c SASIL DOOIiS,& 11L1NDS, nade by linnd to order as low as fnf tory pricoii, on tha sbortcstuoticc Liythe ueatof workmnn, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billf ofnl! dnsoription in the above building lln furnishedontheshortegtof notice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful! anda perfect assorimrr.t ofthonhovo ant otucr kiudfi of liuilding Materials Constantly ouli:tnd at Uu lowestpossiblc rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods soutlifrom R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arlor, Miei. HOOFING. N.B. - I am now operating Extensivelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. "mTCAMPAlGN 0PLN Campion's Ilatijprra ! TRE suligcriber has jukt rcturnotl from thciast willi 1 his Fall and "Winter C3r O O X SS Which ho ia D e t e r mine d to Sell AT THE LOÍVEST PRICE FOE CASH! ut whioli, Fiist Quality Gods can ie nfiordcd in this city. liy clohs ure all of the FISMEST QUALITY and as I manufacture them into clotlung myse)f, 1 aai enabled to WAERAKT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, wliicli is a strong inducement to customers to patróriize my store in preferenee to places where large quantitiss of lialf made gootls are kept for sule. - I liave ihe latest fa-uions, and can give 3'ou as Fine and wcll Fitting Garincnts as can be boutld anywhere, I urn bound to sell CIIEArER AXD BETTFE QOODS 1 tlian any other similar establishment in tliis city. Youv custom is most rcspeclfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1Í-G0. 773yl LOOMÏS & TRIPF, Succeósors to Chapín (t LoomisndChapin, Tripp tfe Loomis THEabovo firm of Loomis & ïripp havinj; purchascd the entire ioterest of the fonner coninanïes will cuiiti'ine tl io btasimsS at tho cld stantls, wherc tliy will be ready, on the sliortt'üt notice, to fill all ordera in the line of Castings and Machinery, ín the most workmanlike mannrr, and on as liberal ternas ns aöy-othersbop in the State. Amnn the vniious articlesmanufactured by us, -vra would enurncrate STEAMÉNGINES of all kiodfl; Mili (.euring and Fixturos, wronlit and c;it; alltlie various castingafor makinand repairing Ilorse Powers & Threshing Macliines such ns nre:it prosont, or havr forme rly been in use ra this part of t]it'Statef as wcll as all the varïous kinds nf castings and machine woris called for by farmers and mechanics inthis sectiou of the connlry. of all the va.'ious pntterns, np in sipandpvícos. '.vill be keptcoD.stantly on hand, got the mobt modci'n and improveo s: fles. ■HUBBARD'S WEOUGHT IROIf REAPERS & MOWERS. Fiaving cnmini'nwid manufacturín this superiorMachim', Kingli and combined, tlio farmers are in c;i!l and see a specimen ohaehin now in our ware room, befure pujchaaingolfliwliere, bellQvioS that íhid machine QCcd only to bi .secn to convince the farmer of irs SUPERIOEITY over the Reapers and Mowcrs in this mavket. Thankful for farmer patronage to the old firniK. we would solicit a C'MitiniiHiHT iVoni ld fni-nds,and a trial by all wiühiiig fornuytliiug in our line. ot" busm -ss. LÜOMIS k TlMl'I'. AnnArbor(May lSth, 1859. 697tf SGHOFF & MIL LEK A UI'. PTII.I. OX HAND at tlioirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANGY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS. EIOOKS AND PINS, 3TERE0SC0PES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Martet ! ud tliey would suggest totLoso u pur.suit cfauythingil] SANTA CL A US' LINE luit thcy can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! y purchïisuifï from this slock, ns e.ach purchnser gots n ;i'Minmal preaent of Jewelry, kc, Rasging in value from 50 ets. to $50. Tlieytrust that theirlonj? experience in selecting oods foïthis market,and strlct attentipn to the wants f Cu&tomers, may entitle them to a liberal share of 'atronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 18C0. 77Tlf rEYËand E AR. i'i;. v. a. ci)vi:i.!-, '■ ""■. ■-'- " nrKr.vroH lili-: i:ym am ' ai;. Kar UcnliKss. (lUiiilnrxs, nnd nll ilofccts of Mullí mul Uvarlng. DR C. üKINf! A EGÜLAR Phylclv,wlth TWI : IV YEAR-í' .■xchisiv.. prnctice 1d ''"■ trentraratfll líate, of KVK AM) EAB,willbfoondquMiaelto , f ,„■ oBoot a cure o any cnso witl.m the i. ;idi ' &v' No charge for nn cxamhmllon or an opinión, r fnr tlJlsuccetlíul sr.rrkcs. fíR C Tiík.Vusk OM tkk Uve Kab. nf 300 pp., ontaioiiut nífr''i Testimonial, lVsvnptkraof Iisasefl C&se, 'l1ll oöier importani matter, iliustratod rith Cute, I" '"' hadratí, bj nnSing Ten Cmis to .y ,, ,.,.,.. Addn ■ l'r. Cadwsu 'J3 Randolph Stnet ■ 'j IIIJ;,'(iS Co'.nmissioners' Notice. QTATE OF MXHH1AX, County of WaWt(.nw__; O Theundei '1 haring ly -n appointed by tïi l'ruï. Court. for mía Cm:h1.v, CoministónèT8 to recelvie aininejiii-i ;[■! n4 ;iü i-1:üiii and deniands of al! . KainsJ the KstiUe ui Slahlun Bcakea, late oí thé t ,',■" ' sh:] ofSylvan, itecouud, liereby glve notice that inonths from date are, by ordei "i g&id Probate Geurt ailowcd'for preditors t.i present Ihcir claims said dexeastd, aud tbat thcy wiUnioct m tbe house of Thomas I Royce, in the townuhip ol Sylraif iu said comily, on Rtttmlay Kth dar of uiri, ,' urdaj MJdaj of November next, at W o'clock n the afternoon ■( each day; U, recoive ..7 amiiic, and adju&t said claims ' WH.I.IAM A JONES, r HIRAM 11KÜCK, 'JCommissioners Dated, May 22d ii-.m. ' 8001;, Cliancery Sale. OT MlWttBAN; nií Cucrn Cornr n tuk. CoU.TBf !!■ WASUtEÍAW, EU A l'erkiii, vs. S-Wali IV, kin- In Cha cv; "' [n .ui-, ,.i iu -.- pi B decretal of the Circuit Court of (),. Couutvof Washten.v.v, in Chancry, nade in tlic al,,,;, day, of December, A. n. iA-m? hundreil a ;.; :tiy ,.;,,.-, and a fuVtbcr order of tl. is Court made on mxiIi darfof Cebraary, A, ]) eightcen ,,U', üred and iirfy one, 11 bc sol 1, undcr tlic dirr-cti„n 0( the tin: u ii Court Cjgamissioner for the County of public :i.h-i-.,:i, a1 tbe -,-.itli or frontdoor of the Court House, in the cityofAnn Arbor, on Saturda sixth day of July, eightcen hundred an.l shttr-oac -,t twi.hf o'clock, noon, of said dny.ail thoM certain tra'c'u or pareels of jandlying and being In thetonhatti lcm, In tbe County of Washtenaw aforesaid. and de scribed in said decree as loliows, viz: Tile west half of the south-cast quatter of netto Brteenj and the vest balfof thenorth-oastquarUc ofMotion twenty-two in fewnship one south, of rangesoven cast, or so niüdi therebl as may hc necessary to satfafy thé amonht du Opon said decroc, fgether with Interest and cost I. S iWili IIK1.I.. o II lur,ilV"-rVr'',m' i"rVle C0Unty of WtOTW. ' 'S May1o:Í5o:U"""aÍ"aUt "' Amí" SIJERIFFS SALE. BY ,,r a:i execution issued out of and undtr tl seal' I M.-Cronit Court for the County of Wat! fenaw, and Stare ,1 Michigan, bearjng date the '■■tl,' la.v ..t December, 1S00, and to me dirocled and dellvered against tbc gooda aud chattela, and lor uit tbereoi fend and i„„„„„., „, .,,.,., j, ,,,.„.,„,,„,. tlir . ' tomed, I dld on the 29th day of Dewmber, ISM liZ upon a.i.l selie all the rithttitle and infrirt of w ioid John D. K,.-t. m and to thofollowMg (Sled I, ami prendes, tow,.: TI,PM„uh !, „f Watí,. i, "of section No. 2; also all the land lymg north of the VÜU I k Manchester on tbe soulh oflectlon 2, (reservüS a lot sold to Bañabas Oa);al o northlwest % [ofsontn JrJtJi,MCtlona!aloitoi!bet ; „f su,,t.Í,-.--t u daooth-eait '., o „ortl, eost ■,: also 2 acres off tl'. astslde ofthc north vreul '. of south east ', : also 10 term off the OMt sidc of souih-wet J of Dorth oaat J., of section 3, town 4 soulh range 3 ast. Mso il thatpiece orparcolof lan.lin the township oï Mand,. -1 terbeing the eaet 40 acres of the north pavt of tie north-east fractional % of sect.on 3, commencins on th jortb line of sald section at a point 31 cliains 37 links from the north-east corner of aaid section, runninjr thence west on said acetion line 28 cliains md Ü7 links to the north-iveH corner of the northeast V of tho oorth-west _of ald serfion, thenee BoutherlV the quarter Une te the sonth west corner of the north-east 1., nr the nortb mat ;.; ol s,iid 8t-cti.,n, thence aasterlr 28 chaina and 3? links parallel wlth the said aection lino totlie sonth-weat corner of laiui amlgntd to and btlonging to Lorenzo Biggins,tUenco northeriy on the west line of said Higgins' land to the place of beginning, including also the riKht of v:.y in an easteily and weshr ly direction across satd Higgins' land, rmerttag tl,. right of ivay in ancasterly and esterlydirecti.ii aerc-ij the sauMO acres in township 4. south of ran'-e 3 east - AlsoblocksNo. 1,6, 7, 8, 9, 15 IS. 19, ï.f 24 25 26 27,28 29.80, Wkind ;,Wot ifo. '-, in bioct Ne, 3, lot .No 3 au.l vreet ,'= of lot 2 in block 5; also lotsNo. 2, -i, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. in b'.ock 11, (Mcept from tho abore doecription all lan'ln deeded to tbe Ilionipm Southcni aud Korthera Indiana Jíai! Ruad Co. for Depot grounds, and also lot N'o. 5 in block 24 and lot 12 in block 12 owncd by S. 1!. Spencer); also lols 3, 9, 9, 12, and west i of lot 5 In block 18; lots 4, 5 and f, in block o. 22, (etcept that d.cded to Willi m Baxter); also block N'o. 10, excpt Iota No. 1 , 2 and 4,) all in the viUageol Manchester; also a part ol' east ü of northeast ,'., of iicüoii.Vu. ll,mTowii4 soutll rango 3 cast beginning at weM corner of aid lot . ilience noïth 89 degmt cast 3 eh.únsand 97 links toa stake. in novtliwest boundarj oflands owned bv Messrs. and 1-' !-.■.■- man, thence alung tbc same south 61 degrees and 30 iniuutt-s west 2 chaiqs ai, d il links to :istakc in the muidle of the P.oad, thence aloue the same, north tó degrees and SO minutes west 2 chains and 7 linka to the place of bezinning containing 38100 acres of land; also UU No. 10, 11, 12, 18, 14 and 15in block No. 18 of the iliagt of Manchester; nlno bliek No. 1 and lot Ho. 8 in block IS in Manchester: also beginning at a certain st-ike on the est bank of tho riv,-r Rsfein and on tlic ca.stsideof block o. 20 in the WUageof Manchester thence south 51 degrees 30 minutes west to a stáke in ü line bi-tw.-e:, bh,-u r.' nu-! M in said rillsgc, thence along said line north 30 degreea ."(I mipmtesto the Hiver aforesaid, thence aloBg sáid River to the place ,f begin - nlng, containingJiof'anaCTe, in tlic eouatyof Wasbteuaw and State of Michigan, all of irhich prembv I hall exposé rbrsalcál public anction, as the lawdirect-s attlie front dooi of the Coarl II, .use, In t!ie City „r.lmi Arbor, (hé placo fpr holding tbe Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, on ilonday the Ml,,l;iy of July next, at i-levt-n o'clock in the forenoon of 3ajd lay THOMAS F. LEO.VABD, late Sheriff. Datod, May 16, 1S61. SOOld Mortgage Foreclosure. TkEFAULT haring been made in the eondiUon of a J Mortgaeexecutedby Patrick Salliva'n and Joann Sullivan toLuthcr Jaines.datcd April pighth. A D 1858 and récorded in the Riyistcr's n Wasbtenaw County, in Liber 24 ofMortgages, at pa5e ■'22, April Mh.A. D.1868, at half paü threc o'cl'.'-k, 1'. M., bv which defaultthe power'of sale c'ontaineá in said mortgage beca ree operativo, ani! no snit or procecdir-ghavinbeen instltuled at !;uv to recover the debt seiured bysaid mortgSRO or any part thereof. and the suin of mx and tnree dollars and nlnetv-aix cents ($603 üfi) being claimed to be duo thereon. N'otice is fivrcfure her.-by given that said niurtgage will be forcclu.-i.l ii.v a sale of the morjgaged pramises. to-wit: Tbe smiih-M-est ouarter of the north-east quarter, and th south-east quarter of the m-rth-wost guarier of seclion No. Beren, and the south'-eas ten acres dr Ibe south-east quacter of the north-east qUarter OfsOCttöB number nine, estendlng cwi. ty rods east and west, an,l noithanj s.i -ilh farenoughto contain ten aeres, all in toWuSnlp N'o. une soutli of range five cast.bcingin Webster, in tli Countv of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or som part thereof, at public vencue, at ihe Court House in the ci'-y of Anu Arbor on tho Bth day of July next at noon. L,CXHLR JA. MES, MwtgagM. K. W. MOHOJK, Atty. Dated, April 12, A.D. 1SC1. Mortgage Forcclosurc. DEFAUI.T haring heen made in the condition of a Mortfjage executpd bv Nelson Kllsworth and Eleanor his wife to Jabei llibb.ird, dated the 30th day oí AiiRust, A. P. 135S, and recordod in the Register's office, in the eounty of Washtenaw in l.iber N'o. 22of mortgagea at page 770, on tho secondfay efSeptember. A.D. lSSfl, at 6 o'clock, 1'. M., and BStlgned 1 v Jalci- Hibhanl to W. W.Kneelandby assignment unde'r seal, dated the 9lh day of February, A. 1. ISfil , and recordtd ín said Kegister:s office in l.iber o. -J2 of. Mortgages'at page 770, on the lOth day of March, A.P. 1861, at 4 o'clock, P. M.,bj whicb defnult the power of sale contained in said mortgage bccarne operative, and no suit or having been instituted at law to recover the debt secnred b saidmortg.iite,or any part thereof, and the sum of flvV hmidied and thrce ciulhirs anj thirty-three cents beiug now claimed to be doe thereon: Xotice is thereloro heieby given tïiat thesaicl mttrlgage'wl]] be foreclosed by a. sale of the mortgaged rircmUes, to-wit: All that certain. tractor parcel of land "sitúate in the Town of Lrndon, in the Counly of Washtenaw, oad State of Michigan, tcandedand described asfollowe. The r.ortk-wcst part of thesouth-west fractional quarter, nnd the part north of the State road running from lexter to Grand Hiver. ia the part of the south west fractiooal quarter , all on section six (f), township one south of range number threc (3) east; containing fifty-eight (58) acres and 53-100 of an acre, more or loss, or sonre part theieof, at public vendue at the Court House in the citv of Aun irbor, on the eleventh dav of June next at noon. 8. W. KNKLLANl), Assignoe. KlXOSlEÏ k MOKGAX, AU'-. Dated, March 19, A. D. 1S61. 792td Morígngo Salo. DETATJLT h&Ting been inado in the condition of a certain Moctgage executed by .lame.s Cunnellv, ,h , and Citharine Ooonelly l'.is wife to Ilirom (ï. Warren, lated the Of teen th dav of December in thenajr Ugbtre hundredancl lifty three, nml récorded in the Office of tho Register ot leeds of Washteniw Countv, Htohigui, In, Líber 20 of .Mortgasres en pa.ïo 156, at eleven and a quarter of the clnck in the forennon on tho ninetcentll day of Heccmoer, A. I)., 1853, which .Mortgage was on the thirtr-fl.-stday of October, A.D., 1854, duly asslgned bysaicl Wrti-ri-ti (c .c-bedep Waldron, and sáid assignment was reconled in the said Ofiice of ÚU EUster on the twenty-third day of Kebruary. A. !., 1S61 at nine ;, nel n half o'clock in tho forenoon, ia Liber 20 of Mortgnges, on page 157, and the said Mortgage was also ou the Eightcenth day of February. A. 1)., 1861, Julv assinned by said Waldron to Alphens Pelch, whloh lastmennoned assinmont was recorded in the said Oflice of said ■i the twenty-lil'th dav cfl-'ebru.-irv. A. D.,1861, at nlneand a half o'clock In the forenoon, In l.iber 27 of Mortgagcs on pf ge 614, by which dofault the pon-er of sale oontained in said mortgage ljccame opcnitivr-, and nosuit or piiiei-t-ilins have been (nstituted at hwv to recover the debt now eecured theieby or any part thereoï, and tho sum of threo huudn-d and lifty ono, dollars and flfty four cents being claimed to be duo thereon at the date of this notice : - Noticc is therefore hereby ftiven that said mortgage will be foreclosed by wie of the morteaged premi wit : the West half of the South West Quarter of S-'-t u;i Number Two, in Townsliip One South of Rango Six East. boing in Norlhfield, in the Counly of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or po much thereof as wi'l bo necessaryo pay thesum claimed to be due witb the interest, costs and charges, al public vendue, at tho south doorof the Court House, in the the City of Ann Arbor, iu said Counly of Washtonaw, on the tenth dav of June, A.D. , 1861, at ten of tlic clnck in the forenoon of said dayA1.P1IEUS FELCH, Assij-neo. Dated, March 7,1861. Tiltd City Meat IVEarket. _ Tho ujadersigned l jiP&aS llave Removed jEBEESD THEIR MAEKET TO THE CORXFJl OF ANN ANI) MAIN' STKEF.TS, And will keep constantly on hand a full assortmeni C TE--r-e-et-Ja. 3VC-o-a--t-si-, which they will always De fuind in reftdiueiisto cut upon, -i 1TC1 SÏOMERSi No turas will bc spared to ki ,,, tlieir market Clcau, nntl Meals Sweet and patrón may rely upon getting the best BXWflTa jTEAKii, ciioi's etc, that can he found In theCity. ('AI.Ii ANDTRY ÜS. S. PKQOTOK T. WAl.KKl:. Ann Arbor. May 4, 1S60 74.1ini manhood" How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Enwlopc, , LKCTIKK ON' TUK NATURE, TREATMEXT ANT RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Semin.-.l iVeakness, Si-vurtl Dchilily, Nervousness and Involuntav Bmisstons iüducing lmputency, and Mental and ['livsiial lucapacity. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. Tï, Autlior of the "Green Book," $-e. The woild-renowiiéd author, in this admirable Lfictnre learly protes from his own experienco tbftt the aVfnl lonsequBPcos oX selfabuse m.iv be etTectually ren vithout moaioïnoand without dangeronasurglcal opera,ions, bougies, innruroenis. rings or coTÉUali. pointtnc )utamode or euro at once oertain and eueetual, by vhich ev.-vv Buffcrer, n.' matiter rbl hls borimtion may ip,inav cure luiusi-lf dio.ipl'i. prirriirly and radically- l'hislxicturc will piovc a boonto thousands and thous S.-ut iinilcr sial Inany adi'.iei!, post. paid, on the i"-,.,.t of i., postigo stíinips, bv nddressing Dr. CH. r. (". KLINK, 121 BotrWJ, New Xork Post Box, I'.O. "8S


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