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Major General Banks Appointed To The Department Of Annapolis

Major General Banks Appointed To The Department Of Annapolis image
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Washington, June 9. Tha efforts niaking to induce the Governnient i; detnil '.iov. Kniics lo Baliimore, as indicated i mv dispntoh yeotelvÍHV, llave provad tuicuusttfu], Mnjor-Generul ig delüiled lo the cñintnend of llie Depiirtment :ii Annnpniis, nmking his headotinr era at Bullimore. ili; ruceived hi-s inslruclions troin Gen. ScíMt lilis m.orning, and leaves tor Bnhitr.or'o to-morrow, mui wil I er.ter np n his líntios i i ,,"li ii'etr. Tnis nppnintm ni ni' Gen Btinkfi by th Prosidunt :u.! (-íen. Suott's assign ment "t thtit rliií'iffpiiishBd gentl ti the commnnd i ;i departmont wh re ít this moni', nt, inórí ta;in ;niy other timo, iiis greiit esecil íyü nrid adifthn tnitiví ubilitv are ítesdod, is .onsictered 0116 of the n;"st politití iftíts nt' thü Government duiing ihw Ailmini.stration, [Sot n day h:is pflBíefl sinco Gen. Butler'x piniiioiin:), nul (íi-n. Gtidwnl lader tooü possession oi Baliimore, that cuiiipluintH htiire not béen inni] eitliur tu tha PreïidentjlhöSoeretflry oí War-, oí' Gen. Scottj nbdut ihe duirioriiliziiig OtnditiCfl (1 atl'iir-' ín l!l:it oily. "- tica nfter mi'-it-'o wf servod upon tho oorninonding General f tlio esi-itonce tif irma and iiminunit)o in Baliimore n buildiutfH belonging to socussioni.-t :, but no notic:; v:is talion of it. Knowti socessionis's ivere., by report, mi the moHt familiar terms vvitli (icn. Cudwulladcr, and tlie. uhief tiinong ttium w:.s permitted ti vi.-it MoHonry, alinost creating íi rebellmn ain is tho men. One man took oicjsimi to insult the seceesíionst n 1 lio spot, and at ihesame ttk} to notify Gt?n. Gndvrul lader of the di-ipleusiirü of trio men al hi leaningfl tivvar1 t raí ton. Suuli tliiníTíí oüirht nnt to be. Thcir exi.-terice lias rnviveil to HOinó extent the. Liio!) spirit in liattíthore, and iniiuiiilated the Union íncli. A new state il thingí niav b. lonked ftir forihwith. Gen. Uanks is a miin vlioi wliüo lie will do iiuihiiijr to irritnte tlie IVcIÍm'.-s of ar.y eme fot' h".s opiiiiori's 8:ike, vvi 1 take tíooH caro so to eondnet hiinsell in liis de.ilingH vvith men whö ave knovn to be afjaint tln; governíneiit as phnll not lose fnr hiin fhe oonfid'enee of luí coinmand and tlio eood opinión r( a hole ciíiiumi nítv. if not o(' liis government nd the wh'hte country. Gan. (ulval!ii(k-r has nearly, if not quite, done ths Gen Banks is a man of fon will, an I bolieveK in reifard lo llie prwent ciisis. vvhuí lie said in lita íirst ■;i m :iiu;tp fur G'iveriior oi Vfassauhu SOttH, ia 1857, that "ín liiese times with our light, snccesh is a diity " He will uct upmi lhi asstrtion wherever he is foiüid fightingin this Wai'.


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