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jKViK cci i!t' Trritalion or Sortñcss of the S I HÜuJiA Throat; Rt.lieoc the Unkmg Covgh ï '-] )Jj ] i LllAÍ4LJf wo, oíí Cdtnrrh. Citar and UHBv? ?i"3 strengt ft tn the voice of CVvTSvSr PUDHC SPKAKlORs, Few are uware of the importa mff of (Siecklng a ConJfÜ 4.V or "Coiniuon ColJ" in ith firetstge;tkt which In Ihe bog-inning wonld yíeld toa mild temédy, If neglected. ïoon atticks the Lungs. -'Brown'a Bronchial Troches," soniamingdemulcent ingrodients alluy Fulmocary and Uronchial Jrritation. BROWN'S "That ttöuWe in my Th ron t, (for which -" the "Troches" are a pocitic) havingi&ade T-Drnm7a mo oftu ■ mere wbtoperer," 'I recomra,ond tbeiruse to PuBUC SfBjUCBROWN'S K;w" Kkv.e. h. ciiAi 'ix. w "ílave preved oxtnnnely serviceable for CriC TROCHLb rev. HEXKY WAIÏD HEECHER. "Almost instant relief in the rtistressing ---. TíHOWN'? labor of breathmg pecalfnr to AflTHMJ." RKV, a. C EtiGLESTOH. TTJiiPTïrc "Cr.otain no Opium or tnythiofrinjuri 1 RUCHES ons." DR. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston, j liIÏOWNS " simple and pionsant combinntinn for Coc(ms,&c.'' Mi. G. F. BIGKLOW. TRQCHES "Bencflcial in Broxcttitis.'' DR. J. F.W. LAXE, __,, BROWN'S ((T . . „ S: "I lmve provecí thcm excellent for „„„„„ VVuouri.NG CoüüH." TROCHES Rív.H. W.WABMOr, PC Btstun. TïTJOWV "Beneficial when compclletï to sueak; JJ.KU W SS ö „ttffeHng frotn " trocha m;T8L, "EfTectual inremoving Hoarsenens aii'l TiTJOTVVC; IrritAtion of tho Throat, so common with liliv vy j.m e, 31EAKEES alld gm,,,,.-. , y Proí . M . STACY JOnN'SON' , TROCHES UGTanu,es Teacher ofMualö goathr ujiuytn s nGreat boöent wh tikea iwfórt and üfter preaching, as tbey prevent HoarseTROCHES ness. Krom lïieir pastcffpet, I thifak tliev r, will b.e of permanent arivantage to me." Ir3 , TiPnW?J'=! BET.I.KOTOEY.A M. Divu TT 11 1 rirshlent of Athens Colleifs, Tenn. TROCHES nvE cents a uox.-es 776m6 ' OF THE COUXTIES OF Washtenaw & Lcnawee, Mich From Official Records and Sptiidl Surveis, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO,, and GEIL & HARLEY, lïeing Succesflors to Geil fc Ilarlev , TopogrüphicHl Kng'a, í Authors of Mapa of tlie Countics of Iiillsilalc, Brnnch, Bt. JoMpk,CaIhouD, Jacks(n, Casa, Van Boren, Berrien, " Wiiyne, Gtnt-'e, Kalamazoo, Sliiawassoe, Monroe, Maconïb, 3t, Cliiír, kc, Michigan; Loraine, MeUiua, kc, Ohio; Niágara, FiiP,Cattaraugu.s, Greene, Paratoga, Á New York; Moninoulli, HorrU, &c, !few JeT City of ReaJiügj'iic, renu.;Laporte, &c, Iudiana - etc, Ae, Tlic andrliüeH r" prfiehiig to publish, by iJ tion, a new and combined Mav of !! '" Cnutitic-, of WasHTX94W and Lk.vawkr, Mkiucan, from carr-ful sUrvcys oi the entire District, made expressly for thifl work, and JJJ f rum Official Recordsaiid other reliable information,- The M;tp will delinéate minutely thu varlous cal tod Topogriipliical featcrea of theCountius, amone; WQiub may b i?nu.rrated tlic following: 3. It wlU itow all th" Townuhip, Section, and Quarler LtllSfl. 2. It willtrcnt rally Bhoir tlic JieuZary Lines of Farraa, and the namns of resident owners. 3. It will show the loc-ttioa of Public Roadf distin "J guishing the open rnads from those not opened. 4. It will show the locatioo of Churcheá, School lAi. Houses, Hotels, Mills, Manufactorïes, IJwellingü, Shops, an, &c. 5. It will give the course "f Rivera ani Crenks, and show the locfltion and outline of all meandered Lakcs. 6 It willconHtin Plans of the Principal VUlagca, siiow. ing the Streeti, Lots, and location of Buildings. Each a Villapo l'lan will also contain a Directory, giving the nnmes and business of village subperibern. The recorded add.tionsto Villages will be distinguiahed by colors. wn 7. Il will give the course of Rail Roads complete!, and also such au as are now in proerss of construction. 8. It will contain a Distance Table, giving tlie dktnce by the mogt direct open roads, bet ween any two Viliages "" in the District. 9. It will contain a Business Directory of country J scribers, giving theirnymes, occupation, and the sectioo on which tbey reside. 10. Views of Private Residences and prominent Buildings, will be engraved on the margin, by special contract only. In order to secure an inertion, early npplication ghould be made to the Aents intbeir respective diftriets. VI. The M;ip will be neatly enyraved, handsumely ol ored, substJintially backed with muslin, and mounted on rollers. F No pains nor expense will be spared to make tlie work Ín every respect worth y of public confidence. The price of the Map will be at the low rate of Si Dollars per copy, wl1 payable on ilelivei'y. Autlmrizer aaronts will visit r-very portion of the Dia trict, for the purpose of perfecting dm work, and, at the sftme time, to solicit patronage to (it. Up'ti Iheir cali, will, be the time to subscribe, in order to ubtain the work as it will be sold by subscriptien only A' Communications in regard to business pertaining to this Map, if aent to AN AKBOK, Mich., will reeeive Q prompt atteniion. GJEJIIi Sc HARÍiET, PubïfshftiB. wi í,., A Premium hns been 'awarded by the Mlchig-in es1 State Agriculiunil Society, to jeii , Haplby k ïvi.iti, fortheir Couoty Maps ou ekhtbition at lite Animal t'air, a held in Detroit, ia ISGp. - ü MW Sö Circulara wüicb. w'll os uls.sributed. 7BJm3 ' iViiOOHS & Ï.OOMIS i llave Removed tí tíiá ul STORE RE0ENTI,Y OCCUPIED BT C. MACK, Phcenix Block.East side of Main St., AND Cf HAVE In Store ÉÉËfëife A I'arS BOÖTS SHOES a Of every dosoription which will be SOIjB O 3LZ 3E3 jíí. E Eï 3FÏ THAN CAN MÊÊBOUGirj 7A1 This City. Also a large aasortmont oí HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all Wndfi raado in the mest Tl Fashíonabie Sijle EXPERÍENCED WOKKMEN, -OTTïtFRENCfl CÁLF BOOTS are N'OT st'Rpapskd this nido of Xew York Ciíy, and are warranted uot to RIF. Our erOGASAND KIP So are made of the best materials Our stock of Möroeco Bootees for Ladies is the the best in town. with hoel or without 1 We Malte to Order, andnever mfsd of sviting thp firsttitne t-o give usa cali and we will show you ourstnek free ofchiirge We have scured the services of two F.x pericneed Journeymen, wbo do purmeuding in the Xcat est Mannèr, a'nd on shortest notice. Our ritottois Qiilck Sales and Small Profits. a Tliankful for past favore we hope bypaying .trict atten', tion to our business to merit a liboral hare of your ■ patronagp for the luture. y Reniemberwe are not to bo muVrsold. "fèj t ItfliORB & LOOMIS Ho for the Mmznoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, ] TT AVE JUST OrENT.D IX THEIRncw and Elegant War c-R o o ju EAST SIDEOF MAIX STREET, ' A completo Btock of ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY SETS OF PARLOR FÜRNITUEE i 1NCLUDING Sofas, Tcte-aTotes, Mahogany Roae-Wood, Biaek Wal' nut, Plam and Marble Topped ► ROSCW000, MAHOGANY. BUCE WAIJITT, FANCV AND COTTAPE CHAfESSj i.-.., ice 1 &c, &c: WL Jt-ê 9 C 9 Elegant MIRRORS, UUREAUS,SECRETARIES, Completo BEDROOM SETS, LNCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -OF'1 tllf illtf MATTBESSBS f Of the best aml Different Material In Faot thev Have Everything with which to furnish PARLQR, BOUnOIB, SITTIN'G EO0M. OR KlTClIEN, ' AND OUR CÍTIZENS NEED NO Iönger go to Detroit or elpewhere to find a large assortmpnt. This r. FTJRNITURE rjQusut be sold and will be no nt VERY LOW 1-KICESI Let every man and his wife orgoing to be wife COME A5D SEE. Tbeyalso have a MEARSE ÜARRTAGE, And are abroys rcady to attand to the burial of tho dead in tbe City and adjom'mg country. Ware-Room east ' ide of MainStroe, 'wfreen Washington and Libwty 0 M. SIABTÍX. (mT13 C B. IHr':iI SOX SPRING GÜÖÖ9.L I F RICH GOUDS. I 3HEAP QOODS . !: V I uil ■■■ " " CO 3AGH $c PIERSON a AVE just oponed a lnrge and well at ted stock of J of itest styles and pattefna inoluding j" 'OPLINS, J( CHALLIES, DE LAIXES, L TRIMMING3, i 5ÜMMER S T U F F S . ff DOMESTICS, STAPL&S, oU }arcfuiiy selecied, Waránted %o picase, and Ibr sale cheap. OO3VEES J-KTID SEE. BACH A PIERSOlï Sínrcii 2G, 1SCÖ. 793tf A.NTOHEK & {% ARRTVAI. , At the r90 Ai5D RELÏABLÈ lS ÖLdTHIRFt EMP6RHTM!! &4mJLT O. S ] e áac cb si ï at block, MAIX STREET. , mm il ■■ 0""" ■ tuMJnrt roturneJ frunJ the Eastcrn Citics, t!i a lurgl itid K-sirable gtock of FALL AIS'D WINTER OODS! which ho is now offcrlng at unuaitftlly IjiO-W" PRICES! Araong bis Assortment raay be founj BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTIKGS, of all tlescriptíono, pípcciaTly for FALL AND WINTER WE AR 1 which he is cutting and HMdttg to Qtêtor, 'tl je.latït km best st}ies, together with a superior a.ssortment of READY MADE CLOTWNG! TRUXKS CARPET BAOS, üiTBRRIÍ.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerous otluT articles usaolj found in establishments. As ANEMPOKJÜM OFFASniOM, tho snbncríííer Batiría hímlf, that IiíüIod; espcrlonc1 üii.i genera. 8Ufew"WUl enabl lilm to ive reatcs safisfiiction to n!l who m;iy trust him in the way ql man ufaoturÏTii iartheats to oiJtt. 769tf Wit WAGXraï. VOLUNTEI'RS WAATED! TÖ ASSlST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ] rVhite folks, or of hfvtevof colnr, enste or rat.ivity, whethor iTifirriod, single or of doubtl'ul coiinexioi), will beenlistej in the noble enuse of BMAyClPATING THE COMMUNITV - FR011 THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH FRICES ! and will reccive Iheir outfit at the Extenslve Furnishing Establishmeni -OÍ THE - G U IT ER MAN' S HEADQÜARTERS! having been establiblieï! fbr the LAST TEN YEARS; our known rule of vrarfare is an Uu dis sul sed Des Ir iic lio ii of iiigii r rices.' PÖH CLOTHING For all JLgcs! Sex añd Cohditions! In consoquonce of tlie very flaltering enoo'jrngrnient which wfl have rec-'ived since our location in this ciiy, we have inereasetl our Stock of FALL AND WINTER O L O T H NO ! To moet the demnnjs of otir enstomers, and having becorae more fully convinced than ever, tbat our mode of dealing, namely: at ihe lowest posBÍble ratea for is the only true plan; we will continue t: serve the public as heretofore durinij the coming fnll and winter. Our Stock consista in feverv variety of READY MADE CL0TH1N0 ! Plain and Faney CLOTHS, CASSiM'ERS. S1LK, AND S1LK VELVETS. Alargelot of GENTLEMEN'&FÜRMSH1NG GOODS, whieh are all warranted DON'T FAIL TO O-A-XjXj.T1 C3-. 3ET. C?. For past fa vors we are gratéful to all, The eame ior large ones in proportion, ! And those :o see rrt to cali Shall reccive our best emiles and devotiön. M. O uit er man & Cg K. B. Studente and all other who want to see SÓNDHEIM'S new mnde of -ui f ir;; will do well to cali and leave theii; measure For a Nice Fïtiing Suit ! E3-XJIT33H33kiXja.3' tte Co AnnAib"r, '-'. !S6o' tt " X.UÑG& HLOOD ifJFIRMARY. Fishcr's BI och Wvodward Ave Dt(roitt Irs. 8. J, CARPF.KTBR & RAIXARD. DOCTORS gen. rally pretend that ConiumptiYn b incurable, becauae they cannot cure it themselveüj )Ot thli doos not it trae. Many mechantes willworks on a job nïl ïaj and doing nothing but poil kbc enaíerial th-y will ta 'ou it never can be done in tie way yO'j wfnt It. Bn jy applyin? to a bettür wm kraan- one vhp thcrcijthly marstanls bis business- you will get 7-Ur work ac ;omp11she In shape. ■ -: : . In thifl resppct there is the sarae dffftnr.o ty W ;ouni ín all tradei and prufessions. Ibc buftgïer? V, piech'ni"m1in the art", in law, in theology, a&3 lè!v-, ril] say sucb things cannot be done. And it i ,rue that tbey could not be il alimón were like then.Ivc--. Rut foitunatoly there is anotlu'r c-lass of nv-n, ml these, -bon they tako your case in hand, do tbw obas you want it, or res ton1 yua to heftlth, accortioif 0 desire. We havo only to rcmember tl is lact tu nderstand wh) one pbysicïan flhould pronounce that. ncurable which an'other can cure. In mecbauics, we someiirne.s fiud that by a possesaiui f superior mc-fins, by soip? ncw inventioü, of wuich her as the solé use, or by. Ht groter inenity of kU iiii-ï, cue j'orson vrill ma!iê vt dp whut no other cr.n. Exactly ít may be so ín ÍÍTste. And tbli ia fho c-rv respon why I havo anch great Rucees over all ther3 in the treatment of Con. uraptiun. By haring. he original genius, by pnses ir.g the Lung-Metor, thkft oiiables me tocloarly del rm ne k sature of tb ific;is( añil by lifiT;ng remedie tor Gm3-.íttiption no other Physieiim ever had, make bold U aay tlmt T lavo, and can eiTect n. cure of tb is !i. e?.?,? ond theach of any other man. To prove this to 11? T-cen he case, I migbt give you numbers -upon nntfc'íeí1 )f certiiïcates from im-n and women pi7en over lo Ij ;ravc, who have been rescued and íesiored to healt; ) j-í-rsevfring uso of my remedies for Oon?umi-tion. Jut it iri not aeCEuay íot me to do so bere,' fur fh act of on'ev3?,p doing what anothcr cannot cjinnot, ia viderit to ííW ri.en el common sense. If the dntsumpive wiabea further psoof than this, I can only skj-, come and tïafy youraftf by tri 1 of my ekill in tho cure of your complait. ' Doctor Carpfntt.-r will vis!; ipsUaoti, (iní Ann Arïjor. lurint? 1860-tn. Ann Arbor, at Book'i Hotel, 3d nn'l 4thof each month; Hawkins feirse, Vpailanü, 6tU and eih of each montli. Tbe remnii.'r.oí ;Ue timo, ha will bc found at hi.s Lung Infirmaiy in. De: rolt JyTü. Mrs, WÏMSLOW, in exptrÍLii ed Nu.;c and Fem&lv riiysician, preficnt to the ai'Tilifii ot thers, Ikt SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDTIES TEETHIXG, whicb ryp5tly faciütates the process of teetbfog, by .soficnix? tle guras, íducing all inüaiomHli-n- will allay ALL PAíN arid spíimodic actjn, and is SÜRE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Dopend upon It, rnttUer, it will givo rest to youreWpn( an4 Eelief and liealtii to yonr Infanta Wc llave put up an an-.l sol-J thif rticlo for yvr ten ypar, and ).S SAY, fS C'.x; !' I -f - ;,N. TKUTHofit, whM c liave t.'mt AW iJ! .f, sny ,li.rmcrli;int- NtVFR ÜAS 1T FAIl.EI) IN A SINOLE ISMSi'L in ÜIFXT A (UKK, wlien timely u'.-4. Xtvir did we kn w uti nM;'m:e of dis■atisiftction by ény i.-np who nncl t. On tho ctntrnrj", oilariï debghted witíi íf a octHtli ns, art spt'ak in tirinfl of C"mr.ii1n-'atii n rf its magical effecin ml medical vii ;.... W( tpe-jk in this rnattr "WHAf WE 10 KVdW,' aftcr tm ypars' ex]Krionec, AKD M.EI.'GK OIK k.'.;'1 TAïKiN 'KOR THE KULFILlllJNT or i AT WE nEIÍK llf.CI-AHF. In aimrst evrry instsnee hem tlie infant t sutfcr'.og froin min nU tzVrnattva,' relidf will in f.Itetn er twenty nrnutcs aflt-r the syrup is rnilnipifrefl. This valua.M tiTeptratian ; K?sc!l'ii"lnLj of the most EXPERIESi I ll" ■ fff? n Nlw Engbaiit, .wl has bieu uwjd with hKB FA1L1N0 BOCCEfW in THOUSAKT) OF CASF.S. Tt not otly reïievo tbocbii 1 fr"in pftin, but UMgt-rofeM thf Ktumach and bowftbi, etrrect acil tj. and giv tp pni onergy to the wholesystem. It will almwt infcinntl relieve QKTrlHG IN THE BOWELP, AND fINH COITÍ fin'l ovíTcnmc; convulsión':, Vliicta if n( t flpco'ïiy T(mf' inl in ÜMth. We WlVvo it the BFsT nl UK:r RKMEIjY IX WIE W0RU. in all ca'es .f DY.-'KN T1RY au 1 1 IARKIICKA IN CHII.UR1 N, vvhe'.li_T it rta fr in tc-j'i'n. otfroni ánr tbtr l:.ti. W wouid sav ti. i-viTv motbct "feo b a a ïbij . suffirin frnm.inVof fhe V. .■■■■" -.i.' etmnii'atc- ra KOT I.CT ou 'niic rttuumcKs of OïflERS, &ml bel .1 '"'r uftVr ehfli!, and tl'on-li.-f thst wffl bSSTRC- Y-ES. ABi C!.ITFI.Y - ta taHow tlm Bi of thi, in-lic'. If viisely used. Pul] dWctions fiir uslTi iii aow.nVpanj Jj botil, ■■n-Kcnuin.' dmImií t.e he-Mni! Kf-CtgnS ■! IE1'.K1NS. KPW-York. is ':. tbe outsiile Wl 'fp'-rj .Sil.l by Driiggiiti tiirougeut tiio iv rl I. Prliiilnnl Hier 13 C ñ ?mtt, N. T. PHWS UNLY i5 CF.Nl'S l'EB Iï;IIl,K. I'.r )lc bjf !.',r'ac:i .'; C... ly7T. Jbr Ae Speedi and Permanent Cure of Semin4 Weakncss, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissionsj Neroous and General Debdity, Impotence, and all Siseases arisingfrom. Sotitary Habits or JS.vcessive Indulgence. ÍTMIERE are thousanda of Men, as well as MinnLB JL Aged and Old Men, who aro sulTering to some extent from the above diseftaes. Many, perhaps, ave not nwaru of 1 their true condition, or when assistance is really needel. For the beneöt of such, we herewith give a few of the tnoit common symptoms, viz: H'tekneai o the Bnck and Limit'. Pain in Ihe. Html and SM, Hhw if Sighl, Dolt and ll'6t before the Eyo, Palpilation of the Itmri, Omgejana, io.iïf ílemory. Confusión u Idena, Drpretnon of Spirit, Aotr-m to Soriety, Sáf-DUtru'l, Timidilii. . For each and nlt of the aboie symptom's tlicse romedies v.'ill ba fuuild a "Sovsroien Balm. Theis remedios mrtYsce tlirce rjrejcnptions: A lm nf Pástela, á box of JWcoiw Tvnic Mix, and a bnx of l iniê Tonic PillK, all of whioh have important offices to perfora, and ehould be used together in every case. Thir ranvrmW over other modes of treatmeut may be briefiy stated aa ful#g- Thcy diminish the Tiolence of eicifemont. &g They immedjately arrest nocturna: and diurnal emlj- They remore local weaknoss, causing tlio or;ans t lissiime their natural tone and vigor. J6ES" They strengthen the conititntion by overcommg nerr. OUfl debility and general weaknesg. fl" They enliven the spirits, which are osually rtepreiseo. íy expelling all exciting causes from the System. J93-By their invigoratinj pnijcrtirs t!.y rostora Uipatiënt to his cturaï health and vi,;or of man.inod. Tlvey cure when all other means h:ie faned. . j-TRey contaín no Mrrcuni, nu Opium, n;r nvthlDg that can in any event prove in.jurious. jKB" They are easy and pleasant to nse, and nu; net in'.c;fere with the pntient'i naual business or picadura, ; SS" They can ba used without, er kuoldgo of even a room-mate. That they may come withln thi reach of air, & hfrcí fixwl the price of the" PütUU at ïl per box. and the POa at .VI i cents per box each. In ordoring by mail. in addif.ou to tho I priee, twelve cents in stamps should be inclosed for return pos " I.ADTE5 in want of a and nataal P"IA remedv for Irrrtjvlnritir'. SMppnMioH of Üj fiar4i Mentes, or any disease peculiar to their eex ' ff nhould use Dk. Gatess Femat.e MoVTHi.f ,'4B i: F l'nxs. I'rice, by mail, f 1 and nne stamp, i ' 'íJSmb.'-' These Wils shcT.14 ot bc n(J ' BBf 'VS ilnrinK!-', asinicari-iisill bo th - TXs8" ill-healtlndeformity. or any other humane and reasonablo cause, ne:n It nM ary to avoid an increase of family, can do so wltkovt mciiiring danger to hoalth r coustirution by the use of ff. Lm Crtmx't Frmch PrmentUe Powiler. Pricc, by mail, $1 and two stamps. These Powdern an pnly be elitained by ridr-nin; 'h General Agents, as belo'w. .-,... A.. , 8end for Br. Oates's rrichle Medical TrratUt W Saam Distases. PlltCE Tkn Cira. Address, ... H O. MILL.ER CO:, (Jencr'.l Asenta, Louisville, Tvr. ' jV Sale hy MAYXAKD, STEBBIX8, ifWIISOK, y788íá Ar,n"Arbor, 'Miel). 'PWK I-. MILLE U'S HAIU INVIGOBATOB. AN EFFECTIVF, SAFE. AND EGCÍNOMICrfí COMPÖ'TST FOU BBSfORBfG üaY HrftS I I è'oïér thout (!H'rg, and preb'ntq t)"1-? H.vj from, turuing gra. FÖR ÏTOVEKTfNO BÍLDKEsk4 euriitf it,-hen ihcr is tin1 bttst particle of vituli'.v r foeupen lrr i-m-rf v remainiiiL'. FORREMOVTNG 5CCRF AD PAXDRlTr, ant. all ivïM neoua nfferiinns of tbe Hcalp. , FOR BKAUTIFYINO .THE HAITÍ", HtlpaHftfl H nn nnequIlcd gloss and brilliaacj', fiiakiugit soft and siUij in lts tpxtttrc :in') eauslng it to ctirl readily. 3 Thr (fyeat c-llnity atul tiio t9crfifng detaurt f?-" fíií unequalled prparation, convino the proprletor tlmt on ti'inl is only neceaaftpy to satisfy a dlucdrüiog public ff il" superior qualities pvei othfr (trc]),iration at prepen in use. It ch'anes the head and scalp from da n dr u ff (tn other cutáneo u f dtseoaes. Causes tlie hair tn prow Ui uriantly, and giveeit a rich, soft, gloggj toad liexible npIarnnce, iin'l ih wherr he linir is l'io.SPTiir, nnd thipuing, it will give strength and vior to the root?, nmï restore the gtowth to thoso pnrts wliicji !■ ■ ■ ; bjld, causing it tn yicld &freth roctrif'nl: Tóemare hand redi of t'I.e iml RjnttcwPi i4 NVw Vork wint hftvc ka, tlieLr hair restöred by the ush of thïs Invioratr, wten all otlior preparationa 4iaf#Uri L. M. in kin po i is uartmexable tostirying to tlie aboTO fact?!, from ie Iiíglicnt respecta. biliiy. Tt will t-i;V'ctu;iHy prit Uie hairfrem ivrninf gray nríil tV'1 tKtí ■■ perïod of !;f-': and in nf"és v!-r the "lia ir h: ... i pfh iDv'-orffSf will.wUbSocrtain-ty restore Uto its origntr.t A,, rívlng il a'dfirV, LTlnssy nppoftranre. As perfi.m? for t iic toilet aiT a ll?ir Hestorative it is partieul;trly rcoommonfipi,,haViiiab ii.erpeablp frstffraneo: and the grea! facilitir it fford in dre9Í$# the hair, whieh, wlten ïtiois't with th Invig be dressd in nny rrfjnirpcl frm f , to préèérfe itn '.'-.t1. whetbei plain or ín cyj f- ? JKjl " the trvoat dematu' lor !t by t,h? iadies bü A efandtrrd Mri art iel e which none ougbt to tw witl'.nut, as the prica places it irtthtu the reach of all, being . . %. ■ ONLY TWENTT-FIVE CENTS , per bottlp, ín be had at all rtupeatabïe Örttgefsts' aud prfaB)9ffl . ■ ■ L IRIXER roaid'call flo a4teati6s nf {JmtsU 4 ] Guardian to the se of hls inrigofaiür, iü sjd '1't' 1 the childrens' Hair ineünes fo be í?cn. Oñrn W it 15 liiys the foundation for a god '"ad of hair sit rcr.ores any impuriti.'s t ■ beeftnie corir.r?tcd with the Bcajp, theremoval of v blcltj's nest'PFr.v hFli fnr th A health of the cïiikl and ":■-■ futliM appearance of iti U Hair. CtiTIúK. - None v ■■■'■■■ it thL f f o Ahpft? I.OVTS MTLLFK hèlnff on the ónter wfapfér; alBO.L. MILLKR'3 HAIR INVIi; ORATOR, N. V. blowM n thrgÏMi. Wholenaïe D l St,n4 poA byall thpprtodpteMèrcharH ittfffttouBhont the n-orld. UpttriJ Jwcunt tq i'uvt+:0i-s by tin fjiiantity. 1 alSó ú( pire to prrsent to the America n I'ublic ïd i"g New & Iraproved Instantanëdas Liquid Hair Bf$ rkkib - of srípníific oTj-erimeñtmg I hn-r brpughi to porfectj fB, 't tïyee blaob nr brown instantlr ■■"tii -mt injury to tl:t HVr or Skin warrauted the best art iele nf the kind in rxistence . . PRICE ONIrY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 56 DÈt Y., yev Tor i


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