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Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the Oouotjof WaahtottMT, inChancery. M a rpbsíoo of sai! Court, held at the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in naid county and State, on the fifteetth dav of June, A.D, 1861, Present Hon. Edwin Lawröuce, Circuit Judgo. In the auit of Robert McClelland, Coraplainnntjitffaiont partien to him unknown, whercin he prays for partitionof cor tai n Innds and premi se in hifi billof complaint deseribcd, and in which he claims to havean interest: It satisfactorily appcnritig to said Court that the other par tú interested in said lnnda and premiscí" are to t lio Bftid Complainant unknown,- on motionof A. Felch, Solicitor for paid Complainant, ít is Otdrod tlinf. all partlMlaterestod in Uit] Innds and premlaei (p.irtition of whioh Is sought in this cause), appenr and anwrór th bïll of complaint filed in this oaaM by the firfit dayof October, A.D., 1811, or that nuch ïrill rf complaint be taken as contened by tbem. 8a3d lands and premises are ftituato in the county of Washtoaw, and Stato of Michigan, and are descrlbed as followa, to wit : the south half of section twenty -four, and tho west half, and tho east half of the north-eaM quarter, of iiection twenty fivo, in townahip four outli of range srvcn ertst, in the district of landn formerly mibjoöt to iale nt Monroo, in naid State, coutaining in all '"ven hundrod and twinty acres, accorfling to the Patent therefor. And it is further ordored, that witbin twenty days from the entryof this order, the complninant cause a copy of thin order to be publishod in tlio Michigan Argus, anewspaper printed and nubliMied in r.ihI c4ty of Ann Aibor. and that such publication ba couiinued at least once ín each week iuccwsively, for x wwoks. E. LAWRtiNCE, Circuii .Tudgo. A. Fcinr, BHoItoT, an-1 9l ronDel for ComphtQnt, Circuit Court R nies M1HK Circuit Court for the Coonij of "iV;i.hi('na-.T J. At eion of aftid Coürtholo, at the -urt Hollrt in the City of An Arbur, „n the 15th day of Juue n, LSflï. J'resent Hon. Edwin I-iwrencft, Circuit Juiïge. kixk. It is órdcint'l by Ibe .iii'l CÖurt now Ihto that the fcf. lowing liu l be fcdopted, to reinain in force until t)i Court fiball (Hiierwine order,1 tr.-, The party lwhoofavQrdó&ultniay böa haTa ooWrttf Infctenn or lm racatton may u any time, aflertwo dajain term time nl-all havu mírrvcni-'l. r il enterad in turro time, then at miy time after tho exDirfhtfon of two dajs tiierc.iitcr ha' a rulecnterL-il m the Common Rule Buok to m;ik such def,iult absolute, and for such judguient as the pirty is otitiilftl to by reason of tho d.íault. ïf i such iM'ault '- takin i.'v Ptatoiiff fot waot of a pica h may by said mie in cuse whvrc it is c.nnpe'ent mak 1 rcference to the Clerk to aadügA the damagvs ; and ín othor cases snid rulo ühall direct the asseafimoiit to be maüi by tüü Court or by u Jurv. iïy EÜWJH LAWREWCE, Circuit Judge. THE Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, At a Nt'ssi'j)'. pfsald Court helJ ut the Court Huuse in the City of Ann Arbur, on the lOth dftj of Juno, A. b. JfrtBent Hon. lvhvin I-iwrcuco, Circuit Judgo. CENERAI. RILE. It iri orderiMl bï the aaM Court uow hcre that We fol! ló'ítiríg rule bt ádopted to rtiiüiin ia furce uutil the Court ahalt othorirlu onU-r, ví. : j A notice of the Usne joimd in any canse n tliïs Court ñhjil! be Rcrvfi'l on fheCtórk ftf thia Courl at least si x i days before the opening of auy term of hil Court, in at der to entitlesnch lasua to be placed orí the dfrtíút for trial at such term. By KIUVIN LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. New ükmkdies fou SPEEMATORRIIÓEA. HOWARD AKSOCIATION, l'HII,.SI)Kli'l!'. .1 Pk. nevotml Insti'.rtlión establishcd by special evdntbrtltnt. for the relitf of iht Stek and VtAlressctd, afltr.trd witk Vtrulcilt nnd Chronic, lïuteasts, and espectally for Iht Cure of Distases of Uu Scxnal Organft, MKWCAL ADV1CK given grati, by tho Actiog Surpeon . VALUABLE i:KPORTS on ?icrmaiorrlirea, nn'l othtr oC th S-xu:il Ornaos. aml un tlie NKW REMEDIES emplojed n tho Ijispemary, sent ín sealeil lottf envelopes, iree of Xwo or thret stampa for postagi. aeceptabte. Addreiw, Dr. J. BKILLIN HOl'GHTON, Uoward Associaticn, No 2 S. Ninlh i?t., l'hüadelphia, l'a. Jj-805 W"ool 'V7"s,i3LtocaL T7OR WHICH I WILL PAY CASH OR GOODS. r Cash or Wool not refmed on Xotes, aml accounts due me. Po pleasc Tetcli on your Cash or Wool. A. P.MILL: Ann Arbor, June 18. lSfil . 80M( To thp Public. ALL PE1ÏSOXS are teottoDöd riíí trusting i ny . person on ray account without v ivritten order f rom me. EDWAÜD VACVX, Scio, .Tune 33, 1801. 804 w3 IW LÜ FIUENDS ,jg IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilisox. TjuuhjUUK, Lrox Coüstt,! Florida, Juiy 17,1860. ƒ ToD. HaiaiCK, Albany,N. T. - tfj Dear DoctorV-r-ï writo this totofoimyou of thewonderful effect of your Sugar Coated VU on my eider dnnghter. Fcr three years she has beenafliicïed with a billiou.s deraugement of tlie systcm. sadly imparing hfr hcalth, which ba boon steadiy failing (iuring that pertod. When in Now York in April last, a friend advisd me to test your pfll. Having the falletft confldence ïn th jurlgment ot nfy friend, I obtained a supply oí Messrn. Barnes & Park, Druggists, I'ark Row, Xew York. On rcturnius Itoirfe. we fceasod alt nther treatment, and admimstercd your Pilis, one neta fight. The improremontin her feelingfl, conajtlexion, digestión, etc., surpnsed us al. A rapid andfpermanoní rwtoftttoo to bealth hns boon the reault, We tised hsf 1lian fiveboxes, and considerher ent'rIy well. ï coüyíider the above a just tribute to you as a Pbysicfen, and trust tliatit will be themeans of inlucing many to adoptyour Pilis us tboír Family medicines. I remain, dear fiir, wiíli many Ihaaks, Your obedieut servan!, S. G. MobrisOV. Heriick's Kld Strengtheniíg Piasters cure in five hour:, painn aml veaknou of the breas t, sirte and baclt, nnd Rheumatic Complaintsin an equally short períod of time. Spread on beautiful white lamb skin, tïi ei r use subjectR the warer to no ineonveniece, and cach one will wear from one week to throe mootUtS. l'rice I8?í cents. Herrirk's ïupar Coated Piltü and KM Plastecí aro poM ot Drtlifgigtw íind Mcrchantfi in all parts of the United Statos, Cunada nnd South America, and rtwy be obtiined by cfllline for th'jm bv tiieir ful! name. lySOS DR. h. B. HKUniCK, k tí&. Albany, X, Y. UNl'ÁRALLELED SÜCCESS SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- E3r O E X - - AT THE- Banner Store, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. (Joods bought uuder panie prices, Ani soJd at prices that will make hard times come again no more ! Facts for the People -OFWASHTEÜTAW -un- ADJOIM1JG COUNTIES! And their numerous questions answered. Why t Everybody trading at the "BANNER STORE f ' - Because A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of that Establishment hns just returned from the Eastern Cities with thfe Zargest, IIandso7nest, Cheapest, and Most Attraclive Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to thispart of the State.] Why is Etorybody picasen with his Stock f Because hisstyles are more beautilul, quatity bcífer(and prices Iowcr than at any other store iu thc county. Why has he always Samcthing New and Cheap to Show? Because hs has a friend connectèd wílíi onc of lÜe laígest Pry (ioods Houses in New York, who ís coffünualy " BOBtlINQ ROUND" for cheap bargains and the lites stylcs, ns tbffy appear from time to time and in this way keeps hiin supplieil with 'yle.-í, and cousequfíaílv custornera can always find soroetliingFresh, 1S1EW CHEAP and .DESIRABLE Why does he fr.ll o much CJieaper than the rett? Becauso he has a buyer in the all tl.o timo tn t.ikj advantage of the coutinual chango of tho roarket, nnd in that buy hi gootls much chr:iir than other can, aod then he marks them down to the LOWBST X'T.Griyn.TSifSl. Why does he tell Ladies' jji& Childrens' Shoes so much cheapef than was eter hrard ofby the olúest ShoemcJccr? Because he burs his stock in Ihe Inm) of jKoomakers, of the manufacturera, fully '25 per cont cheapor tlmn the New York Jobber sell them, and rouch better work than thev ïEenorally keep. Ihís course enables hira to sella better Gaiter for 35 Cents. thnn otherssol! at (0 cents, aml a Iwttor F0XED GAITCH at 50 cents, than others cll at 75 cont. Has he any Hals and Cap'? Yes.Ishould think he has stnek of them, enongh trv upply the State, at prlce Iowcr tlun was ever hcard of round these parta. Wliy is hh Tea to much brtter for the pnce gou pay ihan you gel oí oiier places? BecatiPe hetakes.crrat care in RoW.tin? it, and giveshis custonieip ílic benentof a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a way ho has roí. Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made?To th BANKKR STORE, whero tho I'oople'a Banner ia nnfnrledTor the Propltysgood. Pouth cjde of Public Square, a few door vrest of Cook' Hotel. A. P, MILLS. JjHf S s . 1 1 .-. i . }06tt


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Michigan Argus