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The Home Guards Will Meet In

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the Court House Square, at 3 o 'doek, on Baturday aftcrnoon of tliis week, for drill. jrcL" The Baptist Snbbath School of t'iis City enjoyad a very pleasant Pic-Nie, in Maynnrd's grove, i the snuth-westeru part of the City. on Wcdnc-sday of last weet. x This is the scason for siich gahcringa. The Ypsilanti Hera'd copies I tlie proceedings of '.h.-. late session of tht Board of Supervisors from an Ann Arbor pa per, an-l sny3 tliat it is unable to determine , liat nelion was taken on the report of tbs commiltee on Equalizatiou. liad the Herald opied frora the Argus he wculd have fouud tliat the report was adopted. ÖP "We noticio thut Ansbl B. D unto, of his City, bas reeeived the appoint ment of First Lieutonant in tlie Eighteenl li Infantry, one of the new regimenté ordered raised for the regular service The head quarters of tliis regiment is established at Columtus, Ohio. J52E Kemp IT BÏFORB TUE Plople, tlint D B. DeLand t Co. 's Cheinieal SaU ratus will univer-al'y perform all th ;it the proprielors claim that it will, and therefore is r.ot only the best and healthiest Saleratua in the maiket but it is also the cheapest, ns its effecU are ctilain and uniform, and conBcquently Bpoila no bread or biscuit. It is for salo by a'l respeetable wholesale dealers in tlie country. {" McMaiion & Hall aro recuiviog i tl. ree times a week beginning this i Fresli Fish frota Late Micbigan come paekej in ice, and minus the " innards," and ■will appeal to the most cpicurenn taBte for an endorsement of llieir quality. Try them. gjE" BJackicood's Magazine, for juce.has come to our table with the follow ing pnperi : The Btok Hunter, Tbe Monksof the West, iliss Bn-mcr in Switzeriand and Italy, A Cruise up she Tangster in 1858-59, Severcd, Hades, Trom the Fatherlnnd, Norman Sinclair : An Autobiography,- Part XVI , I'm Very Fond of Water- A New Temperance Song. Memoira of a Tory Gentltman. $1 a year ; with the four Reviews, $W - Addrcss LzonaBe Scott & Co . New York.- LX" Wo have reeaived the July nuraber of Godey's Lady's Hcok, profusely and aiiignificcntly embellished, and with a readabletnble of contenta. It has anotber of those popular double-extension fasbion platea, and numerous pattern sheets. To keep pace with the times the Lady s Bonk will be furnished to new 6ubseribrrs for'tlie f-ix montbs oommencing with tbis number for $1. JÜSf" We liavo received the July number of Umt ever excellent periodieal, the LaJics' Repository H is embellished with " The Moniing Toilet," a really beautiful plate ; and with a steel portrait of " P eahontas." lts contenls are rea.lable and in. etruclive. $2 a year ; the best peuodic-n published for such moiiey. Add.'ess Poe t HiTOBcncK, Cincinnati, Ohio. P. S. The May and June numbers failed to rcach us. We don 't like to lase them. -i E" .We invito íUtonüon to the carj of the Benton House. Lansing, Mr. HlNMAi has won an enviable repu ation as a landlord, nnd 'visi'ors to the Capital City ehould re member the Benton.


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Michigan Argus