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S-tECIH. NOTICES. Tü3 MABKBTS. Ornea of tus Michigan' AnGtrs, 1 As :'. ' .'uno 18, 18tíl Th i1'!! i ■■: ■■ ' llR' l"i'=il"'1 jrticl . „ücrwd in ourmarket. red bu. . - - - S6 86 inte lm. ; ( ];:u-:..v. ent. - ■ " ■ Cora, shellea, - .' ' . "20 g, ■ I bu. " "sb fc Fiwli.'wl, 1.1.1, ■■ whiti , rl " red, 1 Olbs, - - 2,M it Mli:tt, .... 2,75 Ryeflour, ..... 2,í( ■ !L Buckwhoat flour, - - -V3 60 75 ■■.1.1b. "3 Timnthy Peed bn. .... 2,25800 liciveráeed, bu. ■ -4,00 4.50 Hav ton 8,00 10,00 Wood, porcord, - - - -,003 00 CranWriei.bu. .... í,i a ■ 26 Bert, bind qr. - - - M 0; .. foroqr. .... 03 04 Fork drossed cwt. - - - -S.Oin.oo Matton, 11). - - - - - 04 4í Turkeys, Ib. - - - - U7 0 CMcken. ... 00 07 " B'ujter, Ib. - - - - 12 14 ...Ib. . . . - - 05 00 1. 1, ,1.11 1 'f . per lu. - - ín Oaions, per bu. - „, í Apples, creen, - ■ ■ , „„ ".. . . . - 1,00 Peaeíies, drlsd, Ib. ... - 11 Banej, cnp, 11. .... n,.,,n i Ib. - - - 30 Salt, rock.bbl. .... 2,26 ■' lnc,bbl - - - ■ 1,W Piaster, ton . - - - - - 6,00 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHKRN IKDIAKA RA11.ROAD. S22S;_■ ■üií 1SC1. fcUMMEll AKKAXGKMKNT. 186i Irains now run on tlús roaJ, Furdays excepted, as Lsava P'IMi 'orCblmgnM o 51 A M.,and01'. M., .ini vía Air ■ :it 3.(5 A. M. Leave Detroit for Chicago at V,ro A H. and C,no P. 51. Ai-:;vinír in Chicago from Toledo and 1 etroit al 7,30 1' M. and 6,00 A. SI . and a Air Line at 6.00 1'. M. Arrive t Detroit fruía Toledo, at 6:55 A. 51., 12:36 P. M. nodft.66 1'. :-: Leavea Dofruii for Toledo at".2O A. M., 1.00 I'. K., undtí-20 r. M. Arrire n Detroit Trom Chicase at 5. 55 P. M., and 6:55 A. II. .rrivo in Toledo frían Chirajo 4,25 P. U. and 1.S0 A. M., and vtaair Rneni 1.15 P U. lackson [ni Toledo t 4.45 A' M. and 1,101'. M. Anive from Toledo at 21,40 I'. M., aad 9,15 1'. 51COX.VECÜON'S. AT Toi-Kno - Wíth Cleveland Toledo Rail Road, witli Wabash Vall.-v Rhü Koad. AT 0OTROIT - W'i tli (rand Trimk P.ailway , with Urcal Western Railway, aUo, with the Detroit and Mihvaukee. Kuilroad at Auiany & Saiev Ií. Pv Crossi.-ío- With Traína for 1 afayeíte, New Albany attd LouisyUle. it Cricaou - With Chicago an 1 ftbck Islanil, Galena, Mhvaiik-i', Chicago. Burlington and Quincy - Morth West Uaihvny - ChToago, Alton and At. I.ouit, Illinois Central, aod 'to all Holnta West and South. 4Etf" Trains are run by Chicago time, whlob is 20 minutes Blover thau Toledu time. IJST Patent Sleeping Car.s accompany the Xi; Trains ontliisKoute. Time and Fare the same as bv othor Raí' Road Route JNP. i), f AMPI'IXL. 'ne-al Supcrin-ícndcnt. ffií ■" Passender trains nuw lc;ivti 1 t-treit an,l the ííovcral Statiüiis íu thia UtAinty , as follows. GOING W EST. Day Ex. Mail Kx. Jack. Ac. Night Ex. Detroit 7.00 A. M. 75 a m.4 10 p. m. 6 30 r. m, Vpsilantl, 8.03 t4 8 is " 6 60 ' 7.40 ' Ann Arbor, B.22 " 8.55 " C.51 (í 8.00 i; Dexter. i( 9.M " 6 45 'f Chelfea, " íJ .32 ': 7.CB " Ar. Chicago, 6.00 P. M. 7.S0 " 6 00 A. M. OOIKti E A S T . Night Ks Jack.Ac. Mail Kx. Doy Ex. CMiolscfi, a. m. 0.40 a. m. 2X0 ■ p. M)cxlor, í( 7(5 '■ 3.00 " Aaa Arbor, 8.15 " 7.35 í( 3.:ïO '( 4.35 ( ,'paiUnti, 5 35 " 8.03 ÍJ.5') " 4.55 " Ar, 6.40 íL 9.30 (t 5.20 " 6.00 " Traint do ntt stop at EtatiODi where figures are oraitted iu the table. MOTHERS RBAD THIS. TUr foliowing ísau extract from a letter wrJttcn by the pastor of a Ü;tpti-t Ctturch to t'.ie "Journal .inri Uesrfenger," Ciucinnati, Ohio, and Rjteas volumes in favor vi 1 h . t woi 11 n n iv n -i rae lie n ■- Mks. WinsLow'a M-vrui.NG ïSïrüp por ChijuBris Tkethïsg: se? in Hdvertisetru nt In your colurons i f Mffl . Winsiow'B oothingSyrap. No' w novor Mtvi.a wor-3 in favor of a [;it n' medie ii' before in our H, but tT your i i';i 'li r ■. tbt tbis is no humbOg - WB F'ff'E TRIRD IT, .VD K.V-íW IT TO UE Ai!. IT it i-1. prnbaUly one of tbe nn. t sac mt'diciiios m(' the l.'iy. becaui(9 :'t i.-í one of tbe oestte oí your readers wh i baTe b.ibio-; can't do it better tlinn to 1 ' :n a sup] ly ): Se ftfTv Ttmeme tin anofher column $L,, Cocos. Tbc auddon cb&ngea of our cHpAte ore so urces of Pclmoxabt, BsoscBiJii,andAffriiaiATic Affec rio.vs, ExpcrionrR having proved ilmt simple rtmediea ifteo act tpeedily u 1 cevtainly wben ta'ncn in ibt carty Uaes oftíie áiíeASW, recourae should at nuce be h:v to 'Tir itrn'i Bronchial Troche.-," cr Loengos,let Cold, Ddugh,or Irritation oftheThroat betv-er so „ligl t, asbr 1 bis precaution a morí wriftus attacktnay bi effectu;illy trardüd off. PüBLioFFSAKEMand Sixgbbs w!U fm-lihom a fectual for clearing and gtreogtheniog the rofop, ?e mi vi rr ppiti ' "" '"■■'''■ IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THEHEALTíi .wVü LUJá OF W0MAN I.s cont'iiurillv in peril if hlic is ma'.l eaoogh to DogUct or niültrcat tliosc sexual inegukr'ties to whieh twotliirds of her fox are more or leps subject. PR. CHÉESEMaN'SFUX, prepare-1 from 1he same formula wbicb tbe inventor. rORN'ELlüfl L. í II ESEMAN. M. Dt.oí Xew-forli, has for twenty yeárs uséd nuccessfully inanosteciicrl prívate prsetíce - mmcdintcly reitere without pain, all dúturbancea of t!:e pedodical dísc'.iiiríe, wbether arisïng from relaxation or Bopprosion. Ifeey act löc a cbami in removing the pama that , accempany diíTicult or immoderate rao Struaíinn, and j are tho only safe and rufifrb!) remerly for Flusíios, Sick Head icbe, Pnius in the Lol na, tïack and Sidís, Palpitntlon of the Ui'art Nervoua Tremors, Hystcrics, PpaBmg, Broken Slwp an Otner utiplcaüant aml dan-mus offet;ts of an un:iat iFftl ooaditloD of the saxuaJ furut ons In the worat case.s of Fluor Albus or Wíiite;-, fhuy fflect a speedv curo. To WIVES and MATRONSD3f.EE.-EMAN3PILIartrofleToaa the oníy eafe raeans of renewíngmterpuptd mnnstruat-on, but. L.XÏ51ES HVIT BKAK 1 ]IIQ There is onerondinon of ike.fcm.nlt sys'em in wWck the Pilis ennvotbc taken wihnut ftraêuGUïg a PECULIAR i RESULT. Tkñci'idiion refe.rreá tú U PUEGNAWCY- thf fMUÜ, MJSCARRIAQE, Sitr.h it the irrtshvble tfTidency J the medicine tor' stor f the set va fwctions to a iiormal concilio-' that even, the Teproductive power of natur cauTtnt rmtst ir. EtpUHt directions stming when, end tchon they should not bc usrd, :v'-h e ich Box,- the Price Oue Dollar cack B(fZ, rbntaiiting IQ Pilis. AraiuablePi nphlet t bf1 had f roe, of the Agents. Pilis sriit bij mail p'omptly, by encloain? pnce to auy Agent, tiold bv Druggisii general y. U. ü. UL'T-Mivfis. Pyrrtr. 20 Crdar-St., Vrw York. Kor f=aln b MAYXAPJï STEBBINS Sa AVILÍ.OX ad QRESVILLE k ÜLLER. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BttYAK'S PÜLMONIC WA FE RS THK Origiuiil Medicine Estaliü-liffl in 1837, nnd the Cj-. articleof the kind ever iatrod4icd tjje name c. ' Pdimosio Water ," in thi or In ,-uiv ■ulier oouutry all othet Pulmoiiic Waters .ire oounterfeits The gen I uine can knnwn by tbe name BR VAN l)enKstanipo on o.icli WAn :. I 005IC W.FER8 EelieveCougbr.,CoWa, Soja l'hroat, lloarsenoss. BltTAX'l PdIKOXIO WjrtRS Reliólo Asthiii, Bronchitii', Diffloult Breathing. Bryaj's Pcuioxin Wxmia Kalieve Spiltiagof Bloo i, l'ain in the Cliest. Bkyan's 1'uljioxic AVafküü Rcüevo Iacip:ent Coanmitkn, Lung Dieessen. Bryan'k 1'ut.mhnic Wmn Helieve IrriUtiaa of the Lv.ila nnrt Tonsila. ÜRTAN'a J'CIMOMC WáTOM Retíate thttove Complafnt In Tea Minutos. liRÏAX'h PQLKOBIb VaKER8 Aro a t lessing to all Claase and Onnslitutiom. BRTAï'a PüLMOMC ViATZIiü Aro adapter! to Vioaliati and l'nulic Spaaken. BBTÁX't 1'ur.MOMC WAFERS Are in n simple forqi, aacj i.lia-ant tu the taste. ÜUVAN'S PCX Notooly relieve, butaffeet rapM snd lusting Cure. BuïAM'a Fi-iMO-vic w.'.rcRs Arewarrantoütc. givo satialaotiou tocvory one Kofamily hoüld Oe without a box of "Brjan's Pulmonlc Wafer" in l'aij hnaae. No tr.u-clcr shoulrl bo Uhout a nupply of "Brjaa's Pulmonic Walen'1 iuhis pn:i_, K'o perron -.vill evi r object to give for '.Bfyao'i luliBonio Wafcva" T'a e.iiy-íive CeaÍH. JOR MOSES, Solf Proprietor, Koclibter,Ií. Y. SoM by firettville & Fuüer, andall good druggists in t'ae Uuited States and Cañadas. Ayer's Catïiartie Pilis. i Slimmer Hill N"ursery. THEODORE R. DuBQIS, rROPBIETOBOFTHE PÜMMERHIIXNÜRSERV(AíN Arbor, ftfich-,i D a i adj toraeíTflordfrAfof Pall ftnd Lpiing Setting-, Ui-; orders f' r Fruit and prottVeutal Trws, Vine, Sbrub,etó., wiübcfliind fr;,onj the baal Eastern Nurserii s, asctliis personal ntttntbñ will be giren to fee nelectinn tttd flUing tlieaamo, Staving hyen regnlarl; oducate1 in the N 1 r i ■ . ii e is coïTÜften! tlm1 with prompi andel sa uttei tlott, and lricl honeaty and Integril v,he wiil be itble u pvc tl#fc1tin to evwjf one coDfidtog teirordurs U hhü. ' Ali taMners or Fruit growers Hl do irelï to give liíni a cali befbi rderia throughothcr partle. lie ivould ■ t i i.i.i im cittwmi ni tbe City and Cocnt.i iv n purebaseu of hint the pul Ppnng for the qualitï i f tfeeaiiroUght os by hin. , aa well : fn fcba guod order in wbich they wc-ic reodived auddeUvewd. 804xn8 Hangfsterfev'fi ttlock. DEA IM F CO., TN VTTE attention to their ncir ttock compvising all 1 Muda of C. ockery, Giassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures and aouie-furaishiBg od,U uf wh oh they aro offer já the Lmvesi l'ossiih Jiates. French China Ton ets frotn 6 03 to 20 00 French China dionsr Iets fronj 25 00 to 7000 Stone china Tea seta frnn ü -"í11 lo r 00 stone china dinner Bi ts from 8 50 to ".'!' l0 G Kerosene Ijimps complete ftnm B7Jto62 Harble Iainps complete tam ?0 toioc Fluid Lampa from IS (o 62 H 4Ï3 Lainps of all kinrls aHoretl anJ rcpairecl. Forest Hill Cemetery. AM, PF:RON-i WBÖ li.-no Fclcciid kts in Torcst Hill Ci'tn'fry, Ann Arbor w.tliout lakiDg tlseds ïherafor, ure riasttd temakeatrangMoent with the Tic.'i-urcr :ii 1 takt their dee s ithin ihliy flaj, otherwlnc their kelectiena will be forfeitod. By order of tlio Board, K. V. MOUGAN, Treaurer. Datcc!, Ann Arbor, May 27, 1S81. S02v3 CARDS! CARDSH CARDS1I! Itavmp parchasLHl a EtUOGLKS Kotary DuMOMi Card Pre88tTithaflne asaortment of Curd type, the Auguí prep&red to print Cartls of all kinds in the aeateat pnmlbte styli and :it a gront rcduction from Tonner prices. ioeluding Dusinf'RS Carda forman of all arocations andprofesalons, Rail, Woddlng, and Visiti k Crda, l?., etc. Cali, give na yours orders and sec how itis üon. The Syracuse first Premium BUCKEYE ÊVIOWER with a SUCCKSSPDIj I RE4PIKG ATÏAftlMENT. The Best made in the World ! Manufaeturcd by Lathrop & McNaugliton, JACKSON, MICII. FOR SAIE BY Bisdoa & Hendersoiïjj (804wC) ANN ARB0R; MICII Side-Walk Order- Miller AvenueV. T ATE UK yi.HltíAH, Uuonty of W.-ish 0 letaw Ciiyut' Aun ,rbor, ss - Ivecoders Uffice, Juna 5tn Al) Islil: - loHenryBow er Juli il F Juhii F. Ule, Ariliur üt-r ry, Tfaouma Ki'eeniuu, Jolin Fretmuu, Moscs Weil, Jumes i. Qutt, Bernard nnili, Eunry , tulclizer Wiiliuui Copclanil, iiud Jolm M Greg, ry: - Y t n and ecb ol you u, liereby nui iiioa iii.i Oumiuon Uuiiucil ot City j ut Ann Arbor hus urderwd Hie sidt; waik ón ihe Nurih sido of iilltr Avenue stfeit u-om Spring ttrett io tlm wesi eide of City limite to bu gi-iiili-d and plnnked ; bucIi sidu wulk lo I bu c nslructfd füur leul wide. und of pine i ilunk iwu inclU'S hpikod tu slücpeiá oí' uak, niivi tu lie buil; iiiuIlt ihu supi-ï'iuLt ! dencuof ilie Mreet Comuiitaiouer aud Super j visor ol tile second disti'iet ut' said cit._y aod thai you Hbutit tu be assesaod io ilolray the j expenses oí LjrjKLng and planking aueli sid ! walk in tront, ol or sdjftcent to oenain ]rcui i ses iil said (iily, owneü or oecupied by 3011, rcgpeotively, und ili t a report nnd ataeeimeñt roli has been ZSBde out i;i the [.remises, and is 011 file 111 this uffiue lor inspe. tion; and 1 ihat tilt ComiQUE '-OUUCÍI of said cilj' will nuei ai the Firemen'a Hali in said city, on the First iay of July, nexi.ut .-even o'clocS, P. j M tu review uch usaeseinent '.oll 011 the 1 quest ut nny person cnsidej'ing himselt' a t grieved lierebv: and yuu ure tijrtt,er nutified ihut the pai ty is nllowti.i ihirty days Mom ihjtnne of the service of tliis notic.e opon hini, withni whifjh tb niake btieli gradi u; ;nd side vvülk under the supeiintcnden.e of the Street CoroRiiisioner and Supervisor of the riecond of aid Ciiv, nnd iliab if Bucli side walk shalt within th t time : have been 81) coüütiucted to the BUtitleotlOD ! ut such 6uperintender,ts lio expense of proceeding tocollect .such assissment sliall bo intuned by the pereons bo oonstructing the same. Bul if part of such side wi Ik shall not be construcied wilhin süid time, the nremises so issessed for Ihe construciion thtreof will be sol dor leused for tlie shortest term if jears at which auy peron will lake the SLime and pay tlie ia$ assessed thereou for oonhtructing Mich side walk wiih the inierest and all cosis and charges tlirreon. By ordei ol the Common Council, 8.M WEBSTEH, Hecordor. Side-Walk Order- Spring Street. STATE 'UF iIlC4KAN- Wushtrn-.w oounty, City of üiin Árbor, ss - Itecoi'der't Office, June 5th, A. 1) 1861.- Tu Henry Bower, Thora s Snapp Jacob Sospp, Klbride Traver, J.H Uul, B P Uale. Mary U SutS1 vlaiid, (non ïcsUleut,) Francis A. ttandall, William Sjhludn, Uhurlu Schuit, and Jolin P D:ile; - You and each of you are hereby notified iliat the CoaimoD Cuuneil of ihe City of Ann Arbor hu? ordered the side-walk 011 the West side .■!' Spring street from Miller Avenue to a puint fuur ro k North of the corner of Spring street, end lligli Street in City of Ann Arbor, to be gruded and planhad ; th.-u saob side walk is to bo con 6ruclcd tour teel wide, of pine plank two juches thiek and tVo;n four to six inflhes wd?, nnd spiked to sleepers of "txk four ' by tuur iuehes, and is to ba built under the saperin tendence of the Street Coinmissiuner and tíu])ervisor of the Second district of said City, and tlmt you are ubout t.o be assessed to delray Ihe t'Xt ens'8 ot gradiüg ind planking tiuch side walk in Front of or adjncent to oertaiu preiuises in said c i ' y . owneil or occupied by you resptetively , nnd tlial a report and as segment rol] hus heen made out in the premi 8cs, and is on file 1.1 this uffiue for incpection ; und thaL the C' 111111011 t'ouncil of euid City will meet nt the Firemeu's Hall in snid City on the First day of July, next, al teven o'clock, 1'. M to review sueh ïisses'nient roll on the reqn.61. (,f nny pt-r. on cunaideruiif him 8c.lf aggrieved ihereby: and ycu nre hereby furlher notified tliat the party is allowed thirty days Iroin the lini" of the service of this i;otice upon him. within which 10 maka Luch Bruding nnd side walk under the tuper intendence ut tlie átreet C(rnuiissiuner and Supervisor of the Secon.d disiriet of said city nnd ihat it side walk shall within thiit time have boen so consinieted to the aatisfaotion of such no expense cf prcoeeding tocollect such Mtectnient --hall be incuired by tlie so construct ing tho same But if nny part cf such side wulk 6ljal not be coi. strueled within said tiiiK-, Ihe the premiaesio nsseased for the construciion thertof wili be sold or le;isud for the shortett terin of yenre at wbioh any perspn will take the sa". e nal py the tnx a-tefsed thereou for oons;ructing 6uch sid walk, with tho intereslaud all costa and charges theroon. By order of the Common Counol, S M. WEBSTER, Eeecrder.


Old News
Michigan Argus