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City Cheap Liimfoer Sae7i , Doors Blinw, Plaste? Paris Grand Jiiver Planter, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Pdii't and Putty, cfec, &c. , B. BeForest, RAV1NG lncreased hi fncilitles for dolTg bual .iiitl enUrged ))U Yurri ;i;id .Stock, 3 pre j.'au'J the present season, wiih 0 bea: ?a est leajonedatookeTerln ttali rrn'rUt to satisly ti:e r ■ 'tions of aji. Óui motto ie notto be andertoldfor ensh o'n delivérj I vriil not UDdertakctoCrighteDtfaepoblic bysaying that theywill gettbaved ii thoy bay eltewbere, foi wc presunu; tbra utherc wiljsclJaelow aathey enn nirordto. All kinds of Timbcr, Joists, and ScaDtllog, PIne, Wbitcwood , Basswood, Hem loek, Plaiied and Ma.tched Fine, Whitewood Aah Hooiiiig.I'!nncdindrouL(h Pineand Whitcwnori !dln,Pe ici Poste, OkandU:dai Poets and rickots ol all klud. pint Ü'ailj, atib ttHjiteniooü C. J) Ptne, Agharrl Whitewood PhingleB, Barn Boards and Bain Floor Plank, BlackVu...ut,andChnrry and thin stuit', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONQUES, Boxund Body Lurnber,Maple Log Timber, Hlckory, Q&k, üsh? ESlm, Beech, Oi!i!l,iiickneíse6,widths andloiiKths.&c. &c, lïiaster Paiis, and Piasier ofallklnds. 3_T fij.s ol nllsizcs, &c, &c. SAS1I, D00I2S, cê BLWDS, made by band to order aelowas factory prïoea, on the siiorteslnoticc by the bost of workineu, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Ril I p ofaH dcacription in tho abovc buiïtïing line furnisheiioiithDsliDrtoetuf i)oticc,for We have Mills Cutting Regularhj. A ful! anda perí'cct aseortment of the abovo ■,„, othürkiude of n 15unri:rigM.:iC1:als Constantljr oLuanilaUli; lo-n-estpossibleratcf Cali and be Convineed. A few rods sóulhfrom II. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mick. ROOFING, N.3.- I am now operating Extensivelj in the Patent Ccmejit Kooíing. LOOMIS & TRÏPF, Succtásors to Chapín & Loomis, audCbapiti, Tripp Leonila ' f tHE above ftrm of Loomls & Tripp havtog pnrehand 1 the enttre interest óftha former ■■ continue business ;i1 Ihe rheío -y vüi be ri-atly, on tke Bbortesl aotice, tu Üll all orders u ííu line of Castings and Machinery, ín the ni'i.t n"orkmanlik manner, and on ns liberal terma iih any ether shop id the Stsut.AmongtliG vari oofl Hvliflt'Mu:! iiilac' urt-il by us, WC wouM rnuuíoraío STEAMENGINKS (if all kinds; Mili Ge&ríng aiirl lxturen, wnniRht and cast; all the various castinga formakÍDg and rt-pairing llorse Powers & Threshing Machines such as ave at present, or liavc fornifrly 1k.ii ín in U.ís pfrtof : i stilte. At vreU m all the raríoas kinds ol oastiogs and maohine vork oalledforby furmers "aud mechanica inthis .stction of the oounlry. jíe" :at_ RtT" 3s 9 of aU the vítrious (Mtterns, ap in afzegand prioes,vU] be keptconstnntly on haiu!, gol the most modern and impreved síyles. HÜBBARD'S WROTJGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. EuiYing commüocttd noanaCacturtog this saporiorMachine, single and comblncd, the farmers are invited to our ware room. before pnrchastagvlsen bere, belierinJB thatthis machine jiL-ed uiily to be seen lo Convince the farmer of ITS SUPERIOEITY over theReapera and Síowerj in tbis marfcet. Thñnkful for fermer patronage to the oíd Gürma, we wor.ld BQÜkAi ■ ■ frona old frfcndsy and atria! iiv all vriftbiog fotaoything ín our of lm:-;] LOOAÜ; Ann Arlur,Muy ISili, 1S59. 697tf SGHOFF & MIL L ER RK ST1I.L ONHAKX) at thciroM Stand, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, wiih the most comilete assortinent of Books and Stationeiy, PERFIJMEIUES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, BOI.IÈES, COEDS. TASSELS, GIJ.T CORNICES, CTTRTAINS. HOOKS AND PINS, STERÈOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in tLis Markct ! and would suggest ld ffids? tfa pursutt cfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnreuasing from this sf oek, as eacli purchasev gc-is an addittonal prastnt 0Í Jewdry, ft'e., Kanging ín valuc from 50 ets. to $50. y Thoytrust that thoirloog oxp'irience in selecting lhi;j markfit, and strict atlontidn to tb.6 waötB of Costomers, may ontitle then to a liberal share oí Patronage. Aun Arbor, Doe. 5. 1860. 7T7tf EITE and E AR. 9f DR. F. A. CADWELL, ] llS" OPERATOR ON THE KVK AND EAR. j For UcafncRS, BLInclness, anti all clcfccts of Sijlit mul Hearing. ' DR. a BEING a EÜEGULARPhyslcinfwlthTWENTy ' YEAR3' exclusive practlce in tho treatment of ' aaes of the EYEAKU BAR, mH be fonnd qnaüfied fo . ÍTa relief nr eflèot a cure in auy cuse vttfiiQ the reaofa í human skill. No charge for an examlnailon or an opinión, orfor unswr.csfif'tl teniet. Dn. C.'s Tkkamse on tiib Kte and Ear, of 300 pp.( ig references, Testimoniáis, Doacríptton of COste , Cases, and ojther important mntter, Ulustrated vith Cutí), to be had gratis, by Bonding Ten Cents to pay ioatage. Addxesfl Dr. OaBWVXSi 9 Randolph Street orner Deaboro, Chicago, 111. Iy768 18G1. 18G1. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLEN&CO.Í lavo removed to ibefr Brtch Store rraently ooeapled by A. DeForeat, aml are now receiviug a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOU THE SPRING TEADE Among v.ïiich aro J Staplo Dry Goods of all kinds, V BEAVTÍFUL NEW TYLES, TUIMMINCS, SHAWLS, GLOAKS, c BCTÑNBTS. RIBBOxXS, &c, &c. k Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CR0CKERY. L Also an entire New Soclc qf Carpets and Oi' Cioths, of New and Beautiful Palcns, THESE ÜOODS WERE BOUGUT AT L PL]SriC PEICES! w rm s;,iUfy M who II cal] examine our W Stock, that Uoodsavc Ckcapthia Spring for CASH OR HEADY PAY. , C. IJ MIIJ-ION ë GO. Aan Arbor, Maich '6 18G1M Couiiuissionci's' Noticc. QT.WK OF KTCHfOAX, ;.,■ of Wartitenaw-a. O Thr pointed bjr th.} l'rnba ñera i.." ii.n.v,. gL ■■i adju t all clïuma and demanda of all permn : ."s, Jateof the t ,„.,.,',. ship q ByWan :,ive notice that alL ■■■U Probate Ccurt nilowed ■ . ; ■ rnt Ilnir clafnia sgafng aaid dccrortd, and tb:; t tiu-v w .: meel :iï th" dwoUins ïi.onas T ! ■ . townsMp of Syltmf iiiu-Jav Mw -4th daf of AuguHi "■' Sal . M.i.r óf November next. st oo3 o'clock in the afternoon of each day, Ui roceivo, exarnmtt, nud adjuti sairi olalnia. IVTLUAit .KJXKS. ) ,. . . HIRAM PlfiRCE Coiiiinisi' Datoa 1861. noivvs Chancery Sale. STATE OK MICHIGAN, tuk e ,cCTr Coiht to tui or'AmTBSw, i:iiz;i A 1'orkina vs. Sobrah Jr. !;in - !i; Cha In pursuañeo oí :i decretal of the Circuit Court of tli f V;i.iiten;tw. i Chancery, made in the aijoye dny "t December, A. D. eightoea humlrecl and flfty Dlue, and :i furthcr order of thi.-ii , ,i,rr 1 he fxth d..y of F.hniarv, A. Il oiKlitwn hun■ i be .-"11, under the direction '■( the Cir. injssfqner fpr tho County of WaÁhtenaw. at public auctlon, at the wiuth or front door of the Cour; House, In fho city of ten Albor, 011 Salurday the iiNih day vi July, eighieën humlr.-.] and alxty-ono at I tuiy,ailthosecertain traeta 'Ib or lnn.l lying and in the towhshin ol g. lem, n the c.i.!,i'v of Wanhtcnaw aCoresald and de '"■'■ f:M 1 Iz : The wcal balfof tbenouth-oastquarter of ■■::.,„ Bfteen, and 1!,.. rest hall ol thenorth-eaat oaartcr ol soctioa tvrontv-tm) in ,. one louth, of range Beven cast, or so much tluMvul as muy :.- ., attaly th anount dne u pon saiu doeree, togetber vith Interest and oots II. S TWiniIKI.I., ■ Cir. Court Gom. for the Ckiunty of Waahtuu 0. HAWKINS,SolicitorforComplalnantand AasUruee', Ann May 20, 1861. " SIJEEIFF'S SALK ' BY virtueof an cxecution Usaed nut of aml ander ha Coiirt for the County of Vïh. tenaw, and M;ir .f Michiganj hearing date tiip 20th Dëcemter, ISód, aad u me dlracted an,l delivered tho goode and abasteis, and !(r want thertmi lande and tcncmentii ol John I). Ki.f defendant thereW named, I -li.1 on the Uüih day or Ixe.-ra-ber )8Ö i ■ 1 upottajartlMaJltherlght, titl. and IsMnat 'of flhi saidJobul). Ktef, In aml i„ tl,(.f,iloing(lescri(ictl land anflpretaiBes.towit: Thènoath ■; ,,r „„ril, ,.L"t , ■seetionNo. 2: alcallUjelíndyingporthoff - ' u' of llanchestor on the soulh ■" 'ulage a lot .! tu Rimabas 'iw) .- ', '' ' (wriine . . seotion 2 ■■■■_ nnr,,, . ' """''-■'■■; il ofsouthuiasoT.- ...., , .■.■="n"r"1;-ast V orsouth-cast eastsidj,,tüinorth . . ■ ,lKl, ,„ acres ofTther east side of sopih-west Ja of north cast , ui sectiQn3,town 1 BOUtB range a east. Also al pi-.ce orjarcelof land in the townajiln of Xaaêheall terbeing lbo east W acres of the north part of toa DOTth-et rraoUonal ; ofsection 8, eommenctng on the nort1) linüof said sectinnata poiir ; [n)js fr.nM notth-pairt cvroer c.r Bald aectiov, runnine eetic n line 28 chaina and 7 linla lothe north-veat corner f .the north-oast ;4' of the north-ivcxt .'., of saH sc.tion. thünce mhiiIioiIv on tho quarlcr Une t., the south wejl corner of Ihu dortS-eaat ui tin; north wat ', of said section, tlu-ncc eaatnlv 28 . !l lina and 37 links araHel with ihe said seetion line totne soutn-wesl corner of and amlgned to and belongingtoLorfnzoHigginajtüence trortherly on the west line of saicl Bigglns' land t" 1 place of beginnioc, includlng also the rlghl of way in an eaaterly and westei :iou across saicl lig.'ins' land, reterving Uib f way In aneasterly and csterly direction across the said 40 acrei intownahip é.sbuth of r.ui; 3 cast.- oefca No. 1', 6, 7; s, ;i, 15. 18, 19. 23 24 26 26 27,28, 3, 30, 31, 36, and Si;rsotot ko. i, in biock Xo. :j, lot Xo. 3 and ent '_. ol" lot 2 in block alio lotsNo. ■-', :i, S,'J. 11,12, 13 14, 15, in block 11, (except froin tlie abuve flesenption all lan Is deeded to tbc Uichi. -1 c 8 nthern as i Northarn Ind'anaRaU Road Co. (br rroanda, and al.-., lot x„. 6 in Uoek M and lot 12in block 12 owned !:. aboiota 8, Í, 9, 12, and wesl }. of lot í in block 12j l"ts 4, 5, and 6 in block No. -Il, (except that deeded to WIUI m Baxter): also bloei; N'.i 16, (excerpt lots Ko. I', 2 and 4,) all in the ■ ■i ' Manclifstvr; also a part of cast yt of n..rtliictlonNo. ll,inTovn4 south range 3 east begmtfing at north-ivest corner of tai.l lot thoncu nc.rlh S9 degrees cast 3 chalas and 97 links toa in DOcthIsoirBcd by -Messrs. Carr and Krecman,theoce u)ng the same south 51 degreea and 90 minutes et 2 chaina and 68 links to astake in the middie of the Territorial Road-, thence alone samo, north 62 aegrees and CO minutes nest 2 chaln and 7 links to the place of oagtnning éontainlng 88-100 acres or land; also 1( ts Xo. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 o block Sb. IS „t the Viliago or Manchesterj also block No. 10 ami lot Mo. S in blc.cii IS in Manchester: also begtnnlng at a certain stake on the rest bank of the river' an.l 011 tlie e cf block N'o. 20 in the viliago of Manchester thence south 51 degrees 30 minutes west ló a -;ake in a line betwcen block ie and 20 in sajd village, thenco along said line north 20 degréès 80 minutes to Üie River aforesaid, thence along said River to the place of bezinning, containing ,',' of an acre, in tho county "f Washtenaw and State of Michigan; all of which premisea I h11 "1 ' public auction, as the hñrdincH at the fr..ui door of the Court Iloime, in the Citv of ánq Arbor, thatlMtng the place for hol ■ 11H Court for the County of Washtanaw, on Hcniday the Sih.iay of July next, at eleven o'cloci in tb,é forenoon of aakl á!i' THOMASF. LEONARU, lato Sheriff Dated, May 16, 1801. 800td Mortg;ig Foreclosure. EFI All.T handng been made in tho con.lition of a Mortgageexecutedby Patrick Sullivan and Joanna Sulilvan tr l.uther James, dated Apñleighth, A D 18S8 and recordad in the Rezlater'a onicè in Washtenaw Coünty, in Uber 24 ofifortgages, at pago 422 h o!elock,P.M.,b whichflefault the power of sale centained in said mortame operative, :ri 1 nosult or proceedtfcg baring been Institutedi 1 l)r toreeover the debt se;ured byald ■■ '■' ■ iy 1 ui thcreof, and ths anm of sii hundredand t(l -..ix .-. nts ($.103 96) to be due Ihereon. w.tice is tberefon 1 .rtgagewlll le fore■ b saleorthe mot ga ■ . to-wit: The south-n-est cjaarter of the norlh-eai-t quarter, and the -ou ; Ir east quarter of the north-west qaarter of eres of soutb r.i-t ol rhe ij.Tili east quarter of section number nine. extcncVng sevecty rodn east and rast, and north oM south fiir caough to confclin ten acres, all in townahip ■ 1 ast.beins;in VTebster n the County of Vfashti iiaw and State of Michigan, or se. me part thereof, at public veniue, at the Courl House in Uw c::y oi'Ann Albur on the Sthday . il' July next at noem LUTHER JAMES, afartgigtt. E. W. MOBCAX. Datod, Ai.rll 12, A.D. 1861. Oity Meat Market. THEIR MAEKET TO THE CORNER OF AKN AND MA1X STREETS And will keoj constantly on hand a full asscjrtment uf E-xr-c -s-3a. 3VE-O-a,-t -m-t which they will always be found in reaoraessto cut upon SDTTCDSTOUEBS. Nfo rtssa will be Bpared to keitri their market Clean, and Meats Swcet and patrons m.iy relv upon gotting the best no.ii.-ra STIAIV, cn.)iv,elc.,thatcan be foumi intheCitv l'U ', ANDTKY US. s. 1'liOCTOK 1. WALKER. Ann Arbor.May 4, 1860 745m6 MAÑH00D How Lost and How Restored. Just PubïisJicd in a Sealecl Envelopè, A LKCTÜRE OX THE NATURE. TREATMKXT AND EUDICAJL OÜBE OF SPKRrfATORBHOEA, or Seminal V"(-.LkiH'ss, Sexual Debüïty, Xervousucss and Invokiriinry Emlróforis Iiadudng ünpotoncy, and Mental and l'h.v.sical Tnrapacil.v. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Auihor of ihe "Green Book" c. Tlio world-tenovned author, in this adrairablo Iz-rtme ciearly provee (ton bis own experionce thut the iwful consequenct-s of self abuso be elíectually removed ■without medicino and without dangdro,U8 8axffio&lop6rv tionsf bougiM.insframents, r;n_' r cördti,&, pointin out a mode or cure at once eTt:uii snd i'tToct'ial, by which cvery sufferer, no matter wbathis condition may be, may cure biiñself chcaphj , privatcly and radically. - This Ijftcturc will prove a boon tj thousands and thousands. Sent under Koal to any Addrpss, post paid. on the receipt of two poatan stamps, bi addressinx Ir CH J. C. KUXE, 127 Bowery. New Vort Post lïox, ,58C. 785 KTDE3XV OOODS. VYLNES & KMGIIÏ Are now recelving their SECOXD .Spring and Slimmer STOCK OF GOODS Iu consequencc of the Grcat Pressure in the we have been enabloj to purchasemany Jiinil of Goods at our own pnces. AVc can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESS TJIAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIXD OF GOODS ia New York SIX WEEKS S1NCE! iVe invite the attenüon of all to a n inípectioo if our Btock. wines &Kr:iGin Mny 10, 1S61.


Old News
Michigan Argus