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- (Jen. Cadwallader took po&session oi Martinsburg, Va., on the l-llli. - Gen. Laño, of Kansas notorioty, lns been appoínted a Brigadier General. - Col, Roncean hasbet-n authórized to raise two regittent& n Kentueky, - lt s said that Cipt. Ilolliiway and live nthor rebol officcf's killed in the reported skirniish néflf Iridependenco, Mo., on the JStli inst., wero shot by their ovvn rnen. - One Col. Smiih is reported as kicking up an excitemetvt o Bal timo re, on the lOth, liy eeizmg seceasien envelnpea trom a buy in the street, and ; encli otber valían t doings. Small buiinese. - The loss of thé Booöeville rebels in the late iight is vvhittled down to fifty. - Southern Kentucky is tbrentening to secetle and join Tennessee. - The To;:ne&see authoritiea tako [ no more twelvo months' vol un teers, but requirw al! to enüat for the war. - A secr t Union organization has beun fotmed in Texas. All paasports are now required to be countersigned by the tiecretary of State. - Gen. McClellan has taken cotnmand in person in Western Virginia. Audrew Johnson denies the anthentictty oí the Lawrence letter ruiblished by the Riohrnond Evquirer. Col. Kelley, wounded at PhiHippa, is beyoiid danger, :md hopes sopn to pay his respocls to bis secession friepds. - Report says that Wigfall has vis ited Washington in the disguiso oi a cattle drover. - The Mr. Barnes killod at Vicnna was not an editor of the Cleveland Heratd, but probably of the Cirelevil'e Ilcrahl. Parson Brownlow saya that he ebaJl only remove frorp KnoxviMc to the eemetery, and that be sball publish tlie Whtg until his wind is stoppèd. - Ten nieuwere killed in the aiFair with the iiwsied battery near Vienoa The historian, Motley, just returned irora England, saya that thost officials who favor the Southern Coftfederaey do not truly represent the people. - Sboes are reported 6carce in the South, and bob troops and people are in danger ot' having to go bartioot. - Twenty-three secessionists, two field pieoea, and a number of muskete were capturéd at Hudson, Mo., on the I7th, by. the Iowa troops. An attempt w:is made to burn the Long Bridge, at Washington, on the 20th. Several of the party were killed, and 19 taken prisoners. Female secessionists have been detocted carrying on a regular correspondence witli Beauregard, via Mount Veruon. - The National llepulücan advisos that the governinent colonizo the "eontrabriind" alavea in Hayti. - Frank H. Pierpont was inaugnratcd "Provisional" Governor of Virginia on the 2Oth inst. Massachuselta bas been assigned four additional regimenté, - Large nuinber.s of Virginians are joifting ;i regiment which Col. Larnon is raising, - 170 enses of arms- 8,000 to 10,000 stand - arrived at Now York by the Havana. - Roports from Fortress Monroe síiy that from ten lo twenty Virginians appear daiiy and voluntariiy take the oath of allegiunce. - (ïov. Harris, of Tonnessoe, recomrnends the issue of Treusury notes to bo used as ourrency. - The Maine State Loan has buen taken at four per cent premium. The olliTs were largeiy in exoese. - Tho funeral oi Msj. Winthrop, killed at Gieat Bethel, occurred at New Haven, Oonn., on tho 21st. - 200 Confedérate troopa returned to iïarpnr's Ferry on the 20th, and burned the Shenandoah bridge and the rifle faóiory. - Brigadier General Lyon, in command in Missouri, is a nativo oí' Connectie ut. - At nn immense Union meeting held at Dover, Del., on tho 14th inst , a resol iition was adoptad reqnesting Senator Bayard to resign. - At the late Tennessee election - on the ordinnnoa - large numbers of ticket were endorced, 'No more Yankee school teachers." - Cherry Station, Tenn., bas not to exceed 40 voters, but gave over 500 votes for tho secession ordinanco. - Gen. Ilarney arrived at Philadelphia on the 20th, whero hc waits orders from hoadquarters. - Eighteen seutherners arrived at Niágara Palla on the 22d, and took rooms at the Clüton House, seemingly greatly rejoioed to get out of the United 8tate8. - Corn ia quoted in Davenport Iowa. at 12i cents per busbot. Col. Bowman and a Mr. Olíase were hungasapies at Hartiiisburg, Va, on the 21st, says the Bultiinore Antcrcan Dispalch. Bèof is quoted at fifty cents, and butter at 81 a pound in Norfollc, Luxüy prices. Lurge nurabors of eouthero refugees arrivo daily at Cincinnati. A court of inquiry hus been authorized to ventílate the Great Bethel uiiair. Couldn't it be given jurisdiction of the Vienoa blunder, also? Mnj. Gen. Dix haa beeu.assigned, to the coa.maud oi tho departmont of Eastern Virginia. Four additional Indiana regimects have bben accepted. Gov. Piükens haa ordered that no more Booth Carolina troops leave the State. He fear that tho :sacred soil " oi the Palmetto Stato ia to bo invaded. Burneít, seccssionist, is elected to Congress in the first Kentueky district. Balance o) delegation Union men.- Conditional, we fear - The Maryland legislatura has, by resoliition, ordflted Öovernor Hicks li restore tho arma to tho disarmed State troops. The City of Washington has voted 85,000 for the fatnilius of district volunte; rs. - A rebel desertor reporta over 50 killed and wounded in the recent affiair at Acquia Oreek. It, s said tho convorsions in Missouri are numorous, and thu Union men are beooming: plenty, The rebel stoattier Glencoe, at Norfolk, was burned'on Friday night last, by a boat-load of troops from Fort Monroe.' _ It is alleged that L. Vvr. Clark, of the Third New Yqrh Kgimcnt, deser-.1 ted the night beforo the Bethel Bght, abd gave the rebels full informatuin of thü contemplatcd movement, - The National Repvblican saya Gen. Scott urgently advised ihe r of Rose Winans, and the appoiotment of Emory Lincoln is Oolonel. - Dudley Manu writea home tböt England recognizo the Southern Conlederacy by tho first of Junuary. Perbaps. - The Wheeling nonventíon has ro ' Boh ed to adjoiirf) until the lirst Tuuíthiy in August - Gen. Lyon is in full cliaso of tho Missouri aeóeeeionistí", and drive thera out of tiie State. - A Bioro-house ht lüchinond, Va , oontaining $100,000 worth of properr tv, ivas buiütd last weck. Sll_l)ped to be 11 n ineeiuüary fiie. - 7,500 troops, voluntecrs and reptilars, were at Kansas City on the 2'id inst - Tho Tennp.ssce rebe's are reportcd en route tov Missouri to aid Gov. Jackson. Tbey are a litlle too lato.


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