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Resolutions Passed By The Dexter Union Guards

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Ciuiip Willis ms, June 15 Agreeable to noticc Company K formcily known as the Dexter Union Guard, eonvened Thursiiy rnorning Juno, for the purpose of renden ing a proper acknowledgment to the noble hearted ladit-s of Dexter end vicintv for acts of kindness received. On niolion, tbc company dceignated the following gentlemen as a corninittee to report resol ntions exprossivo of their gratitude: II. M. Jefford, A. J. Baston and Jas. ]J. McLean. The corrirnittee, ttirough tho eb airman, reporled the fullowing preaniblus and resol utions, wliich were unauimously adopted : Whereas, We, the members of C:::pany K, beiugcalled upótftogo forth aud manlully coatend on tlie field of carnage for óur country and its instituliopB, and Ui sustaïn tbut governrnent bequeathed to us by the veterans ol '76 , and Wliercas, In patrotio' obedienco to duty we fieely enter the Soldierts liie, with its i'e.v privileges and mariy responsibilities, its hardships and reatrictions; and Whetta, To smooth our rugged course the kind ladies of Dexter :nnl vicinity have been prompted by the most patriotic motives in contribuí ing in various wavs to our convenience]and comfort, and being desirona to render publio acknowledgment oí these numerous exhibitions ol kindness and patriötism ; therefore bs it Resntcrd, Thut vvo earnestly solicit the hidies of Dexter to-receive our fervent acknowledgment of favors re ceived, and our last ing gratitude for their uoited ani zealous labore, in providing and contributing comforts that tend to relieve oampaigu üfo of raany of its privalions. Resol v d, That in the preseniation of our country "6 flag, oil oloth capes, Hüvelock cap eoveraoáhousewivewe witness that noblenes and patriotism worthy the descendant of the rnairons of '76, which reflect thegreotest credit on the donors. Resolved, Thatwhilo we ask no other incentive to our duty in the cause in which we are engagèd, save the dnsire to support that governtnent which haa so loni; been our hopa and pride - that it should continue in the future as it has in the p:ist - yet the memory of all those acts ol kindness wi!l come to us under whatever circumstances we may be placed, and will kindie 'n our hearts a stroDgei' determjiiation 10 meet manfully inid fearlessiy the danger mil temptation that surrotind Oür pathway. J" Cten. Cass was one of the visitnrs of our City on " Commenceiuent Day " and occupied a seat upou the platform, lie looked ''hale and hearty" for bis yeais ; and secmed to enjoy the exercises. Among the visitors also noticed Bishop McCroskbt, Rev. Geo. Ddkfield, Hon. John D. Pierce, and other prominent men. If acoommodations were assured the annual (ommencement would draw the iriends of educaion from all parts of the State. ídP Tho reported attack nnd sla'ugbter of about forty Muryland Home Guarda who were defending the New Oeek bridge, west oí Cumberland, is contrudicted. They all esc:iped. gf The frieuds of the Hon. JSterling Mouton charge that the reporta of bis defalcation as late Seeretary of Nebraska, are malioiously falso, and sct afloat to damage him in the coutest to be vraged for the possession of his seat in Cougres8. JT Col. Stüiiü lias taken possession of Harper's Ferry witü acommaud sufficiently strong to hold t. ii iiaiiii


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