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F5RE! FIRÉ ! WESTERN M.1S8A CHUSETTS Insurance Oompany , CASIL CAPITAL & SURPLUS; Oa7"JEIJEÏ. 3200,000. W. W. STRONii, Agent Ann Arbjr. M -ircli , 98, 1861. 792tf l 1. 1 ïf K 1.N S U It A 3 C E . Tho Connecticut Mutual Lifo Ins iriiiioo Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - 63,500,000. WII.I. IV-l'HK I.1VK Hr rat ani.i:!-:! nol excwifing S'.u.O 10 lor irhnla term irf Uta m lor a k-nii ut irtars, on the moni Fbvoiubte terina. N.P. Tlie Onnpany Is paroljr mutual an-l Uie polloy holden get all tho surpliM ordr Üie nou-i cul ef inauranco It accomodofea i he in-urt-l in Ui Itloinenl of lhr preminuw OS'K P01JGI1B, n ilojlnnl, by tnklng a note fir nao b&lfthe amuuot, beuring iaterest ;it six per ri-iit, poe innuni. Dividunds are Declarcd Annuall;! and niñee uioy now amnant to Kirrv pr cent on Uie preiniam, onsu andnofOi nil are incroasing tht-y may be applied t oancttl tiiu notes. n'jö T]i- r:itcs of pn-iniums nreaslnw as nny otlior i-eRpoDit]ble'Cóm]wiiy andtbetarge Rceunmlatwi hirtd of 13,600,000 s s.-ciuc-iv laveated, ai nuy be aeeo by relerihco to thetatcment mode ftccuifling to law, m file in 'hcuöiceof tbè tuuuty Clorh,.! Aun Arïmr.jix JAMES GUDOVfIN, l'rcst. GnrR.Pmus,807. forpartlooJreapplyto JAMKfl C. WATSON', 7üo 1 Agent ut Ano Albur, Mk-h. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860, 1,707, 133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vire President, PLINY FKEEMAN, Actuanj $100,000 DEPOSITSD wlth theComptroïterof tbe Ptatoof Xew Yurk. Diviilcuils average 40 ánnually. yv js s:eïts . Cash in Bank, $ 51,305,49 Invested in Mtcuritïe, creMe'l unAer tli lnwsef the SUte ui fiew Xork and of tbc L'. S., 2óS,ST0,7 Iteal Fútate and Fixturos, Nos. 112 and 114 Droadwy 132,450 01 Bon. lp anl MortsraKesorawinp" per et. ntt're1 583,908.39 X.,!ts reeeived for -íñ peí ccut.uf pn.-:niuins on lire pohcles, bWTiog interest, 675,315.85 Qu&rterly and áemi-annual premlams, dae BubMqucnt 'to January 1 , 0,550.38 Fntftrest accruod n tt J;ui. 1. 1S('O, 6í.488.77 Renta i ruoduptojan. 1. 150, l,70e.34 Premiums on policies in haiuls of Agcnts, ?t,44.f.lil U ,767 ,133 .24 Ors WKLiáand1 lïKvrtf, Medical Kxamioera. 7 laif m J. ULLBQiT SJI1TH, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN Ts; T!IK AGENT fr the follavfaog fi;-st eines companles: HOME UT8VBANCE CDMP.wV, of New York Oty,- Capital and Surplus, ÏI ,'i(J0,O00. CITY :'li; I', IXSl'RAXCE COMPANY, of U&rtfocd.--CapiUl and Surplus, S400 000. COVTIXE.VTAL, IXSIJISASCF. COaiP.VXY, of New Yurk l'ity.---Cai, aml Surplus, $100,000. Threequ&rtcN nf tlio Dell ir"iiïs in tbfa Company in fïivnicd ai)tiu:ilï. amonj; its poUc; hoMer.s. c'h mii.ijx. Ann Arbor, D.cerabfr 13, 18C0. 6m;TS Conway Kire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Ma88. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 269,96? 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WHITNKY, L. BOBMAM, VV. F.I.1.1OTT, vs non I.ND, D r. McQILVHAy.E. n. Moifiiis W-MT HK.MKNT, JOSIAH AM.IS. A.H. BUl.KN W. B. DICKINSON, W. T. CLAPP, I). C. RÜGKltS. Ann Arl)or Uofpreiirf s: Dr. E. WE1.I.S. 1.. JAMËS. I.. DOrnK, UNOCIIJAMES. OAPT-. O. COUDRICH J, Vf. K Ni I GUT, A -ent. Ann Arbor. Micliigan. rrÍHB i'KORI A MARÍS K&FÏRË J. IXSURANCECOlirANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 ODC ..f the HÉAVIEST, SAFRST aml RKST Insurance Co's. in the 0. 3. Imana "ti ratuoiiable torms, and al vays pay inmtly. There á no better Fire InsuraviG Compauy. Mo ney Wauted, Who wl.ll JLciiö Moncy ! ÍAM REQÜHSTÈD BY SKVEP.AI, PERSONS to obtain money for them at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (OrMore.) For any one willink to lend. 1 can at once invest on ood uuencumbered tfbuwdant REAL ESTÁTE security ■ iiiv of mouoy aul .sec that the title aad security arpAt.L rkjiit. The borroA'Cr paviog all cxpenïes, including recnraTns;. W. 1IORGAN-, Ana Arbor, Gct. 7. 1859. 715tf General Land Agency. PERSONS wanting farms, o r reslitonccftn orneal Ann Arbor, can by callingonmeceluctfromalUt of ovor 1OO Farms For SaJf! Ofvarloue slzea trom 3, te 1300 acrcjcach (lomt at guod 4sny intlils Connty.) Mortithan 5O Diveiing IIOU8RS n'hlTity,fromtwn liundred to f jurthonsanddo - arioacb:and over 1 LdliiBISG LOTSI AmoDRthofarmi are the liishcpsiarin, ISOOacre, Ebe rotter farm, in Green Oak, t"re Plact'farm, a.j i 4d) aero, til e Blandón and Jonks farms, i n Webster ( the Stub'is, Michacl Clancy, Newton Bengan, and Fallaha. farm. In Ann Arbor; J . Kingsley'4 fnrm, In PUtaffoid" the Êuteh and Hick farms In Lodi;the PatrickClayufarm in Krendom; W. rt. Davii.on, B. fï. Bakers and Blick's farms lnSylvan. Mostof these and many otbers can bo ilridedto uit ' E. BOiGABi. AnnArboj.Jan lat . 1B56 13 EW . MORGAN, Agent tor HatUl I.ireln-mr.inccCompany, New York. Accumulatcd Assets, .... $5,300,000. the leading Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker I.ifc Insurancp Cninpauy, Xew York, - a (irst (ilass siieCo. - terms reatinnable. IlumboMi Insurance Company, New York. Capital, wlth alarm surpliM, - - Í20O.000. Peoría M.irinp fc Kire lntiurance Co., Tecnia IU. - hutt i No. 1 Fire Insuranco Co'. 7O7tf Capital, .... $500,000; L. F. BANDALL, DKAL1NG IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music Sf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. PIANO FORTES fiom m-miifactory of A. II. GALE & CO. of New York, lor whnm I fiin ajft. I will warrant idffiior to none, ia styta of flnfdfa quanttv 01 rpjnlity of tono uncí irompt ncss uf actioa MELODEONS, manuriict'ivp'l bj TKT-:.T k I.TXSI, F.Y Kew Haven Ponu. ie 8STEY k. (ir.KF.N', of BratÜcborfl Vt. F wül warriint BÓpOlit r ín ;my in Ibe ínnríu-f :i evcry rescect that pr-rtaius to the gooii qualitiesof a Melo'lcon. I Imve na liüiiiiand un constantly receiving frm tin pnhlishers laro quanUm of the uaost popular SHEET MUSIC yhïcli I wlll wnd by mail to any pari of tlio country, on rcceipt "of raarked price. A good assortment of GUITARS, VIOIJNS, PIANO iStools, Bows Sti'iugs, Instructioüs lïöujii. for all instrument, CHUEG MUSIC BOOKS Glee Boohs tyc,t fyc., fyc. Tho umial disconnt to the Profesión. Musical IntruinentHtuncd aai itpaued aad tütlifactionguaraatee ,n evfiry respect, 1 ;í7ai l. f. randall


Old News
Michigan Argus