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Loss Of The Steamer Canagian

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Ft. Jrilins, N. F., Fnday June I i. The Monlreal Steamship Conpany's Fcrcw ptenmship Cnnndian, Captain Grnham, whirli lailed f rom Quebeeoi! pHtdrda-y morning, June lst, ior Joni(Ui(!t:iry nnd Liverpool, stnu-k on a field of ice, i'iht liiitee soiith oí' Bell Islo, on the 4th inst., and sunk n 35 minutes. One frálidrod and eighty.ono persons were snved in boats, nnd landed on C;ipó J5:iiil(i, (rom whioh thoy were bri!ght into tliis port, this niorning, by a Frenen barque. From twenty to thirty l'.ves wc:'e lost, ni'hiding six otrbia passengers, bilt as t'io ship's pnper went doivn in the sinkinor ship, it is itnpossible to teil the exaot iiimibtT thrit were drowned. A portion of tle nmÜH wei-e snved. Among thofso drowncd wcio the mail óflSöBf and tbe S'.'cond offloer of the stennxjr. Tiio Canadian etruek the ice nndor hor foranuist, nnd her threo comjtart mönts eru ;tll broktn in nt onuc, wherupon slie fillcl ï-fipidiy and went down. The ice lield did rot nttraet inuch attention wlion iirst disoovered, as it looked fmnll and was soorcely abovo wnter. The stesuner was going at a fIow spoed atr-tjbe time éhfe struck. The Canadian liad -19 cabin and 71 steerage passender?, uliich, with Ker crew of about 80, made noarly 200 on board. The following is the liet of passengars on board : From Qtttbee --Mf. Iludsnn, wife and daughter, l'ev. Mr. Gloason, Mra. Creëer, Mr. McCan! and child, Mr. McCiml, Mi'. and Miss Campbell, Mié: Noble and child, Mr., Mr. McKay. F"j:ïi Moni 't cal :- Mr. Gault, Frcd. Asbley, Mr, Gordon, Mr. Nörfis, Mr, J. lirandon. From Toronlo : - Dr. Dazley, Miss Bird, Mr. and Mra. Ardahand daught er, Miss Holt. From ton - J. Young, Mr. Thompson. From Portland :- T. L Sykes and wife. From Clarenccvilfe : - Mr. and Mrs. McFie. From Chirngo .- S, A. and G. W. May ew, A Heaihcote. From New York : - John Ilersely. From New Órleans :- 8. R. Scott, K. H arriso tí, Mr. Gilmour, wife, two children and Serva üt, R. W. Deán, From Cincinnati : - Geo. Rathbone It tvrnivg Jrcm Evgland .- - Miss Plow. Mr. Sp-nccr, purser of the Canadian, telegrnphs a list oi passengers and crew saved from the steamship Oanads : Cahin Passengen Saved . - Messrs. llathbone, Kev. Gleasop, J. W. !I. Mayhew, Eraudon, Gordon. Ganlt, R. and J. Young, Dean Brody, McLay, Thomson, Harrifon, Scott, Ashluy, Xorris, McCanl, Wife and child, Gilinonr, wifu, two children and servant, McFie nnd wife, Coates, wife and child, Sykea and wife, Adiah and wife, Mrs. Nuble and chüd, Mrs. Campbell, Mra, Deaseley, Miss Plow, Adiah, Hall, McFie, Bird and Crcsor. All the ship's company are saved except the following; Messrs. Pantoy, mail clerk ; Davis, second 'officer; Evart, Francis, Templeton, sea men; Pros san, F'igarty, firemen ; Arbuckle and McNillan, cooks ; Finney, steward. All the fchip'a papers are lost. Sho had only sixty-seven stcerage passengers.


Old News
Michigan Argus