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Arrival Of Tho Arabia

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ïïalifax, June 10. Tho Arabia, frora Liverpool Saturday evoning, the Lst via Queenstown tlio 2d, arrived here this cvening. lier nows ia tlircc day.s luier .„ House of Comnions on the 30th of May, Lord John Russoll iutimated that áil Rnglishman bad been foroed into the niilitia service at New Orlcans, and that tlie JJritish Consul tliere liad ordercil liin release Othor si:uilar circumstanees hd occurred 1B the southern States, bnt tliey appear to have been unauthun.cil. ana usan ranees liad been received froni the Moutgomerj governnient doprecatiiij sueh acts. During lus spooch he also deprecatcd tlie cxultation with wbich 5ir John Ramadon had ailuded to thü bursting of the. bubblo of deraocracy in America. In, coimaon with the great bulk of bis cornitrymen, he ( Hussel f), was deeply pained at tlie civil war whieh had broken out in tlie United Stiltes, and whick arose froiu the aeeursod poison of slavery left them by England, and wliich had elung around thew likc a poisoned garraont frora the tirst hour of tlicii' defcot. The London Times, on tho American blockadc and Englaud'a position, says that now, wlii'c thcre is yet time, the European governinents should cotne to an uuderstanding on tho subject and adopt a public la w. Francs.-- The American citiens ïn Paris, favorable to the Union, togother on tho 29th. About one hundred and fifty attcudvd - one-third being ladies, Includiiig the wife of Gen. Scott. - Mr. Uoudoii presided. A resolution was adnpted, plodging the meeting to maintain the Uuiun under any circumstanees. Mr Dayton said sinec bis arrival in Paris he could detect no unfriendly feelings on the part of Franco to the United States; ceitainly no French citizens would be found among the piivatesrs. - He expressed the eonvietion that tbc re-. belli'n would be put down. Ciíssiúa M. C'lay spoke at somo length, IIo was c icrgetic on the conduct of England. He decl.ircd if ever the flag of üngland became associated with tho black flag of the Soutli in oppositiou to the of the United States, tho tricolor o!' Franoe would be íeen against hor, for Franee had not forgotton St. Helena. Col Fremont spoke. Ho was received with enthusiasm. He made quite a . erato speech. IIo regretted this var, hut lelt confident that it would end in the triumph of tiuth and justice Ho had been ca lied back to America, and lost no ti.-ne in responding, and ho was ready to givo his best service to his couütry. Rev" Dr McClintoek followed. Ho (lid not attach any importance to the inuttering of the English press or of the Sccrerary of War. The people of England had not yet spoken, and wbeu they did iheir voice wonld uot be found on the side uf piracy and hhvory. A deeree hnd been issttéd opening all the 8oa-ports of Franco for tlie importa of cotton yarn of certa in numbers.


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