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The Michigan Argus

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lriü1íKr kveiív faiBAt Itoiuniro, n (lie Third story oitlielirick Iiiock, comer of Main and Hurcn lnets, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, Kntranee on Hurón Street, opriosiío tho Fiarikün. ELIHU B, P OND Editor nd Publisher. TERMS, S1.5O A YEAK IN ADVASCE. ADVERTISIKG. One pqnare (12 lines or loss) one week, &0 cents; and 25 oentsfur cvtry Insertlcn tlimaltci , lus tlian tliree mr-nths. jni' square 3 montlis. . . .$3 Quartercol. 1 year ... .L-0 Dne do 0 do .... 5 Halícol'ma fimos 18 do 1 year 8 Half do 1 yenr 16 fwo sq'rcs 0 mos 8 I One do í mos 85 Two do 1 yeur 1 Ono do 1 yenr 00 WAdjfUíemmt uaacoomjBBtad by written orveral lirections will puWidwd unti) ordered out. and charged accordingl)'. Igal íHlvertisemctlts, firi nsrrtion. f)0 jier olio, 25 cents per folio for eacli subseqnent insertion. vVIhmi a postponement is adilrd toan aiUcrtisi nn'nt the irhola '11 be charged the same as for first nsertion. JOB IK,I3SrTIIsrC3-. Pnmphlets. Ilnnd-hills, reulars,' CunU. Rail Tickets. invl lher vuiftit of 1 n nnd Kancy Job Piinting. ■xecuted v ith primiHTiess, id in the HBÍ mvlk BOOK bFnDTNG. Tonnccted wíth tlic Office ia a Rook Bindory in charge )f a t'nnpelont unrkinan. Couatj Rocoids, Ixlns . lournals, und all kimls of ltlank B-ioks ínnde to or'lcr, nul of the best :tock. Pampbtott uní Períodionla boom ,n a ncat and dutftble nianner, at Detroit prices KníranriG to Binder.v turougl) IROU8 Office.


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Michigan Argus