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FURE! FSRE ! i WESTERN MASSACtfUSKTTS Insurance Company ■ CASK CAPITAL & SURPLUS; OVjSTH. 9200,000, W. N. STROPiö, Agent Ann Arbor. Marchan, 1861. 792lf LI PK INJSlJRANCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Aceumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WIIJ, !'-l UK I.IVKS Coi miy anvnint n..t erc-rl.nt 1 10,030 for the ii term of Ufe orfor a term of war, on theraost favorable tenna. X. h Thfl Compaoy i punly mutual ni! ib1 poWey bolden gct all tho aarplud orer tLeexnotoont t insurnnce It acc(nicl;iK-s tli insnifl in tbc 9Óttlemeut of thc-ir n-vm. unís ON" UfJÜ POUCUCd, il .!.--iivi, l.v Ukktng A unte tur 006 huif tlit' amount, l var ing iutereöt at ix percent, pcv annum. Dividcnds are Derlarcd AnnnaUy! .inl Btnce they aow nm mrit l fiftv por cent on Hip premium, cash and note, nw ure incroasing they may be ;:[i !ii-t to cajioel the notes. gfir The rati-s f premiums areaaloiv a nnv otfaer r1RponiblQ ('onijuiny anil the Lirgt accumulatetl fund of $3,foO,i)0 is sccuri-ly Inveítod, as maj be Been bjr reftr■-I.I.T t'i i ri" -i.ii'-iu-'tit made aocording tg Inw, qn iu t.heoflice of the Couutv Atm Avlmr.Hs J A M I -S G0O0W1X, Ptlírt. CiyR. PBBiM.SeOJ. ForpartlonlarBappVto JAMBS C. WATSON, T63yl Agent at Ann Arbor, UEch. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aceumuliiteci Jan, 1 SoT 1,07,133,2 1 MORRIS FRANKTJN, Pretidcnf. J. O. KEN HALL, Vire Pt&ident, PLINY FREKMAN, Acluary $100,000 LEPOSITED wltb theCoraptrolWof the J5IM of New Yurk. Dividcuds average 40 per ci'nt. nnuuall}'. ASSETS. r.T-hin Rank, ' Í 31,355.4'J nvestcl [n aecurities, érente under tfielawsof tin Stirt "I Xtxv V.irk mui oftbe U. , '5S,S7O,79 Iteal Estáte and Fixtures, N"ós. 112 and 114 BroadwH . 132,450 04 Boodfl Mrf HortggW 'Ira ving 7 por et. interest fiS:;,!'1 .;;'.i N.t.s reet [ved ror4Q per cnt.Qfpreníunis on Ufe policie.s. bftarinp interest, i75,'S15.S5 Quarterli and &emtaDnaiil iremimm,(lue suWc.ucnt'to Jamiiirv 1, lfilil) 20,550.38 !nt.-rest aeerue.l up tn Jan. 1 . 1S00, 36.488.77 Ranta an-rnni npio.liin. 1,1880, 1,708.84 Premiums OD policicsin hauJs of Ajents, 26,44.1.1 1,M7 ,183.24 Trs Wklls and Lewitï Jifedital Rxaroïners. 743tf J. G1LBERT StUTH, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS TUK AGENT for tlie foUowlsg ürs( riass eompaofes: uuur. [N8VRANCB tOMPANT, of New York CSty,- Capital an.l Surplus, 1 ,500,000. CITY PIRE INSITHANCE COMPASÍY, of Hartford. ■ -Capital añil Snrpltm, Ï100U00. CONTISE.VTAL ISSl'HASCK COMPA5TY, of Vem YoA Gitr.- Oaplt il and Surplus, $100.000. Tlireeqtiarters of the nett prliis i?i Uiti Company i divnied aunu3]iv animg itspoiicy holden. CHM1LLEN. Aun Arlinr, Dsoembei 13, 1S00. em778 Coinvny Kire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - S15Ö.O00 00 Assets (Oasb), - - 269,96:5 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,4-tO 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . Pretident. OIRECTORS. J S.WH1TNKÏ, L. ilODMAN, W. EI.L1OTT, 8AHOWLAttB D r. McOII.VHA y, E. D. MORG-XN VVAIT BEMENT, JOSIAII AI.I.IS. A.H BU' lEN W. H. niCKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D.C. ROGIiR. nn Arhor Reff relices! Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMK.S L. DOrOK, KNOCH JAMES. OAPT. C.S. OOODRICH J W. KN1GHT, Airtit. Ann Arbor, Michignn. TIÍE PEORÍA MARINE & FlIiE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one f the H8ÁVIBST, SAFEST an.l BBSt lómrMiM C-i'h. in the L'.S. Iusures on reas'Uiabl'' terflH, and al v.ivs p;iy promptly. Tberc ia no better Tire lusuranc Cumpa u. Mo ney Wanted. V h o w i 1 1 L endMoneyi T AM REQl.EiTEI) BY SEVEKAI, THHSONS tu obtain 1 money for them ut Ten Per Cent I iterest, (OrMore.) Kor any ono willing to nw, I can at once invest on good unciieumbered abundant REAI. K.STATE security Mljaami of money and se that the tille aut! security are ALL KltíUT. Sr The borrower paying all enpenws, including rccordmg. E. W. MORUAN, Aun Albor, Gct. 7. 18S9 715tf General Land Agency PERSONS wan tin p farms, o r roidencefin orneat Ann Arbor, can b; oalling on me electfroma ilit ufover 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvrarlou slze trom :t, te 1301' creiiach (lome ai good aanyi nthis Connty.) Moretban .SO Dwcllng Houses n'.hlTlty,fromtwo Hundred to fourthomaii ido - arsoach:and over JOO IL ü I ij D I W G LOTSl Araonjitborarme are t he Blshcpstarm, .'iOOncroB, the Pottor farm, in Groen Oak, the Placetarm, a i 4o)acre, theBlandon and Jenks Oirmi, in Webstcri th' Stub'ii, Michael Clancy, Newton Beegan, and Pallaha farma, in Ann Arbor; J . KinL'al(ïy'4 t'iirni, inPittsfle[d'the Hntch and Hick fnrmi In Lodi;thc Patrick I laynfarm in Froedom; W. 8. Davikon, B. Í5. Baker and Buck's farms In Sylvan Mostnf these nd min; otbers can be dlvided to iult purohaBerfl V K. MO tOAN. AnnArboj. Jan Il IMf 8, W.MOKGAN, Agent for Mutual Life Insurance Company, Kew York. Accumulated Aets, .... $5,350,000 the leading Life Iosurance Company in tbc t. S. Knickfeiljocker Life Insurance Cowiiimy, New York, a Brat ctass safe Co. - terms reascnublt'. Humboldt Firc Insurance Company, New York. Capital, wuh alargo surplus, - $200,000. l'eoiia Marloe k Eire Insurance Co., Peoría IU. - hrttv v No. 1 Fire Insurance L'o's. 7O7tf CftpiUl, - $500,000: X,. F. BANDALL, DEALING IM PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music Sf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. PIANO FORTJBS froro the manufactory of A. II. BALE & CO. of New York, for whom I om agt. I will warrant inferior to none, in siyle of finish qunntity oi quality of tone and promptness of actiun MELODEONS, mantifiir-turcl bv TRFAT k LJN8LHT Haven Conn. & E3TSY & GREEN', of Brntilebont Vt. I will warrant upcriorto any in the itmrket ia Overy resject thatpertuins to the good qualítiesof a Melodeon. I hnve on hanI and nm constantly reroiving from the publishers larpe qitautioa of the most popular SHEET MUSIC which I will send by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of marked prices. A good assortment of GUITAKS, YIOLINS, TIANO Stook, Bows StriDgs, Inetructions BookK for all instrumenta, CHURO MUSIC BOOES Glee Books fyc.y tyc. tyc. The usual discount to the Profe-slon. Musical InBtrnmentfl tune i and rcpiired and (tatisfactlonguarauUe in very respect, 787X1 I. F. RANDALL AN!1 Manufactúrenla New and Coinpk-te stock of LAVV & MEDICAL liOOKK, School Bookt, Miscellancous Books, Blank Books, dan STATIONERYi WU and Wludiw I':ii"r, I írawing aiul Hntliematlcal Instruments. tfusle, Juvenile Librarles, EurelopeS] Iuks and Caids. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencis Wimlow CfiniicP, Bhades sml Kixture, POCKET CUTLERY! And cverythinj; trtalnfDg lo tin trntle, and more to wlirchllu-y wihM ij.viie thejftttoutioo ui the country. In comluctinji our l -;ii'' we huil dn all tb at en n he done,8O tlmt do rcsBODRble man, woman or chiM slmll (in.l any 1:t ■ ït . Wt' pos99fl faoHHiea which ill enablc us to supply our stoinurs at the Lowesï Possible Figure. Wc propose tosellfbr REAPY PAY,ata smail a-h-ance WV oxju't :i profil onoor goode, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGTJEES. Wc liavo engagefl the an teci ol ïÜBBB F. SPALOIXG, horef'irf prepardïi to funiish Visitivg, Wedding and all olhcr Gard written to order, willi ncatness and ditpatch, by mat' or olhenvise. The uKatPIM H.iiK SrcKK." Efl tnatmcl h ■ gpvod 'crow.' 11(1 thOJ will ftlVajt t'oilll'l nu Itic ".tn;t: !.T il-.k." rett'ly iinrl wllllng tö ntleml to all wilb pleuaurc, Uo will ravor tlu'in witii cali. Uemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 'Pf THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- Gr Q O 33 j@. GOOUS FROM AUCTIOX. Facts for the People -OFWASHTENAW - .NH- ADJOTMNG COUNTIES ! And thoir numerous questions nnEWPrcd. Whi ia Evrrybody trading at (he "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, I the Proprietor of tliat Establishment hns just returued froiu the Euslern Citicts wiik the Largtzt, Handsomest, Clheaped, and Most Attraclive Stock of ■ STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY GOODS! i : over brought to this part of tl State., Why is Evtrybody pleased with his Stock? 1 necau"' liisstyles are moreheaiititul, gnaitt; licttcr.anrt ' pricra lower than at anyitir' n the county. ' Why has he alteays Somcthing New and Cheap (o Show? r ' Uceare h.iha a fri(m.lcondect"i with ons of the ly ge-t DttOooAi HonMhiMewTork,who 11 continuaut " " BOBBING ROUND" Tor cheap fcargaioa and the lat o Btyle a thoy appear from time to time and m tlus way koVps'liimMi'i.plie.1 with ylf.s and consca.uut.v ou. tomers can always ImJ somcthing t resli, NEW CHEAPaad DESIRA BLE 1 Why does 'ne sell o much Cheaper Man the rest? IVcauflo ho has a bnypr in the city all the time to tak 9 adraotage or the continu! clianp. of the market.aod in that waybuyshi goods much ohwperthu otnen can, and tiicr he marká them down to the LOWEST PIG-UHES. f Why does he sell lidies' and Childrens' Shoes so much chtnper ihan was ever Iteard ojby the oldest ' Shoemaker? I Because he buyn hi stock in the lan5 nf ihoemakers, of the. manufacturera, fully 'b per cent cheaKT than the ' New York Jobbers sell thein, and rauch better wolk th:tn they generally keep. lliis courtw enablert him to solí a bet'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. " than othorssell at 50 cents, and & botter F0SLÜ G AITEP at SOcenttj, than others sell at 75 centB. Has he any tlats and Caps? Yes, I should think he has stacks of them, cnough to supply the State, at pricos lower than was ever hcarri of ■ round theae parts. Why is his Tea o much hett'.r for the. price you pay than you get at otlur places? Because he taken griiat care in selecting t, and giveshi? customeis tiie benefit of a real good 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. [tu wsy he has tot , Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have Ihem Cut or Made? To the BAXN'Klt riTORE, where the leoplc'n Banner il unfurledfor the Penple ftgbod, South side of Public Square, a few doors wost of Cook' Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, 1880. 766tf Ann Arbor Marble Wors. . leitoiioica.O! j AS on h&aü a fino assortment of American and 1TALIAN MKHBLE which he is prepared to manufacture into n all their varietie, and iu a WORKMANLIKE manner. Haviog had considerable experience in the busmeps ho üatters himself that he witl be able to pleasc all whü mfty favor mo with their orf'ere. His pncee LO W AS THE LOW EST. those wishlng any thlng in my line are respoctfully .tedto cali D. C. BATCUELDKR. Ann Arhor. May 20, Í861. SOltf Oval Picture Frames ALL RIZES, STYLES and PRICES just received and for sale ebeap at siCHOFF & MILLER'S. 25, 'SOtf ',1000 Vests. Shi'-tB and Drawers 1 yor Sale cheap at GÜITEKM AN Co


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Michigan Argus