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Commencement Week

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This is ' Cötnniencemeot Week" of tho TJuiverwt) of Michigan; the weck without which tito labora and waitings of tho wIk1o Cjllego course nould all bc lost. It has been n busy week, too busy by half lor us tni particípate in a)! Iho ex.rcises, or to cbronicle even a tithe of' what has been sak] nncl done - ( ven wéré our spaee not given by priórity oí claim " to tlio War." Lectures poema, re-uuicras, suppers, etc, have been of daily and niglitly occunence, and Ihose who havo " run tho gauntlet" must acknovvledge to a complete surfeit or a capacity oí endurauce not desirable. The public exeroises, sorae of whioh we luve attcnded, we may briefly n'oticn, as follows : THE r.ACCAI.AUREATE DISCOUESE was diliveicd by Dr. Tappax, to a large andicncc, in the 51. E. Church, on Siinday, it 3 o'olocjc, P. M.. His text was fiom Phillipians, 2d chapter, and ith verse : - " Lot this tnind be in you liich was also in Ciiiust Jesus." The Dr., ín opening, remarked that t was too late in llie day to to prove the divine Órigiü of f'hristianfy, or the auihenticity oí the Iloly Scriptures, Both facts he regarded r.s incontrovertibly se'tled. II e pased in review the üie ol CuniST and his Apost!ep, and developed the great principies wliich tljej exomplifiod, and which should govern man. To be oí tho same iniüd of Ciiiust was to be noble, heroio, trne and goocl. The principies w!. h he tanght wonld sustain one in all the trials oí life, and enablo one to diseharg-o liis every duty to mankind and to Gon. It was aa uble, eloqunt, and instruc tive THE CUniSTIAN ASSOCI ATIOX . The anuiversary address beiore tho Btudentöj Chiistian Association was deüvered in tha M, E. Church, at 8 o'clock, P. M., on Siinday, by the Kev. Wm. Hogaiitii, of Detroit. The speaker sought h3 theme in one of the deolared objects of the Association, and aimed to develop whcre and whcn, and how the gospel slould ie preached or taught. The eo'.nmand " go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature," was meant ior all time un I w ;s biiiJing upoa all. Yet, on1: mau can not preaeh to eoery creature, and all men cannot preach should they go. Bul Üpro was a duty all could discharge. Motlon and dijj'usion were laws oí Chiïstianity, it had trav ehd from uation to nation, and had dif. fused its principies broadcast. It was a k'velicr, but in its procet-s of leveling brought its embracers up to a higher standard, seeking tho ascondunt circles ol society and th r.scemlant nrition. All could preach the gos pel, Ü not in Iho words by their lives, and the oamaat ü'.iridti-in nes ia not long scek for the hom or icherc. It vas a discourso repleto with thought, and was delivered with an earnestness that could not to imprtssits ttuths upoa its hearors. SENIOR CLAS3 EXERCISES. At 2 o'clock, P. IL, on Monday, the Scoior Class held their anniversary in the Congregational Church ; on which occasion and Oration was pronouncod by J. C. Johnson ; a Poom reciled by H. M. ÜTLBr, and the Prophecy oí the Cluss';a by Tiios. B.Weir. The subject of the Oration was ' College Life," ud, not present ourselves, we havo honrd it highly cornmended. A careful inquiry haa failod to find any one wh o could teil U3 what the particular subjiict oí the Poem was, but all say it was enicy, full of spirit, and excellent, and so we pass it, expressing a wit-h that tho Class may ono and all unito in colebrating anotbar years' anniversary. THE ALPHA DELTA PUI held their anniversary on Monday ovening, in the Congregational Churuh. The orator of the occasion, Prof. E. Axdrews, of Chicago, " falled to con necc," and the audien-e was addressed by hts altérnate. Prof. A. S. Welch, of the State Normal School. His subject was " Conversation." and the filling up abouuded in good sense, sharp criticism, and fine hits ; hits at the affected tho pompons, the vulgar, and the ob. scène. Simpücity was declareci the true element of conversation, and the conversational diícourses and instructions of the Savior pointed out as modela. It waa an inleresting addross. Pn f. W. was followed by a Poem, recited by Mr. A. J. Curtís, of Disco, a gradúate of the Univeisity Course. His subject was " Tho Mystery oí Life," Tho sentiment was beautifu!, and pure, tho thoughts clothed in good language, though lacking great depth, and tho veraifioation, - well the Poem was recited trom first (o last in such a diciagteeable, ahnost sepulchrnl monitonc, that the spirit of the verso was t-ntirely sacrificad. Mr. C. should improvo his style of recitation, or should not again appear before the public in the cnpacity oí a Poet-Orator. 9 ORATIOX BEFORE THE LITERARY ADELPHI, Tuesday forenoon, B. M. Thompson, Esq , of East Saginavv, delivered the addrM beforo the Liteniry Adelphi - subject, ' The Great Hebellion." Mr. TÜOMPBON proceeded lo give a history of therise and progresa of tho lion uDtil tho fa!l of Sumpter, charatterizing its wickoiJness, andenotfing. that ta cavly snceess was duo in great part to tho connivanco oí Mr. linctiannrm, who had beguü his official cnrecr by proving ti nitor to his p'irty, nnd (Instel t bv becomirig traitor to his ' country. Tlie dn tv of the country now was to put down tho rebolliou, and to do it. thorougfily. For his part he antioipated good from tliis Btrtiggle, It vvpuld ivsu!t in ce.nenting and j strcDgtbening tho country, nnd ' lishing a higlicr standard of public and private inoráis. Tho nddress was a good ooe and reeeived much npplause'. i TIIB ALUMNI AN'XIVF.RSAKY, The c-xercises bofoie the Alumni wero to take placo Tuesday üiternoon. The j orator Bulectexl for the occasion was Lt. Colonel of u TJogiment now j tionod at C..iro, and of conrse could not como. Tlie allorrato, Sio.nkv A. Bkan, luid ben ohosen Lt. Colonel of a ! WisGonsin Regiment, nnd at the lust moment a dispátch was recoivcd fiom him tlinl ho was ordcred to Í lu seat of war, and coüld Dot fill tho ajiptmitinen t The poet, 0. M. Cady, waa espected but had notarrivcd or boen board from when the hour came. Under these circumstanccs J'rof. Bkooks introduoed Dr. Tappan to tupply the pliice of the expected orüton and he procoedcd vcry briefly bulfelicitously to entertain tho audionce. Aft er romarking that he was like the oldest of a family of sons, left at home to wait on the mother and care for the old while theyounger and more enterprisiug went out the world to win fame, ho went on to urge upon the alumni tho chorishing ot theiraflia maler, their aiiling it as a point of central interest to all, and ji'imng their efforts in creating here a great Universitv like the great Univcrsiticsol Enrope. Concontraiion of effort would do this. As an'illustration of the waste of menns and effort for want of coneentration. he referred to the Agrieulturul College whicb had already cost tho State $150,000, and will require $100,000 moro to developo it, while $00,000 of the money invested hero would have established in connection with the TJiiiversi'y the best Agriculttind School in the country, and the remainderol the $150,000 would have erocted a magnificent Chapel and library, and added $50,000 to the value of the present library. The following officerts were elocted for the ensuinjr year : President- VzziEh Putnam, Jr., Pokagón. Vwe PresiJcns-ll. 31. Cheever, troit ; A. K. Spence. Serretary-Vj. P. Clark. Ticamrcr - D. L. Wond. Ex-Committce-D. C. Brooks, J. C Watson. and A. DuBois. -L. D. Miller, Detroit ; AL ternate - Prof. L. Tl. Fisk, Landing. poei - H. J. Dennis ; Alltrnalc - A. K. Spence. TUK ALUMNI DINNBR was held in the evening at flangsterfer's Hall, and we noticed present, the President of the University, of tbe Rogenls and Professors, and a goodly number of tho Alumni, including two of the first class oí gradúa tes: with Clergy and olher invitcd gnests. After the physical man was satisfied, Prof. Brooks, who did the honors of the table, in a few ap'propriate remarks, announeed tho toasts of the evening. Copies have not been furnished us, but they were ia brief: The Umversihj - Responded to by Dr. Tappin. The Board of Regenta - Response by Regent Johuson. , The Superintendent of Public Instiuclion - Response by Rov. J. 31. Gregory. The Alumni of othtr Colleges - Response by Prof. White. The Clcrgy - Response by Rev. 'Y.i . Hogarth. Our Country - Response by Mr. MacKav, a gradúate of the first class. The responsos were appropriate and elicited no lillle applause. Olher toasts and other good speeches were spoilt by the lateness of the hour. TUE LITERARY SOCIET1ES celebrated their anniversary on Tuesday evening, in the M. E. Church, and wcro addressed by our fellow-citizon, Rev. J. M. Gregoky. He characterizod his subject as ono " of the hour, and for the hour" and ol course t had roference to the times upon which we have fallen, and the ' crisis" novv racking the mr tion, ave the world, from center to eir" cumfürence. It took high ground in favor of sustüining the government, and agaitlfttaDy compromise excepl one by which every Ötate shall acknowledge lts allegianoe to the constitution, and every citizen yield obedienoe to the laws of the land. It was no political tirade, taught no crusade against the South or her institutions, and yet the speakor expressed an opinión that the putting down of tho rebelüon in a legit" mate svay would break the back of elavery, and that unloss it do so a patched up poace would bo of short duration. We may not endorso every position of tho speaker, but we sustain the government for the sake of the government and the interest of the white race ; and if the South is the loser in any sense it has brought the curse upon its own head. We therefore go with the lectnrer for protecting the " O!d Flajf" just so long as there is a rebel against the constitution and constituticnal law. COMMENX'EMENT DAY. The exeixises of Comniencoinent Day ocourrcd on WedncBday, in the M. E. Cliurch, wfaiob, notwithstanding the issue of admission cards, was filled to an uucomfortable fullness. One thing is evident, a building of a much largor capacity tbjn oar city pogsesses is necessary to aocomodatc thrso cxcrciecs, vrliich are ye&tly ncrcasing in i u ter est and tinportancc, and would attract a largor attenÖ3H-M of cdueatcd visitors from abro ld if any acomodation was proraised. The exeröises at the ('hurcli woro conducted in accordance with the following progrnDUuo : itoaxiNQ tr:Fsio.. ilu ie. - Outerture Ncbudtadnczzur. Prayer bv Dr. Tapfan. Music. - Cavatina, Bfatrict de Tenda. I. Cost of Oivilizalion, C ii. 11:1.1:5, K, Adams, Denmark, Ia. '2 Our Great Uws, I-'red Ars, Montczuma, Ind. 3. Ths Dötfnwanl Wave, V.i. 1! lii.Mü.., UctUvilIe, Iud. Music - Anvil ( horus. ■l NonconrpliAuoe, BeujaxikF. Di.air. Ann Arbor. 5. Harta livimN H. Cütcueon, Vpeilaoti, G. Idsns are Kings, Williaji VV. Teprick, Knlainnzoo. Mnsic. - Oriental Waltz. 7. "It wlll wt'ik itsch' out." O. II. Dkxison, Troy. ?. Our Counlij-'s Siruiigle, Ld. Dickinsox, Linden. 9. Great Upn-ing-i, Isaac H. Ei.liott, Princeton, 111. Mustc, - Pot-pourri. 10. Ellsworlli, Ch.m;li:sD. Gbj;üüi;v, Ann Arbor. II. Towen of Babel, J. J. Hackhman, Belle Jtiver. 12. Conflict of Trutli, lom, i'iint. Music. - Ouverture Witliam TtU. 13. Hallowed Ground, Eb in L. Liitle Salisbury, N. II. 14. The Spirit of True Entbusiasm, VaI.TLU ilcCoLLl'M, Lodl 15. ilililary Great ness. Jonas II AIcGowax, Oriand, Ind. Music.-1'ot pourri, Filie du Regiment. AFIEKNOON SESSION. 11). "Labor is Life - Worjhip, Host." W Meseuve , Walorford, J[o 17. Thomas Carlyle. Henby O. Newcomb, Hiram, O. IS. "Manifest DLStiny." James A. Post, Detroit Mutic.-Sileclionfrom -Der Fre.ischult." 19. Power of Will, Calvin P. QliCK, Bir111ingh.ini 20. Government Popular, Walter S PïfiBT, Schcncvus, II Y. 21. Goveriiiiicnt owible, Gko. P. Saxfokd, Saline. Music. - Sleam H'alU, 22. Our Silent Teachers, Wjm.iam soui.E. Dover 1 luins, Jf. Y. 23. Sympathv, Ciiakles ÍI. Stockinq, Tccumseh. 24. "Cohuulia, ' Robkrt H Trut, Ann Arbor. Music. - Coronalion Hymn. CONFBltRINQ OF DEGRIÍBS. In a few appropriate remarks Dr. Tappas conferrcd the degrees upon the niembers of the graduating elass, as followa; OHV1LI.E 8. ABBOTT, IlniriHon. 11 S. (IHS. K. Al'AM.S, Deamack, low, A. U, FKEUERICK AXN Moniezum.i, lna.,B. 8. JAMES T.AÜUd, Ann Arbot,. M. WM.H.BEAD1.B, Rockvillo, lml.,í S. 800DWIS S. liKAVKK. XlblOD, A.M. SAMUEL M. BUXINGS, Albion, Si. BENJAMÍN I'. 1U..WK, Aun Arbor, A . M. BV RON M.( [Tl UF.ON, Ypshiiit.,l. M. WK, W. DtDBICK, Kilamazoo. A . M. CHAS. 11. DENISOS.Troy, 1. M. KmV.UU' :'ltKl.Nl.V,I.hidel),J.J. ISAAC II. ELUOCT. l'nnceton, 111., A. M. HOMEK A. I LINT, Novi, Á M. l'KIKK B. GliMiX, WiUow&üe, C.W., B.S. WILLIAM GILLETTE. Batavia, X. V., II. S. CHARLES &.U.RBGORY, Ann Arbor, .i. M. JAMES J. BAGERMAN, Hi-lle Kiver, B. S. EPHRAIMtt. HALL, Um&tm,A.M. EDWARDS.JACKSON, Hartford, l'a , A Sf. JOHN C JOHNSON, Lislo.-N. V., H. ,s'. i:a-KoR:i S. JOHSéjTON, Srcat Bend, Ta., 23. S. JOHN KLIXAXD, Kunt,.!. V, IH'.XüV B. l,ANDON,Monroe..4. M. EBEN 1.. 1 ILTI.K Salisbury, X H . .1. Sí, PAMULLR. . I.OUi, üfiuv. 111... I. .1. JOHN S. I-OKD, Henry, 111 , ,t. M. CKARUS E WcALEiTKR, llint, B. ü. WALTER UcCOLLUM, Loai, .1. . JONAS 11. McKOWAN. Orlima, tod., B.S. SA.M1. A. Mi WILLIAMS?, l'in -kncyvillc, 111 , A. M. CHAKLKS W. M1..-1 :.Y. Vitirfunl,Mu.,--l. il. IKKAM R. MI1.L, Union Dia riet, -l.ii. .-IHM'.V (.. MOH 1.. Ano Arixir, .1. W. l.h ■. . jN'lil vl.DI V„y.,: . : i. . .1 .1. HhNRYO. SKWCOMH, Hinun "., .1. V B. J ,0 tT.iKOHiü iquebnna Dnl,l';i., .1. M. WALTtK s. PERKV. tehenevu, K.X.,A,M. HOY1 10 !. .". JAMiiS A. I1' si1, i eirolt, B. ST. ' CALVIN r. Q -ífuMin.l. .V (JEORUEP. .fANvORO, fTiUnc, .:. .Vasa c. eAiiotjjr, i n 'i . ' u. Wll.l.H.M !l 3AUN1ERS, Ann ArlMir, .1. M. EDWARU HSiiir.c.Am Arbi'r, .1. M W1I.I.IAM SOI laint, N. V , B 8. CHARLB-Í II STOI KIXO, ■ni--h. A. M. ROSWE1 I. B. r&YUIK, Pattion,S. Y , B S. RODERT 11. TRIi'l'. Ano Aih .r, A. M. JIKX.iV M. 1 il.;:v. NottUville, A. H SAMUEL3. WAI.KHi.Aini Arbor, II. S. THOMAS U. IVEIR Columbus, 0., 1. U. JOSEPÜ w. WOOD, Aun Arbor, B. 8. The degree oí' Civil Enginecr was also coüferred upou t'.io following studünts, threc of whoin liad recoived the degree of Bachelor of Science, as noted abtree: Fred. Am, Gor!e H. Scj-mour, Pter S. Gibson, Jesepfa W. Woud. The following graduates in tho University Courses received the degree of M. A., Allen J. Curtís, Silas W. Duaning. The degree of M. A. was also conferred upon W. E. Quinby, Lowis Mc Louth, James C. Beekman, Adam K. Spence, Oacr F. Prioe, Mathew A. Gates, Henry A. Hampbrey, Henry E. Lystcr, and A. J. Loornis. And the degree of M.S. upon George P. Swect and George A. Marsh. Tliis ccremony being over the graduating class sung the following song, composed for the occasion, tho Bencdiction was pronounccd, and the audiouce disperstd : The Class of '61. BT C. II. PEXI30N. Air - Aukl Lang Syne. Come gather round the fettire board, Ourcllege dnys aro done, WV1I sing a sones of right &cod cbeor, For the Clawof Sixty-Üue. The Class of Sixly-Onc, my fiicnds, The Class of Sixty Ooe, TNV11 sing a song of riglit good checr For the Class of Sixty One. O ! never whilo obuigéfol gbaa, lts glowtng sands 5hull run, Can we forget our (icar old diumn , Aüd thejoys of Sisty One, And joys of Sixty-One, my friond, And jfiys r-f 5ixty-One, Can we forgot our dear old chum, And the jy ol Sixty -One. Howoft whradaüy tn'!;3 vnre o'er, ■Vove gathered on the lavvn, And tung our glecs and pla iged our fftith To the friends u' Sixty One. &c. But now wo grasp each othcr's hands, Ar wt: so uft hnve done, And ieave our faic.vfll oííering heie, In the fano of Sixty One. &o." Our Alma Mater, lear old dame, Our hearts so vU halh won, WV11 blessher for her kitdly cnre Towards the bnys of Sixty One. kt, And when fajeóS BW ñtful tidp, The last of us has gone, May other friends renov these tes O'cr the graves of Pixty-Ono. The gravc: of Sixty-One, My friends, The graves of Sixty-One, Muy fti.11:' frionds rfiK'w Iheee lief, O'er the graves of Sixtj Oae. And tbus onded anothor Couinicnooment anniversary. PHIVEES1TY EI.ECTI0N3. The following ia llic result of the elcctions in the various 8ooi-tits of tlio Umversity : BTfDEXTS' LECTLKF ASSOCIATIOX. President, Charles HurJ ; Vioe-f'resident, Edwin N. Skinm-r ; CorrespoDding Secretary, Thcopholus B. Smyth ; Ktcording Seere lory. Newton P. Hotchkisa ; Treasnrer, Qeo. A Msrr ; AÍ8innt Trta.surcr, Albert_ R. Roof; Execuuvo Committee, Aoron A. Wnt Iciiii, Marden Sabin, Herbift A I-w. STUDEXTS' CIIHISTIAN' A8S0CIATI0N. i'iv -iiU-nt, M ■.' vin A. Gaylorá ; Vice President. Goo 8. Wljite; CorresDonding Secreta iy, David liuyj ; Murshnl, Jobn A. Hollins ; Heoordii.g Secretary, Wm. J3 Hendryx ; ireneurer, Alrah A. miih rin nu aliiia. President, Benjamin Trotnball ; Vico Pres uK'ii. Josoph V1 . Ewing ; lsi Diil :t. Win. itli il : -Jd Ci-itic, Meses I. Miles ; lsb Kditoi-, Mr. Willard ; 2i Editor, Quiacy A. Tliomna ; Secrctary, G A Burdick ; Treosursr, l'i-i ■ '■ .i')'i;s; Librarían, Samuel Jame bun : Marshal, Ribert Huif. AI.IM1A SU. J'rrsi'.liMit. Albeít Nya ; Vico Président. Newton H. Winelicll ; Marshiil, Jharlea Olmndlcr, Jr ; Assisi'int Mnrshal. W.n B, Uamilton ; Critio, Win: iL. Ambruster; 'icu l'rilic, Eltslia A bVazer ; Editor, UclosPUil liis ; Secretary, Wm. iN. CliMiibêrlin ; 'l'reaér.rcr, Btirj-. 11 Wilson : LibruriftD, J'liÑies O. ; ásiistant librarían, W. L. Jiui:iliart. L1TERART ADKlI'ilI Presi Jent, fnniiK-l Hownni ; "ice PrtsideDl W. Chcerer ; senior EJilor, Jumes J. VanEuren; Junior ICJitor, John M. Buwora,; Senior Ciitic, Ridgely U. l'owers ; Junior Oritic, Geo. 1'. Peck ; Secretáry, Scth C. Mof fat; Xreasurer, W. Ú. Cbe.ver; Marshal, S. ]i. Andcrson; Librariaa, John II. üooth; Asfistant .. hrivriuu, Henry P. Smitii.


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