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niEAT BARGAINS (I I ia. t F,' 5LOTHINC!! A.t the Cein Cleveland Clolhing iloiise Hurón Strct't, a fnricowWtit "f Cook' Bttl, ,;, Boíl UVN ARBOR, MICH., j? .'IK lnci O 1' of f has In consequenoe of hard times, and being mi omprlled to raise mcney .n sorac simpe, we J ave coneluded to si.ll every thing in ov.r line, tta onsistin; of Clothing, Hals, and Caps. of 7ENT81 FURNISIJING O00DS, -c. & Uu At -whatevcr prico thc-y may be it ever so ,-vi tol S om This is no time to stand for trillos. ( itl Profits is no object at all! % Git e ui a eall, and get good Goods iT youR o w isr peices; ICr Remeinber the Place, Iluron St.,ö doors ,Veut of Cook'a Holel. A. & C. LOBB. Ann Arbor, Judo, 1S6J. fcü41n3 RICH GOODS. t a ai dïïJBA.T3 GOODS. Tl of & BACH P8ERSON HAVE jnst opêned a large nnd wcll K ted stoel; of "v Spring C3-OOC3LJS. latest styles and patterns iucluding POPLINS, CHALLTBS, ' DE LAÏNES, TRIMMINGS, l S XJ M MER S T ü F F S . DOMESTICO, STAPLtS, l a'l ! Carefully selocted, Waranted to picase, nnii for Sitio choap. 0O3VT33 .A-IXriD JS33H. BACH i PISBSCH Mareh2G, 1860. 793tf 8,776,994,650 VOLU?TTE1RS WAJSTED! TO ASS1ST 1NT TUE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! ffliite folks, or of whatevor eolnr, enste or Bfttivity, wbethtr n:ar:iod, aingU-. or of dnubtl'n! eonncxion, will beenliated in llie nollo cause of EMANCll'ATJNG THE COMMUNITÏ -TROM TUE- THRALDGM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will recoivo thoir outfit at the Extensive Furnishing Establishment -OF TITE - G ü I TER MAN' ' HEAD QÜARTERS! having been establislied for the L AS T TEN YEAftS, our known rule of warfare is an Undi sguised Destr u ction OF IIIG1I r RICES ! POH CLOTHING For all JLges! Sx and Conditions! In consequenoe of the vcry flittering enoouragement 'wliicb ve have voc ivcd since our location in this ciiy. we have increnserl our Stock of S'ü M M E R CLOTHINC! To meet the JomavuU of onr custmnors. amj having bccome more fully convineed Uian ever, that our mode of dealing, namely: at ihe lowcst possible rates for HEADY-PAV; is the only true plan; we will continue t: erve the public ns heretofore duricg the coming fall and winter. Our Stock consists ia evevy variety of READY MADE CLOTHING ! Plnin and Fanrv CLOTHS, 0A88IMER8, S1LK, AND S1LK VELVET8. Alargelot of GENTLEMEN'S FURSISHlNd GOODS, whieh ni-c all warranted DON 'T FAIL TO O-A-X-XT 3r. XI. Q, For past fa vors we are crateful tu all, The eame for largc ones in proportion, And those wLo see nt to cali Shall receive our Best smlïöfl ftnd devotion. W Guiterman & Oo. N.B. Studente and all others who want to see SONDHEIM'S new mode of cutting ■n-ill do wU to cali and leavetheir measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! GtTITEHMAIir ft? Cc XnnArtor, ,-p( 2, tS89. XtTNG & BLOOD WFIRiY AR Y. skerv Tl! och Ift u.iiCü.'d Ave Ditroit, On. S. 3. CA.HFK5TER A ItM.AHl. )OCi'OBS eren. rally run' ihat Cofitumpli n i. iujurfOili'. bccaiwe iln-y ■ H tbAMlvr#f e in toftke it trae. vritLvirkfl nn n job all Ja y and nfr doi'rjK ;i ruil they vill ie - ■ n -111 tin' way you welft B 'appjj aa to a '." iter woikranii- na who thcroughiy i n-riiinls hia bus!öoss- jrou wiH gvt your vork ac'tnpHili- 'I la bIi i ; ]n this ti Bped tin H ■ átfferancfl to be nut in uil trudes (tnd ■ 1T) bi n'M in ech nirim , in tho arti. vu law, i;i ilicology, tul in iyslCj M'ill s:iy sip !i lm: ■ ' ; ;;'.' . b flófle Alil it n ue that Jj' y couW nol ''■■■ il ill men tri w Hiw thcm :■ . Butfoitunatcly thcrv tu onither e]a of at; ad these, vbra tliev Uikeyour cace in hand, do il.g ') :i s you v,;'ii' it. OT TP8 iM fOK to hoalth, uccci íí( V, e hai f; i niy to rnnembei il ík et to nC whj "■■;,!) sbouM iironeunee th;it curable which attotnif can coro. In ntcoliaülcfl] we honietinït'ii Itnd tli;it lv a jioies.sin f Buperkr meafli, by ome ncw Inventioo, of windt li as the solo ui.e, w bv lb RTMter iugt-nity ot Lis i ,i '. i tM person w i!l rnake (r do whftt no i thei can. Ëxaetiy it rony be m In ; hyolc Aud tl ís s tli tv rcaaon why I liave ftueb grt succewi over Ml ■ f of Con om ifltm. By b vim; ;e origina? genius, by po? io the F.ttagMt.r, hich ■ me toclearly lieUrm ue th nature of Iho .1 run ■■;.- for CoiUttlDpiluD Brt n evev had,niake bold t( uy tb1 I an i!ïVot a cure ot tilla ili.-ese bcyoTil lb u ■ i. To prov thij to hare heen ■: nuiiibns upoo nunilx ■ f ccrtinccfès froM meiwind Komen glven ovtr to tl.f ■ ■ .... ., ) , ■ ! :,!:■! l!o:fl to hei lt'in for Cmuueo ti'"i - i1 ii iint ancosa ■ í. r (ue lo f'-1 m Uere, for li iet of nicni.-iii doiog wlinl aijuilicv cstíñot c:innot, is videni toallmënof cömmnti hene, !f the Causan fi ■ i further proof than tíiis, I can onlv '. cime sl satUfy yourself by tri.l of my ►kiö la tb ure of yn ■ I I Elttrwilj vi.-il Y'sil:mti, nnl Ann Ai-bor, uríng lSCO-fi! . A'-Ji il ' k"a U il. M IW tli of Oach toontb; Ilawkins House,!nnt, ötj !:! Othof cacb njfl 1 ■- ï'be : ■ Offlipdei of tbe t:nio, hound al hia Lung f&Hriuai 3 in.tctrólt Iy7 7 Mrs. WINSLOW Anexixrun cl Kuree nnfl Fcmalfl Phy;c:áft, itcmmh lo tli e a'tentiuii oj nu thora, ht SOOTIIING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN" TKETH1NG, .vliicli greatly facilitatea the n t etblng, ly loff.n ng the gamH, reéuctn all tal' nmti.atiün- vilt fcHfly Al.I. PAIN and Bpamnodic ft' t; n, mtl ë SURE to REGULüTE ihe BÖWELS. Depend upon t, lcrs, It '.vill giro t) your.-olvs, hulicf and iieakh to yonr Iufants Vc Inve Ijl t np :nl Rud uiltl tlii- erticlc fnr o ( r t,n v.h.--, hoi CAN SAY, IN H)NH1'KN(K AM THU'i'II f t, w]it n luve r.cvrr bei n iib'p t" ) „f iint üthirin '-Ii;n - NtVI li HAS IT KAI1.ED IN A SIN(.IJ: ]N.-'1..N 'I-:. 'Hl 1I11LT A (HIK, t'moty used. fícrirdid re Idíw in nrtlbc "f iHiiutiafactiou by anv i ■ whn r-i-! t. On th cimrnrv, all :itj li-]ii;]]'l-! l.i :t ■![. r (i i ■ ■■ n.I spi-ak in tirmi ot cummendatii o "t iuagi;a3 i-lkcts and niedieul i rtu.s. W(i i..;k in tKia msttt '-WHAT WB IQ. KNÜW " af ter ti i vèars' c-.h i. iít, A5f3 1 I.KI K UUK líi -I'ITATK N FOR 'III I : FÜirtUSmT OK ÏTHAT VF R] Rf. 1)1 1 AKF. ín :i .u.rst nin ín trn'-o win rp the infact íí eufftr ng fr; ni p:n and e&ba.utti'n. n-ill be touu 1 in titliin ir twinty n-,ln t-s oftir the nyrup i admhÍBUrc Thi-i val uftble prepara tion i'í t!i preri ti' n of ono ,f l!,t nicht I-.M'r.i-.ll-.M :J i,. I ïhll.1.11 I. KLBSW n N -v !:i'V.í! ..n.í lias bueu u.t-d with NKVLU TH()i:SAND OP CASFS. It not oelj relieves tliechí] ! fr ;i :'-n, but invigi rt" ttio 'tinuu-li in 1 b'Mv.!-. r. t a'i.ity. rr..ÍRÍ'-ea t' " 'Jof energy to the wholesj itm U w in.tnnti re!ic%e fciriKC in Tur. r.oT.:i., .nd svmn cmjc jnl ovíTrt':n ' '' n J, wh'c'i if n1 1 pcodly rnr1 ftd. mi in ileatli. We Weie it tbí nT aiu) . -T I!lMi:i-Y )M '1HK V( Iil.Il. in all OW of IIY-F.NTM Vani ! [ÁfliíHOC. IN rmi,.l N, vlic'h.-r it ;ir.--s í'r 'in torth'nr (ir 'V raan.rothir ;jiue. W wuiil.l .--v i,i i-vcrv mit'.nr im li s a tWM snir.rnij r m anv oí tlté f rego-.n'r i ],';i nt - I il NOT 1 KT ïnPB "rr.EJO ices, ko:: thk ri:i-.n"i ici:s oy DTirERS, stindhetWpeiljm"MU ycu r sul!, r ni diikl, ni-! t' relief Ih t wll] I SL'BE- YKf. oj.1'1 1 IV - t-i t !1 add of t : i Ï -5 lie no. if tiniuly u.s-i. ■ r n . for !:hï in arc mpanr pacb oottle, nlese t - Cíe simiic i.f fTHllá & MBlK1N-. X-.v1! i k. iit 01 : ■ -il !■' v. r.ii p. r, S.., bv D ta t iguui rl'l. Principal fHro, 13 Cd r SíiciI. N. V. ::;i.V :5 CKSTS I'ER BÜTn.K 1, r ule bi : ■■■ rbaeh Co. Iy77". Jor 7ie Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakn&ts, Nocturnal and Diuntal JEmissions, Ñervous and General Dcbilit, Impotcncct and all Discases mrisingfróm Solitary Habits or Excessicc Indulgcncc, THKÏÏE are Murasanda of Young Mv:n m irell na Miimuí Ageh and Old Men, who are fofffering to some xtenfc frora the abo ve disaases. Jlanv, perhajis, are uot aran of their true condition, or when ttattanco ís really neede-1. For the benefit of such, we hereivith give a fe of tho most common iymptomi, viz: fTemkne$ of fft Hurk und I.imhm, pain in Ou Uaad and SicU, Dim o Sight, Dau aad WUi befare the Eies, Palpitation of the. Jlwrt, tai, I.-,.u „ Memory, Confusión of Mm, Dspresoion ■ Spint, AWW to Soci'it;, Srl'-Ditr'i(.if, Tuuidity, ctr, For ach and a]! nf the above symptoni3 these remedies irill bL' foimd a "tíovoreign Halm." These remedies embrace threo prwcriptio8 : A box of,h, a box of AVrous Toair. PUU, and a box of ï'ir! Tonic rilte, all of whloh have important oflloeJ to icrSosu. and should be used together in overy case. Their R per iuri tr ove other modes of traatrneit (Rav bc brieily stated as follows, via : Thöy dlminiit tho violwica &f soal oxciUtnant. BS" They Imaiedjataly arrost nocturnal and diurnal tiiuuJKg-Thoy remove local weaVness, eausing tho organs to asaume their imtura.1 tune and vigor. They rtrengthftQ the cünbtitiuion by overcomiug nerToua debility and wcftkness. J85" Tlmy cnliven the spirits, which .ir o usnally aepressca, by cxrelliug alt excitinR causes from the srstem. j-By their iaviaorating properticd tlioy restore th patiënt to his natural hcalth and vïpor of uanhbod. JÖTJ They euro when all other merins have failed. jg-They contain vo Msrtvry, na Ophtm, nor anythliij that can in any event prove íüjuiídus. They are easy and pleasifnt to nse, and will not ïutcrfere with the patiënt' usual businMs or phtasura. j(J5" Tliey can he used without nsfvAon, or knowlcdge of even a room-mate. That they may come within tho reatti of all, vt hnve fixed , the price of the Pastéis at $1 per box, and the l'illv ut ü'J i cents per box each. In orderiug by mail, iu .nUhtion to tlia price, ewelve cents ia stampa should bc iuclosod lor rviWQ j0 LAD1E5 in want of a fafe and cffuctwl jOk remedy for Irragnlaritia, Supprest Urn r.f tho ?■ ] pienses t or any disoaFO fieculiar to í-l.n:-, -?VEiÍ& sliould usu Dit. Gatüs's 1'l-i,.i.ï. MoNrui.r - '( - f Í'-1 --- Frice, by mail, ?l iiitl ;iie lUmp. Sk-íC, ■ Caition'.- The:;e I'ü's liouU i.-L " ;j,4 jjHpy 'a during pregnancj, as vtivcitrriage wfll ic Hib - " TffirVho. f. m ill-hor,1(li. armllt. or my other humano and rrasomibl. cavwe. oera it ■- iary to avoid au iucpeasö ot f.-„m:ly, --m do w witUont Ineurring danzar to health .ir constiuition bï th uso of M. Lrt Craux's Frtnch l'ruaüüx Pmcdtn, 1'iice, by mail, $1 and two stamps. . , Thesa Pov.dera can only bo obtaiaeo by adJicssng tho General Ageuts, as helow. . Send for Dr. Qates's frico Jli Trcatue on Sexual PiseaMS, Phice Ten Ckxts. II. G. JIlLLEr. i CO., Quiñi A?ont.. LoaiavtllA Ky. Forl Sal by MAYXAKD, STEliBIXS, JVII.FÜ. yT68in Ar.n'Arl'.oi', SJicli. ' PíiOK L. MfTÜËWS HAIK INVIGOKATOH. A.N EFFECriVF.. SlJfE AM) KCONO!' L C(ll'()l N ... rQR.RESÏi)liijf Q GRAY 1I.UK to u (nb'iu:-l cnliu ;-- o:U 'lyoing, :.ui 1 prevtnte tba Hair froj Curiaing f) FGS rilLVhNilN'w BAl ! NdSaml tt,i.rD t}i-i[H is t, Tltallty ot reoupefatóv catrgj reivi-1 ■ FORKI.MOVIN'i S '-f AXp [WNr-KLTF, rik1 uil cutaneoüí fOjl BSAFJSKVÍNG Hli R.Alït.inifapiingto it ai unt.,pi .... I briiliuQCJ ] makti llky ;i its I ■ il tf' Blffl rr.nlilv. The jreat celelmt.. ;ur'. tiie incrtaüing deren nd for thii uncuaU '1 pre] Btratiou, convino i tuïiWit "ïio trial is only uècessfiry lo satíafy jl lüUternitig public of ití superior qualitïea over .any otber Pfepaj aftpa at io-pv. in u.-c. It cleaosea hcad and i calp trom davdrvff an other cutáneo taqueases. Causes Um íiair toyrov tu anací I . ' ssj and Oexiblv r i - j;ea ranee, and also where Ue huir is loor-fliny und Hjïïv ninc;, it will give strwgtli aoJ i ....Iíp-I restore thf growtb to tbose part? wln'c'i have becdnj b.iM, CaÜBing it to ylcld nftesh roifivg eltiir. Ttlorcare ef hulies and gcniliuun ii. K.v Yoik wbo have had tljeir hair restnred by the use of this ïnvigorator, wiien all other preparettUnta bad f.iiUil. L. M , has in hia poaae .;.m latteos unume: a bic tfstifyinu to the above foeU, frora prsons of the bighest respect ithility. lt will effeotually preveni itic hmrfrom turniv.Q gray unlii the t&teat period of lite; and iu cftfiua vjbfrf C !"i', ihi' uirp oi lbo Inviporator will wit!i"'Xi";;;;ily restore it to hs origina! .-, giug it a dai . arancc. As a perfume for the toijpt íiin1. a flair Rfesturative i; is partleuluÍMy rpcomrnen'led, havin:r an agrabls fmipranaj; and lbo gr?at iacilities it aiToirls ín drtstlrig Ü: hair, which, whtui pioist with the Invignr;i.tor cfl i-o drGBSed in ftny réaïred fonn to nu to [Hx-ervoii j i;u, vhethtr piaïn j in hfvco the grea,t "leman.l fiop it by Ihd 1 i 'fiï'-'f fnilrt art;c!c whlch ncuo oiibt to be ".vithoei, us tlu; prttt places it ■n-khiii tke reacli til' a]l, b O N LY T W E NT f K.TS i iYbottle, to be hai at all rc?'iv.:tMlo drugLWU' and perfui . . ' MILï.KK wcuW cali tiie Mtention of Tarcntd and , Cqar3 tis invjgowfctor, in Cftws Tlipr the cl ■ ■ i-;' eaït. TMi iikc ftf il nny iniiii;i'.;cs 1..J raaji nt'.re beceme conecied uth th.' scalp. ■ ■ ■ ■■.(■"■■]' is necpoeáiji hoth for th . pad th future b] of ita Hair. r.vuTio.yone r;,ü"inr willii ■:' t1ipfacíinfle 101'Jfl MI1.J,: I : i;i'f-r. .il.-i, i . i ] ] .LLR'íi ■ HAIR15VÍG0RATOR, N. V blown m i)ie jríWhoksu ■■ ■ ■ :; iJit pvincip)e Mej chai ■ ' " ' '■ ' ' ''■'■■ orla. ■ ■ ■ ,. liartHtr. i I nXntí ücfiirf to prsmt ía tlio I !ubli inj ; New & Improved Instantanoou Xiiquid Kair Uye wbícfc ■■ coEfierimfctiPC i !inr brougHt to pesfoetln. lt tfv? btack or ornirn in-í.siüy witUout injnrj to Uw Flaii i c ;;in narraiktcd the Ut arbole of t'.ic kind in existenoe TRICE ONLY


Old News
Michigan Argus