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Hints For The Nursery

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■ Tho natural faoulties of eaeh child are nsploin to careful observation ns the sun ntnoon-day; and it is on!y necossary to know the mental bias of i duld to aseurtain för what bis or lier powers are best adapted. Let every fathor. evury inother, all who hope to cal! thcinselves narent, forever bear tl. is in mind. Watoh the child at play. Suffer it to play as it wilt, and noto what sport attracts it, and wherein lied the chief pleasure. , Away with those horrors, infantphenoinenn. Lot nature alone, and do you, ignorant man, keep your grent, coarse fingm' put of delicato maehinery, which, working by and through nature, will, nt tlie proper moment, indícate the oourse to be pursued, the dovelopment vrhieh is fcought. Pormit childhood to guide you in the treatinent thereof. Nature is a wise teacher. At infaney, tbo hculthy body, inoapable of progressivo motion, demanda reet; givo then perfeot qaiet. Mfln'ft oarly We i a more vegetaüve oxistoncój the braiu, gcntly puUating benoath the Tinformed bone, is not yet the sent of reason, but of instinct; wliile natuio then demands entire repose, or at mo?t, pnssiveaction, why should a barbarous nurse and ignorant mothor array tho littlo fonn in thick embroidery ; display it to the admiiing multitudu ; handle it with thumping vibration, or spin it iike a boomorang in the air? Why eeok tho most noisy promenade to confuso it with the aproar? Why pound it up and down over hundreds of milos in the midst of smoke, affluvin, and all the rattle, noise and Rcreama incident to railroad travel 1 Avoid thoso abominations called eradles; fleo from tho rocking of the crib, and all those swingin motions which cannot fail to prodifco, in a minor dogree, thoe very nreoable sonsationa, that pleasant lothargy. which seizo upon one when he is taking bis first lesson in drunkenness. What a renown woukl that agricurtorist W1U for himselt who should first invent a patent, portable, dnuble action, helf rocking eradle for suckiug calves ; what an advantago to the bovino race. When by pure air and ita natural nouriíihment, tho child has bocomo old unough to creep about, down on tho üoorwith it and iet it go, give it a ball or eomething to oreep after, and rest fully öontontod that when tired, tho child wiil eease ita play. Don't hurry tho littlo one to walk ; do not eneourage it to stand alone, Ic8t bow legs and woak ankles bo tha penalty of your too assiduous care, ol your selfish desire to sec your child walk beforo naturo docreed it. When the proper time arrivés, tho littlo hands ■will soek tho top of tho chair soats, the littlo body will sway to and fro, orect for the first time ; soou thojfirst step is taken, and then all is plain. Koep your books, your ïHuminater alohabot, your intollectual blocks, and your abortions of toys- caricatures upon naturo- toys which it is do har.n to fall down and worship, since tho Iike thereof exists neither in hoavon above nor iu tho earth boncath, nor in the water which is undor the earth. Le tho child play one, two, throo ; what eays some one- four years, and no know a letter ! Ycsmy good madam uutil it roacheth the age of soven yoars would we have the little mind free and unpuzzlcd ; at liberty to observe, to de eiro to construct, to play, to mako out jta own individuality. This is the grea Rttnbute of man- play ; this divido liim tho brute creation; man alon eau laugh. Xiomembor that longer th neriod of youth, the poriod of forma tion, tho bettor. tho more healthful, en during, and longer-lived the man. O 11 created beinRS, man ia tho mos


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