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- Jofl'. Da via tí :i nativo of Kentucky, and was Go yenrs old on the 3d nut. - Large quanlfties of powder nnd othtT conunbnndi, witli a cunsiderablo iniount cf specie, dexigfled t" '' ml i :iiid comioit ' tli(! rebels, iveru seized at j Bulümore on the 5lh. - The capturo nf a rebel pny-master öear ttnrper'a Fotry, with 950,000, is reportud, i)Ut;hp $50,000 proved U bc l'ills on sontherri iKink-. - Coitimïlndèi1 Hollins, Lieirt. Bór noy, the Pureer., and ihe Midvlnpmen of th Susquehiindn, just ruttirned iroin the Mcdiii-jri'iiin!;in. have leiiïgned, - Tlie Nv Y(,!t Ghnmberof Oommurc-e h;is detiM'inii)''d to pre ent i meda) to eueh mD of ftfiij AndersOn's and Lieut. Slernmer'a c-.oiíjmíinds. - Tlio cava'i-y coaipany cnptured ai Alexandriii h:tvd ttiKen iheojilli of illegiunce m.d licen ifleusod. Tbey will regard ihc oath - prihapn. - Gen. Bragg nflfeutp to troat llio blockade is an uckoowJedgenielit of Southern Indt'pendcnco. - Gen. Beauregnrd, in n recpnt letter spoiiks i(' the gnverninent forcsas fth "nrmed rubbl'' with an '; octogciiurian át its heüd." - Col. Joslma Hownrd, of Detroit, has been Bppóihted Puyinuster fór llio Michigan voliintoer. - Letters and tiewspnpera for the soceded Pi.uVea have been retorned to thö deal letter office at Washington in Itirge, qunntities, - Tho governnient is put'.ing the torn np track of the Alexandriu nnd Orango Eaill'oud in running order. - Tho Oofnmon Gouncil of Petersburg. Va., has ordererl an enrollment fot iriiütary service ol all the wliile mulos betwoen eixteeo end filtv yenrs (Ad. - Tho Pccessiunists aré conlinually destroyihg bridges aloiig the line of thu BaUiinoro hn'd Oliio Railroad. - Rolling stock is bein tnkon from tlie Pennsylrania Kaiiroads for use op the roitds roen ing out of Alexundiia. - The 'oijr gun just f-fcnt to Fort Monroe w 1(5 feet long, 2 feot in diameter al tbe Kiottlh, and 4 fect 3 inulies it thu othoB end. It wejghs 52,000 Ibs , haa o Foot bora nnd canios n Minia l):;ll weighing G0O lbs. lts rango is said to bc seveü inileH. - A late ilispütch saya thiit the " Missionöfy" abnvod detcriiDed, luis broken throusrh the timbéis of' thu ves sel at Bultiniore, and lies in tw'éïve feot of a'.er. - Ooi. Fremont writes irom Engbind tliat tin; Southern CoininTsfioners have pilfchiised two .s oaincrs vvhich will sail for Southern ports under British colom. - Two WÍ8jon8q regiinelit have been ordered to Washington, and it is supposéd that lour moro ill soon fullow. - If the report is reliabl ; a regiment oí cavalry has been aceepted innn eentrwljiew Ycjik. -At K.-y West, Florida, a Union Mayor and Coufluil have l)uun elocted, and i vtrlunteur oornpany h im oöured iis services to the Ui) ion. 'l'he l''orts in thut vicinity are greal modidure of opinión. - On the 8; h, Ex-Gov. Wiso was ro" ported in n " rupid decllnu." and on tho 9th it wjiB iihnounced Ihat ho was to tako comhiand o) tjiq North -western Virginia división ('I il e Confcdeiate artnv. Uofh rumora ihaybetrue. - Missouri h:is bien uttuehttd td the Dopartment oí' Gen. McCIellon. - Tlio Meriiuiíiü sreported raised ut Norfolk, and rep rtec nut raitted, - The 1'osinKi.nei1 at Ni shvillo, Tenn., lias resigned. 13etter !;ttt Llian nbvur, General Beau regard Ikib affain " turncl up;" ihis lime n connnand at Manaesas junction. - At Galveston, Texas, flouria i unted at $20 pur barrel, and f caree a t that. - Washington advloos s:iy that orders hnve gone out recnliiug Minister Harvëy frotn Portugal. - Gen Scott lias informed an army officur that i.o imporhint attttok would be mude upun the enemy uiitil Washington was 1'uily fortified. - Tlio capturo of Washington is agiiin tlircatenod - y the roportei s, who pcrltíCt iili rhu plans. - Elias Howe, Jr., - thc sewing itinohina niillionaire, - has presenied each field and sHiflfoffieer of tlif Fifih AinssachiiFutts regiment witb a stuliion fully eQüipped for service. - It in rutnored that the Rpanish gnvernment wi'l not receive Cari Shurz. - Marshal Bonntfunt Hays that thero aro 4000 nrmed sccessionists in Bal imore, who only wait the opportunity to rise. - It is said that Seorctary Chase will recommend tho extra sesion to authorize a loan of 8250,000,000. - The Union inen o' tho Kcntncky Fifth district have hominnted Charles A. Wickliflo for Congres - Amo iLj thu papers seized at Graíto11, Va., was a letter from Gov. Letcher to Colonel Pnrterflulü, order inp; a raid on Wheeling, and the destruotion of the rnilroads and bridges to prevent t he Pennsylvania and 'Ohiú troopa from passing over the lino. - Ti e Corn erop of tho Southern States is raported fine, wiüi moro than the usual quuniity plantod - John J3e!l has been makinsj nvro disunion Bpeéühe, and advises '■ warto tho death ngiiinst tho North." - Gen. Baaks luis been asaigned tho command of tli3 Department of Annnpolis, and uil have bid hoadqtiar tors ut Fort McHenry. JUST Official reportf of the attaele on Grcat Heikel say that eight of Gen. Pierce'a command wero killnd by tho unfortunate attac-k of frietids, ftn'd only sis by ths enciny in thc charge upnii the buttcry. Furty-five wcro woundcd h; all. t. Tho Vybelittg Coiivciition n:ct and organizad on Tuc-day. Foriy counties witc represen tcd, nnd tho niembcrs wore sworn to support tho constitutionaud lawsnfthc United Sta les, iiotwithstandiug the orninancc of secossion. It is tlmuglit tlic State government wül bo repudwtod, and a pnvisional govenimcut organizad for tlie hole Stato. J&X" Tho Secontl Michigiin Rogiment, whif-h lefL Detroit, on Thursdny evenÏDg of last weck airived m Washington ut 2 o'dook A. M., on Monduy morning last in good tiino. fI-?T Orders liave boen ssuod to immediately pay all tbc vnluutoor troops up to and includiug the 31st of May.


Old News
Michigan Argus