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rffjjíw Cure. C'Utffk, Cold. XfoTMNOM, Ivfliiyftff "-" 'lr:' Irrilatioit or Sart nesa of the Wjffi ifm T'nnn'; iulii-rc ihr U,u.k Hf? C-'itjfh fftanfl MB ïy' Contumptipn , Urahvhiti., AsthVr I fhiJig'JwJ '""■ "" ( ' ' ' ■ Cíiar aijd WM3n uii-Mrcn#th'tthcvoicc vf ' Fe a-, a .vare of the fmpeitnnce ol' cheeking o Congb or "Comuion Cold" in its first stage; ibat wh'idr In to ■ beginníng woold yield toa Infld rmedy, if neglactefl, ackstUe Lunjfs. ■' Brown's Bronchial Tro conjainlng domaleent iogrcdie&ta alluy I'ulmoi.:ir Bronobul Irrtation. i1 BKOWN'S , 'Tint trouble n my Tbroat, (for wfalcb the "Troch3' área sjjecinc) having macíe TPAnTiro ine 'l(?n a mere whinperer," TKOCHEb p WIIiWi "I rccomniend to I'cbupí-pfak BI10WN 'S ■" REV K. H. CHAI IX. "IlaxeproTod serviceaMo for t pnctima HoAMli!iE8s" i KvlHily i;i-.v. IIEXRY WABD SKECHER. "Aimoit fusianí relief lo tbe distregsine BROWÍI'á bM! "' hrLMlhiug peculiar to Astiisu." T' Rkv.A. C EOOLEoTOJJ. TnnPH"?5 "cn'" no Opinio or inythlnginjuri JKUOHÜibous.'. li;í. a.A. HAYK.S, ChemUt, Boston. BROWN'S "A "'"'Pl1" ana piensan t combinatlon for Cotxns,S:c.DR. G. I". BlGELOW. TROCHES "Bciic-Ocial in Bioscnma." I'F.. j; F. W. LAÑE, BROWN'S ,,. , Boston. I havo proveí tl:cm excellent for , T1100H1.Ö IiF.V.H. W. WARREN', Boston. BROWN'S ''B1nollcial ivhcn corcpcllcd to speale, sulToringfromCoU)." TTiOOHP q Ia;V' ''■ J r' AN'DEIis(' IKOL-HKh St.LooM. "EBeetnal n rem.iving,"ci:fss nd BROWN'S Lrit'11'"'' pftheThroat, so common witfa .SIÜAKER8 ind SlMEM." 1 ROCHES LuGwnge, a. Xaclior of Music Southorn BROWN'S ,,„ ,', ' f-malfC'uliego. "Orct bouefit wlicn'talieiíbiífore uno Tnnntrua fr liai!l'.i"ï tln-.v irevcnt Ho.-ineÏ lt UUpESJness , Ironi tUcif past effotft, I think liey .(■ÍlI be of permanent adralítae to'me," BROWN'P KKV.E.ROWCEV, ,i M. rresident of Atbena C'cllefr. lon „„.__„„ SoWby all Druistsat TWEXTTTROCHES.nvi'. cents a BOX.- 77fmo OF THE COÜNTIKS OF Washtenaw & Lenawee, Mioh , Frorn Official Rtcords and Special Surteyt, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HABXEY, Deinst íTuccensci-.-í (o Geil t , Topographical Kng's, Authors ofMapa of the Conntiw of B Iluda le, Brancb, Bt. Joseph, í'iiilionn, Jacksou, Casa, 'ac Buren, Berrien, Wayne, GeB6ee, Kalamatoo, Shinwassee, Monroe, Macomb, St. Clair, &c, Michigan; I.or:iinp, Medina, kc. Ohloí Ning.Tra, Une, Cattaiaugufi, Greene, Píiratcjga, ftc, New YorU; Monmouth, Morris, kc, Kew Jersey; City of HcaJing,'vc., l'enn .; Laporte, tc, Iucüana - etc., etc. I Tbe undrsígtl4ro prepartng tn publUh, by BubwrlptlOO J18W and c Blbí"M AIud of tlie Counties oí WasH trsaw aod ZJíN'AWEir, MKUiG.'.-fi'm careful Hurveys ol tíie entive District, maú1 rxpressly í"'ir thi work, nnd frum Utlicial líocoidsan 1 otliei' rptiabte inorraation.- The Map will cleluioatu m!ttute1y rfln:'tl Geognphical and Tcpogrnpliical fMtnrea of tljoCountie, amone: which may büuuinyratt'l lUe foili i 1, It will show all tli Township, íection, and Quarítr Lines. 'I It wül show iho Iíyundary L'mcs of Farms, and the naraMofrsairtoat owBr 3. Il will show the lucation of Public Roado, díntingiushing tliü ojien vads fiom thodt' nut opend4. }t. wlli sjio-.v the locatioL1 of Ohurchca, SöUöol Hoiises, Rotéis, Mills, Úanul , Shpjps, 5. It wiU give tlio cour '-o f Uivors n CrocUs, and show the locatioD and oullloe of all moandored I.aU s. 6 H willcoDtaiu Plan-i of tlje Principal Vtllagea, s;mwingtlie RïrestnLotA, una location of Bwildlngn. Kach Villaje Plan will also eoutain a Directory, pivíng tlia nauiCH and business of village subciiberb. 'l'hc ' dd add.tions to Villages will be distiüguïuhed by colora, i 7. I will gïve the course ot IUiil Ponds comiile'cd.aud also sucli as asare now In procesa of cumtruotiuiL It wül con rain a Dlstance Table, giving the dií-fvnce by the most diroöt o peí; load.í, Ijotive&n &v,y two Viliages n tho District i 0. It will contain a V, rninoss Directory of country ' scribors, giving Upiruitinr-.s, cecupatiun, aud the sectioii on vhich they remde . 10. Views ofPr-vate Rpsídcncps nni prominent Building, will be pngraved on the marziñ, by special contract only. In order toseoure an nsíilicy, early applicalii n Khouldbe inado to tho Appntfi in thehj respective dütrlcts. 12 The Uapwillbe ndatly en.r.ivcd, hanUsotnely colored, Kub.-t.Lutially backe w;tl. bul&Iül a&cLmuuuted un rollers. No pains ñor expense will be spared to ;ake tho work in every reapeet wortn v ol public, coníidence. Tbe price o!' the Map w.]l be at the low rate of íis ptr popy, payablo on iellveí y. Authnnzt-r agente will viit every por'ion of the Dis friet, lor the parpóse of' perfecting il.e work, and, at the Ruim? time, to sohcit patronage vi it. l'pon tlieir cali, will, be the time to stroscríbc, in order to ubtain tho work as it will be sold hj sabgcrtpüefl ouly Commamcationa iu regard to business pertaininK to tbia Map, if rfl to Astil AlifiOÓ', Mlcli.,' will k'afcive prompt attenfibn. GEIL & HARLBY, FublTehe:a. 49. A Premium has been awarded by the ilchigin 5tate AjrieoIturalSocUty, to Gm, RjJnXï k snnin, for their Couaty tlap on exbibitionat thfl Anuual fc'air, { heldTÍ Detroit, in 18CQ. 3 Ste Clrmrfars which will ba di;s-ributed. 780m3 MOÖRE &LÖÖMÏS Hae Removed to the STORE KEOKNTl.Y OCCUPIED BY C, MACIv, Pheonix Block.East sideof Main St., AND n, HAVE In S'.ore Sft A Large (ind %f! '- =K Illcto STOCK CÍpÍgp OF BOOTS SHOES Of every desciipiicn whioh will be SOLD OX3C33i1k.I3'I3yi THAN CAN BE BOUGII? IS TliUCity. Also large asscriBieót c' II O Ai E MANUFACTURE, Of all kiudü made in the mest Fashianable Siyle BY UOCD AXD EXPERIENCED WOKivMEN, FRENCH CÁLF BOOTS areXOTsuRPASSK thiaiiJdeof XewYork City, and are warrated npt ia Kif. Üur OGASAND KIPSs, aro made of the best materials Our stocU qí Morocoo Bootees ferLadfesii tlio tho cnt in town, wiih heels or without We Ijliiko lo Order, andnever miw of eliting tbe firsi. tiïjte ko give ui cali and we will show you our stock free ot charge We have tcured tho services of Iwo Ex perienced Journoymcn who do ourmending in the NTint vêt Manfttr, and on shortest nutice. Óur motto ia Quick Sales and Small Profits TlianUful rnr past fa vors we hope bypay ing atrictattention to om' to mevit a liberal flh&rs of your patronae for the luture. Hememberwo are not to be nndersold. 'C MUOEE & LOOMIS Ho for the Msmmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUS! WtSCEÜ ES TKEirtnew an,1 Elegant War e-R o o m B ËAST SIDEOK MAIN STEEET, A completo hfoekvf R0SEW00D, AIAIIO&AWY BEIS 0 PARLOR FURNTTURE INCLUDIXa Sofas, TetoaWjtes, Mahogany Hoao-Wood, Black Waluut, l'lain ua 1 M.irhlo Topport UOáKi'.'OOIl, ' ilAHOGAXY, BLACK WALN'fT, FANCY UMJ CÜITAÜE CHAIRS, &c, &0., bc, to. 'Jêl. jsr ss 9 ' Elegant MIRBORS, BUREAUS, SECKETAKii;?. Complete UliD-KO'JM SETS, 1N0LÜD1NG LATEST STYLES, -OF' IIIIIBI9I, MATTRBSSES Of the beöt quality aivi Diiïereut ïittöal In Faot tbey Havo Kverythtor wuh irbiotl to furuisk l'ARLOH, BOUDOIR, 61T1IN0 KOfM. QH K.TCHFN, AND QTJR CITIZENS NEED NO lODger go to Detroit or cI-ük-Iktc o Rañ a largo assortment. This FUBISriTURE musut bc oíd aujwül be solc at VERY LOW FKICES! HMABSE VA REI AG E, Así aro ilways rw..-y to ttlond to tbc of tbe ded tn the Cüty and adjoinicg country. Ware Room n etst bld of Min Street, bt-6en Wsluogion .],! Liberty 0 M, MABIjW. i-iuTW r B. ZW'-'V SPRING GOODS. RICH GÜÜDS. t CHEAP GOODS. ! t BACH PIERSGft! HAVK just opened a large and well sclected .stock of Sï3iins Goods. ateat stjles and patterna including POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAINES, TllIMMINGS, SUMMER STÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLiiS, !1 Cartfully nclected, Waranted to pleaae, and for sale cheap. BAQH & PIERSON Marcli 26, S6i. 703tf ANTOHEIl A & ARRIVAL AT THE fííEoLD AND RELIA BLE jflrill CLOTHINí EMFOEIUMü i&M KT O . G E5 ïï CE 3S3" I 2Z BXjOCIS:, MAIN STREET. liMJust returned frotn the Eastorn Cities, iriüi n 'arp lijd desirable atook of F ALL AKD WINTER E- C O 3E' l i l-iclj ïie is cp'A" otTering at uuusuiiï'y LOJT PRICES! Aniong bis AsortmeDt may Le found DROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERER, DOESKINS, & VESTIKGS. f II discriplicnii, cdpi'cially fot FALL AND WINTER "WEAR ! tvUicb ha is cuttir.g and amkuig to orjr, ia tíiolr-tí3tan' best stylos, togetlier With asü]enur á.SMjrhnw.f pi RE AD Y MADE CLO Til f KG: rRUMKS CARP2T BASS, T:MBRF.LI.AS, and Gentleiaeo's Furnishing Goods cv'ith nunierous othr fcri'.clc-ü U3u.;lly fv.und in : 2,sta utri. As ANEM.POKÍUM OF FASHIOK tho subicrïbor flat ter him-íplf, that hls toog expírit-nf w genera. 8ucces,vill euable Iiim to give the ■: latisfoclion toüll wbo aaay trust Lini in tbe way of man afneturlug garxaenta to urdir. 769U TM WAGKER. 8,776,994,6-50 VOLUNTEIRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IN' THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Vliite folka, or of whatevcr color, caste r.r naüvity, vhether msrried, single er of doublful coiirt-xiüii, will bc ealistad in ihe lioblo cause of EMAXCIPATING THE COMMUNITl - FP.OM THE- ÏHRALDOM OF HIGH PHICES ! and will receive tbeir outfit at the Extensive FnrnisMng Establislimeni -OF IHE- O U I TER MAN' S HEAD QUARTERS! having been c6tablisLed for the LAST TEN Y E ARS. our ltnown rule of warfare is an Undi sguiscd Dcslruclioii OF HIGH PRICES ! POH CLOTHIKTG For all JLges! Sx and Condliions ! In conBcquenoe of tlie vorj flittoring anepuragciuent wliicli vp'e iic'ived siuoc our loention iu tliia ciiy, Wtí kave ineroasej our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTH1NC! To rjcot tlie demanda of our custoinors, an having become more fully convinccd tb&u evei1, tlmt our mode of dealing, na nelv: at ihe lowcst possiblo ratea for 3 the only true plan; we wül continue t: Berve tbe public as heretofor duritg tbe coming fall and winter. Our Stook coneiats in cvery variety of READY MAC 5 CLOTHING! Pl'iin and Fancy CLOTHS, CASS1MKRS. 8ILK. AND SILK VELVETS. A large lot of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, whicb nre all warranled ÜON'T FAIL TO CAliLAT E2r. T3C. E$. 1 or past favors we are gratefnl o all, Tbeeame lor largo ones in pt'oportion, And tlioso wl:o Kee úi, tecali Shall receivo our Hebt smiles and devotion. M. GuitermaD & Co, N.B. Student b i-.ïid all otWs who want to Bce SONDIIFáM'S new o}o of cötyjnfl will do well to cali and lve thoir laci'sure For a Nïce Fitting Suit ! ■ ■ v i - ■ 411 .,,7( LtJNÖ & BïaOOD i N F I R M [A R Y . FiskcrU Block Wvoêwaift Ave Detroit Dn. Ü. T, CARPKftTUK X UAINAHD. ; o : DOCTOR? gen. rally prttrnd thai 'Curwumptitn U iiu;;ibli', because. tbej caoaotcun il' üiciniivo; but tliH doe not nwtke it trae. Miui.v mecli&aiea wHl vr rks on t job all rtay and arte doing n it:tn,r bul potltbe material th will te fon i] ii' v r can bS don I llic w.iy yon watït t. Iïu byapplying tfl a bettur iroikmaB- -ona who tbcroogMy unJer.-t'in Is liis buaiwia - you witj gtt jour work - eoroplhhed in ah&pe. Ju tli i.s rwpect there U the same etiflVrpnce te b fni:nl in all tr.ules and proffesftiaiu. ïb bunglir-jt in mi'cli.iui-in. in the ai t-. in Iaw, ht thcoVogy, aml m jhysif. wil) sny bucli tliinï-i cancot be done. Ant it 't Srue IL'it thej could nol b il nllmon were Hfcp thi-inB t fortuöately there ia nn ther c'asn of mt, and these, wben thoy ta,i;e yeor case in hand, do th ob b s you want it, or restofe jou to health, nccur inf to denire. Wc hava only to ivmmber tl is net tv ittdeïttaud wbj one phymcian ihoahl proueuocv that ncuraljle whicb anotutr can curo. In mi baiiios, r ao?nt!mea ftnd ffrat by possrssinn of Hoperivr meao, by nome new lnrcutiou, of whieh Lw bat the boIo uae, w by the greattf infrenity of Li minrl, one penson irlll mato ot owfcat nu ether on. it may ba ao in pbyufc. And tta ig tb teryreajton wby I have ucu great nucce ovtr n il otlicrs in ílie tren traen t of Cousumption. By btvlag tal gmiu.j. by possessing tbc taag-Mcter, flhich enfthicu T:i]i to cK-urly deli emfne Ihe iatun uf tL :■ r Connumption a Do'otberrl boU u say ihat I 6aVó, add can etTebta êiiö of'tfeis (Ht-ease b(yond th reiicb of any'otliör ma lhn to liavi ba Uie, 1 ' jiiiglit irivè yntí ïrnmbeiK v;ion fivmber of certificaba l'rom mn f.ncl iromon giem orcr t ha krare, who hare ben reCued itni rastorcd ïo IithIiU py the p'- of .tv tupdj n for Ctmonmtio . But it s ao1 nec %■ y ftn ie to do ro ln-rp, fur 't Lm tact of (jueman dmnj; wlïat annther cannot cuinot. ís evi'k-nt toali men of' common hom. Il' the CovMnptivo wishes fiirt her proof iban thin, I can oulv khï, como on-3 Fatlsfy yourstU by tri.l oí my skOi ia tíí cure oï Doctor CarpPïiUr w-Hl visit Ypsilonti, n3 Ann Aibcr, öuring 1860-01. Ann Albor, at Oeok's Hntei, M and . ■!. munth; Ü.iwkinfl House, VpKUmHI, 6ih and öth of each muntb. Th remainder of the t-mi-, Lo will Lc i;jn;;j ,4,1 hi Luog I.i.;rn.-j;y iij Detroit ItÏÏS Ifc. WIMSLOW, An experkn cd Narse and Fcmate Pbyuíciaii, pn-aenu to tliC alt'intion of nuthers. bet SOOTHING SYIIUP. FOR CU1ÏLDHEN TEETHINÜ, which grea f'tmb by gutns, pa6cinj ' all itiilaratnatli n- will iillav ALL PA 1 ■ . . il, ;;i)! :A' . SÜRE to REGÚLATE the B0WEL&. Dopend upon it, m tV ,r, it TÍ3 Ltc rost t) your.ielvc. Relief and lieaUh to yotiv Jniapta Wc have put up rnl aod iold tuis frtic)e for pt ro, ml CAN KAT, IV COXIÏl'i.NTK Aft 9, wIir we have r.ver bt-n abV to .ii) othcrmedii-n:- VbVFK HAS? 1TKA1LED IN A SISÓLE ÏÜ I I FF.1 T A í l II', ;nic!y ueed. KüVfrajd we m inwtfscf -f diütiSliv.!t-ti 1 'V I' ; : 11 ■ -O,!) liRCd 't. "ii tïlf CtUÍTBf?, ;tli ; (Uílgíjí Wth tí op i t n-. ;-ik'. h hk in l rins of ei mmcnduii.r Of it-i iwngiail i Ijoct nnd mrtÜrsl virtaes. We fpe.ik n Uiia Wi-tt r W'1IAÏ WE IO KXOW"after trw rwii-1 'filn-o. NPILFIiCiK ouk K.iifAi;. Foa TPh ivixiuuiKT rw WHAT W E Hl RE ál 1 AKF. In a'inral cviy intmeo ■ il and PxliautH.n, , be loL.n' :i! BfUinc ttttnty iu' afi.r i 1 : ■ ■ - , r : ; , i ; . ■ ' i . h tbc pMWj D f'f r'a l'i-.KIKN' !■:■ nn4 W 11.I.HÍ. fCI I Shr in New ! n:l;'.v : a I ha LeO uA v.ith KI VI It" FAUNTJ fiÜJp( tSrf in 'I'IIOUHANP OF CASr.S. It nf t orly reltftTes thech'l i fr-jin pam, biit nrift rtfl 1 (■! nütchonl bowcls, c. r-ei.t acil ty. tnöjinurt d :n'l energy tu the wl.o'.t ijs'.cm It will aUuwt J-tim(llj relicto GUiriKG IN THE B0WÏ3J1, ARTI vriND CGLIO ■r.iuc C3iw i'ls'.c n-. vh:ch if n t Rpelïj" tvm dicJ, end in rïcfltJi. We h#t' it the I'K-'i' i.J -l'hiXr RKME1 V ÍK Jiii WÍ.RJ.1. in pil m -f V-KNTM:V :'ül ! lAKftliaiA IK CU1U4Í1 V, wh"l"-r it arisca ir .in !■■.;'. v. r -r fr in :".' olln r c: a. W wonld R.-iy to ' --f ry M v'.1 :■ -WhQ h ail iM ufitr i r n : ï: ,■ ■ ■ l en h "at - t v KOT 1 J T T ï: j KOH TilE IfJCiK.K (K THRRS, -!.■:: 1 lietawn vmi ao 1 y f. r mifT r na ehfl-l, ,ui:l ti.c r-licf th. E win bp -Yi-S. Al) oi.ulï l.V ■- to follow t'v; me of t'v-i medien11, if fcSariy uar4. Kuil ói'etfc'en t fr uVni iÜ aocir-pn'; i-m-h 'oduI. N'-'n-m ;-n nlesa t e fiicsimile' i' CURIW A: PKltKIN :- New Vo:k. ifl on oittsi '■ wr q pi r, Sola by Dmn ;ta thr og it the ■■-, ■ rld. Principal fTïr J3 f .d r Pïi-rit. K. V. l'.ÏI-T. ( RLY Í5 Cl NT.-' tER SOTnjK. 1:tv!' i-.v : ■ r. ■ ■ ■■■. ly7T. JFbr the Specdy and Permanent Cure of Vcmtfw4 Weakness, Nocturnal and JJiurnal Ènu$.-iio)Uf, Nervous and Gwlfrql L.cbi!.j, Lyr-iencc, and all Discascs ariéing ffom SolHkrv Habits or Ezcessive ludirfgeiicc. npIIERK are thonsands of YOPHC Mew, M wsll na Mioni.s X AüKD and Old .If..v, who are toffaring to forae extsnt from the above ílíaeaseí. Man.v, perhftps, are not iwart uf tlioir truu condition, or wlicn ajsi.--tuiieü is rcallj neeáe Í. For the benefit of such, w a herewltti fívo a faw of tlie _irrt cominon Bymptems, vir: ÍTaaJines uj thr, tark una Lmtb. Pain in til Ilead and Side, Dimncss of Sight, Dots and Heil bcfore the L. Palpitatian of the. Hairt, Uytpsptiit, L" nf Xamory, Confusión nf hl. is, DsprcsnioH of Spint, Aceiion to Society, Setf-Diêtrust, TiniidUjt, etc. ror taoh md all Tf the above svmptomi Üuufl nmdtu ill bu fuuud a " Svreign Bilm." Tlie&e remedies embraae tliroc piwcriptio! A Vnr fí Peísteis, fi box nf fforitoiM Tonic pilh, aid n bix f ir#W Ibrtic PiÍ.t, ftU of rhieb have impottnut oIF.cob to rforna nnd should be ns-;d togebhor in cvory case. Theïr fcuptrlorH othor modes of treaUaeut ia&y te briefly ht.iieU m follcwa, vri: Tlu-y diaiinUh Ui o feUnc of txe!tm'r(t. fi5r They lmmcd,jatIy arrtat nociitrual aud diuruil bí. Stons. . ■ ' J8íS"They remoro local wp(AbW, rauíui tï.o VfUi t aesume thir n&ttiral bont and vigor. j(K3" Thcv itreagtbe th eonsututiou lijr ororc-iminï orïons debility aad genaral waaknen. jg-Thev uliven the Bpkiü, wli cli aro ntually (loproeo. by expelling al! causea from LUo Rjrtem. "j3"By their lovlgoratins propei-tics tliey rtort Ua patiënt to his nataral btaíth'and vir of manh--oii, jjy Thov cure wlian all other mcang lwv faHo. flThey contain ro Sferciiry, o Opium, nor anjtMitg that can ia anv event pi XïjT Thcy a're asy and.pleawinUto use, ar.d will uot Uier fere with the patiènri iisnal buRlaets or plwf. jK?" Thsy can Lo uscd without snftpicioa, ur kuowtadga of even a room-mat-s; ' That thev may come vítli;u tlio reach of all. we It nrM the prica óf the Fustete at $1 par box, and Oio I'W nt V cents per box cach. In ordrloK by mail. in addit'on to ths price, twolva ceats ia stampa slionll te luolMCQ for ratum ,. LADIES : n want "f a snfc td efTectn! &Ü?r remy for ln-!n!arUU-, Sip)-rrxi-n f tha ratfr- Jl Vena, or any citsease pccalnK to ir iwx. Jl Tfií Fhould ïiw Dit. OATKsa Kcmai.e Movrmr %öft -í= IMI.L3. rrloe, by mail, $t and cue utamp. aBaff-'jfe CALTriny.- Thisc l'iils s'io-ild nnt be iit afipF "Sí durin prejanc, ai im'ioarcitige will bo tli rt CLAOICKS 'who. ïn-hoaltl. dr.r -iit , or ny other humine and reuoaab'.a cao, ieem K ary to avoid an increase of fannly. oan do .o vriihmtt meurring danyer to health jr coustitction by the u.-.c of M. i t Cruux'i French Prevcntue Powde', IVicü, by mail, S Iwo stampa. , . These Pavdari can cnly loe ebUinsd by aádresín; t' General Acants, as beW. Bond for Dr. Gatks's Pritatc Jftcïwl 5Vxii tm Suxual IHscases. Trice Tkíí CffH Addreps. H, O. MIL-LL;i t CO.. Ooneral Atnti XdUVlll9, h.jf. F..r" Sale ly MATXÁllD, STEBBIX8. AJvVlisoX. yTSc'ia Anu-Arbcr, Mich. 'A'6y. ir2Ñ7TEJ?S HAIK INVIGOEATOK. AN EFTBCTtTE, AFC AN;; ECONÓMICA] C0MlOTÑb FOK RKSTilKIiïG GRaY HAIR tn I .r w,.,. oit A'ja.-i :, aa ! prereata the "t ia taiaiug gi'-v, FOR PREVEN njiíl BAL! NEíS a ad cm ::..; itvlirn thrr t the least pnHicle c-i vitulHj or rccup tücry reuiaiuiriL'. , FORREJIOViNG ECURF AXL rAXpr.lTÏ", %x U cuunoous affeotlona of the - POR BEADTIFVSKG TJIKHAlIÏ, 'raHÍnptíi it ?n unoqoaJIod ffloss uqd bi . ikyig it goftaudai&y in its texï ■ ■ ■ , it to íui i i i'adjly, Tho graal cl( i ocreatltig 'mand for thi unoqualled prpj araÜon, ooui ■ . it'tor that na trial is onh" uecosaafy lo KrJi.. ; i UI -'f lH nuali' i over kü' t tar preparatioa at pi mmi u use. Ifclcan-ses the h&d ;.uci scalp ircni daxdrvfen oiher QUaneonêdi tenses, Tause Hie hair togrow lu i'i:;.-ry, aml givo;i jy ;i irl-, s 'i, -] ,„sy r.i.d ÜoxiMe .-npeii'nnco}anl al looK&Ding ai:.ï thiuöift(t, It willcivo streagth an] vigor to tb roL-:, and fkëgfoffth to tboso parta wüich bave bccoica bjli, causine: ït to yiold n.Vr.Vi rnrcir.g ofhair, ïdêroare hun ■ úfcríipu II K#w Votk who have had their h; i rtno tf tliibi Invigoratcr, wheo all otbf prep . A d. I,. M. has iu his vosaessiou tetteas ittnume:aUe twtifyinf to the above fcal, from pwsona of the fafghpal rea ictnbihty. It wül effect uiüly provont ïhc katrfitm ti)KÍ gray untilthe latost perlod üfllfe; and in' es bc s hrn the hair bas ehaugod ts color, the i I i Igoiafcr 11 rett&rt it to Üs ortgivcl l&'% ïiit.g it a d;trk. c,iüi-;' apponmiLC1. Aa fl peiA me'fbr the ti-ürt and a Uair F.oatömÜro it partícula) rttoomuwitod, haviiig an itgjreeahW', aod Llia greoi tacliticf it aScrdü in dresaïng Uu hair'. whlth, whe'n nioiit !ili tho Iu vigora er can be dressed ín nny rwÍTéd fonn po a tü preserve üs place, W-iher piala or in hen e : i deznand for it by the ïu,li'os .iü ,t .rar.dard toilet wtictt] ■ ht to ba without, a tho priea places ii withio tin rea( h oí all, boincr QNIiY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS r :: itottU'to be ha! at all rospectablu drugibt' and pufuiuerfi. I M1LLEH wouW oalj hc at te uil on of Parc-M aud Gn&rdWoK to th ;■■ c "f íovigoraior, in cnws wbi ra thechlMrous' Hal incliuoB 1o bo Wfpk. The nt-v of it lavf thfl foutid'tioc fnr . good fcfad i i . mns . i imauWAiei ■ :.ji'i-d wifb tho BO.p, theremoval oi wrhïch is nt üi ai ai y Uíííj i'or tb brath o'f the chiUaud íiio future uppcaraset r.f ii H;iir. Cautïom N'one gbi ■' T.ons MIM.F,nv..-in.-..n thVrnüvr v. [,. WÏIXLK'S IIA1R JKVICORATOft, V. ' Whole fi : ■ prloctl jiIh Vlorohanr ' i !d. I.! ti"..! u ■(,; i tn ] . ne r i;:i n!i' v. I a!ao (U Blro to pn o IV.bltc my K'êw &Improved InstaptaneouB 'Xisquld Haïr Bye whieh aft er yctirs of peíentia fN'.-ín'yr.rüfínj; T liirr bronght to porfeCvion. It r1 i Oia iwwluptly wítboút iojitry to thp lïatr or PUa warrantcd tl.c bttH articlp of the kiod In pifnc1. r-RICE ONLY FirTV CFNT8 DEP01 60 7EV ST., ""r '


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