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lotice lo Merchants. THE íSubscribers encouragcd by the patrontlicy bíive hitherto received in ihc whu.esule depriruneilt of thüir businoss, will thc first day of May next, open the store now oceüpicd by Geo. Gronville, froming ou Hurón sueet, oud connccting wjth thcir presenf store in ihe renr. exclusivclv for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, wliero they will kocp at all tunes a fu 11 assortmont o f Dry Goocfo. Boots, $ Shoes Carpctinsc Hnts, Cap$, Paper PIangi?ig'S, Bonnrts, Crockerij by the Craie, Hardware oud Gf'oceries, $& &f'C. %C. :ü of u-liich will be solcl n ns good torins nsat suiy poiiu ihis'of New York Cuy. G. D. HiLL & CO. Ann Arbor. Mnrch 6$ 14I. 48'tf. THE K))lowiniíi(lispeiiaaliií tjimily teniiHlies nuiy ' be l'ouüd ut ?1ay'aiíi'.s Druygísi Sioro. in Ann Aibor, wbére none will be soW liiliess knowr. tu he ol bc ln:t kinjl ;uid no counieilcit niticlo ever oficred. patent medicine 'jjyarioblv-procured o! the on'gin 1 inventor or liis i i'írnlnr surcessov: $y tro fnmil'j shoíúll bc aiccck without these rcmcdics.L$ P.ALDNESS. Biihu of Co'unia. fur the, Hair. wTrieli wil stop il it fhlliiii! out, orroslore ton bald )lnecs; ind on diüdrcn niakc H grovv i;ijkII_v, or on tliose wljo havo losf the huir "rom iny cause. ALL V ÉJIMLN thaunlcst tiic hcffd's of diiilrcn in Sfliools. nrc prevenicd or killer! by it'a once. Find tj-.e name of ('OMSTOCK on i or liever try t. Icmcnilicr t!ds alioays. IMLKS, &c. aré wTi'oN'y prevèiuec', or t'oVernefl ifihe nMnck liüs euüie on. ilyou use the ofilyirae Kavs' LinniKNT, rom Comstoek &. Co -All SORES. and cvery tliinii rölieved by it iliat nlinits ol'an outu;ird;ii)pltcaiion. It acts likexi chojm. Use ir. RHEUMATÍSM AM) LAMENESS positively eured; all sli ri veliecl inupclcs aiui limhsare icsioiui!. in tlie.old or yotinxr, by tiie ndicnVcgtt-tii!:- l'J'i ,■].!■ and Ne.n c and Bon e Linimcut - bul ncver without the :iume oí Comstoek Si Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK;S V.ERMIFUGE , will emdiente all WÖuMÖin chiítlreh oí ndults witli a eèrfbfrjty qCi'rp ft'sfonrK'fisr; TOOTtf DROPS. Ki.iiíks- cures efiectunlly Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 4L'JíSedirateel Blaster 'spreitíl for ñmmv&iate -use PKI.CE OXIA' ONK SIIILL1XG, XN OUDER TO PLACK T1IEM WITilIN THE 3IEANS OV ALL. Ï.N' sligin. ,vilni(íril5, or w Iicrc (he pniient prelers 1 eSí 'X)(-;1ISÍC (lirio lililí) I lio ■Allti-Í!liliniauir,v -ana llhc.vnmtic IK'ñaer," llicsc will be io;md hiyhly bcicíjcial. Being alieady. epi'oníi for iinnte.linic a'p)ljcavnn, itiñv will líe ïonud very conveniciit fot WEAK BACKS. ÍPafn otr Wcaknoss in tlu; Siclo_. Dienst, Slonincli, between the Slionlders. or vvlierever therc s Pnin, or wiieie a Tinster is iicedyd. Thoy mny be rondt'icd iiioic scrviccable by n 'piece oí clotli en t!:o back of ihëm béfore ihey nre upjjlied. M.uiuuidcs'iiave been rcíicved ofpain nml siifiépina by 'Ik-sc Qheiaji Plasiers. For br,!.. at M(.:-o!y?s Bookslore, aiid by J. T. Slocking. Tuivi.ui.7g Agent for MicÉignh'. IG-lySMÜT MACHINE. I VfïE ÖiJsc1(ïbefS take rhis meihod ofinformJL m r;ll snch as re ongayed in the Mülina husmeas in the Süu.e af Michigan, liat ibey are now rifnifurncttinKg in Ann Arb.-r, WasSrèrtaw Cuunn-, Michiizan. 1,. B. Wnüccr's Paleiat !32iitt Machine, ' wliicli they would rcconmcnd to takc ïhu Smul off ol ■s,hcill .ia ÏV-H Ml 'Uuci ll.nn n..r -l.-.machirie. This ninchine is a honz:?ni;il mocbinie - itretains nll lbo IViciion of (lie wfiéátj nnd ufii:iig tii:iiiri!y syíih chirnliility. t coniöincs the le:iting, scouring. and bfowinjg principjes. dia chnrgiiig the (!ust ind smiu ns fusi as separated irom die v.hcat. TJi; nnchiiifi is pcifocily secüro froiti-Kire. and runs nu c i ligluer ilian any oiher niachnis in use. For f.rlher information. sec Inrgrc bilis. Sliop in. Lower Town. Pncep io ogfee with the times. A!l orders for Machines willbe promptly attendod to. Add.css. O. & A. CRITTKDEN. . Ann Arbor. Co.. Micli Ju!ySrlS44. :fj6rh TSao 33 ï me y Ponrtraits. TUK, Subscribors imvoon hand aquautiiy of these hrge and ?n!ei(lid .;ny;iavut;s,he;niUluüv exrentednn s;eel pláte' an exceMentartist. irom a pnintmijby E. V. Goodwin Esq.. of Alnny. -';. Y. Tiu-y are asfriing likerveesof rifK Mv.v. an3 n.iake an eleg'int ornament for the inrlor. l'ir sáte wholcsalcnnd reiail, at $S per dozen, -.rS'I.OO cni;h. by A. rwcF'.irr--n. BooW-üor. Öc-iroit; an,! ,v 'lïKCKLRY &FOSTF.R. Ann A'ibor. Nov. ). 1644. 28 tfWOÓL!' WOOE.! CLÓTH! CLOTH!! nnHE Stibscribet s vonld inform tlie Public JL ilí"ir they v.-ill continué to manufacture gnod gf j jy _ki ia. L 4o, ü 4eJ o t 'hcir Mnnufactory. two and a half miles wc.t of Ann. Arbor., uu Uio Huroii. oa the fqllowing TER ALS. ' Unlil the first day o November. A.. D. 18-14. ihe irice wijl bje Vú), :vus n:ry;iri. pi halftlic cloihthe vüo! Vi'i" ínnko, ÍLrJiíi (hé fst pi ?Tov ymber to ilie Jóih of Muy'. ilie p'ri'ca will ne olmiis h-y yau. 01; nine iw'eniicil-.s of I lu uloili ihe woul wil! junkc. [luit is. 4 y.irtls out of ! f.0 manufnctipcd. T; woul will be inaiiu aciui'cd in min iá-it may come into the iactofy. is acar ds Bitiy be wiih reference to the difiereni 1plñtps AiTy petson wlio 'ili Aninsh ono o! cioic' piirccls ol' wool iromöOto 100 [louiids ol oue qualii' can have t inumilaciurcd by ïtWlf. )Vóól '.:!1 be ice;1 ved at Scn. Woot écni ')y Rnilro.vJ will le auended toin the saine manacras iftheownei" were to come with it - ii shquUl be c'avc:!l:y niriiked. We fiaye manu-' factured o J tl during he past year for a very Inrgc nuriiber of' customers. to wböm we believc we have givon very general satisfaclioii Wiib ihcsel'ncts and the advaniogesoilèred by the low pricent whicl) we oíi'or lo .manufacture cioib, u ( hopefbr il larjxeshftre o! pniron.-sie. SAMÜEt W. F0STER & CO.. F?cio. Wiislitpn.'.w Co., .hily '25. 1S44. S-tf CANT HE BEAT ! JYEWBOO71, SHOEAjYD LEATHRR STORE, Ann Arbor, Jbower 'Foxen. Q FELCíl haa removed O his establishment fróm the Upper to the Lower V í 1l'ige, No. 4, Htiron Ölock, JSsïïSin where he hokls hnnself in 8i5' readiness to 'dress the "vn dersttindivgs" oí every Man, l Woinun and Chile! who will give him a cali. in the neatest. and best mannerthat enn be done in Michigan. LEATHER and F1NDINGS of all kinds constantly on haiul. WANTIOD, C'atk and Hio'cu in any quantitiea. for which the highest prices will be given. ÍEFLet none purchnse until they have called at Felch's. No. 4. IJuron Block. Ann Arbor, May 4. 1814. 3-1y CAME inlo theencloBureof ilie Subscriber on or abom the 20th of September last, n dank red heifer, about or four yeara old. The owner ís requesied to prove property. payctinrgcs nnd take her away, litA EKC'KLEY. Ann Arbor, October 7. 1844. '' 8v24Ztiféw Hat Store. TAMES G. GRANE wonld t'éipèctfu'lly inO form the Public, that he has opened a lino siock of Iïats, Caps, Stocks, Chaváis, Scarfs, Collars, TJmbrellas and Gloves, at No. ]()5, Jeilbrson Avenue, Detroit, ncarly opposite the IJ. íá. Coiiit Room and PostOfllce, whero he will be happy (o see his friends and supply them with ns good nn article in his line as can be procured, ei'.her heie or ai the east, and as chcap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishinga first rato fashjonable urliclw ol'Hatp or Caps, supplied by sending tlieirsize or have iny style furniphed to order m a few hours. and warrantcd to suit. Cali and see- it may save you a dollar. JAMES G. CUAN K. Detroit,. July 7 2 1844. J3-6n AtWAIS OW'HA]Tr" J r I H E subficriber hns re-, ;i X inoved hisSimp iv Main r, Sueet opposite IJ. Be'ckè'if (jr'8 Brick Store, wh'ere ! y0JËjïl VV:1'' öpon all that may give - SwRj Mnviiifijust receivnd direct irom New Yoi!c in elevan t stock of. Jfca fty Ln is JttL & 5 and Fnncy Anieles, whtcli he ïiuerKls to scll loiri.r ihan has over beun sukl west of Builblo lor lïiidij Paij Oniy. Among wicli may bc fonnd a groöd nssortinmt of Guld aritl CoWífitfñ VVaich Keyp, Gold Finger Rinns and Bosom l'ins, Guanl Chnine, Bilver Tea and Táble Spoons, S.ogar Törigs, Jiuttcr Knivcs. Silver I'eiK-il cases, Silver and Conniion Thimbles, Silver SpectaelciS. Geiinnn. o. Steel, do. liair Hnislu.S; Cfoihes, do. Tooin. do. Laiher. do. Fine ti:7.ors nn! Pocket Knives, Fine Sheiirs and Scissors. í-licr Boxes, íí;izor LíivpF, Wallotts. Pnrscs. Violins and Bows. Fluies. Violin .tih) Bnss Viol St.iiig-. (Jlaromu Reeds) P&rcèssion Caps. Pocket l'isiois. Ut i f t,i n n tri. Candlesticks, Watclic.?.. Letter Stainpé, Steel Pens nnd Twefízcis. Öiuiil' anti Tobacco Boxcs, Fine öórh'Hs; Dicssinir. do. Side, do. Back. do',' Shell,do. Ncocües and Cases. Vatcr Paints. 'i'ny Walches. Kid Dolls. a greaj vanety óf Toys toonum&rous to metilfÖTij Cbadij Nccklaces, Fancy Hoxes. &c. &c. Cr.oc'ics and Watviixs. of cvery descri.ptio repairecl and warrantcd; aiso. Jcwclry ïepniieci on siion noticc. CALVIN BT.rsS. N.B. Cash i-a;d imr OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor. Oet. 2-1. LS--Í4. 28rt'".TyfKS. C. IUjFFINGTÜN vou!d respecuul_LiL ly int'onn ihe Lndios of Ann Arbor jhü! it viciniiy tliul sho lias reeeiveJ the Hiil Qcd'wint'er fáárílorfs; ?JÏIS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14, ]?44. :ntf. FjKST rute Ten. Suyiii' ntl Cuü'ec. ai the lovest innrkot, at HAYMOSDS CASH STORF,, 148 Jou'. Avenue, Detroit. . Muy 20. ' 4 WANTED by IUXKLEY&IÜCKS. Ann Arbor. Lövver Town. Ü6 ÏTtOit sule l.y 1 BECKLEY & IIICKS. Oct. 4. 1844. '21-hv.


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