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Attempt To Take A Rebel Battery

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rortrcsü aionroe, June y. Via Baltimore, June 10. GeDeral Butler liav'mg learned that tbe rubela wero fonifyiug a camp with stioiig batteiies ;it C-reat Bejhel, uino miles fiom H:ui)].toii on the lorjuowu Bond, lic deeuiud t iiecossary to dis lodgo ihoii), and üöcordii'gly movements wero nmde last night trom Fortree i iMonrou and Nüwport News. About mid night, Col. Dnryea's Zouavea and Townsend's Albany regiiueut crossed tbe rivtr at Hauiptoi) by meaua of six large battodu manncd by tin: Naval Brigade, and took up tho lino pf marcli, the fornier sumo two miles in advance of the lader. At -.he Bftino tiine Col. Bendix's Regiment umi detachments of the Vermont and Mastuchasctts rcgulars at Nuwport m.jved tbnvard t- f'.inn a junetion wlth regulara l'nnn Fortruss Mouroe at Little liclliL-1, about half way betvvaeü llampton and (ireat iJotUel, 'l'hu Zouavea püïsed Lit tic lictliel about tuur M. Col. Bendix's Regiment, arrived and took up a position at the interaeetion ot' tbe roads, vhen not undeistanding tho signal, tbe Cernían Uegiaientj in the durkness of tlio night li:L'd upoti Col. Towusend's coluiuu, uiurobiug in plose o citsr and lod by Lieut. üuiKr'o sou, and Aid de Camp of Gen. butler witb two pieces 'of artillery - Otber aceounta s.iy that Col.üs Keg, tirad tirát. At all oveiits, tin; lire i;í ihe .lba:y Regiment Ijurulleis, while that oí' t!:e Germana was fatalj kal lig one man, and wouudin Bi-rioubly two otbera, with S'iveial otber sligliL caaualtiea. The Albanjr Regimunt bei.ig baci; of t!ie GennatiH discovOl'cd fruiu the accuut remen ts let't on tlie Öojd ilie iujiposed eneuiy was a ffiend tbat bad ui the tueanthue lir=d niue ruuuda with siuull anus and a lield pieeo Tlie láouaves i.eanng the linng turiicd, and alsi) ürcd upuil tliu Albany boys. At day break Col. Aliena and Col. Can-y s litigiiucuti) moved i'roiu tho rear ot' tlie frireas lo support the luain bodj. 'J'lie luistako at Littlu ]3üilu:l baving beeu ascertuined, tlie buildings werc burued, and a Jajor with two prominent seecssionists takeu prisoners. 'i'he troops then advauced upon Great Bethel, but uu" three Binall pieCM of artilleiy werc uu a blo to coie witb the heavy riñud eau nou of the eneioj Tlie rebel battery was eonipletely inaskcd; no men could bo S0I3U, ouly the flashes of tbe runs. Tbere W.we probably Ks.-j titan i,000 men bebind the batteries of the rebels, aml a well concerted movouient migüt have secured the position, but Brigadier Qeueml Pieroe, who couituanded the i'xpedition, appears to have lost bis presdnco of mind, and the Troy liegiuivut stood for an liour exposed to a gallin_' lire, uhen an order to retreat was at lust giveu. Lieut. (Jivblile. of the U. S. iirmy, and m coinmuud of tbu arlillery, was striiuk by a oatinon ball and instaiitly Uilied. liu had Hpikod his gun, and was gallantly endeuvong u withdraw bis uuinmaod. Cupt, Gentga W. Wil8Oi), f the Troy Regiment, af:er tho order to was iven, took ssession of tho gun and brought it off the field, with lbo corpse of tbo L'hhitenant. líoth wero brought to fortreL8 Monrut) this morning. 'Jhero iro probubly about 25 killed nnd 100 of ihe Federal troops wouinled. Liujt. liuilur deserves the greatust credit lor Ininging off the killed and wounded. Severul ui thi laltei1 are now in the hospitiil llore, (ireat indignation is inanifested against Biigudier-General Pirou. Jt is nut known how mnny wero killed or wdiinclccl in thu unfortuuiite collisiou ül Federul troopts proviou t maroliing on Gix-iit Bethel. The loss was, lio wever, iiupiisidepuble, Thu iiiv oi onr ti(iuirt aii the itattory did appaicntly ]t lic oxucut'on, being couiioned ; small lield-piecea tnd liowitzers, ü lliu rifljii cannon ol tlio rebels. The iiituck lualud about Imlf nu huur, when tho retreat was aounded and oxuciiicd n gooil ocder. 'J'he troops thi-ougliotit iliis trvinjí ufíaii' belmvd uull. Tho e -tiucituil uuinber killed was :ibnut 30, and JOü wounded. M;ij. Winthrnpi uid oí Gun. Butler, and Lieiit. d!. Gi'iiinell, ol the N. Y. lest regimtint ro mis.-intr. Anionjjst iho killed ia Lieut. Giublih-, of thé U S. Artiilury ; lio was slruc.k on tlm liifhL t-ido "f Ihe fnrehead ly n rille camión, thu b:i'l from whioh {ure awuy die upper part i Í ti.o hoad New Yoik, Juno 11. Tho Jfrn'd's account of the affair ;it Hi-thol stutcs tiiüt aftoi' thu uiifortunate mietake was rectifiéd, lbo forcea eoínr prisi'ig the first, opoiid, and third Noiv JTork Regiijiputs, jpined by det achinen' a of tho Kniii-lh 3Liss::cl:tlsctlS r i: St Verinont, SfVCüt!] a-:d N'u.lh New York t RegiuH'iits, with two light üuld piecesj Lieut. Giebel carne opon au advaneed gunrd of rebels, defeaterl and drovc tijoin back taking thirty prisoners They advaiicod on Hig Bethel, in York couiry here tliey caine upon tneenomy, 4D0Q sti'ong, and drove right into them. Tiiey wero in i position prorectcd by six heavy baltcriis Uiountcd by six twejvo poundars, and heavy rifled j non Both Duryoa's Zouaves aud 1 ins' IVegiincut cbargcd right up to the baitcries, bul enuld .. ■ , pa i the diteli, iuul rere eompeljed to full baolt After two bourV coutcel tbc nnimuiiUion ou', nnd tliu troopa rctircd in puif'eet order.


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