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SPECIAL NOTICES. THE MABKETS. OFFIUË ÜF TUE MK.'HIKAX AUOÜS, 1 AM akbor, June 20, 1861J; ƒ The FoHowlng,are the Bolliaj pricei of üie principal trticlM of produce offereed in our market. Whcatred.bu. - ï.9 J ■' white bu. - " 12 J Barley.cwt. UW Corn, .helled, ' " ear, g Bnrkwlieat, bu. - - - " ' '5 Oats.bu. J; ; Flour, red, bbl, JJ ( " white, ....- 6,50 " red, KO Iba, - iJJ ii white, .... 2,i 5 j Kre flour, 2,25 , Cora Meal, - 12 Iiuckwkeat flonr, -..-■-- ij ' BÍUMLW lig Lik Besd, lb. o . TimothySeedbu. - - - f "5 300 UovcrSeed, bu. . . - - i!00.' TTav ton - - - " - 8,00 10,00 "ood pe'rcord, 2,00300 Cranberriea, bu 2,00 2 Beel.bindqr. .... 04 Oo , ii f ore o r. - " l'ork dressed cwt. ■ - '!''0,"0:?? Matton, lb. - - ■ ' H 07M C'aickens. ... - 0Í 07 EgfTS, doz. Butter, lb. - - ■ ' „„IS 1 M Trillow. lb. 10 12 i'otatoes,perbu. - - ■ 20 25 Onions, per bu. ----- 50 Tumlps, Apples, green, - - - - - 6 o " dried, - - . - 1,60 Pcaches, dried, lb. - - - - Honey, caps, lb. .... 10 Beeswu, lb. - ■ - " „ Salt, rock, bbl. - - - 2,25 " fine, bbl - J'S riaster,ton, .---- S,00 1XE. O. H. H Passenger trains now leave Detroit anl the sevei'fll Statio&a ia this County,as follows. G 0 I N G fUI. Pny Ex. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ex. Detroit, 7.00 A. M. 7.;6 A. M.4 10 ,P. M. 6.30 P. M. Vnsilunti, 8.02 " 8 35 " 6.60 " 7.40 " Ann Arbor, 8.22 " 8.65 " 6.51 " 8.00 " Dexter, " B.IJ " 6.45 " ' Chelsea, " 0.32 " 7.06 " Ar. Chicago, 0.00 r. M.7 .30 " 6 00 A. SI. GOING EAST. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail hx. Day Ex. Chclsca, A.M. 6.40a. si. 2.40 r. m. p. m. Dexter, " 7.05 " 3.00 " Ann Arbor, 5.15 '■ 7.35 " 3.:',0 " 4.85 " psilnnti, 6 35 " 8.02 8.5S " 4.65 " Ar Detroit, 0.40 " 0.30 " 5.20 6.00 " Trains do not stop át stations irhere figures are oroitted in the table. PRIZE POE TB Y. Let Chieftains boast ff tleedp in war, And Minetrela une their pweet quitar, A nobler thmo my hcarl is filled - Iu praiso oí Hhkkick's iratchless pilla. Their cures aro found in every land - Amid RusKia's snnws - and Afric's sands ; The wondrons works- the papt-vs fi!l, Pioduced by Herwck's matchless l'illa. Does disease afliict you ? never doubt This cliarmiuji compound will search it out, And healtli aain your rysXcm fill, lf you fly ai once to Hbekick's Pilis. They're safe for all- both old and young- Thcir praiaes are on everf tonque ; Pisease, disarnied - no longer kill", Since we are blessfd wlth Herrick'8 Pilla. Put up with EogliRh. Spanitli, Germán and French directions. Price 25 cents ptr box. Suga' Coattd. See advertisement on thinl page . 804 MOTHERS READ THI9. The following is an extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist Cburch to tho "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks voluines in füVor ol that world-renowned medicine - fna. WI58LOW'S SOOTHISG SYRUP FOR ClIlI.DREN TeKTIIIN'ü : i!Tfeee an advertisement in your columnf of Mrs. Winslow's SootbingSyrup. Now we never said a word in favör of a patent medicine before in our llfe, but we feci compelledto say t'i your readers, that this is rio humbUg- WK HAVE TRIED 'iT, Axil BiroW IT TO UB AM IT CLAIMS. It is, prnbably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the oest. And those Of your readers who have babiea can't do It better than to 1 iy in a supply." See advertisement in another column %l. Cocghs. The sudden changes of our climate are SOUTCeS Of PCLMON-AET, BhOXCHIAL, aild ASTIIMATIC AFFEC tions, Experience h&ving proved that nimple remedies (jl'ten act speedily arid cei-tainly when taken in the early stages of the diaease, recöutse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or LoseDgea,let theCold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, asby 'his precaution a more serious attackmay b! effectually warded off. PuBUcSPEAKEnaand Si.ngees -vviil find them effectual for clearing and streDgthcïliug the roice. See advertisement. 77ömö THE GREAT ENGLISH BKMEDY. Sllt JAMES OLARKE'S Cclebralcd Fnnale Pilis. PKOTECTED S L E T I E R P BY BOYAL LE?SjÍlÍíX PATENT Preparcdfrom a prescription of Sir J. Clatke, M D., Physician Extraordinary te thi Queen. Tliifl inraluable medicine isunfiüling in the cnre óf al! '.hose paiuful and dangerous diseasei to which th feniale oEtitution ia subject It nioderatss all ezcesa and rerti'vej all obslriictiona, and á npeedy cure mar be nlièd on. Tü KAUIUKD I.ADIE8 It is peculiarly auited. It will, in s short timt, brlng od thé montbly period witb rolaritj. Farh b'ittle, prire On Do'lar, bixs the GoTercment tump of fireat Brit&in, to prevent countrfeitThtse Pilis skould nol be Islttn by ftnaUs derinj tk$ flflST TIIREE MOXTHS of Pregntncy, ai thf art .ure O bnng an Mi$carriart, but al y ttktr tivu tkef ere tne. In cll caMfl of NerTous and 3?miü Affecüona, Pain ïn iLe Back and Iimbn, Fatigue on alight exrtlon. Palpita ■on of tbe K'art, Hyaterics, and Whitffa, these Puls win .Heet a cure wL"'J aH othor moani hare failed, and Hhough a pewerful rcaiedy, do not contaln ron, loma: utimeny, or any thing hurtitü to the oonaütntimi. Full örectioDi accooipar.y ach pcksg. 8ole Agent for the ünitfld State aad Canuda, JOB S103ES, rLt I. C. Baldwin Oo,1 Roeheiitr, lí! T - $!,00 and fl pcatage attmps ncïoped to anj na Ageu ■, wtll ionr bottl of tiK Mili b txnm 'nuiu ue (iKKXVil.I. & FULLEK Ann Arbor, and by Druggists in every town. IMPORTAHTtoFEMALIS THE HEALTH AND L[FE OFWOMAX Iscontimially in peri; If she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat those sexual irregularitiea to whicli twothirds of her sex aro more or i'ess aubject. DR. CHEESEMAN 'S PII.I.S, prt.'."are.l frora the same formuia which the inventor, TORN'ELJCS L. CHEESEMAN, M. D.,of New íork, has for twtnty yearsused succeasfully in an extended private prsetice- immediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the priodical discharge, whether ansing from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains t'nat accempany difficuU or itnmoder.ito merstruatioo, and are tho only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Piek Headache, Pains in the Ljins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, Spasm?, Broken Slep and other unpleasant and dangerons cffects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whitcs, they effect speedy cure . To WIVKS and MIA-XKOISTS. DS.CIIEESEMAN'SPILLSareofferedaa the only afe means of renewinginterrupted menstruation, but. LADIES MUST BEAR IS MIND There it one condition of thefemalc system in which the PMs cannol bc laken ici'houl producivg a PECULIAR RESULT. Thecondi'ionrrferredlo U PREONANCY- the resulta MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible tendency of the mnlicineto restara the ter.ual functions to a normal condition, thot even the reproductive power of nature cavTtot resist it. Ezplicil directiont staling tuften, and when they thouli not be used, wilh each Box,- the Price Out Dollar eqch Box, rontaining 50 PüU. A valuablc Famplilet, to be had free, of the Agcnts, ■ : Pilis sent by mail prompthj, by encJosing price to anj ; Agent. Sold by Druggisis general y. ' b B. B. I1UTCH1X0S, Propnetor. f 20 Cedar-St., New Yorh For Pal by MAYN'AKD STEBBINS & WU.SON, n ' GRENVILLÈ & ÍCLI.ER. f A.yer's Cherry Pectoral.


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