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Considerations For Naturalized Citizens

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The disíranchisement of foieigners, proposed by the Native Americana, originates from the same feelings of the heart that induce one man to enshve nnolher; and it is p.irt and parcel of thö greut prosJavery principie of' this natío which has so long controlled the two great polilical parfies; both of which have done their best to elect men to the Presidency who would exert their powers and infiuence lo maintain slavery. One party has beat the oiher, and 13 to have the solé honor, all to itsel'i of suetnining and extending slavery by annextttion of Texxs. if it can be done. The other party, unwüling to be oütdone in artsof iniquity, from present appenrances, is abouf to aim a heávy blow ut the elective franchise. The one will destroy the liberty of colored Americans, born in America: and the others the hberty of white Americar.s, born out of America: thus the race of infamy between the great national parties ia to be conlinued . Now I would most respectfully ask my frllow- cttizens, (naturalized Americnns.) wlint they can think of a party that has most nseiduously courted their vote6, for the purpose of electing a slaveholding President and now that it ha been unsuccessful, is about to attëmpt to strengthen itself by aronsing the worst prejudice6 of the huma heurt for the purpose of destroying the poütical privilegps of a!l foreigners for 21 years after tliey become residente of the United States? Whnt can induce a great politica! prty to pursuo such a course unless it havo within it a paramuunl hatrbd of that liberty which it profeíses to sustain and uphold? And again, l would ask, if this is not just whaf. might have been exnpcted fmrn a party that has for years vieil with its antagonist in ils oberlicnce to the iriouopoly of Slavery; ihe grentest curre of all ttionopoh'es that ever infesUed this or any other country? With the greatest deference to voor opinions and judgment in this mntter, I would si'ggest, that you have been rieceived, and induced to support a party that hns nn disposition to maintain your interests, or promote your happiness.' I would alto respectfully ask those naturalized Americans who have voted with the Democratie party at the l;ite elect ion, if they can expect that their interests will be promoted or cared for by a po'itical party vvhose nvowed object it is lo maintuin perpptuuüy Ihe lntitution of Slavery, and ex'tend ils bounr!anes by the acquisition of Texas, and t-pread the desolating influences of this, over thut vasi country, by sejiaraiinj thouands of families of native -bom Americans, and reinoving them by forcé toa foreign country to be worn out with Inbor, without wages, under the lafih of on overscer. That the Democratie party intend to do all these things, through their poütical power in the Government of the nation, is nn undeniable fact. Can you, then, trust your liberlies within thr control of a party who, with the song-s of liber'y on their Üps, are preparing to inflict all these crueliies and curses on nearly three inillions of native born Americans and their posterity forever? You are nut as ignorant as ihe frinnds of Native Americanism would make you believe: you ate competent to investígate these plain truths and decide correctly. You are competent toseethat the fact of your being foreirners, is as plain and intelligib.'e a mark upori you vvhen your ]ibortie3 are sought to be destroyed, a9 the black skin of th? colored American is upon him. You are competent to see all these things that are now coming to pass before your eyes, that that party which is ready to vvield its whole power for the destruction of the liberties of thne tnillions of colorad Americans, will not protect your liberties longer than it can use the power it ocquiies from you, to inflict cruelties upon others who are already oppressed. I would respect fully ask nil foreigners who haveadopted America for their home to investígate all these things, thorotighly, calmly and carefully, and decide for yoiirselves wiiotlier it is not consistent with theduty you owe to yonrselves, to your children and to the country of your adoption, ihut you hereofter bestow your political influence upon that party which by its PraCTIcks and Proff.ssions, mainfains the personal, political, and religious righls and privileges of all men, of every nation, color, kindred and tongne.fcf" The VVhicr leaders find at the Nalive Americnn doctrines, if adopted, will cm. off a very large nnmberof the votes of n.itunilized citizens, which they cannot well ppnre In Marvland, the g reater part of the Catholics. whotn many Whigs represent as voting under thé' direction of the Pope of Rome,, sustained Clay and Frelinglnuen. Without their help they wouln have lost thé Slate. - Without their help tliy wonld liave lost Ohio It isstaled ihat. in Utioa nnd Albany, 'lieforeigners;almost ton fnnn, pupported the Whijrs. A mnjoiity of the Irisli in the larg-e towns nnd clties of Mnssachuselti?, voted for C!ay. We presume a large portion of the Catiioücs of Louisiar.a ure Whigs. The Whig p:niy )p ikhv numeric.iliy loo sm.ill to curry the Union, vvith the luilp of a large body of foreiners. Shonld the Whigí dopt the Native American principies, the foreigners will leave ihem. uní array thernselves among ifapir ejiemies. Tlius they wilt be weaker still. - - Where will the Wliigs look for recruits 10 supply their places? In the ranks of "Locofoco'' encunes'? Tfre plnn of udopting Nativeisni will besuicidal. Supposing the Whigs to hold togelher es a party, they must ever be in therainority. Lake Michigan is 220 miles long, 70 miles wide, 1,000 feet deep, tind 578 fect above tide water. ït contains 22,000 equarc miles.


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