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Tho Barry Guards

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Ah matter of present interest to our readers, :mJ for future referencc, vo appeticl the minie.sol' the efficew and priof Corapany I), (Burry (l;iails.) now in roDdezvous with the Fourth JRoijimeul at Atinan. JOHN M. R.AN1V,1I,I'!I, C.'.pHin. llioliard (}. Del'ay, lst Li'ctit, JánVesW, Huil, ' -J-l '■ Kdwiu Fl. Gilbert, ist'Sotcatit, Heáif G. riii: -'(! W. II. LovélWnd, ::l " Frud. A. Sheets, -Ith " lOdward E. Benc-h, 5th " Jonas D. RicharJson, lst Corporal, John A. Gates, 2d " Krasnn'.s D WiüCT. 3d " E lm er Goodhuc, lt!i " Franklin 13. Truaiï, 5th '; James Clark. fith " Joseuli Ij, Ward, 7tl) " Hiram II. Davi, gth " Frank J. Lewis, Drummer, William II. Crannc'll, Fifer, Jülm F. Andrews, Vngoner. I'JUYATIIS. Andrews, Chas. L. Murphy, James Anderaon, Jolm ï. Mowry, Granvillc G. Aldrioh, Stephen McFadden, Miehacl Bauer, Antou Milos, Masou T. Buss, Edinund Nuil, Ilenr}' Bocklcj, (Juy Newton, Henry Boyd, Tliumas PfJOr, Wiüiam A. Bryant, Martin Eatriok, Georgu Bardwell, Geo. Y. Piquet, Peter Besimcr, Charles Ferry, lidwin Bartlett, Jolm Ponieroy, Charles Bacon, ileubcn Farkhurst, Abio Crawiord, Quinby Kobinaon, WcileyL. Couiuwett, William Heeves, Charles Af. Cranston, Kobcrt I[ llousc, Charles Comstock, John W. Kitter, Lcwis Comstock, C. W. Jlozell, Daniel B. Dean, Charles B. Sweet, William Druman, Williara Srnith, Oüver S. Dutton, Ilenry Silsby, Janica F. Donnellj', Ales . Silsby, Frederick Dean, Eli II. Sayers, Frauk Dexter, Flavius Stedman, Edwin A. Fisher. John Shaw, -Gilman Goodrich, Morcll Saundcrs, Ju!;;! O.rissoii, Cluules E. ISpenccr, ïenauu SGardner, Charles Stcpheas, Nelson Huxford, Win. F. Smith, Ezra Hurd, Lewis G. Showers, Andrew J. Ilarley. J. F. Smith Washington I. Hudler, James M. Tioe, Peter Keedle, James Vanhorn, Columbus Kïng, Norman Walser, Charles Kccler, Louis W. Wilsou, Ilenry II. Jackaon, Joseph J. Whitmore, Lewis II. Low, David Wright, James O. Lynch, William Wilsou, David A. Morse Beardsoy II,. Zimerman, Deouis. McKeuaey, Wm. &ST Hon. Joseph E. Wu.ltams, tnember of the State Sennte, and sinco t'io resignation of Hon. James Biunky, acting Lieut. Governor, died at bis res. idonce, in Constantino, about 9 o'clock on 8'sturcfay evening last. Ho went to bis room in usual health, was tfiken witli bieeding iit tlio lungs, and died in ten minutes. Mr. Williams is woll known to tbc people oí the State, and especiaJTy to Southern Michigan, in which he has longresidod. He has occupied important public position?, and ran for Congress twieo, once against Chas. E. Stuart, and a socond time against David A. NoMe. 33ut the district was tben largo] vjdeniccratic and he fuiled to win. Bctween the two runs " Parson Pprague" got the nomination, and by the aid of a temporary excitement was eleeted. Since the diatriot became liepublican Mr, Williams has boen a candidato but has been beatón in convention, In business and politics his dish has generalij' been wrong sidc up when it rained ponidge. Ho was first President of the Michigan Agri cultural Collego from which he retired in disgust. L3Ê" We givc plaee on our first pago to a letter from Mr. Rcssell, now sojourning in the " Soutliern Confederaey," to tho London Tim-x. lts rcvclation that the " first families " of South Carolina regret the War of the Revolution, and long for a thronc occupied " by one of the rojal race of England " will bc read with interest in tho North, and should convinco the masses of the South tli at they have uothing to hope from a dissolution of the Union and the building up of a military deapotism, or of an aristocracy grounded on " cotton and niggers." Let this portion of the Knsrlishman's letter be carefully read, and tliat, too, viLh the understanding that it is tho statement of a synipathizer with the South in its unholy crusade upon the Union and the iEstitutions establishcd by our fathers. $:ÍC Gov Piükens, hf South Carolina, understanding thatmany good poople h;ivo beon remittiiisr diies to crecí" itors iñ Nortbero Statos," vvnrns ";ill citizons," by soleinn proclamation, that siich a manifestaron of honesty :'is in conflict with public liv," and that (hoy must cease to pay debts Oving tü Northernor.s or sufler the consequences. South Carolina don't allovv her citizens to be honest. L-L" Tho Third Michigan Kogi ment, which left their rendezvous at Graad RapicJs on Thursday morning of last treok, and Detroit on Thursday over,ing, arrived safcly in Washington on Sunday evoning. S Tho War Dopartmont has ord. ered the rebuilding of the bridge across the Potoniac it Ilarper's Ferrj. destroyed by the retreating rebels Tho abutmonts are found in good condition, and t is expeotad to cross trains in few day. JJ'ï As a part of the docunientary lftstory of tho day, we givc our readers the recont proclamation of tho Governor of Missouri, callir.g out 50,000 of the State militia to rcpel the " invasión " of the State by Uuited States troops. We havo no coinment, except to suggest that Gov. Glaiborne F. Jackson may suceeed in " sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind,"but that ke will not soare the United States authorities from protocting the loyal citizens of Missouri.


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Michigan Argus