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UiíMIBAUGAli 3 - AT- Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's ] Q TÏTE HAVEAGAIN RKFI.EXlsHKn OUR STORE WIT! V (Ke most spU-udid Stock of % L9 JLJ SS3 thntWAS ever ofTerfd in any one establishment Ir Ihe fctatf all uf hitju w; olïrr fer O a O sa ü? ? & O im O ïë I ís low as can bo fouud in the Union "We want Mftney ! ui'l will mate Great Sacrifices on Anjiiiiiü we hare to obtain it, not exceptiog OLD NOTES AND ACCOUJKTS Wc conliully nvit ALL CASH CD STOMERS to cali and examine our GooOs aud Pricea. We als mvite our Prompt Fayicg Customers to come and buy tlipir Happtida f'r the Winicr. To uion Baskful ones tliut are ilrui'l tu cali, we ."iv tu tlii'm, tal. Cí'UVjtiíO BBXjXj Yonr "WIIEAI ■vi',hr)ulloiiger waitii.g for highei , come ;a, old Roorea, and then ttiDcfa prloes m wlH w tke op all losse It "is hanll, Q6CC688UJ to ODttinenle om C'ood.s,for We have Everything! A large asHortmcni of V.ARPETIXG, CRObKÉRY DRY GOODS, MEDKNES, GEOERIES, TAINTS, OILS, CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE NOTION8 &c, &co &c. (715tO MAVNARD, 8TEBSIKS & WII.SO Stoves &Har ware l BTSOON & HENPERSON Have now In Storoa birge auortmentof Atf '-JT O BS7" JE3 JE 9 Hardware and House Furnishing CB CB :MJ RW . All T.ork will be snlil isCHKAl' :i-j :i t anv other Establishment in IVticliinn. Thfv have gottlie Best Assortment of Cooking P A It LO R AND 'LA TK I3NT T3HCXS STATE, And will sellthem Choaper than TUK C il E AP LS T, TMcasc cali anti sec. All kinds of tin waro kpnt on hanrl. J'articulJir attention paiil to ;ill Uinilw of J C3D O3 3KP CD 1S OSj Which will bc done wlth A"i rifv A.y) -,?' a ron. B-l'lc!ie callnnd BCC tlleir 8TOVB ROOM in 2(1 story of New Ulook. RISIION' i: HEXDEKSOX. Ann Arbor.Jan. 5, I8Í1. O . BLISS flsuntniniDntiHRivi!Mi(if?niircntinrniijiiif ff ntrot(t'i}i riflfriT.tif Still in the Field! ■WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in my line direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturcrs! I have jutit received a large aad well belectedassortmeat CLOCKS, WATCHES, ar E! -TPSjr e l r y. SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a grent variety of Yankee Notiona. tc. I wouldcall particular attention to niy large Btock of SPECTACLES, ot Gold, öilver. Steel, and Plated, : with PER SCOPIO GLASS A Ruporior arttcle, and a groat variety of articlcs in the Tersone havsnj; diffcult watOhMtoflo witli glasees, caü be accommodaied rh my stock is largge anl complete, F' S, Partictilvr ittei ti'ii p-'til t the EEPAIRING of all kinds of Fine Wat che, sucu an Making & Setting New Jewels, i PJNIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDF.RS, also ! CLOOKS, AND JEWELRY, Neatly Ropaired and warranted. C. BLISS. August 28, 1860. 78811 ' Ayer's Agüe Cure. Scrofula, or King's Evil, ifl a eoNsíitutional diseose, íi corrujition of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitintcd, weuk, and poor. lking in the circulation, if pervades the whole bodj', nnd may burst out m disease on any part of it. No oigan is freo from its attacks, nor is thcre one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously cáuged by mercurial diséase, íow living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, rilth and íilthy luibits, the depressing vices, and, ubove all, by the venercal infection. AYhatover bu its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from patenta to children mito the third and fonrth goneration ; " indeed, it seenis to be the rod ot' Him who says, "I will visit the iuiquities of the fathurs upon their children." Its effect.s commence by depo-ition from the blood of corrupt or ulceroua matter, whiuh, iii tle lung, livor, and internal árgana, is terraed tubercles; in the glands, Bwetlnigs; and on tliu suiüuv, eruptious or sores. Tliis fonl corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the cnergies of lile, so tliat BcrOfulous constitutions not oijy suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they liave far less power to withstand the attocks of other diseases; conseqnently vast numburs perisl by disorders which, although not scrofulous ín their nature, tire still rendered fatal by this taint ín the Bystentt Most of the consuniption which decimates the human family has its origin dirctly iu this scrofulous contanuuatiou; and manjr destructivo dj-ases of the liverj kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the ovgans, arise from or are aggravated by thc same causo. One quarter of all our pcoplc aro scrofulous ; their persons are iñvadcd by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To elcanse it from the system ve must renovato tho blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate ir, "by hcalthy food and excrcisse. Such a medicino we supply in AYEE'S Coiiipoiiiid Extract cf Snrsaparilla, the most eflectual romedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this everywhere prevailingand fatal malady. It is combinod from the most activo remedíais that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructivo conscqucnccs. Henee it should be erjvploycd í'' 'he cure of not only Scrofula, but Biso those other affections which arise from it, such as Eiu'ptive and Skin Biseasts, St. Anthony's Fiiie, Rose, or Euysii-ei.aj, Pimples, Pustules, Blotchxs, Blains and Boils, Tumoks, Tetter and Sai.t RiiEuy, Scai.d IIicad, Rixgwokm, ItiiKi'MATisM, Syphilitic broMekcuiual Di8rabes, Duorsv, J)vsri:i'siA, Dichii.ity, and, indedO) ai.i. Comi'I.aims auisino fiiom Vitiated on Imitiu: Iii. oo]. The popular belief I in "impurily of thc blovd" 13 foundtd in tiuth, for scrofula is a degeneration of tho blood. Tho particular purposo and virtue of this Sareaporilla is to purifyand regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound liealth is inipossible in contaminated constitutions. AYEE'S Agne Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Interinittcnt Pever, or Fever and Agüe, Rt-mittciit Fe ver, Chill Fcvcr, Dumb A-iu , Pcriodieal Heatladie, or Bilious Hcadache, nn( Bilious Kevers, indeed for thc evitóle elnss of diseases orlgiuatiiig iit blliury deraitgement, raused l tlxe Malaria of Itliasmatlc Countries. Ve aro enabled here to offer üo communlty r remely vhtoh, whilo it cures tho above comploints with ccrtointy, ia Btill ríerft'ctly liarmless in any qiiantity. Such a romedy in jnvaliiaMu in distriets wbcro tliesc afllicting diaorders prevail. This ''Cirk" expels the mms mu tic poison of Fevcb a.vd Aguí: from ihe system, and prevente the deveiopment of the diwense, if taken on the first npirortch of ita premonitoiy Fjinptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for ibis class of coniplaints, but ulso the cheapest. The hirge qiuintity we supply for a dollar brings it within thc reach of every botïy ; and in bilious districta, vhere FtTlB a.nd Ague prevails, cvery body should have it and use it fteely both for cure and protectlou. It is hopod tliis price will place it within the reach of all - the poor as well aa the rich. A great Biiperiority of this reniedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of ïntermittents is, that it contnins no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinieu or otlier injurious effects WfattteTer hpon tlio constitution. Those cured by it are left as litaltliy as if thty had never had the difsease. Fever and Ague is not atone the consequent-e of the miafmiatic poison. A great vaiicty of disorders aria from its initation, among which are Neuralgia. ffleuviatism, Gout, Heudachfj Blindness. Toothache, Eurache, Qifarrh, Asthma, Palpüothn, Puinful Affection of tte tyleent Ilysftricï, Puin in Out Boiceli, Colic, Paralysisy and 0!rangement of tte Stmnach, all of wliiclt, wlu-n oiiginatiiiK in this cauMO.put on the inUrvi-Vent type, or become periódica!. This "Cure" espeto the K)isuu from the blood, and conseqnently cures thetn all alike. It is an ïnvahinble protcciion to immigrante and pvrsons travelling or temporarily repidin in the nmlarioua districte. IÍ taken occasionally or daily while exposed to tho infection, thnt will be excroted from the system, and canuot accninulate in sutricieiit quantity to lipcii iuto dlMaUi Heneo it is even more valuable for protec-tion than euro, and few will ever snflor from Intermittents if they avail themüelves of the protectiuu this remedy aflbrdg. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. LOWELL MASS. MAYNARD ílhnüi.NA n'lLáON.and iy all Druggisis ftnd Dealers ovtirywhere. J BURRTLL Travelinc Agent. a.v aperieni Stoioachic prepniftion olIRON purtaod in Oxygen and Gtarbbn b_ ootnijcstitm m Hydroge". e tioned !y the uignefil Hedlc&l Authontietf-, both in Ku rope and Uic L'nited States, atil jnt-si-ribed in their practice The experienceof thouttndn öaliy prove that no preparation oí Iroii ca-n tu comwired with ' . Impurities of the blood, dèprestttonfl tr vilul energy, pale and otherwisc -ickly ctnnplexinns imiieates it neces-íity in almos t every cunceivable. case [nnoxlODfl in all .jaladies ín which it hai b.'en tried, lm" pruved absolatety ouratire In eaob ut' the folio wng cim]il:t nts, iz: in lclilify. iv'rvou4 IJhi'tAam Bmnclatlpn uyapvpÉtft, - onnlIpnHon IHnirhocn. Dyentry, Cnelpleitl CpttanaMjilloii. Snoful Tubt-rculosl, Saft Itheum. Afismórtrtritatitm tVhiie, Chlorosg, Livcr I Umijiïni nl , Chnmir H-aflnrirn, HunrnUÜÜm, TutermiKrnt Frrrrs, P imples 011 the, Fnce, K&. lncjwni UunuuiLJ BBiLiTT,wbeÜierthectt8uUofAoute disease, oar of the oontlnued dlmfnutioa f nervous and muscular energy from cluronic corntalaints, ona triaj oi ilii-. tf-iiir;itivf h;is proved succens ui to Rn extent wlucli qo dencrlption norwrltten attetation wouli renaer credible [ÖT&Hdfl 'inff btd riitden as to have becfime forgotten in ihHrown DéighborhoodB, hmisiildeuly re-appeared in the buv world as ii'just wturned from pnUractüd iravel ina distant lanj Soine very ifí nal i n stu tices of thK kind are at test ed of remate uflferers, eniaciatcd victimsdf Apparuil maratmua, nangulneou bxhanfltioii] ritfcal ctaanges, and that complica t:r of r.crvous and dpippptlc avsntotl to nir and exercise for Wblöfa the iliysiciñn no ñamo. In NebtoOm Akfkciio.vs of all kimls, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparaiioD of iron mustiieces.-íarily be a.lutnry, por, uulike the olti ■■xiik's, ii is vlgorous.ry tonir witboui being excitiug and overbeating; and gent ly, regalarly aperient, even the most obstinate cases ot oObtivoneiM witlmui even brinca gastric purgatïve, or intiicting a disagreeubje seasation Ris tnUIatter property,Amooff oibertj, whiob makM it so emarkiibiy efloctual and ponnanonr a remedy for Ueê upon wbicb it abjo appeai'K to exert adisrinct and pccifio nction by disjrsiuif the local tendeney which forma them. In DvíípKPiJiA, innumerable as are its causes, single box of thee i'halybeate l'ills havo often uffleed for the moíít habitual casen, iicluding the attendent Costivenesë In unchecltel Iurkiiea, even whenadvanced to Dysen trry eonfirmod, emaolatlóg and apparently malignant, tbe effects baViog been souallj ilecixive and atnirthing In the local pains, loss of tlesh andfttrength.debilitating codffh, and remittéoi beo tí , which generalij iadfoatfl Inripif.nt Consumption, m severa! very gratifyitig and b teresting instances. In Scrofulous TubercnoUis, his mcdicated Tron has had far lUOTt than the good efTect'i of the most cautiously BBUñÉttod pn[;i!.intnis of iodiue, without any of nocir well known liabilities. TUf attention of Ceñíales cannot botooconfldentlv invitedto this remedy nni restorative 'm the casea peculiarly aflbeüng them In Rhcumatism, both chronic and inflammatory - in the lattor, bowever, more decidedly- it bas been iuvariably wti; nii.i itii. both ataUerfatjog pain and redaelng the swelliDRsund stiffnessdl ttt. joints and musecis. In Intermittcnt FeverMÜ muslnece.ssarily lea great remedy and enoi'-retic restorative, and ts progresa in tho new uettlements of tbe West, w ptobably be one of high renown and usofulness. Xo remedy has ever been discovered in the whnle history of me licme, wliich exerts such prompt lJutnpyf and lully restoratfTe elTe.cts Good apjpehte, complete digestïor. raptd acquisition of strength, with an disposition for active and cheerful exercise, iramedlately follow its UE8. Put up in neat flat roetal bnxes containing 50 pills, price 60 cent per box: for sale by druggists and d6Hiri Will bc sent free to any aildress on receipt of the price. All letters orders, etc., ihoold bendilressed to B.'B. LOCIvK,&0o , Coneral Agonf, 477yl .139 Droadwn.r.N. Y. For Sale by GRENVILLE fe FULLER, Ann Arbor. CARDS1 CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! TTaving parchased a Rtgolks Rotarv Pimond Cnrd Press, with a fino assnrtmont of Card tvpe, the ARfit'e OPdceis propared to print Oard of all kinds in the neatest possible style and at a great reduction from former prices. including Busfairai Cards fur men 'if all avocations andprofessionf, Rail, Wedding, and Pialtfrg CrU, etc., etc. Cali, give us yours orders and eee how it is done. 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale Cheap at GUITERMAN & CO'Sl


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